269327 WHITE - CiTV CLERK � � ( ►�y PINK - FINANCE COU�IC11 �/�y■��� '// CANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL NV� i BLUE - MAVOR FIlE NO. � uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Minnesota Legislature passed legislation, Minnesota Statutes s� 138.73, creating an Historic Hill District in the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, By C. F. Resolution No. 266645, adopted January 29, 1976, the Council of the City of Saint Paul created an Historic Hill District Board to, recommend, inter alia, a comprehensive program for the preservation and ,�rchi,tectural control of the Historic Hill District; and ,. WHEREAS, Th� Historic Hill Board has recommended a proposed ordinance to provi�,de for the preservation and architectural control o.f the Historic iiill District for the Council' s consideration; and WHEREAS, The proposed ordinance would amend the zoning ordi- nance of the City of Saint Paul; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of ,the City of Saint Paul hereby ' initiates a zoning amendment to the Saint Paul Legislative Code and refers said proposed amendment to the Planning Commission in accor- dance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes s� 462.357 �for a 40-acre study and pi�blic hearing� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / �,�;, 0 In Favor Hunt Levine v __ Against BY Roedler S ylvester Tedesc ,ut �j' 19� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted Council: Date �/I��2r�ff ` Ce ied Pass Coun � Secretary. BY � � ! Appr e by 17avor: Da _���.. 7 �9� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By BY p��R���HEO SUL 1 6 1977 • . - � � . � � � ' � � , , " , I . . , \ -- . . j • . . � _ � � i � . . . `' � � ` \ . , � . • ' � .. � . \ , � I\ . � I . . � � . . . ' • � � ` � . - Juiy 5, i9» '. ' , , , , � , , . . - _ � , - . - . , , ; . Planning Staff, � � GracQ Building . .. St. P;�ul, r.in:-�esota ' _ � � . � . . ' ' ; „ � .�ear Geneleii�n: The City Cauncil� today gave first read�!ng to an ordinance, C.R. 2b9326, est2'�Zishing _the F;istoric Iiill District roaid pursuar.t �o 'Sinnesota • �t<<tutes aTid ;ett{n� out ita poc�.:rs ar.d c?t�ties. T�ie CeLncil also acogted ' 3 r:�sclution, C.F. 2ES327, 3rc�tiating a zo=,itib �_:-7�r_dr,;�nt �ro t?�e Le�islarive ' Cade �nd ref:.�rring said pro�osed arcendrae::t to t'ie Plar.ning Goz�2ission i.n ac:_or.3a.nce with the,require�reszts of `LnFi<��ot� St�tut_4s for a 40--acre study .:�.:td pu`�liC he3ring. ; ' � � '�"n.e Couacil also requested tiiat �ne r�atter be referred to Districts 8 and ' 26, The League o£ i7onen Vaters, �The Trades an_d L:_�L;or A�se�bl.y �nd ^'he Cha.�er � of Co:n:�erc:e for tiieir input. , " • ' Very trc�ly yoL:rs, . . , • - � . � City Clerk , - - � . . ��tach. � , A';�:�c� , cc: "�}�or ,�ecr�e Latin�r ' . � . � ' � Co•�uaity �,�eZo�._.ent O�fice � . ' . , ; � � . .