269325 .., " `� "`'�" " � w Vl'1' 1' U2� �AlNT t`AUL �/�� Yink — Fingnce DepL ' GnarY— Depf. : ' - r • � OE�'FICF. OF T3Il: DIAYpR � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ����� No: � � ��I�I ' . Date: -�' - � _ 7 7 ��,'i- /�.�� - ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, - �� . That the Director of the Department of Public �tarks is hereby autl�orized and directed to prepare plans, obtain surveys , prepare estimates and investigate the necessity to reconstruct sidewalk at the follor,ing locations and do all ott�er work whtch is necessary and i�ncidental to complete said iraprovement. Mes t s i de of SUNt117 CT. f rom Sununf t Lane to Surami t Ave. • " South side of SUPSMIT AVE. from Sur,�mit Ct. to west 60'+, abutting 442 Sumnit Ave. . 6oth s i de of DOtJGLl1S AVE. from Gocdri ch Ave. to 'd. 7th St. Southeast side of U. 7Tti ST. from Victoria St. to Tuscarora Ave. , abutting � ' 1234 W. 7th St. South side of RA�iDQLPH AVE. from Hamiine Ave. to east 2$5'+ , Eas t s i de of NA11L I"�E AVE. f ror� Randol ph Ave. to Jar�es /1ve. North s i de of RAt1DOLPl1 RVE. f ron Naml i ne Ave. to eas t iG5'+ Both side of SC�fEFFER AVE. fron Cr�tin Ave. to Ht. Curve 81vd. �lesL side of C�'ATSt�OR?'ti ST�. fror� Arnstr�j�g Ave. to Juno Ave. , East side of OSCEOLA AVE. fron Jefferson Ave. to north 117'+, abutting � 673 Jefferson Ave. . South side of STr�i:f�?RD AVE. from Cretin Ave. to t1t. Curve 81vd. � . , horth side of FORD P7tWY. from Ftnn St. to Cret�;n Ave. , . East side of MISSlSSIPPI RlVER BLVD. from St. Ciair Ave. to Goodrich Ave. The .Qirector of FFnance and Nanac}er�ent Se�vices is hereby df�ected to prepare a � '�� preTininary order and schedule a public hearing. ` : M-0522 � APPROVED AS TO FORM °r1& `C o'e' u" � ' �JD REG � ' � " � . . P.LW WAH � � . � , � . ' . � GKS JfK � - I � ? ' / . '% i � �� :/� . UEE � ��" Assistant City Attorney � epartment Head �� , ; �FS -,-- ` P�b 1 i c Wcrks � � . _R , ,,�o S i dewa i k . •� . . �. .' � . . � ' TJE VHP /J" . � . .� . . ' , . .. . . � DEY 1 : � . . , -' '...,i 1 `...�._ '; . . � P.S.O. R.H.R. � �/ ,� . � Date � fi /` //'�i�%�,�--� � ` � Administrative Assistant to Mayor � � .. f � • l ' �.. .. . . . , � « 4 . • ��1� ��i���`�� . �� 1 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � DEPARTMENT OE PUBUC WORKS , � DANIEL j. DUNEORD , , DIRECTOR�._�- _ .e.,�.� �"`a`°'""'�,,,<. . - � A1l Reconstruction. � . tlarch a, 1977 ' , No Assessment. �7r. Roger Mattson Director of Finance . � and Managerr�nt Services � �oom 113 City Hall - ATTENTION: Paul Desch f �ear Si r: Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction/reconstruction of the sidewalks listed on the attached Administrative Order. The estimated cost, for new construction not in main routes is as follows: � $4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk A S B Residental . � $6.81 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk C Res. S Comm. $$. 17 per ft. for 6 ft. wide walk C Res. E Comm. � $2.00 per sq. ft. for integral curb and walk Residential S Commerical . Attached herewith are the following: • l . Approved Administrative Order D-3414 3/2/]] 2. Advisability � Uesirability Report. 3. Copy of plans for each o rder. Tlot applicable Yours very truly, r f� ��,� Hartle T orias � � Y Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction ;-iT/gh 234 Cit� Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �- '� Dist. No. i �.. � � � W.S. Summit Ct. - Summit lane to Summit Ave. �' _ �Q L�� J? � .1'his order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as pu necessity on the basis of a ,�eti.tion and �inspection of the walk. ��93� / � V This walk is old tile with broken tile� high joints, tripping hazards , water pockets, �� holes in tile, high longitudinal joints and offgrade. The Engineeri�g recommendation is for approval of the order. - Remarks: Curb to be checked at construction for possible integral . ��a`�,!���� a �. (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR � , . Dist. No. 1 S.S. Summit Ave. - Summit Ct. to west 60'+ at 442 Summit Ave. S — / d y D � This order was initieted by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a petition and inspection of the walk. ' This walk is oid tile with broken tile, tripping hazards, and offgrade. ✓ The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. � (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR . ' Dist. ho. 1 B.S. Douglas St. - Goodrich Ave. t� W. 7th St. s "- / � �O S This order was initiated by the Director of Public' Works as public necessity on the basis of inspection af the walk. �� This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, broken tile, tripping hazards, water pockets, missing tile, high longitudinal joints and offgrade. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) CT HJ RR r • _ . . . �� /0 �O � Dist. Np. �C��:�.�i�� s � ' ....� SE.S. W. 7th St. - Victoria St. to Tuscarora Ave. , abutting 1234 '�J. 7th �6��`��� This order was initiated by the Director of Public Ylorks as public necessity on the basis of a petition and inspection of the walk. This walk is old tile with t�ee heaves, broken tile, high joints , tripping hazards, � holes in tile, missing tile, offgrade, asphalt patches. The Engineering recommendation is for appoval of the order. (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR Dist. No. i S.S Randolph Ave. - Namline Ave. to E. 285'+ � 1 � L� Q �' This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of inspection of .tMe walk. This walk is poured concrete with high longitudinal joints, offgrade, asphalt patches , disintegrated, cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped and settled paneis, and heaved curb. ✓ The Engin�ering recommendation is for approval of the order. Remarks: Construct 12.0' integral curb � walk. (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR � Dist. No. 1 E.S. Hamline Ave. - Randolph Ave. to James Ave. .�j� y Q 8 � This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of inspection of the walk. This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , offgrade, asphait patches , disintegrated, c�acked conctete panels, scaled, tipped and settled panels. V The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. Remarks : 124' to be 1i.0' wide. Leave curb (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR � . � � Dist. fJa. 1 N.S.. Randolph Ave. - Hamline Ave. to east 165'+ / Q �Q 9 " �t���� • ,,� Tiiis order was initiated by the Director of Public t•Jorks as pubtic necessity basis of inspection of the waik. ��� This waik is poured concrete with high longitudinal joints, offgrade, asphalt patches , disintegrated, cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped panels and settled panels, and ✓ heaved curb. The Engineering recommenc;ation is for approval of the order.� Remarks�: Construct 12.0' Integral curb E walk. (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR ' Dist. tdo. 1 E3.S. Scheffer Ave. - Cretin Ave. to t•it. Curve t31vd. � 0 [1/� 0 This order was initiated by the Director of Public tJorks as public necessity on the basis inspection of tt�e walk. This v�alk is oid tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints , tripping hazards, water pockets , holes in tile, missing ti1e, offgrade, asphalt patches, t/ disintegrated, cracked concrete panels , scaled,tipped and settled panels. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of tne order. (Reduce f rom a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. welk.) CT HJ RR � Di st: �Jo. 1 W.S: Chatsworth St. - Armstrong Ave. to Juno Ave. J Q � // � This order was initiated by the Director of Public �Jorks as public necessity on the 5asis of inspection of the a�a1k. This walk is poured concrete with asphalt patches, disintegrated, cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped and settled panels , �nsi�e 5/_"o_"_rods. Peat area. � Tne Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. Remarks : Walk in very bad peat area. (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. rialk) ' CT HJ F.R � 4 , r • . � • Di st. �Jo. 1 / o yi � E.S. Osceola �1ve. - Jefferson Ave. to north 117'+, abutting 673 Jefferson ��:����� � :. Tnis order was initiated by the Director of Public :Jorks as public necessity��r�,�� bas i s of i nspect i on of the ��a l k. " ,,�rd �5 This walk is old tile with broken tile, high joints, tripping hazards, water pockets , holes in tile, missing tile, high longitudinal joints and offgrade. � The Engineerin, recommendation is for �pproval of the order. (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) CT HJ RR Dist. No. 1 S.S. Stanford Ave. - Creti.n Ave. to t•tt. Curve Slvd. � a yl3 Th i s order aras i ni t i ated by the Di rector of Pub 1 i c ��Jorks as publ i c necess i ty �o� the basis of a petition and inspection of the �ralt:. • Tnis walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , asphalt patcHes , disintegrated, crackecl concrete panels , scated, tipped and settled panels. ��� The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. � Remarks: Use 5/8" Rods. (Re�uce from a 6 ft to a 5 ft. walh) CT FIJ RR Dist. tlo. 1 P�.S.. Ford Pkary. - Finn St. to Cretin Ave. � Q y�� . This order was initiated by tne Director of Public 4lorks as public necessity on the bas i s of i nspect i on of t,ie �•�al k. This walk is poured concrete with high longi�udinal joints , offgrade, asphalt patches , disintegrated, cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped and settled panets. � The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. Remarks: k'alk to be 15.0' integral . See Lighting Order. (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR . ` � � . � , • Dist. �Jo. 1 � ��!"��� E.S. tlississippi River Blvd. - St. Clai r Ave. to Goodrieh Ave. / d y/� � This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of inspection of the walk. This walk is old tile with tree heaves , broken tile, high joints, tripping hazards, water pockets, missing tile, offgrade and asphalt patches. � The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. ��9!���� v' r/� (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) CT HJ RR � .