269321 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUflCll ��9�� � � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF� SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � �°�I �' Council Resolution vtwun R+�� �iv Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�EAS, the City of &aint Paul ha$ no ob�ectians to the relesase of certain tas forfeited lands; therefore, be it RE�OI,VED, that the Cauncil oP th� City of Saint Paul approve the sale of certain tax f'orfeited lands lsgally deacribed as PollaKS: Lots 7 and 8, Block 24, Me�ckubin and Marshall's addition to Saint Paul (Sueept street and alley). I,ot 28, Block 24, Mackabin and Marshall's addition to Saint Paul (Escept Horth 7-l�(2 feet to City). � Lot 6, Block 25, Maclatbiu and Me�rshall's addi.tion to Saint Paul ($ccept a11ey). Lot 10, Block 2�, Mackubin and Mar�hall's addition to Saint Paul ($xcept alley). With eas�ent the Sauth 1/2 of Nor�th 67� 25/100 feet of Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 25, Mackubin and Marshall's ad,di.t3.on to Saint Paul. - Lot 14, Stock 26, Maekubin and Marshall's addition to Saint Paul. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Reqaested by Department of: $,� � Fi.nance and Manag�n� Serviceg Hozza [n Favor Hunt �y �+'� v __ Against BY -"'� �� IIirec�cor --- Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by ncil: Date �l�t 3 0 197T Form Approved by City Attorney - Certif' Passe Council S ret � BY � ,j 1 1977 Apprc�v�ed by Mayor for Subm' s' n to ouncil App o by Mayor. t By � BY PUBUSNEO ,�1�� 9 197 7 � Fiit�-Five East Fif�h Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101. tetephone (612) 298 5218 � �� . ' � . �� � - �� , � � � � � � � � � �;��9�2� � . , - . NOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORfTY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUt, MINNESOTA June 24, 1977 Mr. Aathony J. Reiter, Land Co�issioner Office of the Land Commissioner • Couaty of Ramsey ' 286 Court Hoase Saiat Paul, Minaesota 55102 . _ Re: Application for Coaveyance of Tax � Forfeited Land � SuIIanit-University Co�unity Development � Prograa� District 8 •Dear Mr. Refter: � Enclos�d please fiad an original of an Applicatian by Governmental Subdivision for � . Conveyance of Tax Forfeited Laad by the Housing and Redevelapment Authority of the -Citp of Saint Pau1, :linnesota, pursuant to the provisions of 2LSa 2i32.01, Subd. 1, � together with a certifie� cvpy of the Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of � the :�usiug aad Itedeve�op�e�.t Authority authcrizing the App2ication. � - The.Authority requests you gresent this Application to the County Board. Please � forward the State Deed to the atteation of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's � Real Estate Department. � . Sfncerely, . . Al�an J. Bloc Acting Executive Director • Enclosures cc: Mr. J. Wm. Donovaa � . Mr. Lou McKenaa , . , .. _ . � • • r, ' ' [! Willie Mae Wilson, Donald P. Del Fiacco, Mary Ann Sudeith, Rosalie L. Butler, Kenneth J. Lynch, David H. Hozza, Ron Maddox en,r�no� _...,_ _.,__-- __. • .,___.._. . _...._.__._� .__.___. ...__._. _ _----__.. __�....,.... ._..,.. _.___ . �.__�_ . , _ _,.� , � , ' j ,SO/oe*962 • wa�—wo--eat—oo. ���—�., . ! . � APPLICATION OY GOVERNt•1ENTAL SUBDIYtSiON FOR CONVEYANCE OF TAX-FORFEITED LANDS � Under Minnesota Statutes; Sectjon 28 2 Ot� Subdiviaion I. � • i I' I� ine NRtter �r �nP a��ii�qci«� ot ousing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Sai.at Paul, Minnesota ! a Governmencr�l S�ibdivlsion, for a , � Cooveyanr,r of Certatn Lends. ' Ca�nes noM �+t��{n .,d R d�veloflment Authoritv of the Citv of Saint Paul, Minnesota •- +u�d all�ges: I:Jame ot su0diriniou �—� i i. That nppiicane is a (a)flt1blic body cornorate and gnl�tic in the Countq of I�c�+n � Btate of Minnesota created pursuant to Laws of 1947 Chapter 487, as amended f ; ' Z. Thet (b) Attached hereto �nd m dP z,�^rt hPreof ic ae t ien ef hn Roa n ef ! Goe�issianers of Che IiAUSing and Redevelopment Authoritv of the Citv of Saint Panl, ' Minnesota, authorfzing the acvuisition of the Iarid �described herein � — ' � a. That there is siG�ated in the County oP R8mse3► ,certain tax-forfeiLed � i lanA descriDcM as follors: (c) . ' As showa on Exhibit "A" which is attached and made a vart hereof � � , ' 4. 1f�nt aaid lands are (d) V8C8flt ' � - ; i � • :f. That appllcant desires to obtain aaid land fbr Lhe following purposes nnd reasons: (e) � fhat said land is locat .d jn the Rpdeve�aonlsnt Project desi�nated as Suc�it Universitv ! Si4mwtsnitv Develovment Pro�ram District 8• that the annlicant vroaoses to acquire and • ; � �saemble for sale and re�evelopment said land toPether ��rith other proiect nraperties � � . �.a accordance with the Redevelovment Plan for Summit-Universitv Coamiunitv Develo�^ent ' �ro�ram District 8. thereby carrvin� out the vurposes of the Housinz Act uf I949 a3 ' amended (42 USC Sections 1441, et. sev.), and the Municipal F.ousia� and Redevelopmen� ; Act. Laws of 1947 Chanter 487 as amended (rLSA SP�rt�n$ y.62 t�[Et et sea ) ► - . . � � • phere�ore ap�licant praya that said lands De conve ed to it for the use stated herein. � I , H�US�G AND REDEVELOP2•3ENT AUTHL)RITY � • ; _ i By ; : . � i�s ct cu ve irector ; - ! � � � � . � - - - Ics Mrector of Admini ration ' i ! STATE OF MINNESOTA r ! ) se, I COUn'TY OF R8mse9 ) ; r � Allan J Block and Willard K. Dod e i i eaeh being Pirct ,tolc sworrt� �lepose and say� each for himself Lhnt they are respectively the Ct II� i�irector of Hous�ng and Redevelopment Authority , S[ecut{ve Dire�*or A�� Administratinn of'the nf thp Cit� nf R±int Panl� MinnPSei'a ;. �,� ' th�t they hnve read the foregoing application nnd know the contents thereof; and that the matters stated i therefn e�e tn�. ` i . 1 a . _ y � x AAAAAA,�AA�1A#l�f.������:a�'��<��,A•11!�„��A/A R . y ' � ,� WILLARD JONES,SR. � � l.�•�� Notary Public,Hennepin County Mn. � �pscrlb and sworn to before me Ch i s `�J' MY COMMISION EXPIRES day of , 1!1�� Aprll 13, 1978 .`� • �nrrrrvvrtrnrr'wx . � Notary Public� � County, !Ninn. i � .''. Ny Commission Explres ���3• „L�T�_ j (al State Laeta relat{ve to legal org mizacioa. ' (01 S�ate taets sAOwing authorisacioo of aequisition of laod Aereinatter deseri�ed, D� resolntioo of Qovernio¢ Dodr l or Or voters, as the case may require, attachiuQ copiee ot reeolYtiooe, l! an�. � It) SAOw aame o[ Governmeocal SuDdivision in whicA land is situated. Idl DeacriDe nacure ot laols, use ot surrouodioQ property aad otber aimilar taete. ' (e1 Gi�e statemeoc as to tAe speeitie uae to De made ot sucp laode. �i. . . �. - � . . f,, � � ' ��iI.F�77: �►��� . D].u^'L7.':LC� r�Y'CC� �..7C1f� T'�lT�'u)C'l.'.�..... ^'-� nt+ ......_ Le�,�l. ll ��.a-:�.-��i.on S � 73-ti Og��F�2t?�?-•070-2�: '� 7..ot^ 7 ai�.3 3; t>locl: 'L�r, Ai;C�czibiri ��::�� . ' p8-432t1��Q80-:!� � lilx,ha:�1's acic'ii..ZOl� 4U LJ4I.ZIL L`au:� .. • (�cei�t si:icet �r�cl �:iZ�;) 8 73-23 03-48200-2�G-24'' La� 28, T3?.�c'� 2��, I�i4c;:+�L•_�_n a:�c? I�i-;�.•sl.r:�?,., . �iCiCX�.t:i.OTt r4 Sa:i..1L' P�;Ui �l'.:GC��i: Z`i0":.:,�: 7-I/2 fe�.:•� �a C:�4��) 8 78-7 07-':.�50��050-25 Lot- 6, �?ecI•: �, � ? ;i n �^.:i;1 2��.:��-;;I-::.�?.;.'� ?.� P,�ac ;ul nddit�cn tc Sa�ni- �c.ul_ (y-;ce�,t a3.z c;j 8 78-1]. 07�r�i50J--100-25 Lot 20, Blac;; 25, :�i„c�ctb�.t2 �nd I�i�:�•s�?�:�.I's ' • . ' , a�ddiL•�on to Saz.�i� P�;u1 (F,xc.cp� �?.1e�)� , 8 7�-2�i 07-1�35Q�-�OI-25 � t•ri.th eu�c�,nen.� rlin S���t_Ai 7./2 or �?a�-L-ti � �G"!« 25/I00 f-�n� �f Lots 28, 29 and 30, � . • 25, t1���ctc=?b:�z arlu I�.r�?.� 1.3.' ' �;c .�. s �:c.ditic�;: Saint Yaul 8 , 9�-14 07T��350��14Q-26 - LoL• 1�:•, Bl.oc`c 2.C, I�Iacl:t?t>i_n ana z�ir•r^?i�1I'� . . ' � addition �v Sai��� I';at?I. � � . . I � ♦. ' , � . . � • . � , , Rhodalp�us Ellis ��QSl�1 i� � v 1 � Yieued: ADDITION: Mackubin and Marshalls Add LpT: 8 �{; 21t u�; S ;� Ex St and glley Lots 7 a�d , , ��-�?�.oa_D�.�_:1 -LOG12I4N. USE: 1a- ri IK� ��:�a - � . I .1 �, �`!t-�,.t��r.n �f- ►a�- �c3 S eet A ev � 8ss+essor�a , , -°:�raded �- Platted _,___, NflTICE N0. 31+468 ��� `,_j �-[- ?.-� . . � . .�v� x Graded � � J U L 2 � �1969 - Lsndi � 1 a D . I -�b�� Pa.ved __ FORFEITID: � � r �s No.: 1�- l3- �� ` —.— B�: ` -i�later � Torrens________ Gas _ At�tract�„_, ZONING: � " E1ec.� , �'aade: Fr.�l, Mid._� Rear. , • �{S t � _f ' � . ti� `✓� '7�-:�--�-�-� : ..� _r_/✓„r, - /f�,�!' ? "i . , � y►+'-3�-��-�3 %��''-- . ':COPJCORDIA AVE S9�'' �� 3'�� ,. �, ,. .. .. �• .39•r' � � /o y g + 7 � .S -� 3 �. � � 0 � E N L � _� �� ��.s � � � . � 1 � _ ;��932� � 4iewed: !.'T:� ;.ADDITION: N`�a.c�:ubin and Marshall t s Add IAT: 28 BLK: 21+ WARD: 8 _,�� � �except north 72 ft, to City) . �-� �.�--��o-�=� � • I,OCgTION: � IISE: , ' or-�tate�Fi��y �-{/2�- ' � � , Street All�p Assessorzs �.3 Graded Platted NQTICE N0: �QE�2 F & T Valuei Paved Graded Curb Paved FORFEI rT�s ���j�,(L�n I�and: -�5 /+-/o 0 S��ralk 5ewer PL�AT NOt �c�A_�1,, Bldg: �later Torre�s ' Gas Abstract ZONII�G: • E3.ec. , ' aGrader Fr. Mid. Rear. p..�.r+� S� REN',ARKS: • � - ,� yW-3� � - �wr►+�'r.-a.�- ('..�r-�'�fr����:�� �� 7/.7 d � � r . � \ � � � � _ _- - _ -_-_ � � . f c!� ��� a� �7 �S �� 3°� � � Q Q .� ,, ,. .. j .� CAI�tOLL AVE � � ,: �G�3`1��� viewed: ,..�y; �DDITION: I�,ackubin and 17arshall's A,dd LOT: 6 ffiK: 25 1�1ARD: 7 �c. alley; . � � o�_ Q�-��-a�o-�.� I�TION: , IISE:withheld. for rede�elor_ment 3-/�- �`y ' Street Al1ev gssessor's � 3 Graded Pla.tted NOTICE N0: 3300g F & T Value. _Paved Graded Gnrb Paved F�RFEITID: 7�f 58 j,g�d: �A. z. °a a "S�Wa].k S�euer PI�AT Na: l�-B-13 Bldg; 1Jater Torrer.s Gas Abstract ?ANING: nB�� A.es_ .Elec. , f�rade: Fr. I�.d. R,ear. . r'�....o''► 5� REN',AF.SS: ; ���.�% � ��!Y i�"3 CAP.ROI,L AVENOE v � � �� � ,. ,. ,. ; .. , � 3y-.� L� � ' � Q i � � -7 G � � � 3 ; z � � � � � �� � , � �. , ' � � ;� � . , IGLEHART AV�lv'UE . _, . .__ _._ _ Larry Sk3ei/Pee '�`�t� N • Thomas A. Johnsn ��,-7'-�±�� ;><�' � . � Viewed s I'z° '� � ADDITION: Mackubin and Ma•rshalls Add LOT: 10 HLIf: 25 WARDt 7 , �_..,..�, , Ex elley • � � � 0'1'-18500-100-25 �'�a.«".1.�.••�� 2/i:�j z LOCA7'ION: USE: �� �,, �t�/ l�j¢ /j/�/7 y" � Street Allev Assessor�s � G='aded � Platted _,___,_ NOTICE N0. 34�82 F & `1'�Value 7 3 Paved X Graded _ AUG 8 1912 0 0 _ Curb X Faved FORFEITID: I�nd: �2 S�walk � Seja�er Y PLAT N0.: ��-� - � 3 BLt3G s � Water � Torrens C,as Abstract� ZONIlJG: Elec.� . , � , C�ade: Fr.= Mid.� Rear. �,,,'� ' . ' R�EI�xS: V G-�n�.�" l./t�j7 "}"' C�o�,. -�.�t� ��'�`` . _`� � ,.�, �'�- � � � � �������w � ��r.�^w�.�.�� . .. . . . ._. . . . .... � t . ! . ,. ._._.... �.....���......,.o.x� ....:._.._.._.�.... �-��- ....��........ �...._......,.....�......�.._.,........... . . ....,...s...w.....«.........�..... .,..,.,,.........,.�.+.w.«....,.. ....� ... .. .,..—,... .�.. � w ., ....... .. . � ' . _�� _ :.�'',... .._.. �.. . ...,... � . :. . � .. . . . . . � _.. � � _. ....,....._ �. . . _,..........._. . . .. .. a ... . . . ..................... i ....... . .... , ,..�... .,: . . . . i _. . ... . � .,., ., . . � . . . , ...�......_......... ' ....... .........,_.... ..... _ . ....�.....r �.�..Y.......+..... .� �..�.y�.....r�.��.... ...���..:. �[ ) . � '. . . '.. ... ..�..........�-.. ..�.. .. �... .i. . �-..��n.w.. r ..,a.. . � *h . .........._ �.� }�� . . �� ' '� �............,�.� 0..�/`..:. �{1IJ� ; .. .. . G�RI3 ,. .. — a .: . _ ., ; ,�. �oz- .. ..__. S. ..�j. _.. . 3 q� �. ,, ,. ,. .. J s • � � v � _. .._. . , , . . � ���� � j�. t3 13- �> >� 5 8 � _,, _.___ �l.ore� D. Nes1. �� ��q�2�. Viewed: �� ��� � �`� �~"t;. .dDDITI�N s l�Sacknbin aad �Earahalls Add IAT: 30 BLK: 25 WARD s 7 81ks 19 thra 22 25 saci 26 �rith esmt the S 1/2 of � lf 67 25/100 Ft of Lota 28 29 and ✓ Code 07•-1�8500..301-25 _LOCATI�N: . IISE: _�-s-� �ded�� Platted�� NOTICE N0. 35395 � A e s �s h`�arket VaZue � �ea nd Bld -Cu�'b� Pa.ved�— FORFI;ITED; ��P � i9?4 ��` Pp S valk — Sexer_;,.= PLAT N0. /o � � -!3 :�ter�_ Torrens_ �Gas Abstract_� ZQIdING: � E3.ec.� � �de: Fr.,=, Mid."_ Reer._ ' � �R2�1��s.�u: � ��_5 0 — (!��`C•%/1 t� _`�a,a., . _�a,,.-�..p �,-�+ �..�'_ ' , -r'i.J ""'_'-_r �..CQa � � "'� - �' �p� g . u�',,��,,,y; ��N� 7 o y.s�r . � �� � � ; � � � i` z � �� o � � \ 39'•S ,, . �� ,� ,> � s�9 � / G � ENA � � �v . , � 1(obtto �turakami et a1 2�9�21 . Viewed: � ���� � y ��:'� =�LDDITI�N: Nsckubin and Marshalls Add IAT: 14 BI.K: 26 WARD: 7 _ L...�' B1l�s 19 thrn 22 2� and 26 _ ✓ Code 07-�8500-1�W-26 � _�+OCATICN: . IISE: > � _ �_�- �s'- �-�ca � g -a3•�c. � �. A�, essor�s N�arket Value �ded '• Platted � ,` NO'!'ICE N0. 35396 Year nd Bld Paved � Graded �urb - Paned FORFI�:ITED: �EP � 19?4 � �p o —� ��Walk `T :�swer '` PLAT F0. /6-D-� �Tater�_ Torrens Gas _,�„ Abstract X ZOI�ING: ' �].ec._______ , , ,. �de: Fr. � I�,`id.�= Rear. � '� (_� • r � /� `�;1 �ARKS 0 _ l/(,`i„�t� �!`;•,�7 '� �'��.��4.�. -t°.lP.r�t' C.�-�w.a,/ �.�' ` �� . � ��.��' / � � t GLE fiRR 7� R � � g.� �, ., 3q_, H � � ��� I`I' 13 l�- � � � � � Z � . � � � � , OM 01 s 'i 3�.J'19��?3 " Rsv. : 9/8/76 EXPLA�TATION OF 1�MINI�TRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLU� S, • A2JD GRDIi�?ANCES �c��� �iri.r�r���iiMr����+�r���r Irrr��r. . . � . nat+e: �e �, lg� �.�ECEiV. EE� _ JU��i�`'t i97�' . �tAAYOR'S 4t�fC� T0: MAYOR GEOR�E LATIMER E� __ �FR: J. ti`l.ltian Donvren;���io� B�l.neer , Derp't. o! Finasce � Itgt. Serrice+f t�t. 331'Y) gE. Ta= tbriyited Le�n�ls, aa indicsttd a� the al�ta►�hed list �m�d g]aas. ( � , 1+�CTION RE4�ESTED: ' Aeleasa v! �he Ci�y'� i�erest in t.be pe�r��la. . PURPOSE Ai�TQ RATIQ2T,ALE FOR THZS ACTION: w r�rrr.�� r�+rr�r�rur�i�.r�rra.ii ������^ � � . � , � .. � �i� � Vli-i�.� ��V�fL W VY' �Y�Iiiiiu �..V�� AW{7�� W�L . .. . . . � ��1p�V ���• �$��D, Yi1� i'�JR�� �� i�iSiM!�RJ.V��i Y � . . . �'�LC�'3.'�y' �81{ i� dj�iQ2.�.4'B�.OII �O! CO�iTl�lBIICd 't0 '�!! $tiiL'� O� �.}3g�{�a. . �e parce].a and the abnttiag ].a�ds alrsa�y a�asd by tl�r B�oasi�, and Aed�e�elv�at Anthority ars pr�po�ed to be da�►ele�pe�l !br the na�► • Co�trol �sta Site 3n Ca�unity De�elo�e�eat Distric� ,�8, � . ATTAC�+IENTS: � ' � l. Com�cil Hetulntie� � 2. Appltca�ion to tl�e Stat� tor conveya�ce !'�e &rasi� amd H�elar�el�t AxitL�oa�ity � 3. Aree► �Laps _ , i �