01-372�- , � RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Refesed To Council File # O l- 7�? GreenSheet# 1���03 Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates 2 �� of Compensation by establishing the compensation for the class titled Enviroxunental Health Specialist III. BE IT RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Environmental Health Specialist III be established at the rate set forth in Grade 18 in the Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standazd Ranges, Section ID 3, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Adopted by Council: Date H,�;� �� D�� Adoprion Certified by CouncIl Secretary By: Y \ — ` � N- �-----„ — � C � Appzoved by Mayor: Date �7 zc� � By: � Requested by Department of: Huxnan Resources Office BY� ��- F�u�v� Form Appr�d b City Attorne BY' -�,.. � Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By: Y�Q ., �� G5 `' o�-�� DEPARI"MENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: Human Resources CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: John Shockley 266-6482 Mazk Robertson 266-6471 Micl�ael Foley 266-6484 MIJST SE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) As Soon As Possibie DATE INITTATED GREEN SHEET l�o.: 106803 March 2Q 2001 p INITIAL/DATE INPI7ALDATE ASSIGN I DEPARTMENT' D �: c'S O 5 CTl'Y COUNCII. NUMBER Z CTTY ATTORNEY 6 CTTY CLERK gpg 3 FINANCIAL SERV DIIt '1 �O/I'ECH & MGT. SERViCES ROi7TING D� ORDEIt 4 MA7'OR(ORASST.)_ CNILSERVICE COMMISSION TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR AcriON �Q[1ES1'En: Approve the attached resolurion establishing the rate of pay for the new ciass "Envuonmental Health Specialist III" in Grade 18 of the Professional Employee Standard Ranges. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANIYINGCOMMISSION _CNILSERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE STAFF DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAGTS M[1ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a conhacT for this deparknenY? Yes No 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cuaent ciTy employee? Yes No Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (4Vho, What, When, Where, Why): T�18 �ff10E Of L�"P 2SICeCl �le HLllll2S1 ReSOUTCeS Office to study an Environxnental Health Specialist II position for appropriate compensation and classification. The responsibilities assigned to this particulaz position have become significantly more complex in the past few years. Governing laws have become more complex and the is fiuther complicated by the interaction of the laws, changing food technology, changing types of food, and cuitural differences. This position provides experience and guidance to Iess senior employees, suggests changes in policy, researches issues, and deals with some of the most difficult cases. nnv�TncES � nrrxovEn: Appropriate compensarion will be established for this class. uisnuv�vTncES � nrrxovEn: There aze no laiown disadvantages except an increase in salary costs, however, such costs haue been budgeted. n�snuv.vvracES iF NoT nrrxovEn: Apprapriate compensation will not be established for this class. � V � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ O FUNDING SOURCE: 32O COST/i2EVENUEBUDGETED: Y0S ACTIVITY NUMBER: 33351 � .. . . � � ... . FINaNCEaL INFORMa1'[orr: (�xrLam� Additional salary costs have already been budgeted and the employee is being paid ouY of tifle in the curtent budget. The annual difference in salary will amount to $ 8,300. '� ��'.��t ������"�''�,'; ��=!�°.`�i° o� -��a- CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT SUMMARY CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: PERSONSCONTACTED: Environmental Health Specialist II Steven Roy Michael F. Foley�f�/ Mazch 14, 2001 Steve Roy (Incuxnbent) Bill Gunther (Supervisor) APPROVED BY HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ON November 6, 2000 Background The incumbent in this the position believes that the duties and level of responsibility of the position in question have increased over the years. The position in question has become a"lead" worker and provides guidance to more juniar employees. The incumbent believes that these changes warrant a job study. Herequested this study with the agreement and encouragement of management. Stud,�om�onents Interview with the incumbent Interview with the supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison with other job studies QES Evaluation and Analysis Position Description The position is a senior position in the Environmental Health (Food Sanitation and Food Handling) unit of LIEP. The position inspects a variety of restaurants and other food handling facilities and some related facilities. It is responsible for difficult interpretations of existing law, particulazly for reconciling law and new food technology and cuitural differences an food handling. It also drafts proposed legislative changes and works closely with non-City organizations. The specific responsibilities of tlus position include: 1. Advises other members of the Environmental Health unit of LIEP in difficult matters of at-3�� interpretation of codes, especially in areas where codes are uncleaz. 2. Keeps current on developments in food processing and food handling technology and assesses its potential unpact on codes. 3. Maintains network of contacts in other jurisdictions and uses other means to keep current with technology and proposals for changes to law that may affect the City. 4. Advises other members of the staff in dealing with emotional or potenrially emotional issues such as the conflicts between existing laws and the cultural differences in foods, and food handling. 5. Conducts complicated and/or sensitive inspections personally. 6. Researches law, technology, and other issues and proposes drafts for changes to codes, procedures, and to State and federal law as appropriate. 7. Handles special projects as assigned with minimum direction. (Projects such as scheduling special inspections for temparary food handling places such as the State Fair.) 8. Conducts aggressive community relations and education program that deals with community groups, dish counciis, and business groups as well as individual businesses. 9. Advises businesses on particularly compiex matters of compliance. Comparison to Class Specifications The class specifications for Environmental Health Specialist I and II, Environmental Health Inspector, Environmental Health Inspectar Supervisor, and Environmental Health Administrative Analyst were reviewed. None of these specifications accurately defined the responsibilities assigned to the position in question. A proposed class specification is attached. Comuarison to Other Positions Environmental Health Specialist I and II, Environmental Health Inspector, Environmental Health Inspector Supervisor, and Environxnental Health Administrative Analyst were reviewed. None of the positions assigned to these classes had responsibilities that were sufficiently close to those assigned to the position in question. OES Evaluation and Analysis The QES evaluation and analysis justifies assignment of this class to grade 18 in the PEA Bazgaining unit. oi-z^a- Recommendation It is recommended that the class specification for the class, "Environmental Health Specialist I[I" be established as described in the aftached draft spec and be compensated at the rate described above. � OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES JOhn Hamilton, Director CITY OF SAINI' PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor 01���Y 400 Ciry Ha11 Annex Zelephone: 657-266-b500 25WutFour[hSireet TDD/TIY.� 651-166-6501 SaimPhul,Minnesota 55702-I631 Jobline: 65I-?66-6502 Facsimile: I" Oplion: 651-?91-6414 2" Option: 651-29?-6415 3� Optian: 65I -292-7656 TO: � c� �-c c• � DATE: March 12, 2001 � � ��� —� czc r�+r RE: Twenty Day Notice - Environmental Health Specialist TII (revision to �pose�' class spec) We are proposing a revision to the proposed new class entitled Environmental Health Specialist III. This change deals with the minimum qualifications. Roger Curtis, Directar Offfce of LIEP ' d c� � ��; �- -�:a FROM: Michael F. Fo1ey A �� y z� Office ofHuman o ces � ��� I have attached a copy of the proposed class specifications for your review. Please nofify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I wili assume agreement and will proceed with the process. In the meantime I wili be processing a resolution to compensate this posirion at Grade 18 in the Professional bargaining unit. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this title and � :C�`�, Date G ISharedlTeam21CLASSIeh3120eh3mgAwpd class specificafion. 3-13-201 5:11PP4 FROP� PEA-WILDE LAW OFFICE 651 293 ddi0 P.d 61 ��' CITY O� SATNI' PAUL Norm Colamr.�. ldayor March 12, 2001 blike Wilde, Businass Representative Pro£essional Employees Association 360 Robert Street North, Suite 424 Sainc Paul, Mri SS 101 OFFICE OF HUNAN RF,SOU!2CES Jeh.nY.am,'Iton. D�•ecwr a00 GSry Ha!1 aanz� 2> ti'est Fourrk S!Yee! SuinlPau{hlinnetorrs SSIbI-!431 :�Iephor.e, 61:-'466:00 dDn/fKY. 672•?6b6501 lob fine: 612-1 �b4302 Fccsin:ile. 612-?9?-i 656 RE: Twenty I�ay Notice - Proposed Environmental He th Speciali III Revision) VVe are proposing a revision to the proposed new class entitied Environmental Health Specialist III. T have attached a copy o£the progosed class specificativns for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipe of this memo, i£you wish to discuss this 2ction. IF I do not hear from you within that time frazne, I wiIl assume agz'eement and will proceed with �he process. In the meantime T will be processmg a resolution to compensate this position at Grade 1& in the Professional bazgainina unit. Thank you. ������ ic e F. Fo1ey 1 hereby waive the cime remaining o� this 20 day notice for the purpose of czeating this tztle and class specification. _������. _.. %i-?�v i Name T�aee Proposed Title of Class: Code: 143B ENVIltONMENTAL HEALTH BU: 06 �.� a► SPECIALIST III �1' Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional work in the enforcement of public health regulations and ordinances including special projects, sensitive projects, research projects, and proposals for legislative changes, and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Environmental Health Director. Suuervision Exercised: Provides technical direction and guidance to less experienced personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists the Environmental Health Director in management of licensed food establishments to ensure the health and safety of the public and ensuce compliance with relevant fedecal, State, and City laws and ordinances; may personally conduct or oversee the conduct of unusually sensitive or complex inspections. Monitors wark of less experienced employees and assists them with complex technical, legal, and polifically sensitive issues. Monitors or coordinates the conduct of invesrigations of complex food bome illness complaintshncidents. Interprets analyses and reports and oversees the development and implementation of effecfive solutions. Coordinates development of and implementation of educational programs in the field of public health. Maintains close contacts with community groups, business associations, and other jurisdicfions involved in public/environmental health issues. Issues citarions, etc. for violarions of the food code and food related ordinances; provides expert testimony at criminal court proceedings to substantiate citations and prosecute violators. Initiates action to close substandard food establishments and provides testimony at administrative hearings and in court to substantiate such recommendarions. Provides technical assistance to community groups, businesses, etc. in dealing with unusual, sensitive, or complex environmental health issues. Proposes, drafts, and coordinates changes to local codes to enswe conformance with State and federal laws, and to provide guidance on unusual local problems, and/or to deal with new technology or new food products. BNVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST III) Page 1 of2 ProposedTitleofClass: Code: 143B _�,�� ENVII20NMENTAL HEALTH BU: 06 O I SPECIALIST III Effective: Oversees administrarion of special progams such as inspection of short term food stands at special events, mobile food vehicles, etc. Provides technical assistance and guidance for the review of construction and remodeling of food establishments. Works with other deparhnents on environmental health issues involving development projects. Works with other agencies and represents the City on environmental health matters that cross jurisdicrional boundaries. Provides technical assistance regarding noise ordinance enforcement and sepric system regulations. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable current Imowledge of environmental health investigation methods. Considerable lmowledge of CiTy, State, and federal codes, ordinances, and laws pertaining to food handling and preparation. Working lmowledge of microbiology, chemistry, epidemiology, vector control concepts and aseptic techniques. Considerable lmowledge of criminal proceedingsancluding issuance of citations and rules of evidence. Considerable ability to interpret general food code language and apply code to specific cases, especially where the law is unclear. Considerable ability to assist and advise others in handling complex situations. Considerable ability to develop innovative solurions to problems. Considerable ability to deal with hostile situations and/or to advise and assist others in dealing with them. Considerable ability to integrate technological advances and new food products into local health codes. Considerable ability to present a professional public image for the Office and the City. Considerable ability to interpret legal and technological issues to laypeople. Considerable ability and iniriative to keep current in the field. Considerable sensitivity to issues of cultural differences. Considerable ability to remain focused on customer service. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS lENVIIZONMENTAL HEALTFI SPECIALIST IIIl Page 2 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: Code: 143B a' � ,� Y ENVIl20NMENTAL HEALTH BU: 06 SPECIaLIST III Effecrive: Bachelor's degree which includes at least 30 semester or 45 quarter credit hours in the physical, environmental, biological, or health sciences, and three years experience as an Environmental Health Specialist II or equivalent (no substitution for education or experience.) Candidate must have current regis�ation as an Environmental Health Specialist in the State of Minnesota and must have a valid Class D driver's license or out-of-state equivalent with no suspensions or revocations within the two yeaz period prior to the date of appoinhnent (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). (ENVIItONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST III) Page 3 of 2 �- , � RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Refesed To Council File # O l- 7�? GreenSheet# 1���03 Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates 2 �� of Compensation by establishing the compensation for the class titled Enviroxunental Health Specialist III. BE IT RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Environmental Health Specialist III be established at the rate set forth in Grade 18 in the Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standazd Ranges, Section ID 3, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Adopted by Council: Date H,�;� �� D�� Adoprion Certified by CouncIl Secretary By: Y \ — ` � N- �-----„ — � C � Appzoved by Mayor: Date �7 zc� � By: � Requested by Department of: Huxnan Resources Office BY� ��- F�u�v� Form Appr�d b City Attorne BY' -�,.. � Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By: Y�Q ., �� G5 `' o�-�� DEPARI"MENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: Human Resources CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: John Shockley 266-6482 Mazk Robertson 266-6471 Micl�ael Foley 266-6484 MIJST SE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) As Soon As Possibie DATE INITTATED GREEN SHEET l�o.: 106803 March 2Q 2001 p INITIAL/DATE INPI7ALDATE ASSIGN I DEPARTMENT' D �: c'S O 5 CTl'Y COUNCII. NUMBER Z CTTY ATTORNEY 6 CTTY CLERK gpg 3 FINANCIAL SERV DIIt '1 �O/I'ECH & MGT. SERViCES ROi7TING D� ORDEIt 4 MA7'OR(ORASST.)_ CNILSERVICE COMMISSION TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR AcriON �Q[1ES1'En: Approve the attached resolurion establishing the rate of pay for the new ciass "Envuonmental Health Specialist III" in Grade 18 of the Professional Employee Standard Ranges. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANIYINGCOMMISSION _CNILSERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE STAFF DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAGTS M[1ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a conhacT for this deparknenY? Yes No 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cuaent ciTy employee? Yes No Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (4Vho, What, When, Where, Why): T�18 �ff10E Of L�"P 2SICeCl �le HLllll2S1 ReSOUTCeS Office to study an Environxnental Health Specialist II position for appropriate compensation and classification. The responsibilities assigned to this particulaz position have become significantly more complex in the past few years. Governing laws have become more complex and the is fiuther complicated by the interaction of the laws, changing food technology, changing types of food, and cuitural differences. This position provides experience and guidance to Iess senior employees, suggests changes in policy, researches issues, and deals with some of the most difficult cases. nnv�TncES � nrrxovEn: Appropriate compensarion will be established for this class. uisnuv�vTncES � nrrxovEn: There aze no laiown disadvantages except an increase in salary costs, however, such costs haue been budgeted. n�snuv.vvracES iF NoT nrrxovEn: Apprapriate compensation will not be established for this class. � V � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ O FUNDING SOURCE: 32O COST/i2EVENUEBUDGETED: Y0S ACTIVITY NUMBER: 33351 � .. . . � � ... . FINaNCEaL INFORMa1'[orr: (�xrLam� Additional salary costs have already been budgeted and the employee is being paid ouY of tifle in the curtent budget. The annual difference in salary will amount to $ 8,300. '� ��'.��t ������"�''�,'; ��=!�°.`�i° o� -��a- CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT SUMMARY CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: PERSONSCONTACTED: Environmental Health Specialist II Steven Roy Michael F. Foley�f�/ Mazch 14, 2001 Steve Roy (Incuxnbent) Bill Gunther (Supervisor) APPROVED BY HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ON November 6, 2000 Background The incumbent in this the position believes that the duties and level of responsibility of the position in question have increased over the years. The position in question has become a"lead" worker and provides guidance to more juniar employees. The incumbent believes that these changes warrant a job study. Herequested this study with the agreement and encouragement of management. Stud,�om�onents Interview with the incumbent Interview with the supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison with other job studies QES Evaluation and Analysis Position Description The position is a senior position in the Environmental Health (Food Sanitation and Food Handling) unit of LIEP. The position inspects a variety of restaurants and other food handling facilities and some related facilities. It is responsible for difficult interpretations of existing law, particulazly for reconciling law and new food technology and cuitural differences an food handling. It also drafts proposed legislative changes and works closely with non-City organizations. The specific responsibilities of tlus position include: 1. Advises other members of the Environmental Health unit of LIEP in difficult matters of at-3�� interpretation of codes, especially in areas where codes are uncleaz. 2. Keeps current on developments in food processing and food handling technology and assesses its potential unpact on codes. 3. Maintains network of contacts in other jurisdictions and uses other means to keep current with technology and proposals for changes to law that may affect the City. 4. Advises other members of the staff in dealing with emotional or potenrially emotional issues such as the conflicts between existing laws and the cultural differences in foods, and food handling. 5. Conducts complicated and/or sensitive inspections personally. 6. Researches law, technology, and other issues and proposes drafts for changes to codes, procedures, and to State and federal law as appropriate. 7. Handles special projects as assigned with minimum direction. (Projects such as scheduling special inspections for temparary food handling places such as the State Fair.) 8. Conducts aggressive community relations and education program that deals with community groups, dish counciis, and business groups as well as individual businesses. 9. Advises businesses on particularly compiex matters of compliance. Comparison to Class Specifications The class specifications for Environmental Health Specialist I and II, Environmental Health Inspector, Environmental Health Inspectar Supervisor, and Environmental Health Administrative Analyst were reviewed. None of these specifications accurately defined the responsibilities assigned to the position in question. A proposed class specification is attached. Comuarison to Other Positions Environmental Health Specialist I and II, Environmental Health Inspector, Environmental Health Inspector Supervisor, and Environxnental Health Administrative Analyst were reviewed. None of the positions assigned to these classes had responsibilities that were sufficiently close to those assigned to the position in question. OES Evaluation and Analysis The QES evaluation and analysis justifies assignment of this class to grade 18 in the PEA Bazgaining unit. oi-z^a- Recommendation It is recommended that the class specification for the class, "Environmental Health Specialist I[I" be established as described in the aftached draft spec and be compensated at the rate described above. � OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES JOhn Hamilton, Director CITY OF SAINI' PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor 01���Y 400 Ciry Ha11 Annex Zelephone: 657-266-b500 25WutFour[hSireet TDD/TIY.� 651-166-6501 SaimPhul,Minnesota 55702-I631 Jobline: 65I-?66-6502 Facsimile: I" Oplion: 651-?91-6414 2" Option: 651-29?-6415 3� Optian: 65I -292-7656 TO: � c� �-c c• � DATE: March 12, 2001 � � ��� —� czc r�+r RE: Twenty Day Notice - Environmental Health Specialist TII (revision to �pose�' class spec) We are proposing a revision to the proposed new class entitled Environmental Health Specialist III. This change deals with the minimum qualifications. Roger Curtis, Directar Offfce of LIEP ' d c� � ��; �- -�:a FROM: Michael F. Fo1ey A �� y z� Office ofHuman o ces � ��� I have attached a copy of the proposed class specifications for your review. Please nofify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I wili assume agreement and will proceed with the process. In the meantime I wili be processing a resolution to compensate this posirion at Grade 18 in the Professional bargaining unit. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this title and � :C�`�, Date G ISharedlTeam21CLASSIeh3120eh3mgAwpd class specificafion. 3-13-201 5:11PP4 FROP� PEA-WILDE LAW OFFICE 651 293 ddi0 P.d 61 ��' CITY O� SATNI' PAUL Norm Colamr.�. ldayor March 12, 2001 blike Wilde, Businass Representative Pro£essional Employees Association 360 Robert Street North, Suite 424 Sainc Paul, Mri SS 101 OFFICE OF HUNAN RF,SOU!2CES Jeh.nY.am,'Iton. D�•ecwr a00 GSry Ha!1 aanz� 2> ti'est Fourrk S!Yee! SuinlPau{hlinnetorrs SSIbI-!431 :�Iephor.e, 61:-'466:00 dDn/fKY. 672•?6b6501 lob fine: 612-1 �b4302 Fccsin:ile. 612-?9?-i 656 RE: Twenty I�ay Notice - Proposed Environmental He th Speciali III Revision) VVe are proposing a revision to the proposed new class entitied Environmental Health Specialist III. T have attached a copy o£the progosed class specificativns for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipe of this memo, i£you wish to discuss this 2ction. IF I do not hear from you within that time frazne, I wiIl assume agz'eement and will proceed with �he process. In the meantime T will be processmg a resolution to compensate this position at Grade 1& in the Professional bazgainina unit. Thank you. ������ ic e F. Fo1ey 1 hereby waive the cime remaining o� this 20 day notice for the purpose of czeating this tztle and class specification. _������. _.. %i-?�v i Name T�aee Proposed Title of Class: Code: 143B ENVIltONMENTAL HEALTH BU: 06 �.� a► SPECIALIST III �1' Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional work in the enforcement of public health regulations and ordinances including special projects, sensitive projects, research projects, and proposals for legislative changes, and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Environmental Health Director. Suuervision Exercised: Provides technical direction and guidance to less experienced personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists the Environmental Health Director in management of licensed food establishments to ensure the health and safety of the public and ensuce compliance with relevant fedecal, State, and City laws and ordinances; may personally conduct or oversee the conduct of unusually sensitive or complex inspections. Monitors wark of less experienced employees and assists them with complex technical, legal, and polifically sensitive issues. Monitors or coordinates the conduct of invesrigations of complex food bome illness complaintshncidents. Interprets analyses and reports and oversees the development and implementation of effecfive solutions. Coordinates development of and implementation of educational programs in the field of public health. Maintains close contacts with community groups, business associations, and other jurisdicfions involved in public/environmental health issues. Issues citarions, etc. for violarions of the food code and food related ordinances; provides expert testimony at criminal court proceedings to substantiate citations and prosecute violators. Initiates action to close substandard food establishments and provides testimony at administrative hearings and in court to substantiate such recommendarions. Provides technical assistance to community groups, businesses, etc. in dealing with unusual, sensitive, or complex environmental health issues. Proposes, drafts, and coordinates changes to local codes to enswe conformance with State and federal laws, and to provide guidance on unusual local problems, and/or to deal with new technology or new food products. BNVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST III) Page 1 of2 ProposedTitleofClass: Code: 143B _�,�� ENVII20NMENTAL HEALTH BU: 06 O I SPECIALIST III Effective: Oversees administrarion of special progams such as inspection of short term food stands at special events, mobile food vehicles, etc. Provides technical assistance and guidance for the review of construction and remodeling of food establishments. Works with other deparhnents on environmental health issues involving development projects. Works with other agencies and represents the City on environmental health matters that cross jurisdicrional boundaries. Provides technical assistance regarding noise ordinance enforcement and sepric system regulations. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable current Imowledge of environmental health investigation methods. Considerable lmowledge of CiTy, State, and federal codes, ordinances, and laws pertaining to food handling and preparation. Working lmowledge of microbiology, chemistry, epidemiology, vector control concepts and aseptic techniques. Considerable lmowledge of criminal proceedingsancluding issuance of citations and rules of evidence. Considerable ability to interpret general food code language and apply code to specific cases, especially where the law is unclear. Considerable ability to assist and advise others in handling complex situations. Considerable ability to develop innovative solurions to problems. Considerable ability to deal with hostile situations and/or to advise and assist others in dealing with them. Considerable ability to integrate technological advances and new food products into local health codes. Considerable ability to present a professional public image for the Office and the City. Considerable ability to interpret legal and technological issues to laypeople. Considerable ability and iniriative to keep current in the field. Considerable sensitivity to issues of cultural differences. Considerable ability to remain focused on customer service. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS lENVIIZONMENTAL HEALTFI SPECIALIST IIIl Page 2 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: Code: 143B a' � ,� Y ENVIl20NMENTAL HEALTH BU: 06 SPECIaLIST III Effecrive: Bachelor's degree which includes at least 30 semester or 45 quarter credit hours in the physical, environmental, biological, or health sciences, and three years experience as an Environmental Health Specialist II or equivalent (no substitution for education or experience.) Candidate must have current regis�ation as an Environmental Health Specialist in the State of Minnesota and must have a valid Class D driver's license or out-of-state equivalent with no suspensions or revocations within the two yeaz period prior to the date of appoinhnent (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). (ENVIItONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST III) Page 3 of 2 �- , � RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Refesed To Council File # O l- 7�? GreenSheet# 1���03 Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates 2 �� of Compensation by establishing the compensation for the class titled Enviroxunental Health Specialist III. BE IT RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Environmental Health Specialist III be established at the rate set forth in Grade 18 in the Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standazd Ranges, Section ID 3, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Adopted by Council: Date H,�;� �� D�� Adoprion Certified by CouncIl Secretary By: Y \ — ` � N- �-----„ — � C � Appzoved by Mayor: Date �7 zc� � By: � Requested by Department of: Huxnan Resources Office BY� ��- F�u�v� Form Appr�d b City Attorne BY' -�,.. � Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By: Y�Q ., �� G5 `' o�-�� DEPARI"MENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: Human Resources CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: John Shockley 266-6482 Mazk Robertson 266-6471 Micl�ael Foley 266-6484 MIJST SE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) As Soon As Possibie DATE INITTATED GREEN SHEET l�o.: 106803 March 2Q 2001 p INITIAL/DATE INPI7ALDATE ASSIGN I DEPARTMENT' D �: c'S O 5 CTl'Y COUNCII. NUMBER Z CTTY ATTORNEY 6 CTTY CLERK gpg 3 FINANCIAL SERV DIIt '1 �O/I'ECH & MGT. SERViCES ROi7TING D� ORDEIt 4 MA7'OR(ORASST.)_ CNILSERVICE COMMISSION TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR AcriON �Q[1ES1'En: Approve the attached resolurion establishing the rate of pay for the new ciass "Envuonmental Health Specialist III" in Grade 18 of the Professional Employee Standard Ranges. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANIYINGCOMMISSION _CNILSERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE STAFF DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAGTS M[1ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a conhacT for this deparknenY? Yes No 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cuaent ciTy employee? Yes No Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (4Vho, What, When, Where, Why): T�18 �ff10E Of L�"P 2SICeCl �le HLllll2S1 ReSOUTCeS Office to study an Environxnental Health Specialist II position for appropriate compensation and classification. The responsibilities assigned to this particulaz position have become significantly more complex in the past few years. Governing laws have become more complex and the is fiuther complicated by the interaction of the laws, changing food technology, changing types of food, and cuitural differences. This position provides experience and guidance to Iess senior employees, suggests changes in policy, researches issues, and deals with some of the most difficult cases. nnv�TncES � nrrxovEn: Appropriate compensarion will be established for this class. uisnuv�vTncES � nrrxovEn: There aze no laiown disadvantages except an increase in salary costs, however, such costs haue been budgeted. n�snuv.vvracES iF NoT nrrxovEn: Apprapriate compensation will not be established for this class. � V � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ O FUNDING SOURCE: 32O COST/i2EVENUEBUDGETED: Y0S ACTIVITY NUMBER: 33351 � .. . . � � ... . FINaNCEaL INFORMa1'[orr: (�xrLam� Additional salary costs have already been budgeted and the employee is being paid ouY of tifle in the curtent budget. The annual difference in salary will amount to $ 8,300. '� ��'.��t ������"�''�,'; ��=!�°.`�i° o� -��a- CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT SUMMARY CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: PERSONSCONTACTED: Environmental Health Specialist II Steven Roy Michael F. Foley�f�/ Mazch 14, 2001 Steve Roy (Incuxnbent) Bill Gunther (Supervisor) APPROVED BY HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ON November 6, 2000 Background The incumbent in this the position believes that the duties and level of responsibility of the position in question have increased over the years. The position in question has become a"lead" worker and provides guidance to more juniar employees. The incumbent believes that these changes warrant a job study. Herequested this study with the agreement and encouragement of management. Stud,�om�onents Interview with the incumbent Interview with the supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison with other job studies QES Evaluation and Analysis Position Description The position is a senior position in the Environmental Health (Food Sanitation and Food Handling) unit of LIEP. The position inspects a variety of restaurants and other food handling facilities and some related facilities. It is responsible for difficult interpretations of existing law, particulazly for reconciling law and new food technology and cuitural differences an food handling. It also drafts proposed legislative changes and works closely with non-City organizations. The specific responsibilities of tlus position include: 1. Advises other members of the Environmental Health unit of LIEP in difficult matters of at-3�� interpretation of codes, especially in areas where codes are uncleaz. 2. Keeps current on developments in food processing and food handling technology and assesses its potential unpact on codes. 3. Maintains network of contacts in other jurisdictions and uses other means to keep current with technology and proposals for changes to law that may affect the City. 4. Advises other members of the staff in dealing with emotional or potenrially emotional issues such as the conflicts between existing laws and the cultural differences in foods, and food handling. 5. Conducts complicated and/or sensitive inspections personally. 6. Researches law, technology, and other issues and proposes drafts for changes to codes, procedures, and to State and federal law as appropriate. 7. Handles special projects as assigned with minimum direction. (Projects such as scheduling special inspections for temparary food handling places such as the State Fair.) 8. Conducts aggressive community relations and education program that deals with community groups, dish counciis, and business groups as well as individual businesses. 9. Advises businesses on particularly compiex matters of compliance. Comparison to Class Specifications The class specifications for Environmental Health Specialist I and II, Environmental Health Inspector, Environmental Health Inspectar Supervisor, and Environmental Health Administrative Analyst were reviewed. None of these specifications accurately defined the responsibilities assigned to the position in question. A proposed class specification is attached. Comuarison to Other Positions Environmental Health Specialist I and II, Environmental Health Inspector, Environmental Health Inspector Supervisor, and Environxnental Health Administrative Analyst were reviewed. None of the positions assigned to these classes had responsibilities that were sufficiently close to those assigned to the position in question. OES Evaluation and Analysis The QES evaluation and analysis justifies assignment of this class to grade 18 in the PEA Bazgaining unit. oi-z^a- Recommendation It is recommended that the class specification for the class, "Environmental Health Specialist I[I" be established as described in the aftached draft spec and be compensated at the rate described above. � OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES JOhn Hamilton, Director CITY OF SAINI' PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor 01���Y 400 Ciry Ha11 Annex Zelephone: 657-266-b500 25WutFour[hSireet TDD/TIY.� 651-166-6501 SaimPhul,Minnesota 55702-I631 Jobline: 65I-?66-6502 Facsimile: I" Oplion: 651-?91-6414 2" Option: 651-29?-6415 3� Optian: 65I -292-7656 TO: � c� �-c c• � DATE: March 12, 2001 � � ��� —� czc r�+r RE: Twenty Day Notice - Environmental Health Specialist TII (revision to �pose�' class spec) We are proposing a revision to the proposed new class entitled Environmental Health Specialist III. This change deals with the minimum qualifications. Roger Curtis, Directar Offfce of LIEP ' d c� � ��; �- -�:a FROM: Michael F. Fo1ey A �� y z� Office ofHuman o ces � ��� I have attached a copy of the proposed class specifications for your review. Please nofify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I wili assume agreement and will proceed with the process. In the meantime I wili be processing a resolution to compensate this posirion at Grade 18 in the Professional bargaining unit. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this title and � :C�`�, Date G ISharedlTeam21CLASSIeh3120eh3mgAwpd class specificafion. 3-13-201 5:11PP4 FROP� PEA-WILDE LAW OFFICE 651 293 ddi0 P.d 61 ��' CITY O� SATNI' PAUL Norm Colamr.�. ldayor March 12, 2001 blike Wilde, Businass Representative Pro£essional Employees Association 360 Robert Street North, Suite 424 Sainc Paul, Mri SS 101 OFFICE OF HUNAN RF,SOU!2CES Jeh.nY.am,'Iton. D�•ecwr a00 GSry Ha!1 aanz� 2> ti'est Fourrk S!Yee! SuinlPau{hlinnetorrs SSIbI-!431 :�Iephor.e, 61:-'466:00 dDn/fKY. 672•?6b6501 lob fine: 612-1 �b4302 Fccsin:ile. 612-?9?-i 656 RE: Twenty I�ay Notice - Proposed Environmental He th Speciali III Revision) VVe are proposing a revision to the proposed new class entitied Environmental Health Specialist III. T have attached a copy o£the progosed class specificativns for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipe of this memo, i£you wish to discuss this 2ction. IF I do not hear from you within that time frazne, I wiIl assume agz'eement and will proceed with �he process. In the meantime T will be processmg a resolution to compensate this position at Grade 1& in the Professional bazgainina unit. Thank you. ������ ic e F. Fo1ey 1 hereby waive the cime remaining o� this 20 day notice for the purpose of czeating this tztle and class specification. _������. _.. %i-?�v i Name T�aee Proposed Title of Class: Code: 143B ENVIltONMENTAL HEALTH BU: 06 �.� a► SPECIALIST III �1' Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional work in the enforcement of public health regulations and ordinances including special projects, sensitive projects, research projects, and proposals for legislative changes, and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Environmental Health Director. Suuervision Exercised: Provides technical direction and guidance to less experienced personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists the Environmental Health Director in management of licensed food establishments to ensure the health and safety of the public and ensuce compliance with relevant fedecal, State, and City laws and ordinances; may personally conduct or oversee the conduct of unusually sensitive or complex inspections. Monitors wark of less experienced employees and assists them with complex technical, legal, and polifically sensitive issues. Monitors or coordinates the conduct of invesrigations of complex food bome illness complaintshncidents. Interprets analyses and reports and oversees the development and implementation of effecfive solutions. Coordinates development of and implementation of educational programs in the field of public health. Maintains close contacts with community groups, business associations, and other jurisdicfions involved in public/environmental health issues. Issues citarions, etc. for violarions of the food code and food related ordinances; provides expert testimony at criminal court proceedings to substantiate citations and prosecute violators. Initiates action to close substandard food establishments and provides testimony at administrative hearings and in court to substantiate such recommendarions. Provides technical assistance to community groups, businesses, etc. in dealing with unusual, sensitive, or complex environmental health issues. Proposes, drafts, and coordinates changes to local codes to enswe conformance with State and federal laws, and to provide guidance on unusual local problems, and/or to deal with new technology or new food products. BNVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST III) Page 1 of2 ProposedTitleofClass: Code: 143B _�,�� ENVII20NMENTAL HEALTH BU: 06 O I SPECIALIST III Effective: Oversees administrarion of special progams such as inspection of short term food stands at special events, mobile food vehicles, etc. Provides technical assistance and guidance for the review of construction and remodeling of food establishments. Works with other deparhnents on environmental health issues involving development projects. Works with other agencies and represents the City on environmental health matters that cross jurisdicrional boundaries. Provides technical assistance regarding noise ordinance enforcement and sepric system regulations. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable current Imowledge of environmental health investigation methods. Considerable lmowledge of CiTy, State, and federal codes, ordinances, and laws pertaining to food handling and preparation. Working lmowledge of microbiology, chemistry, epidemiology, vector control concepts and aseptic techniques. Considerable lmowledge of criminal proceedingsancluding issuance of citations and rules of evidence. Considerable ability to interpret general food code language and apply code to specific cases, especially where the law is unclear. Considerable ability to assist and advise others in handling complex situations. Considerable ability to develop innovative solurions to problems. Considerable ability to deal with hostile situations and/or to advise and assist others in dealing with them. Considerable ability to integrate technological advances and new food products into local health codes. Considerable ability to present a professional public image for the Office and the City. Considerable ability to interpret legal and technological issues to laypeople. Considerable ability and iniriative to keep current in the field. Considerable sensitivity to issues of cultural differences. Considerable ability to remain focused on customer service. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS lENVIIZONMENTAL HEALTFI SPECIALIST IIIl Page 2 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: Code: 143B a' � ,� Y ENVIl20NMENTAL HEALTH BU: 06 SPECIaLIST III Effecrive: Bachelor's degree which includes at least 30 semester or 45 quarter credit hours in the physical, environmental, biological, or health sciences, and three years experience as an Environmental Health Specialist II or equivalent (no substitution for education or experience.) Candidate must have current regis�ation as an Environmental Health Specialist in the State of Minnesota and must have a valid Class D driver's license or out-of-state equivalent with no suspensions or revocations within the two yeaz period prior to the date of appoinhnent (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). (ENVIItONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST III) Page 3 of 2