269314 �,��,. '1N'HITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF ��AINT PAUL File NO. . 25�314 BLUE - MAVOR � � C°�" �° Council Resolution q� � HtT�A� s Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date w�� WHF.REAS, the City o� 9t. Pa�ul, acting thiro�gh its Valuation ffiigineer, haa secured an agree�ent for the purcha,se of that certain prcrperty deacribed as follo�ws: Lota 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 9, 8chroeder's ABdi.tion �AS, the property described herein is neceaaary Yor the Acqui�ition for Fire Station No. 14, as approv�d by Final Order 268010 on October 19, 1976, and the price at which the property may be p�rchased in the amo�unt of �56,468.00, being a Yair and reasonable price Por the sub�eet property according to the appraisal obtained by the City Valuation �g3.neer; axid �i�REAS, the City Val.uation Eng3.neer has recoaao�ended the purchaae of said property at the gtated pri�e above; naw, t2ierefore be it �SOLVED, that the Cauncil of the City of 8aint Paul doe� hexeby authorise the p�rehase of the abov�e deseribed land, and be it I�JRtL�R 1�ESOLVEA, that �ka proper City O�f'I.cia1� are her�y authori:ed snd directed to pay to Super`�Imerica Stationa, inc., record. fee o�+ner, the sum of �g6,468.00. �h� conditiions oP said sale are sho�ra o� the Memorandum on .. Sa1e of Rea1. �eitate cU►ted May 26, 1977; sa3.d memorandum is attached hereto and incorporated hereiu a� referenced. 3a3d to be pa3d fran PIR Fund Code 60000-(L-8013), to be reimbursed frvm 1q76 CIB l�ind. Thrpayment to be : mad,e upon the City being Purnished. evidence of good maxketable title in the aforesa3d mentioned v�ndnr, and the total payment to be me�de upon tender by se�id�arty of appropriate deeds conveying title to sa.id praperty to the City o� 8aint Paul. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: (Q � „ V� �ler Finance and M�nagement Services Hozza [n Favor Hunt � � ����7� � __ Against By ���tor Sylvester � �� � Ted JUa 3 O �9�j Form Appro e ity torne Ado y Council• Date ertified .sed by ' Secretary BY � App d by (Vlayor: te t 19T7 Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council By BY / PUBLISHED .1UL 9 1977 . . . , .=", - � OM O l s 12/19'75 � Rev. : 9/8/?s r EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE .ORDE�S, � . RESOLtJTI4N�, AND ORDINANCES •__ .,._ �_.. _�� � .— rG�a7t].1� Date; Jnne 1�, 1g77 Tp: MAYOR GEORGE L�iTIMER � � FR: �r =. Sredahl, Jr., Ass't. Ya7.�aatiaan b �as�eaa�snt �gineer, (8�. 537�7) RE: 1cq�a,3si�ia� o! Fire 8be►tioa llb. 11� • . liest side o! Saelliag be�re� �►s�1snl1 sad Laaaral �aper it�l.cs B�atioa�s, Zae. ACTION REQUESTED: �cq�isitioa lor�the sn�ect pro�ect. • Gaa�83tt�+: o! aale s� sho�+rs oa stt.ached I[e��aoa ea` Qe1e �!' Ha�1. �tat�. PURPOSE AI�TD RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Au�1laq�is�ed by Fit�t�e1 0r�er, :Cea�cil !'il.� �o. 268E�14, sppx+o�re� 4ctdber 19, 19�7. �cqnisit�o� ot said pe�a�l. in t�e �nt of #56,�68.dE�, tv bt �'l.�tamd �'raa . . �e �na c«tie (cy000 (L-8a�.3)� to �e �rasd rraa igTb c�s �a�. ATTACAMENTS: l. Coaacil �sclation i'�rr apprmra,l 2. Ii�p ' �. l`e�oranAmt cn 8�a1.e ot Hed]. 8si�ate . . . . ...:. , . �..��. . _...._ ._.__.._ ___� ____. . _.___.---- -- _. _._ �..___.. ._.. _. ����7 [� _ _ _. � � _ . � .. � 39 I _ t 12 ._.__ _ _ _ � ( _ l . � 4 � _ � � .-� _ __ . ►�o�- Nov�s � f : ��� �� � , �S94 L.a���, �. -c� ���. 3� 20 �, . : . .. ,. # 10.�' 113 � i Z s� � a. � i I W� /► ? �..ar•,� �' 1 v . '�' � ( �— � i� �wa.r A E {l5 SNEl..�1� A`�• 4 � � GARAE3� � � Q J � �t' � _ v�c�� = . � � � , � � � �����- _ � � � � �- � S � —{--- 0 � � � � 0 � �r- C i I`/ Q� . _7 = U� S°C". F'�U L.._ � �^ � `�) � ��'� S�.�TL�; M 8 � o i 4� 2� f�i o. I 4 I 23 i 0�. RAtJ T� t36 V-5�� I ��2. �/L�.V AT�N t�U i't.i�"J.�`.�E L�tJI.,�'/ � �� �1�4� � �o • ` �-� O�INe.�„�Sk��'� �O 2c I �� � „ , � I'� p�,�.�,.:-�� S'� -��r���,�c�, Pa�c���' ,�CC�U I�1-T"l�t�! . F-0!� F 1t��. AU�..)�.5�� iS44 Lf�l�El. AJ� ��s �s. � � ��.� 4;�- STL�T��I�I t�R�O. 14 - f��T �-A�f.�: �C.�-'...� ��.�'E; S?-�"�'! 4F 4 �.t�,c�s��� � S�1 EL I ���! . — � ,., _ �.�. _�.. ,o - -�--,� �. �3,3 �� r� ��.� �� �A�_._���►� � . � Derpartment o� Finance and 2danagem,ent Services � � � • � �� Division of ,Assesaments and Valuation.a P.oam 28a City Ha].l . MEr�ORA.NDUM ON SALE OF REAL ESTATE' ""��e� �",� I. Purpose o� sale of Real Estate to City: Acquisition for Fzre Station No. l�- 2. Location of Real Estate: West side of Snelling between Ashland and Laurel. 3. Legal Description; Lots 1, 2. 3, and �+, Block 9, Schroeder's Addition . �i. Na�e and Address o� Seller: Super A.merica Stations, Inc. P.O. Box 9, b39 Second Street St. Pau1 Park, i�In. 55o71. � 5. Recor�ended purchase prS�.ce: �56,�+oB 6. Se11er to ftu�nish Abstract of Tit1e a.nd�or Owners IRiplicate Cextif3.cate o� Title for said property, City wi.11 apdate said Abstract and�or otitain Regi.stered Proper�y Certificate. 7. Se11er to give possession to City; on the first da.� �f the nonth fo1lo:�ring 8 the month in s.rhich closin� occurs. • X����C���@��` _ �.f�3�i�ti�'.�C 9. Se12er to allaw access to premises to City or its �agents prior to date of possesaion for purposes of implement3ng action for the disposition of improvements. 10. Items to be removed and retained by seller: 11. Ta,xes: Seller to pay taxes due and payable in 1977. City wi11 pay taxes due �nd payable xn 19'�; . �• �����x�'r�'�����������f�� .. . _ _ _. ��X�x�x�ra�x�x��m� de v r ke � to on n�ssession date. 13. Seller to �� DiV�.sion of Valuations, 286 City Ha31, phone 29$-g31.7,�yr�,�,rt,r� �'ti��S[YX 1�. , ?5. :isc�llun�ov.s: Se11er to collcct rent for the Mor_th in which closin; occurs rsn� City to collect rent starting in first manth follo�win� the month in �hich closing occurs. tIQTE: Conditions listed above a,re not binding until approved by Ci.ty Council. Seller: /,W��.�...��..,�:u.��. ���r(..�.,�, �- City: i Si ed: . , L;�U '' � . .,,�— S�.grr . Valuation Engineer Date: . GvL Z Date: �T��� 7� �