269312 W H 1 7 E - C I T V C L ER K �11��1r- - ^ . PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L� Council `jti � CANARV - DEPARTMENT � . FII@ NO. Bl_UE - MAVOR Cou ci Resolut on Presented By � �^ r � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLV�D: That licenses applied for by tne follo��rin� persons at the addresses stated i�e and the same are hereby grard�d. i 8. It Corporation 1066 E. 7ti� St. Rest. C-2 Appn.16155 I1ew ;Iumboldt IIi�ii School 30 �. I',aker St. Food Lstab. L 1G233 " t�argaret P;ary Olson 715 Gr�.d �ve. 2nd Iid Dlr Gen 16520 " ;'. i^J. .'looltivorth 1391 �. t�la�nolia �lorist-rlursery 1�632 t' Taco uell� Inc. 167?. Rice St. �'est. C-Z 1G697 " Guardian Pest Control�Inc. 701 �. 4th St.� Duluth Pest Control 1G?39 " 4Jillis Landrith 513 Jackson �dstf. V. r:. 16SF3 " Fuline Vendin� 253 State St. 1 add�l Vf�i 17048 " �� 2512 Univers�y Ave. 1 add�l Vt; 17049 �� Capital Realty Co. 1�59 University Ave. Vti Loc. 17079 " �► �' 1 add�l rtach. �� �� I�;idway uuzul:i, Inc. 99�J Pd. Lel;ington V�•S Loc. 17087 �� French-American �Vig �. Beauty Salon� Inc. 1G64 t�lhite Lear ;eauty Shop 171�3 " �� 961 Payne Avenue �eaut;� Sl�op 17124 " Sir Vend� Inc. 740 E. 7th it. 1 add'1 Vt•� 17130 " Rice Phillips Laundry Co. 740 E. 7t�i �t. Ci�arette 1?132 " BI: Vendin� Co.� Inc. 1480 i;. Snelling V�� Loc. 1714� " �r n 3 add�l r�acq�. �� �� tWer� 1'orii �ea Co., Inc. IIl8 Vandalia Vf. Loc. 17150 tl D. V. fi:., Inc. 11Q ��:ate �t. 5 T4'�D''s 171�7 �� �� ri l 1,�;s i� li �ileen �iernat 2C>68 E. i?innehaha �'�ve. l�asseuse 17194 " . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt � �� __ Against BY 'l�r -S�"wet�r Tedesco JUN 2 8 �977 Form Approved by City Attorney _ Adopted ouncil: Date ified Yas- y Counci creta�y BY sy App d by fVlayor: Date JV� 3 � �977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY Pt1RLISHED ,1UL 9 1977