269294 WHITE - CITV CLERK � nQ..�(���'
PINK - FINANCE �7 COUnC1I �� S �" �>�
� BLUE - MAVOR - .FI1@ . NO.
, ouncil Resolution
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the City Council , by Resolution, Council File No. 266179,
approved October 9, 1975, approved guidelines and steps for the establishment
of the citizen participation process to aid the City in the development of
programs for the City and its neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, the Como Community Council-District 10 has applied for �
recognition as the General District Council for District 10; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor's Office has advised the Council that the Como Community
Council-Dist rict 10 has complied with the City Council 's guidelines and steps
and recommends that the City Council recognize this organization and appropriate
$7,500.00 to assist the organization in implementing its work program; and
WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on Wednesday, June 15, 1977,
for the purpose of considering the request of the organization, the Mayor's
recommendation, and to hear from all interested persons; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve
and recognize the Como Corr�nunity Council-District 10 as the General District
Council for District 10 and does hereby approve and appropriate the following
funds and budget for the organization for the period July 1 , -1977 ti�rouyn '"
June 30, 1978, and the Mayor's Offiee is autnor�ized and directed ta administer
the budget on behalf of the organization in accordance with such procedures
as may be established by the Mayor's Office:
Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,820.00
Office Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . 690.00
Communications . . . . . . . . . . . 2,990.00
Continuing Education . . . . . . . . . 400.00
Equi pment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600.00
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler � Co unity Developm
Hozza In Favor
--��t 'p�> •
� ,G-C�� C3'�
Levine __ Against BY �
Jv� �3 t� Form Approved by Cit ttorn
Adopte y Council: Date
rtified Pa•� y Oeu �1 Secretary BY
� •
.�(J�1J 2.7 Appr ve by ay r for Sub ' n oun 1
Appro by Mayor: Date — t �7, o
� \
gy B
, - PUBUSHED JUL 2 197
� �
. '. .
June 3, 1977
Rose Mi.x, City Clerk
386 City Hall
St. Paul, Minneaota 55102
Dear Rose;
Please be notified that I have call.ed a special meeting of the City
Council for Wednesday, June 15, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. at Chelsea Heights School,
1557 Huron, to consider recognition of an ofPicial group to represent
Citizen Participation Dietrict 10 (Como). }
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C ci President.
We, the undersigned Councilmen, do hereby waive written notice
requriements for a special meeting of the City Council on Wednesd.ay, June 3,
1977, at 7:30 P.M. , at Chelsea Heights School, 1557 Huron, for reasons
stated above. ,;
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To: Council President Robert Sylvester
Members of the City Council •
From: Mayor George Latimer
Date: June 7, 1977
Re: Recognition of the Como Community Council-District 10
as the General District Council for District 10
(Public hearing is June 15, 1977, 7:30 p.m. , Chelsea
School , Hamline and Hoyt)
Attached is a report and recommendation of the Corr�nunity Development
' Office regarding recognition of the r�sidents and organizations in
� the Como community as the District 10 Planning Council .
This report should prove useful in the Council hearing on Wednesday,
June 15, 1977. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. William
Patton at 298-5586.
cc: Mr. Richard B oeker
Mr. A1 Olson�
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SAI\T I'Al:l., �1I\N7:5OTA :�.5102
((fl.') •>f)!3-.i:33:3
To: Mayor George Latimer �
From: Mr. William Q. Patton, Community Development Coordinator C�������
Date: June 7, 1977
Re: Recognition of the Como Corr�nunity Council-District 10 as the
General District Planning Council for District 10
The Como Corrnnunity Council is representative of area residents and interested
organizations in the Como neighborhood. The Association began working
toward implementation of the 10-step Council recognition process in the late
winter of 1977.
A public meeting was held on May 25, 1977 at Chelsea School where by-laws
were adopted, as amended, by area residents. Membership is open to all
District 10 residents.
Work Program
The Como Communit� Council , as indicated on the attached Work Program, will
pursue long-term planning activities (i .e. , General District Planning),
coordinating these efforts with all appro°priate planning agencies. Issues
currently identified by the corrrgnnunity as areas of concern include recreation
and open space, Como Park, public safety, public works (streets and sewers) ,
land-use and environment, housing and education.
B -�r Laws
A steering committee of about 20 people worked throughout the spring of 1977
to formulate by-laws and to develop a basic structure for organization that would
meet the needs of the Como neighborhood. By-laws were approved, as amended,
at a public meeting on May 25, 1977. This meeting was advertised by a house-
• • -2-
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to-house flyer distributed to 5,000 Como residents and places of business.
Membership is open to all residents and businesses in the Como community.
The attached budget request is in the amount of $7,500.00 for purposes of
carrying out citizen participation activities in District 10 from July 1 , 1977
to June 30, 1978.
The Office of Community Development recomnends that this budget be approved,
Recorrgnnendati on �
� The Office of Comnunity Development is satisfied that the Como Corranunity
Council-District 10, as proposed in the attached documents, meets the intent
and purposes of Council File No. 266179, establishing a process for citizen
participation by designated districts in the City of Saint Paul . �
Therefore, �we reco�nend that the Como Comnunity Council-District 10, as
proposed, be recognized as the District Council for the Como neighborhood.
WQP/kl k
._....._, �-_ ..
In January and February (1977) a series of ineetings were held in the
District 10 area, primarily to assess whether the community saw a need to
form a district council .
It was agreed that the district suffered from two handicaps: other than
booster clubs, there were no representative community organizations in the
area; and, residents seemed to be generally unaware of the citizen participation .
By March, a group of about 15 interested residents agreed that the area could
benefit from involvement in the district organization process. With the
assistance of the citizen participation coordinator, the group of interested
residents began meeting in Chelsea Heights School to plan involvement in the
10-step recognition process. As an initial step, the group prepared a lengthy
pamphlet explaining the citizen participation process and the possible benefits
which could be realized from organization. The pamphlet, distributed by hand
to all 5,000 dwellings and businesses in the area, qenerated a great deal of
interest among area residents.
In April , what was now a steering corrmittee of about 20 persons formed comnittees
to prepare by-laws, articles of incorporation, a budget and work program for
the area. A lengthy meeting was then held at which each of the documents was
debated and amended by the steering committee.
With the help of the citizen participation coordinator and the Corr�nunity Development
Office, a second pamphlet was prepared indicating that a public meeting would
be held on May 25 for all residents. The pamphlet was again distributed to
5,000 dwellings and businesses.
At that meeting, held in Chelsea Heights School , some 170 area residents discussed
and amended the by-laws, articles of incorporation, budget and work program. In
addition, several issues which would soon be facing the community were discussed.
Several dates were chosen for a public hearing with the City Council .
As stated in the by-laws, the Como Community Council will be guided by the
steering committee until general elections are held in September.
The.steering committee has attempted to involve as many interested persons as
possible in the process leading up to recognition. In addition, discussions
throughout the process of forming a district council have focused on organization
and the need for representation, rather than any possible Community Development
�ead and accepted at mmeting
of 2:ay 25, 1977•
� � �ti�'Q��jl��
COI�lO C���UTTITY-60E3N�� / DISTRICT 10 � �' � ��
Community Organization
Estaiolish contact i�rith all area groups and organizations, utilize
sucr. cor�tact to obtain input. SY 9�77
Establish committees and task forces to pursue issues and objectives
identified by the corrununity. Continuous :
Continonas Task Forces: _
a. ftecretat�.on and Open Space (except Como Park)
b. Como Park -
c. Public Safty .
d. Public UTorks-Streets and Setirers
e. Iand Use ar�d Environment
f. Housin�
g. Education
h. etc; etc;
2. General d�ta collection by task forces for ;eneral district plan.
3. Tabulation and forniulation of geIIeral district plan.
4. irlork wi.th city plannir� �ro�aps to develop components of general
district plan and cor_duct all required con:munity meetings anci actions.
5. Together taith all planr_ing groups and other staff conduct any speci�'ic
stuclies and Flans which may be necessary as a condit�on of general distric�
planning or the proposin� of ar�r activity to be funded as a result of the
planr_ir_g process.
� Continuous
?ro�ram Develo�nent
Pursue sorces of fundino and pro�;ra.�n develop?�ent as deterznined by the
Implem�entation of Como Corn�unity General District Plan 6�78
� .�
•�,�_ i . 1. . , .
. , . .. . � '•--� •i r ,i i� �?!(►l1�i�;�
� ,�,��a .
.Tul�r ?, 1977-June 30� 1978
; Clerical approx. 15 hr�./month $ 720.00
Community orga�laer i-time (hours and w�ges on A
monthly basis, to be negotiated betwesn the
� Association and �taft person) 2,100.00
Lett�rhead, env'lopos, s�cond sheets,_ bindera�
led�ers, and other miscellaneous u5o��
Petty cash '
TOTAL SUP"'L:[ES 690.00
Printin� 6 notices � 600.00
Deliv�ry of 6 notices 54oe�
Posta�e 100,00
S pecial pro3ects � 350.00
Printing, Distribution oP district plan 1 1�00.Q0
— �
Conferences, workshons, city-wide participation Lt00s00
�pewr�ter and st3nd Pc other
miscellaneous onfice equipm�nt 600.00
TU TA L BIJT)G ET $7� 5 00.00 .
' • BY LAWS OF • .
. , , . _...... -�- --. -
� ' • Adopted May 25, 1977
The name of the _ organization shall be : Como Community Council - .
District 10.
The purposes of this organizai;ion are purely charitable,
" literary, and educational. Within these purposes it is intended
�that this corporation shall attempt �o educa;e �he community as
to the necessity for. maintaining community pride in matters of
common interest for the preservation of a desirable and liveable
neighborhood. By way of examples of carrying out these . purposes,
the coi•poration shall initiate and participate in such actions as
may be determined to be desirable to enable residents ta preserve
and mair.tain goc3 residential housing, live in a healthful environ-
ment, provide recreational facilities , and protect the nelghbor- `
hood from criMe. Such initiation and participation shall be
impli7:lented by :
1. Identifying the problems and needs of the Como Community -
. District 10;
2. Establishing goals and objectives for the Como Community -
' District 10; .
3. Devel.oping pro��sals and �mplementing �teps fcr t:�e
accomplishment of the established goals and objecti�es;
�. Promoting plans for the improvement of the Como Community -
District 10;
5. Providing a reguiar means of communication for the Com�
Community - District 10;
6. Recognizing, assisting and cooperating with the activ�.ties
of organizations within its b-;undaries and w�th purpo,es
complimentary to the purposes of this organization;
7. Seeking, receiving, distributing and optimizing the use
of funds for the accomplishment of the goals and
objectives of the Como Community Council.
, .. The boundaries of this organization shall be as follows :
On the North, Hoyt from Snellin�; to Hamline; Hamline from Hoyt
to Larpct:t�ur; LarpenLeur from Hamline to Dale. On the Fast , •
Dale from Larpen�eur to Maryland; Lexin�;ton from Como Lake Drive
to Burliii�;toti Nort}��ern RR ti�acics. On the South, Maryland from
Dale to Como Lalce llrive; Como Lakc llrive to LexlnEt;on; Burlin�ton
Northern RR tr'1C1C3 from Le:cin�;ton to Snellin�. On thc� West , �
Snel.liri�; from f�ui�lin�;ton North�rn RR traclts to Wynnc ; Wynne
1'rom Stiellin�; Lo 111�1tnc ; Aldine f'ram Wynnc i;o Como; Como from �
Alc.linc to Sr�cll:tn�;; ;,ri��l.l�i n�; fror►i Ci�rno L-o Iloyt .
. ,
. ,_,,,,._. _._ ..
Section 1 - Membership is open to residents and business owners ,
or their authorized representatives who live within and/
or own a business within the boundaries of the organiza-
tion, who are sixteen (16) years of age or older, regard-
less of race, religion, sex or national origin.
Section 2 - There shall be an annual meeting at which the members of
the Executive Board will be elected by the members of the
Como Community Council present at the meeting.
Section 1 - The Executive Board shall consist of chairperson,
� vice-chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and eleven
at large members who will be elected at the annual
meeting. The Como Community - District 10, shall
be divided into subdistricts . Of the eleven at
large members, at least two (2) members shall be
elected from each of the three subdistricts. The
: � remaining five (5) at large -nembers may be elected
from the Como Community as a whole. The two (2) .
� members required from each subdistrict shall �e in � ,
addition to any officers which may have already been
drawn from the particular subdistrict.
. .: - _The boundaries of three (3) subdistricts are as follows :
Subdistrict One - From the Como Community Council' s tdest
boundary to Hamline Avenue, inclusive,
north to south. -
Subdistric� Two - From Hamelin Avenue to Victoria Avenue,
inclusive, north to south.
Subdistrict Three - From Victoria Avenue .to DaTe and �ast
boundary, inclusive north and. south '
Section 2 - The initial Executive Board shall have terms of office
- as follows :
� chairperson - one year •
secretary - one year
one at large member from each subdistrict - one year
two other at-large members - one year
treasurer - two vears
. vice-chairperson - two years
one at-large member from each subdistrict - two years •
three other at-large members - two years
Thereafter, terms of office for the Executive Board
shall be tw� years in all cases . The purpose of the
� � initial variance is to create a sta��ered election
' � system so that all members are not elected each two '
� years. Terms of office will be�in one month after the
� annual meeting. , . ,
- No off -
Section 3 icer (chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary,
treasurer) shall be nominaLed nor elected for more
than two (�) con�ecutive terms of offl.ce.
. �
. -?- . �
� � Section y - Mid-Lerm vacancy of tl�c chalrl��:r�on 1�o�iLion will be
� • filled by Lhc vic� chairper�on. "�Q�?�i,�1
� , ,
- �r.a � r� ... � . . _. _
' Section 5 - Executive }3�ard mcrnber�s shall be presenL aL- all. mect--
in�jJ. If w�al�].e L-o aLt�:nd, r�ot-.if.icat-lon of non- .
atteridancc �hall be �iven. l�fter three can;;ecutive
unexcu�ed abscnces, acL-ion m�,y be brou�;ht before Lhe �
Como Commur�ity Councll for di�mi�sal and a wriLten
� noticc oi' ter.minatlon sent Lo the affected mernber.
The mernbership of' the Como Community Council may fill
any vacancies occurrin.� on the Executive IIoard by
means of a special elecLion.
Section 6 - Duties of the officers and the conduct of ineetings
shall be as delineated in Roberts Rules of Order and/
• or as designated by the membership of the Como
� Community Council. However, such duties� shall include �
the following: .
A. � Chairperson .
1. Pr-eside at all meetings of the Como Community
Council. .
2. Have general responsibility for Gon�-.ucting the
affairs of the Como Community Council .
3. Have �eneral responsibility for the �mplement�.-
tion of all resolutions passed by the membership.
4. Shall designate cor.imittees and appoint chair-
persons, with the approval of the members of-the
Executive Board.
5. Shall have the privilege of attending all
committee meetings . �
B. Vic�e Chairperson . •
l. Shall perform the duties�-of �the chairperson in
his or her absence, inability ur refusal to act
and such other �uties as the Chairpersen shall .
so direct. � � • � � '
2. Sha11 assist the chairperson in conducting the
business of the Como Community Council as requested.
C. Secretary
� l. Shall take and keep accurate records of all pro-
� � � ceedings of ineeting of �he Cor�o Community Council.
2. Shall keep a file of reports submitted by .�•11
. committees and subcommit;tees .
� 3. Shall be responsible for proper records of all
organization correspondence, letters and other
communications with various persons , businesses
. and other entities .
D. Treasurer
- 1. Shall receive and secure monies obtained for
conducting Lhe organizations business .
� 2. Shall disburse monies as needed at the direc-
tion of the Executive L�oard.
' �, . 3.. Shall keep accurate records of the fiscal
matters of the Como Community Council.
. �I. Shall prepare an annua.l statement which �,rill
� _ be submitted to the or�;anization alon� with
� the reporL of the I'inance Committee. � .
5. Shall �iresent a full Treasurer� s report at
each Executive Board meetin�.
Section 7 - Any officer may be removed from office by a 2/3 vote
• of �:he Como Corumunit,y Council �resent at � reE;ular�
meetin�. -
' � Section � - Upon 1;errninaLior� o!' �fficc.� all rr,cor�c]a wi11 Ue Lran�-
- mitted Lo Lhc Como Comrnunity Cow�icl.1.
Section 9 - All act-ion� of L ����xecut-lve 13oard mu�t bc raLificd
• by a rn,�,JoriLy vot-c at 1;hc riext C�;no Commurilt;y Council
Section ]�0 - Election of Ofi'iceru. and Executive Board
A. Qualifications of voters and candidates.
1. Voters shall be at least 16 years of a�e.
2. Voters and c_andidates shall live and/or
own or represent a busine�s wiLhin
' the boundaries of the or�anization and be
• � members of the Como Community Council.
B. Elections sha11 be held during the month of
September of each year respectively.
1. The date, �time and place of the elections
. shall be announced to the entire community
at least two weeks before the elections.
2. A general meeting formal shall be used for
conducting business in the election meeting.
3. Nominations for the members of the Executive
Board shall be from the floor of the election
meeting. �
�I . No candidate for election may serve on any
nominating committee.
5. Al1 regular elections shall be by secret , : .
written ballot. � '
Section 1 - Regular meetings of the organization to be held not
less than once each tivo months �rill be established �
by the Executive Board. All regular meetings and
Executive Bcard meetings will be open. to all.
� Section 2 - There shall be a seven day pubiic notification for all
� meetings .
Section 3 - The chairperson, in consultation with the Executiv;.�
Board shall prepare an agenda for each meeting, the
� approval of which shall be the first order of business. �
Section �I - Only those eligible for membership shall be allowed
to vote.
Section 5 - Executive Board meetings shall be called by the
chairperson on the fourth (4th) Wednesday of e�.ch
month and as needed additional emer�ency meetings may
be called by the chairperson.
Section 6 - AZinutes of all Executive Board meetings shall be kept
�. . . and presented at the nekt regular meeting of the Como
Community Council.
Section 1 - The quorum for all regular meetings of the Como
Community Council shall consist of t;hirty-three ( 33)
members ef which• eight ( 8) shall be Executive Board
members and twenty-five (25) general members .
Section 2 - The quorum for an Executive Board meeting shall consist
of eight ( 8) Executive Board members.
. — �'�QE_d?;`�,
Section 3 - /1 riia�oi�ity vote 1U neces�ary for Lhc pa:;s��e of any
` ' isUuc, exccpt for Lhc remova1. of an oi'i'I.c�r, or Llic
. aaaitio„ L-o or c�.�n�,� in thc 11rL'�.c1es of ]:ncorpor. at�ian,
� or By-Laws, which shall require a 2/3 ma�ority of the
members present.
. � Section 1 - The Executive Board, with mernbership approval, shall
appoint "ad hoc" committees and task forces as deemed
necessary for its purposes.
� � Se+�tion 2 - Participation on these committees is not limited to
' Executive Board members. Any person, a member of the �
Como Community Council and interested in the concerns
of the organization may serve as a member of any
� committee. r10 more than two (2) members of the
" Executive Board shall be members of any committee.
No officer of the Executive Board may be a �hair-
person of a standing or permanent committee. � � •
Section 3 - Committees shall h4ve the povaer only to issue reports
to the Executive Bo�rd and ;.he membership. They shall
not take any action without �rior approval of the
Executive Board. �
Section �I - There shall be established a Finance Committee whose
exist�nce shall be permanent in nature .
Section 5 - Committees shall be advisory to the Como Community
� Council unless otherwise directed by the organization.
Committees shall provide written reports of their
progress to the organization upon request of the
chairperscn and upon discharge of t�:e �cm.mittee.
Section 6 -.�Zeetings : All committee meetings shall be open to
' the public. Whenever possible, committee meetings
shall be announced to the community in advance of
the me�tir�gs.. �
Section 1 - The Como Community Council shall be empowered to
receive and expend community development funds .
SecLion 2 - The Treasurer may authorize the City of St . Paul
to pay bills incurred in the process or communica-
tion of business with the approval of the Executive
Board and a report back to the membership.
SecLion 3 - In the event that the Como Community Council shall
require funds for special purposes and projects, it
shall have �he authority to solicit funds in its
name, establish a bank account and disburse funds
as the or�anization directs . �111 funds disbursed
. by check, shall require the si�;nature of the Treasurer
and Lhe Chairperson or vice-chairperson on Lhe check.
Section 4 - The Como Communit,y Council shall file far and obtain
in its name standin�, as a non�roflt corporation under
the laws of the Sta.te of Minn�,sota arid ln compliance ,
with' I.R. C. Section 501(c ) ( 3) .
SecL-ion 5 - The Finance Committce, at a ti.mr, de:�,i l*;n�ted h,y thc
Execui::lv�� T3oarc3 buL no lc:,: th;u� ol�c�� c�;ic:h ,yr;ii� , :,l�a] 1
• cor�c�uct ,'tn �x;�rnl r�:�t.i ��ti c�1' 1:}i�� I,��c�lc:� , 1'i i�r��ic I ;i l i���c�ur�c1:: ,
ACCO11171:^ ,Zii�l ;ii'I':ti ��:; �f i:l��� ��i��r:i�ii :::it..ic�i► . A i���E,c�i•t.
:l�aaJ. t►r� }�r��E�rii����i :itic! ::ul�iult,t.�•�! tit. c� rc��r�i:l.:it� ('�,iu�� ,
('c�tmn»t�l L,y (:,»ui�� I l iu�•��1. 1 i�i�_ --
� �,
- _.�Tnrl ___
Seetion 1 - �rr,� orL�.�nlzat;ion mray u:�e �tarr fur�r,ish�cl to the Como
Community Council by the Cit�r and it-s a�encies .
SecL-lon 2 - The stai'f workin6 for Lhe Como Community Counc�.l shall
� be accounLablc to L-he Executive Board l.n establi�hing
a work proGram and the performance t;hereof.
Section 3 - The Como Community Council shall ut;ilize any other
volunteer staff when available and necessary.
Section 4 - Providing funds are available, expenses incurred by
• volunteers in the performance of Como Community Council
' assignments may be reimbursed upon approval of tYre
� Executive Board. .
� Section 5 - In the Pvent that funds are available and the Executive
Board finds it necessary to employ any other staff or
consultants, it may, with the approval of the Como
Cormnunity Council membership, at a regular meeting,
-' establish procedures for hiring, performancE and
These bylaws or any tha� may be hereafter adopted by the Como �
Community Council may be changed or amended by introduction of the
amendment(s) at a regular Como Community Council meeting and voting
on such amendment(s) at the subsequent regular meeting. Notifica-
tion of all impending bylaw changes shall be given seven days in ' =
advance of tne nexL re�;uiar sc?�edtiled meeting. A two-thirds (2/3)
m�jority vote of the r�embers presznt shall be sufiicient for passage.
' -(,- '