01-37O��GI�IAL Presented Refesed To Committee Date 2 4 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # �_ Green Sheet #_10365_ 3S RESOLVED, that the Councii of the City of Saint Paul hereby-approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Federation, Fire Fighters Local #21 and the Saint Paul Fire Supervisory Association to mutually agree to amend the 2000- 2001 Collective Bazgaining Agreement language regarding Flexible Spending Account (FSA) service fees. The intent of this Memorandum of Agreement is to transfer the payment of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer, effective for the 2001 insurance year. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav � Blakey � Bostrom �/ Coleman �/' Harris Lanhy f Reiter � \ Adopted by Council: Date �,� . �� � �p� � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: r r_ Approved by Mayor: ate f'��� � 2Om � By: Requested by Depamnent of. Office of Labor Relations BY� ° 1 � � Form App ved by Attorney B c ��(� �"' ' ` L/` � � � � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY� �t � V / DEPAR DA7'E INTTIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 10365 ����� LABOR RELATIONS January 4, 2001 CONTACT PERSO\ R PHO?�E: � IP7TI9LNA7E �n+p7q�,�pp7� JULIE KRAUS 266-6513 .43SIGN I DEPAR7"MENT DIR 4 CITYCOUNCIL " � NG"MBER 2 CITY ATTORNEY CI'fY CLERK 1NOSI BE O\ COti\CIL .4GENDA BY (DATE) FOR BUDGET DIR. FIN. & MGT. SERV[CE DIR. ROL'TING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) �� ORDER TOTAL #S OF SIGTAT[JRE PAGES_7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ^cnox xEQ�ESiEn: This resolution approves the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Patixi Police Federation, Fire Fighters Local #21 and Saint Paul Fire Superoisory Association to mutuaily amend the 2000-2001 Collective Bargaining Agreement language regazding Fle�ble Spending Account (FSA) service fees. The intent of this Memorandum of Agreement is to transfer the payment of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer effective for the 2001 insurance year. .. RECOMMENDATIONS. Approve (A) or Re�ect (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'I'RACTS MUST.4NSWER THE FOLLOWIlVG QUESTIONS: - P1-ANNING COMM[SSION _CIVIL SERVICE WMMISSION 1. Haz this persoNfinn ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMI7TEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has [his person/firm ever been a ciTy emp7oyee� _DISTRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WH1CH COUNCIL OB7ECTIVE? 3 Does ffi�s penon/firm possess a skill not nomially possessed by any curzent ciry employee� Yes No Ezplain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and at[ach ta green shee[ '�� IIVITIATING PROBLEDI, ISSUE, OPPORT[JIYITY (W6o, What, �Vhen, Where, Why): Risk Management determined that it was no longer necessary to charge employees an administrative fee for participating in the Flexible Spending Account program. ADVqNTAGES IF APPRO�'ED� ' Because the collective bargaining agreements required the employees to pay a fee; these Memorandums of Agreement authorize the City to take over the fee. ; DISADVAI�'TAGES IF APPROVED None ' DISADVANTAGES IF NOT 9PPROVED: VO�Ys�,`sP i-����� ����� Employees wilt have to continue paying fees. ���5 �;���� TOTAL AytOti V T OF TRAV S9CTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: F'lJ1VDING SOtiRCE: ACTIVITYN"UMBER: FINANCIAL INFORN3ATIOIv: (EXPLAIN) 0�-3�. � • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CI'I'Y OF SAINT PAUL AND ST. PAUL FIl2E SUPERVISORY ASSOCIATION This agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul (City) and St. Paul Fire Supervisory Association (Union) to mutually agree to amend the 2000 - 2001 collective bazgaining agreement language regazding fle�ble spending account (FSA) service fees. The intent of this MOU is to transfer the payment of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer, effective for the 2001 insurance yeaz. Current language as foliows: 12.8 Under the cafeteria plan, employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Fle�ble Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Care Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the employee. Shall be changed to: 12.8 Under the cafeteria plan, employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee charged for employees participating in the Dependent Caze Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the Employer. This language shall be incorporated into the 2002 - 2003 collective bazgaining agreement. City of St Paul Labor �`' � � ^ . ^ % Date ! � / Donato Bataglia Director President, St Paul Fire Supervisors Assc. • ot-�3� • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN T'FIE CI'I'Y OF SAINT PAUL AND FII2E FIGHTERS, LOCAL #21 •� This agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul (City) and Fue Fighters, Local #21(LTnion) to mutually agree to amend the 2000 - 2001 collective bazgaining agreement language regazding fle�bie spending account (FSA) service fees. The intent of tYus MOU is to transfer the payxnent of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer, effective for the 2001 insurance yeaz. Curtent language as follows: 14.6 Fle�ble Spending Account 14.6(4) Under the Cafeteria Plan, employees covered by this ageement will be eligibie to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Caze Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the employee. • Shail be changed to: 14.6 Flexible Spending Account 14.6(4) Under the Cafeteria Plan, employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Care Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the Emplover. This language shall be incorporated into the 2002 - 2003 collective bazgaining agreement. ate ��� H�" � v"a—�"''^.7�`_ Date i�� �' ZJ'i� f.' erine egany Dick Leitner CiTy of St Paul Labor lations Director President, Fire Fighters, Local #21 n U 0�-3� MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN • 'TFIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND SAIlVT PAUL POLICE FEDERATION This agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul (City) and Saint Paul Police Federation (Union) to mutually agree to amend the 2000 - 2001 collecrive bazgaining agreement language regazding fle�ble spending account (FSA) service fees. The intent of this MOU is to transfer the payment of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer, effective for the 2001 insurance yeaz. Current language as foliows: 16.5 Under the "Cafeteria Plan," employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Care Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the employee. Shall be changed to: • 16.5 Under the "Cafeteria Plan," employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Care Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the Emplo� This language shall be incorporated into the 2002 - 2003 collective bargaining agreement. G Date �� ��� E'�'-/'��Date � 3 Oa Katherine Megarry Brad J sen City of St Paul Labo Relations Director Presid , Police Federation • ot-3� MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN • THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND SAINT PAUL POLICE FEDERATION This agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul (City) and Saint Paul Police Federation (LTnion) to mutually agree to amend the 2000 - 2001 collective bazgaining agreement language regazding flexible spending account (FSA) service fees. The intent of this MOU is to transfer the payment of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer, effecrive for the 2001 insurance yeaz. Current language as foilows: 16.5 Under the "Cafeteria Plan," employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee charged for employees participafing in the Dependent Caze Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the employee. Shall be changed to: • 16.5 Under the "Cafeteria Pian," employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Caze Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the Emplover. This language shall be incorporated into the 2002 - 2003 collective bargaining agreement. C � ` � ` � b � - Date �D (o DO �E. `� 3 Oa Katherine Megarry Brad J sen CiTy of St Paul Labo Relations Director Presid , Police Federation • Ot-s4 � MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN T`HE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND F'IRE FIG$TERS, LOCAL #21 This agreement is entered into by and between ttie City of Saint Paul (City) and Fire Fighters, Local #21(Union) to mutually agree to amend the 2000 - 2001 collective bargaining agreement language regarding flexible spending account (FSA) service fees. The intent of this MOU is to transfer the payment of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer, effective for the 2001 insurance yeaz. Current language as follows: 14.6 Flexible Spending Account 14.6(4) Under the Cafeteria PIan, employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the ' Employer. The service fee charged for employees participating in the Dependent Caze Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the employee. • Sha11 be changed to: 14.6 Flexible Spending Account 14.6(4) Under the Cafeteria Plan, employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the $mpioyer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Care Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medicai Expense Account will be paid by the Emplover. This language shall be incorporated into the 2002 - 2003 collecfive bargaining agreement. ate `� l � `� � Date � �' / � 3/ Lpt�O erine 1 egany Dick Leitner City of St Paul Labor lations Duector President, Fire Fighters, Local #21 . O��GI�IAL Presented Refesed To Committee Date 2 4 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # �_ Green Sheet #_10365_ 3S RESOLVED, that the Councii of the City of Saint Paul hereby-approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Federation, Fire Fighters Local #21 and the Saint Paul Fire Supervisory Association to mutually agree to amend the 2000- 2001 Collective Bazgaining Agreement language regarding Flexible Spending Account (FSA) service fees. The intent of this Memorandum of Agreement is to transfer the payment of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer, effective for the 2001 insurance year. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav � Blakey � Bostrom �/ Coleman �/' Harris Lanhy f Reiter � \ Adopted by Council: Date �,� . �� � �p� � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: r r_ Approved by Mayor: ate f'��� � 2Om � By: Requested by Depamnent of. Office of Labor Relations BY� ° 1 � � Form App ved by Attorney B c ��(� �"' ' ` L/` � � � � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY� �t � V / DEPAR DA7'E INTTIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 10365 ����� LABOR RELATIONS January 4, 2001 CONTACT PERSO\ R PHO?�E: � IP7TI9LNA7E �n+p7q�,�pp7� JULIE KRAUS 266-6513 .43SIGN I DEPAR7"MENT DIR 4 CITYCOUNCIL " � NG"MBER 2 CITY ATTORNEY CI'fY CLERK 1NOSI BE O\ COti\CIL .4GENDA BY (DATE) FOR BUDGET DIR. FIN. & MGT. SERV[CE DIR. ROL'TING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) �� ORDER TOTAL #S OF SIGTAT[JRE PAGES_7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ^cnox xEQ�ESiEn: This resolution approves the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Patixi Police Federation, Fire Fighters Local #21 and Saint Paul Fire Superoisory Association to mutuaily amend the 2000-2001 Collective Bargaining Agreement language regazding Fle�ble Spending Account (FSA) service fees. The intent of this Memorandum of Agreement is to transfer the payment of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer effective for the 2001 insurance year. .. RECOMMENDATIONS. Approve (A) or Re�ect (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'I'RACTS MUST.4NSWER THE FOLLOWIlVG QUESTIONS: - P1-ANNING COMM[SSION _CIVIL SERVICE WMMISSION 1. Haz this persoNfinn ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMI7TEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has [his person/firm ever been a ciTy emp7oyee� _DISTRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WH1CH COUNCIL OB7ECTIVE? 3 Does ffi�s penon/firm possess a skill not nomially possessed by any curzent ciry employee� Yes No Ezplain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and at[ach ta green shee[ '�� IIVITIATING PROBLEDI, ISSUE, OPPORT[JIYITY (W6o, What, �Vhen, Where, Why): Risk Management determined that it was no longer necessary to charge employees an administrative fee for participating in the Flexible Spending Account program. ADVqNTAGES IF APPRO�'ED� ' Because the collective bargaining agreements required the employees to pay a fee; these Memorandums of Agreement authorize the City to take over the fee. ; DISADVAI�'TAGES IF APPROVED None ' DISADVANTAGES IF NOT 9PPROVED: VO�Ys�,`sP i-����� ����� Employees wilt have to continue paying fees. ���5 �;���� TOTAL AytOti V T OF TRAV S9CTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: F'lJ1VDING SOtiRCE: ACTIVITYN"UMBER: FINANCIAL INFORN3ATIOIv: (EXPLAIN) 0�-3�. � • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CI'I'Y OF SAINT PAUL AND ST. PAUL FIl2E SUPERVISORY ASSOCIATION This agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul (City) and St. Paul Fire Supervisory Association (Union) to mutually agree to amend the 2000 - 2001 collective bazgaining agreement language regazding fle�ble spending account (FSA) service fees. The intent of this MOU is to transfer the payment of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer, effective for the 2001 insurance yeaz. Current language as foliows: 12.8 Under the cafeteria plan, employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Fle�ble Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Care Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the employee. Shall be changed to: 12.8 Under the cafeteria plan, employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee charged for employees participating in the Dependent Caze Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the Employer. This language shall be incorporated into the 2002 - 2003 collective bazgaining agreement. City of St Paul Labor �`' � � ^ . ^ % Date ! � / Donato Bataglia Director President, St Paul Fire Supervisors Assc. • ot-�3� • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN T'FIE CI'I'Y OF SAINT PAUL AND FII2E FIGHTERS, LOCAL #21 •� This agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul (City) and Fue Fighters, Local #21(LTnion) to mutually agree to amend the 2000 - 2001 collective bazgaining agreement language regazding fle�bie spending account (FSA) service fees. The intent of tYus MOU is to transfer the payxnent of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer, effective for the 2001 insurance yeaz. Curtent language as follows: 14.6 Fle�ble Spending Account 14.6(4) Under the Cafeteria Plan, employees covered by this ageement will be eligibie to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Caze Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the employee. • Shail be changed to: 14.6 Flexible Spending Account 14.6(4) Under the Cafeteria Plan, employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Care Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the Emplover. This language shall be incorporated into the 2002 - 2003 collective bazgaining agreement. ate ��� H�" � v"a—�"''^.7�`_ Date i�� �' ZJ'i� f.' erine egany Dick Leitner CiTy of St Paul Labor lations Director President, Fire Fighters, Local #21 n U 0�-3� MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN • 'TFIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND SAIlVT PAUL POLICE FEDERATION This agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul (City) and Saint Paul Police Federation (Union) to mutually agree to amend the 2000 - 2001 collecrive bazgaining agreement language regazding fle�ble spending account (FSA) service fees. The intent of this MOU is to transfer the payment of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer, effective for the 2001 insurance yeaz. Current language as foliows: 16.5 Under the "Cafeteria Plan," employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Care Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the employee. Shall be changed to: • 16.5 Under the "Cafeteria Plan," employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Care Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the Emplo� This language shall be incorporated into the 2002 - 2003 collective bargaining agreement. G Date �� ��� E'�'-/'��Date � 3 Oa Katherine Megarry Brad J sen City of St Paul Labo Relations Director Presid , Police Federation • ot-3� MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN • THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND SAINT PAUL POLICE FEDERATION This agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul (City) and Saint Paul Police Federation (LTnion) to mutually agree to amend the 2000 - 2001 collective bazgaining agreement language regazding flexible spending account (FSA) service fees. The intent of this MOU is to transfer the payment of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer, effecrive for the 2001 insurance yeaz. Current language as foilows: 16.5 Under the "Cafeteria Plan," employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee charged for employees participafing in the Dependent Caze Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the employee. Shall be changed to: • 16.5 Under the "Cafeteria Pian," employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Caze Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the Emplover. This language shall be incorporated into the 2002 - 2003 collective bargaining agreement. C � ` � ` � b � - Date �D (o DO �E. `� 3 Oa Katherine Megarry Brad J sen CiTy of St Paul Labo Relations Director Presid , Police Federation • Ot-s4 � MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN T`HE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND F'IRE FIG$TERS, LOCAL #21 This agreement is entered into by and between ttie City of Saint Paul (City) and Fire Fighters, Local #21(Union) to mutually agree to amend the 2000 - 2001 collective bargaining agreement language regarding flexible spending account (FSA) service fees. The intent of this MOU is to transfer the payment of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer, effective for the 2001 insurance yeaz. Current language as follows: 14.6 Flexible Spending Account 14.6(4) Under the Cafeteria PIan, employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the ' Employer. The service fee charged for employees participating in the Dependent Caze Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the employee. • Sha11 be changed to: 14.6 Flexible Spending Account 14.6(4) Under the Cafeteria Plan, employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the $mpioyer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Care Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medicai Expense Account will be paid by the Emplover. This language shall be incorporated into the 2002 - 2003 collecfive bargaining agreement. ate `� l � `� � Date � �' / � 3/ Lpt�O erine 1 egany Dick Leitner City of St Paul Labor lations Duector President, Fire Fighters, Local #21 . O��GI�IAL Presented Refesed To Committee Date 2 4 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # �_ Green Sheet #_10365_ 3S RESOLVED, that the Councii of the City of Saint Paul hereby-approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Federation, Fire Fighters Local #21 and the Saint Paul Fire Supervisory Association to mutually agree to amend the 2000- 2001 Collective Bazgaining Agreement language regarding Flexible Spending Account (FSA) service fees. The intent of this Memorandum of Agreement is to transfer the payment of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer, effective for the 2001 insurance year. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav � Blakey � Bostrom �/ Coleman �/' Harris Lanhy f Reiter � \ Adopted by Council: Date �,� . �� � �p� � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: r r_ Approved by Mayor: ate f'��� � 2Om � By: Requested by Depamnent of. Office of Labor Relations BY� ° 1 � � Form App ved by Attorney B c ��(� �"' ' ` L/` � � � � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY� �t � V / DEPAR DA7'E INTTIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 10365 ����� LABOR RELATIONS January 4, 2001 CONTACT PERSO\ R PHO?�E: � IP7TI9LNA7E �n+p7q�,�pp7� JULIE KRAUS 266-6513 .43SIGN I DEPAR7"MENT DIR 4 CITYCOUNCIL " � NG"MBER 2 CITY ATTORNEY CI'fY CLERK 1NOSI BE O\ COti\CIL .4GENDA BY (DATE) FOR BUDGET DIR. FIN. & MGT. SERV[CE DIR. ROL'TING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) �� ORDER TOTAL #S OF SIGTAT[JRE PAGES_7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ^cnox xEQ�ESiEn: This resolution approves the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Patixi Police Federation, Fire Fighters Local #21 and Saint Paul Fire Superoisory Association to mutuaily amend the 2000-2001 Collective Bargaining Agreement language regazding Fle�ble Spending Account (FSA) service fees. The intent of this Memorandum of Agreement is to transfer the payment of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer effective for the 2001 insurance year. .. RECOMMENDATIONS. Approve (A) or Re�ect (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'I'RACTS MUST.4NSWER THE FOLLOWIlVG QUESTIONS: - P1-ANNING COMM[SSION _CIVIL SERVICE WMMISSION 1. Haz this persoNfinn ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMI7TEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has [his person/firm ever been a ciTy emp7oyee� _DISTRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WH1CH COUNCIL OB7ECTIVE? 3 Does ffi�s penon/firm possess a skill not nomially possessed by any curzent ciry employee� Yes No Ezplain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and at[ach ta green shee[ '�� IIVITIATING PROBLEDI, ISSUE, OPPORT[JIYITY (W6o, What, �Vhen, Where, Why): Risk Management determined that it was no longer necessary to charge employees an administrative fee for participating in the Flexible Spending Account program. ADVqNTAGES IF APPRO�'ED� ' Because the collective bargaining agreements required the employees to pay a fee; these Memorandums of Agreement authorize the City to take over the fee. ; DISADVAI�'TAGES IF APPROVED None ' DISADVANTAGES IF NOT 9PPROVED: VO�Ys�,`sP i-����� ����� Employees wilt have to continue paying fees. ���5 �;���� TOTAL AytOti V T OF TRAV S9CTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: F'lJ1VDING SOtiRCE: ACTIVITYN"UMBER: FINANCIAL INFORN3ATIOIv: (EXPLAIN) 0�-3�. � • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CI'I'Y OF SAINT PAUL AND ST. PAUL FIl2E SUPERVISORY ASSOCIATION This agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul (City) and St. Paul Fire Supervisory Association (Union) to mutually agree to amend the 2000 - 2001 collective bazgaining agreement language regazding fle�ble spending account (FSA) service fees. The intent of this MOU is to transfer the payment of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer, effective for the 2001 insurance yeaz. Current language as foliows: 12.8 Under the cafeteria plan, employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Fle�ble Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Care Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the employee. Shall be changed to: 12.8 Under the cafeteria plan, employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee charged for employees participating in the Dependent Caze Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the Employer. This language shall be incorporated into the 2002 - 2003 collective bazgaining agreement. City of St Paul Labor �`' � � ^ . ^ % Date ! � / Donato Bataglia Director President, St Paul Fire Supervisors Assc. • ot-�3� • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN T'FIE CI'I'Y OF SAINT PAUL AND FII2E FIGHTERS, LOCAL #21 •� This agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul (City) and Fue Fighters, Local #21(LTnion) to mutually agree to amend the 2000 - 2001 collective bazgaining agreement language regazding fle�bie spending account (FSA) service fees. The intent of tYus MOU is to transfer the payxnent of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer, effective for the 2001 insurance yeaz. Curtent language as follows: 14.6 Fle�ble Spending Account 14.6(4) Under the Cafeteria Plan, employees covered by this ageement will be eligibie to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Caze Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the employee. • Shail be changed to: 14.6 Flexible Spending Account 14.6(4) Under the Cafeteria Plan, employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Care Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the Emplover. This language shall be incorporated into the 2002 - 2003 collective bazgaining agreement. ate ��� H�" � v"a—�"''^.7�`_ Date i�� �' ZJ'i� f.' erine egany Dick Leitner CiTy of St Paul Labor lations Director President, Fire Fighters, Local #21 n U 0�-3� MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN • 'TFIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND SAIlVT PAUL POLICE FEDERATION This agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul (City) and Saint Paul Police Federation (Union) to mutually agree to amend the 2000 - 2001 collecrive bazgaining agreement language regazding fle�ble spending account (FSA) service fees. The intent of this MOU is to transfer the payment of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer, effective for the 2001 insurance yeaz. Current language as foliows: 16.5 Under the "Cafeteria Plan," employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Care Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the employee. Shall be changed to: • 16.5 Under the "Cafeteria Plan," employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Care Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the Emplo� This language shall be incorporated into the 2002 - 2003 collective bargaining agreement. G Date �� ��� E'�'-/'��Date � 3 Oa Katherine Megarry Brad J sen City of St Paul Labo Relations Director Presid , Police Federation • ot-3� MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN • THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND SAINT PAUL POLICE FEDERATION This agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul (City) and Saint Paul Police Federation (LTnion) to mutually agree to amend the 2000 - 2001 collective bazgaining agreement language regazding flexible spending account (FSA) service fees. The intent of this MOU is to transfer the payment of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer, effecrive for the 2001 insurance yeaz. Current language as foilows: 16.5 Under the "Cafeteria Plan," employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee charged for employees participafing in the Dependent Caze Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the employee. Shall be changed to: • 16.5 Under the "Cafeteria Pian," employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Caze Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the Emplover. This language shall be incorporated into the 2002 - 2003 collective bargaining agreement. C � ` � ` � b � - Date �D (o DO �E. `� 3 Oa Katherine Megarry Brad J sen CiTy of St Paul Labo Relations Director Presid , Police Federation • Ot-s4 � MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN T`HE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND F'IRE FIG$TERS, LOCAL #21 This agreement is entered into by and between ttie City of Saint Paul (City) and Fire Fighters, Local #21(Union) to mutually agree to amend the 2000 - 2001 collective bargaining agreement language regarding flexible spending account (FSA) service fees. The intent of this MOU is to transfer the payment of the FSA service fee from the employee to the Employer, effective for the 2001 insurance yeaz. Current language as follows: 14.6 Flexible Spending Account 14.6(4) Under the Cafeteria PIan, employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the ' Employer. The service fee charged for employees participating in the Dependent Caze Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the employee. • Sha11 be changed to: 14.6 Flexible Spending Account 14.6(4) Under the Cafeteria Plan, employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the $mpioyer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Care Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medicai Expense Account will be paid by the Emplover. This language shall be incorporated into the 2002 - 2003 collecfive bargaining agreement. ate `� l � `� � Date � �' / � 3/ Lpt�O erine 1 egany Dick Leitner City of St Paul Labor lations Duector President, Fire Fighters, Local #21 .