269277 WHITE - CITV CLERK �COUIICII . ° "'�� � [ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL f �y�,•"r � CANARV -.'�EPARTMENT � BLUE - Iv�AVOR Flle NO. Co n 'l Re olution Presented By LICENSE COr1[+iIT'�EE 11 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVF.D: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. R. B. L•�ihitacre &, Co. 105 State St. VI�1 Lo'c. �Lppn. 15126 Renew American Amusement Co.� Inc. 62G University Ave. l��ot. Pic./Vaudville 15G26 " �� �' Confect. I3 " " �� �� Cigarette " " �� " Ci�. VA3 Oper. " " Interstate United Corp. 850 Arcade Rest. C-2 15749 �' tVilkins Dod�e� Inc. 1�41 University Ave. 2nd :Id AItr Veh Dlr 15883 " Ada.ms Ele. School G15 S. Chatsiuorth I'ood �stab. L 16202 +� Arlington 1459 Arundel Food Estab. L 16203 " Battle Creeli Elem. GO P•uth ' I'ood Estab. L 1G204 " I3attle Creel� Jr. �Ii�h 2121 N. Parl� Dr. I�'ood Estab. L 16205 �' Behavioral Learnin� Center Albion �. Le�:ington I+'ood Esta�i. L 16206 " Gztliedral School 325 �1. I�ello�� Blvd. I�'ood Esta�.L 16?09 " Central I,i�li 275 I�'. Lexin�ton Food �sta�. L 16210 " Chelsea Heights School 1557 Iluron St. I�ood Estab. L 16211 �� �astern �:ei�lits Sctiool 2001 tnarbaret I'ood �stab. L 1E216 " �dgecumbe School 1287 r�ord Parl�ray Ia'ood Estab. L 1G217 �� I'arnse,rorth ucliool 1290 Arcade St. Food Estab. L 16219 " F'ranl;lin School Jacl�son ;t. �: Valley St. rooa ;stab. L 16220 " Galtier School 1327 Charles �lve. I'ooct rstab. L 1�221 " Grovelancl Pari� ;cziool 20� St. Clair Food Estab. L 1�222 �� Iiancocl� Sclaool ?99 t.. Snellin� I'ood �,stab. L 1G2�3 " I'ardin� ::igYi School 1540 E. Gth St. I�'ood �stab. L 1G224 " F:azel Park: Jr. I.i�h 114�-0 ;•Il-�ite Eear 1�ve. I'ood �stab. L 1G227 �� Iti�iilancl Park F•1em. Saunders £� Dlvern Food F.st�b. L 1622F3 " IIighland Park Jr. d�i�;h 975 S. Snellin� rood Lstab. L 16229 �� Iiighwood IIills 2188 Londin Lane I+'ood Estab. �, 1623Q �' IIill School 156 Pd. O�:ford Food Estab. L 1G231 �� Jacicson School 437 �',dmund Food Estab. L 1G234 " Jefferson a�3ioo1 90 S. �9�stern rood �stab. L 16235 " Jol.nson IIigh Sc?iool 1349 l�rcade Food �stab. L 1G23G " i•;ann School ?A01 �'leanor Ave. rood �tab. L 16239 �' T n �� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By, Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E - C�TV CLERK !� �'y/ PINK - FINANCE � COUIICII � ��9•'�� J CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL �•• f� BL=E ..-"M'AVOR File NO• Council Resolution Presented By LICEtdSE CO?'��TTTT�:T�'. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pa�e �vo - �2enewals btississippi Sciaool 1575 L�Orient I'ood �stab. L �ppn.16242 Rene�r Aionroe IIibh School 810 Palace St. I'ood i.stab. L 16243 " tturray IIi�h School 1450 Grantham Food Estab. L 1G245 " Open School 97 E. Central Food Estab.L 1G247 '� Part�,ray School 800 Clarence ut. Pood Estab. L 16248 �' Prosperity Iiei�hts School 1305 Prosperity Ave. Food Estab. L 16249 " Ramsey Jr. I;igh 1700 Summit Ave. Food Estab. L 16250 �' P,andolph IIeights 348 S. Ilamline Food Estab. L 1G251 " }tiverview School 271 E. �elvidere Food �stab. L 16252 " St. Peter Claver 1060 iV. Central F�'ood Estab. L 1G254 " Wilson Jr. Iii�h G31 N. Albert I'ood �stab. L 16259 '� St. Anthony Park Elem. 2180 Knapp Food �stab. L 162G0 " Como Park Elementary 780 EJ. tJheelocl� Pl.�,�y. Ibod Estab. L 162G1 �� - F`rost Lalce 1505 �. Hoyt Food �stab. L 16262 " Nokomis School 2019 Case Food Estab. L 16263 �� I�4odern t;erchandising, Inc. 1925 Suburban Confect. B 16279 " Central Park 639 Jackson Ibod �stab. 1�t 16285 " Donald H. Kermeen 326 �d. Snellin� Ave. Vl�t Loc. 16573 " " " 1 add�1 1�2ach. �� �� " " Ci�arette 16575 " " " Cigarette l6576 " " " Cig. Oper. 2Ai 16577 �� " " Tow Truck �583 16578 �� Gerber Drug� Inc. 1008 Arcade St. Ci�arette 16681 �� T;idtotian Recquetball-Iiandball Club 1535 Como Ave. Vl�i Loc. 16755 �� David Huisenga 2232 Ca.rter Ave. Grocery A-1 16779 �� Arlyne Lancman 25 tl. 9tla St. Vf7 Loc. 16792 " " '+ �i�. Vft Oper. 17028 �� Samco Sportswear� Inc. 211 �. 4th St. VI41 Loc. 1G802 �' . 1Jhirlpool Corp. 850 �rcade St. Cigarette 16826 " Ralph Brausen 1785 Suburban Cigarette 16832 �� Iiridgeman Creameries 2264 Como Ave. Rest. C-2 1fi842 �' Richard E. I�4eyers 2290 Como Ave. IIarch�are 16864 �� , n COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco , Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY WHI7E - CI TV GLERIC PINK - FINANCE � '? yy CANARV - DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAITL COURCII � ,�(1�• )►+� BL=E , -'#IAVOR File NO. � � `� � ` � 1- - Council Resolution Presented By _ i,T�TV.�s'.nl►3hiTTTT�'.T�: Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page Three - Renewals International Institute, Inc. 1694 Como Ave. Eest. C-2 Appn. 16955 Rene�v St. Faul Postal ISmpl. Co-Op Cafe. 180 E. I�ellogg Rest. C-2 16961 " James Kreager 314 tJ. Bernard Fdstf �i Oper. 1G964 �� Shirley & Arthur Snyder 1580 University Ave. Ci�aret�te 169?5 " Gould, l�Tat�1 Batteries 1025 N. Lexin�;ton Ave. Cigarette 16978 " Atichvay Yi�tCA 1761 University �ive. I3owling Alley (8A) 16989 " L. }�. Theisen U. S. P. 0. 180 E.Kellogg Ori;. Cont,. 1G997 " Zapata I'oods 1960 Surb�rban � Rest. C-2 1700? " �� " � Cigarette 17008 " • P�lichaay Chev. Co. 1289-1318 Univ. Ave. Cigarette 17010 " T�ain City lionda 1437 Univ. Ave. VI�1 Loc. 17023 " �+ 1451 University Ave. Vl�i Loc. 17024 " l�tax & Itosella IIyatt 381 h9ichigan ut. Cigarette 17029 �' Coca-Cola 176 Chestnut VI�i Loc. 1?OG5 " John Lawton 9830 �lliott Ave. S. tJindow Cleanin� 17091 �� Jeanette A1. I{ropp 1003 Englewood I�iasseuse 17177 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine � __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesc �N t � �'l� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopt y Council: Date — rtified Pa: e y Council Secretary� BY By, Approved by ; ay . Date � � � 2;2 197 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By BY _ PUBLISNED �U L Z 1977