269264 WHITE - CITV CLERK COl1I1C11 ! PINK - FINANCE • �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT � G I TY OF S�A I NT PAU L � � !'�. ��� ��� - BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Commitfee: Date Out of Committee By ' Date RESOLVED, That the plat of "Central Village Addition No. 3" as recommended and approved by the Director of Public Works be and the same is hereby accepted. Said approval is subJect to the following terms, provisions and conditions: l. That a deed of conveyance from the HRA to the Central Viilage � Association 1 be filed for record immediately after the recordation of said piat restrlcttng Outlots A, B and C, Central Village Addi- tion No. 3 to recreational and open space purposes. 2. That declaration and covenants be fited for record immediately after the recordation of said plat requiring Outlots A, B and C, Central Village Addition No. 3 to be maintained by the Central Village Associa- tion 1. . mkb COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � Publ ic Works Hozza [n Favor Hunt d '1 C Roedler -- Against By Dan el J. Du ord, Di recto (TJE/MPM) Sylvester � � /APn� Tedesco ��N 2 � 4g�� Form Approved y Ci Atto ey � Adopted b ouncil: Date Cert ed Passe Cou cil S cretary BY ��Z �� 2 2 �97 Approved by ayor for Submission to Council Approved by bl Date _ �r,� '` c By BY � PUBLISHED �UL Z �97T • • . . Abstract Property . . . � ,r` � ������ D E E D 0 F C 0 N V E Y A N C E 0 F L A N D F O R R E D E V E L O P M E N T TSIS INDENTURE, made thi"s day of , 19 , between the ' HOIISING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, a public body corporate and politic organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, as party of the First Part, hereinafter referred to as the "HRA", and hereinafter referred to as the "Redeveloper", as party of the Second Part. , �TITNESSETH: WSEREAS, the HRA, acting pursuant to the provisions of Public Law 17I, 8ist Congre�s of the United States of America, as amended, and pursuant to Chapter 487, Laws of Minnesota, 1947, amended, duly adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the Sum�nit- II aiversitq Community Development Program, District 8 on March 6, 1974, by its Reso- lution Nwaber 74-3/6-2, which PLAN was approved by the Council o£ the City of Saint P aul, Minnesota, on March 21, 1974, by its Resolution Council File Number 263275, and subsequently reaffirmed on June 10, 1975, by its Resolution Number 265595, and is now lawfully in effect in the said City and St�te pxovidin:g for the acquisition and sale of said District Lands for redevelopment in accordance with said PLAN; and WHERE�,S, in order to enable the Authoritq to achieve the objectives of the PLAN and more particularly to make the land included in the PLAN available for re- development by private enterprise and in accordance with the uses specified in the P LAN, both the Federal Governmant and the Citq of Saint Paul, Minnesota, have under- takea to provide, an3"have prov3ded substantial aid and assistance to the SRA. NOW TSEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.U0) and ather good ' and valuable considerations, to it in hand paid by the Redeveloper, the receipt of which is hereby aclmowled�ed, the HRA does hereby grant, bargain, quitclsim and convey unto the Redeveloper, its successors and assigns, Forever, aI� the tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the City of Saint Paul, Countq of Ramseq, and S tate of Minnesota, described as follows: Outlot A � B, Central Village Addition No. 3. S ereinafter referred to as the "Property", S ub�ect to: Reservation to the State of Mianesota in trust by the taxing districts concerned of minerals and mineral rights 3,n those portions of the Property the title to which may have been Eorfeited to the State af Minnesota for non-payment of rea7, estate taxes. ' Taxes payable in the years subaequent to the pear and date of this conveyance and to a11 special. assessments and installments thereof paqable with said taxes and to building and zoning laws, ordinances, state aad federal laws and regulations. - 1. The Homeowner�s Association agrees �'or itse��, its successo�s and assigns, to or of the Prop�erty or any part thereof hereinbefore descri,bed, that the Iiome- owner's Association sha11: (a) Devote the Property to, amd only to, in accordance with the uses specified in the PLAN as now in ef£ect and as the same may hereinafter be extended from time to time in the manner provided by 1aws; and make no changes in the improvements on said Property not in full conformance with the PLAN. (b) Not discriminate upon the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or aational origin in the sale, lease, or rental or in the use, or occupancy of the Property or any improvements erected or to be erected ' thereon, or any part thereof. � , �2� ' � . , � � ' ,� , , �E-:�a=�� ; � (c) Restrict the usage of the Property to the following: (1) Recreational purposes; - � (2) Open space; (d) Not place permanent structures on the Property. . It is intended and agreed that the above and foregoing agreements and coven- a nts sha1L be running with the land, and that they shall, in any eveat, and without regard to technical classifieation or designation, legal or otherwise, and except only as otherwise specifically provided ia this Deed, be binding, to the fullest extent of law and equity, for the bene£it and in favar of, and enforceable by, t he HRA, its snccessors and assigns, the City of Saint Paui, Mianesota, and any s uccessor in interest to the Property, or any part �thereo£, and the owner of any other land or of any interest in such land in the District Lands which is subject to t he laad use, requirements and restrictions of the PLAN, and the United States (in the case of covenant in clause (b) hereof) against the Homeowner's Associatfon (or successors in iaterest), and every successor in interest to the Property, or any part C hereof or any interest therein, and any pazty in possession or occupancy of the Property or any part thereof. It is further intended and agreed that the Agreement and Covenant provided for in clauae (a) shall remain in effect until May 28, 1998, (at which time such agreement and covenant shall terminate) and the agreements and covenants provided in clauses (b), (c) and (d) shall remain in effect without limitation as to time: Provided, that such agreements and covenants shall be binding upon the Homeowner's Association itself, each successor in interest to the Property and every part thereof, and each party in possession or occupancy, respectively, only for the period as such auccessor or party shall have title to, or an interest in, or possession or occupancy o�, the Property or part thereof. The .,3., .:. .,�.. . ..,,,n, .. .. ..... . _ _ ,..�. . - . � �,�,���� term "Uses" specified in the PLAN and the "Land Uses" referriag to provisions of the � PLAN, or similar language, in this Deed shall include the land and all buildiags, housing and. other requirements o�strictions of the PLAN pertaining to such land. . In �lification, and not in restrictioa of, the provisions of the preceding s ection, it is intended and agreed that the HRA and its successors and assigns shall be deemed beneficiaries of the agreements and covenants provided herein, and the United States shall be deemed a beneficiary of the covenants in clause (b) � hereof, both for and in their own right, and also for� the purposes of protecting t he interest of the community and other parties, public or private, in whose favflr o r for whose benefit these agreements and covenants have been provided. Such a greements aad covenants shall run in favor of the HRA and the United States, for t he enCire period during which such agreements and coveaants shall be in force aad effect, without regard to whether the HRA or the United States has at anq time been, rema.ins, or is an owner of anq land or interest therein to, or in favor of, which such agreements and covenants relate. The HRA shall authorize in the enent of any breach of any agreement or covenant, and the United States shall have the right in the event of anq breach of the coveaant in clause (b) hereof, to exercise a 11 the rights and remedies, and to maintain any actions or suits at law or ia eQuitq or other proper proceedings to enforce the cuting of such breach af agree- ment or covenant, to whic�h it or any other beneficiaries of such agreement or c ovenant maq be entitled. TO HAVE AND HOLD THE SAME, together with all the hereditaments aad appurtenaaces t hereunto belonging or in� anywise appertaining to the Homeowner's Association, its s uccessors and assigns, forever. . � . �� .. _ - . " . ,� ����;,�� IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the HRA has hereunto set its hand and seal on the day a nd year first above written. Ia the Presence of: � HOIISING AND RIDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY' OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL, MINNESOTA Bq Its By Its CSeal) , . S TATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss . C OUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this day of , 19 , be�oze me, a Notary Public w ithin and for said County, personally sppeared and , to me personally known, who, being each by me duly sworn, d id say that they are respectively the �d of the AOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTAORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT P AIIL, MINNESOTA, the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the s eal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and the said i,nstrument was sealed and signed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its B oard of Commissioners, and said and acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. ..g., � � , � . Torrens Property ,� , �� . : �'��'� D E E D 0 F C 0 N V E Y A N C E 0 F - L A N D F O R R E D E V E L O P M E N T TSTS INDENTURE, made thi's day of , 19 , betwaen the � HOIISING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, a public bodq corporate and politic orgaaized anri existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, as party of the First Part, hereinafter referred to as the "HRA", and � hereinafter referred to as the "Redeveloper", as partq o£ the Second Part. . i�TiTNES SETH: WHEREAS, the HRA, acting pursuant to the provisions of Public Law 171, $lst Congress of the United States of America, as amended, and pursuant to Chapter 487, Laws of Minnesota, 1947, amended, duly adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the Su�nit- U niversity Community Development Program, District 8 on March 6, 1974, by its Reso- lution Number 74-3/6-2, which PLAN was approved by the Council of the City of 5sint P aul, Minnesota, on March 21, I974, by its Resoiution Council File Number 263275, a nd subsequently reaffirmed on June 10, 1975, by its Resolution Number 265595, and is now lawfully in effect in the said City and State prov�.di�g. �or the acquisition and sale of said District Lands for redevelopment in accordance wtth said PLAN; aad WHFREAS, in order to enable the Authority to achfeve the objectives of the PLAN and more particularly to make the land inclnded in the PLAN available for re- development by private enterprise and in accordance with the uses specified in the . � • " . • . ' . ' . ' .r` ��'Q�L��q 4 R �T� PLAN, both the Federal Government and the City af Saint Paul, Minnesota, have under- taken to provide, and have providad substantial aid and assistance to the SRA. NOW THEREFORE, in consid�ration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good ' and valuable considerations, to it in hand paid by the Redeveloper, the receipt of which is herebq acknowledged, the HRA does hereby grant, bargain, quitclaim and convey unto the Redeveloper, its successors and assigns, Forever, all the tracts or parcels of land iying and beiag in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsep, and S tate of Mfnnesota, described as follows: Outlot C; Central Viliage Addition No. 3. H ereinafter referred to as the "Property", S ubject to: Reservation to the State of Minnesota in trust by the taxing districts concerned of minerals and mineral rights in those portions of the Propertq the title to which maq have been forfeited to the St�te of Minnesota for non-payment of real estate taxes. Taues payable in the years subsequent to the year and date of this convepance and to a11 special assessments and installments thereo£ papable with said taxes and to building and zoning laws, ordinances, sCate and federal laws and regulations. 1. The Homeowner�s Assoc3ation agrees #'or itsel,�, its successoxs and assigns, to or of the Property or any part thereof hereinbefore descr�bed, that the Home- owner's Association sha11: (a) Devote the Property to, and only to, in accordance with the uses specified in the PLAN as now i.n effect and as the same may hereinafter be extended from time ta time in the manner provided by 1aws; and make no changes in the improvements on said Property not in full conformance with the PLAN. (b) Not discriminate upon the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin i.n the sale, lease, or rental or in the use, or occupancy of the Property or any improvements erected or to be erected thereon, or any part thereof. , «2.. • ' (c) Restrict the usage of the Property to the following: (1) Recreational purposes; ` (2) Open space; (d) Not place'permanent structures on the Property. _ � . It is intended aad agreed that the above and foregoing agreements and cavea- a nts shall be running with the land, and that they shall, ia any event, and without regard to technical classifieation or desigaation, legal or otherwise, and except only as otherwise specifically provided in this Deed, be binding, to the fullest extent of law and equity, for the benefit and in favor of, and enforceable by, t he ffitA, its successors and assigas, the Citq of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and anq s uccessor in interest to the Propertq, or aay part .Chereof, and the owner of anq other land or of any interest in such land i,n the District Lands which is subject to t he land use, requirements and restrictions of the PLAN, and the IInited States (in the case of covenant in clause (b) hereof) against the Homeowner's Asaociation (or successors in interest), and every successor ia interest to the Property, or any part t hereof or anq interest therein, and anq party in possession or occupancy of the Property or any part thereof. It is furth�r intended aad agreed that the Agreement and Covenant provided for in clause (a) shall remain in effect until May 28, 1998, (at which time such agreement and covenant sha}.1 terminate) and the agreements and covenants provided in clauses (b), (c) and (d) shall remain i.n effect without limitation as to time: Provided, that such agreements and covenants shall be binding upon the Homeowner's Association itself, each successor in interest to the Property and every part thereof, and each party in possession or occupancy, respectively, onlq for the period as such successor or partq shal]. have title to, or an interest in, or possession or occupancp o#, the Pxopexty or part thereof. The ..3., ' . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the ffitA has hereunto set its hand and seal on the day and year first above written. . � . I n the Presence of: HOIISING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA By Its By Its (Seal) S TATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss C OUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this day of , 19 , be�oxe me, a Notary Public w ithin and for said County, personally appeared and , to me personally irnowa, who, beiag each by me dulq sworn, d id say that theq are respectively the �d of the HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT P AUL, MINNESOTA, the corpQration named in the foregoing instrument, and that the s eal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and the said . i,nstrument was sealed and signed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its B oard of Commissioners, and said �d ackaowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. �5� � . . , . . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLiC 410RKS � 17 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA � ECEI`V � � MEMO ROUTING SLIP �JUN� � 1977 J , ame e��-�RN INITIALS CiRCULATE 'sist nt �ty t rne 0 47 ��tY � DATE FI LE ,_ dj I N FO RMA7(ON C�'K� NOTE AND �.- .:.; RETURN George Latimer - _ PER CON- Mayor ; � . VERSATION Room 347 C i ty Ha l i .;st��,�,�'S C'Ft�l � S E FOR S i G�dATURE REMARKS: I FROM: DATE Daniel J . Dunford, Director � -�� PNONE 4241 FORM 1009 (1/9/75) . t , . � � - • .;�C�i��(� term "Uses" apecified in the PLAl3 and the "Land Uses" referring to provisions of the PLAN, or similar language, in this Deed ahall include the land and all buildings, housing and other requirements onestrictions of the PLAN pertaining to such land. � , In amplification, and not in restriction of, the provisions of the preceding s ection, it is intended and agreed that the HRA and its successors and assigns shall be deemed beneficiaries of the agreements and covenants provided herein, and the IInited States shall be deemed a beneficiary of the covenants ia clause (b) hereof, both for and in their own right, and also for' the purposes of protecting t he interest of the communitq and other parties, public or private, in whose favor o r for whose benefit these agreements and covenants have been provided. Such a greements aild covenants shall run in favor of the HRA and the United States, for t he entire •period during which such agreements aad covenauts shall be atn force and effect, without regard to whether the HRA or the United States has at anq ti�te been, remains, or is an owner of any land or interest therein to, or in favor of, which such agreements and covenants relate. The HR?s shal.l authorize in the event of any breach of anq agreement or covenant, and the United States shall have the right in the event of any breach of the coveaant in clsuse (b) hereof, to exercise a 11 the rights and remedies, and to maintain any actions or suits at law or in equity or other proper proceedings to enforce the curing of such breach of agree- ment or covenant, to which it or any other beneficiaries of such agreement or � c ovenant maq be entitled. . TO AAVE AND AOLD THE SAME, together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances t hereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining to the Homeowner's Association, its s uccessors and assigns, forever. . . ..4.. . � r `y ti �+ ' . � � . or�s oZ: ia/z9�s. ��- _ � Rev. : 9f8/75 + � EXPi.ANA'i'ION OF AD1�4TNI�TRATIVE ORDERS, RE$DLU�,IONS, �ND GRDSNANGES �l • � . � . .�..��. .. ,�.� �,�4 9c,, Date: May 4, 1977 � TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATYMER - FR: Daniel .J. Dun.ford, Di rector of Publ ic Mforks � RE: � The proposed platting of ''Central Village Additio� No. 3" . ACTION REQUES�`ED• Approva l for subm i ss i on to Counc i l PUFtPOSE AND RATZONPrLE FOR THIS ACTION: Counct 1 approvai is necessary prior to: the filing of the _ proposed piat. AiT�CHi✓,�NTS• 1 . Resotution. ' 2. Proposed plat of "Centra} VilTage Addition No. 3" "C 0 PY" NY VEYING ` a` Cenfer of Section D Section 36, T 29N R 23W-� � point on Monhole E �- — � :� � •• Z�� •� S N� • ��• S� N . f ='i i•t =•s : : : til :�: o 33 � �•��'• ':.7 ''L� � �. •r 2 ri(' �YS �=.I .�_• I �+� I "°'' �, ',, ��� �� � i�:.? � r_': I ._. I ..:�. � +�-�� I � `;�. . •� i i ,� � � i u ._ .. .. .i i i i � � i_ ___ _ _i_. I __ __ i _ _ ► _ _ _._ � _ _----._i_ _- __� _ ---.._� _ _._ ..__._�._---- � _ -- � �, � � � � ..4 3.00•::, - -- 3 : 36 •�". ' 39.50 78.84 55 166.58 � •' � ' -, 21.66• w !'� �'s ; � 5 �,4 � 3 � � . 0 0� o !� 0 2 3 I i � �3 � 3 t� t�-N �` N �` t� � I ,w ti `3 � o � p / � ,�— o 'r..22.37 z � uc� m / �G �� - g °� '.� 39.50 Z 78.13 � o . , ' i O � 9oa� Z o a� �_ :.'�'� i 4 N 89°50 53��E 3 `n z ;�1� �• 10 WO : �rL O ! �ji w ! . is7i:, QZ ,'n6 � 7 � 8 'c' M-a ,� ��po� i G� ,� � B�: 22.93- :- � o 39.50 77.57 N o � ' a'� �V ��' 'S '53"E * o �, I `� 'z �'S���E cv o: � 39.50 ti N89 50'53 E z � � + �" `" ►� 9 N89°51'19��E '^� ' � �_ � % 5 27.50 '�.o` 3 w ' � ' / 0 N � 3 �.._�.� . i:.% �0 � p / '�� o M t0 I °��o j i�a .'�� � o � � / ��, �o' �_ _.�`A= 18°03'19' J i '3 y S�► ��/ a ^� R=25t.76 N Z — d _O � ( `s��S v? � O� p� T=40.00 a o � r�v t h 1/4 cor�er � - N M !p N �� 43 �1/ � � ,, � � .; W I�,' iron rod ~ o � �O '� 1 _\� 1 ! L_ � — Z O ��. — � — — n o ,�"_._ : �� 1 a a� i '•, � � � Approved and occepted by the City Council of Saint Paul, Min " � i5.6 U���'ty � i^s ;� � � � doy of - - - - - - - - - 19 - - • 6 ` � �£0de� i o� ��!p.� � N:l;� ��iZ 235 46 �De;9- @'��� � ^`b� ��o�,�O - - - - Clerk - - - - - � ��e��� � � � �ry . IVo delinquent taxes and tronsfer entered this _ _._._. day of � � r� - � � i �.. �. 1 I � i ' Depa�tment ofPr�pertyToxation Director By _ _ _ _ _ _ �knowledged before me this_ _ _ day of _ _ its �y .. _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ its Pursuont to Chapter 7, Minnesota Laws of 1976, this plat hus using ond Redevelopment Authority of _ _ _ _day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 197_ . _ . o Minnesoto corporotion, on behalf of BY- - - - - - - - - - - Ronold F. Meyer Notary Public, Romsey County, Minnesoto l�cting Romsey County Su�v� My Commission Expires_ _ . _ _ . rtify that I have surveyed and platted rion of this plat as CENTRAL VILLAGE County Recorder, � a correct representotion of soid survey; Reqistror of Titles, County of Ramsey, Stote of Minnesota. �n on the plot; that oll monuments have that this plat of CENTRAL VILLAGE AO�ITION N0.3 was f� os shown; that the outside boundory this _ _ _ _ _ day of _ _ _ _ _ 197_ _ ot _ _ _ o'clocN �e plot; and there ore no wet londs, in Book ___ _ of Plots, page _ _ _ _ and thot the copias v the Officiol Plot and found ta be true and correct copies t thon os shown thereon. Robert T. G�bbo� SCALE : I inch.= 60 feet 0 60 120 180 -----�--- ------ CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA SCALE IN fEET CIV --_ �:' �'s t.• :�. L.' :`i ' "� '� '�" � , I ��i I . I � ..;� � � •,� ! �._ i � ' ' � ^ {� � '' ,.,_ � � � , ' % � 'r,�,� � .c'� i i:w I ...� � •1� 1.. tI V �` /� I c. ! I �.�3 � �:`.7 � .ti(Z � 6�6 � . . � � i � .._._—!-.--. .L ___..L___ _1��--1----..._ a� L� --- –----- ---� ---�--!--------�____... . � �u���µ , ' N 89 50'S3"i � � � I 0 9 2.78 OUTLOT C�-� �-OUTLOY 8 � . , � -------. 132.20 17.80• . 36 25_20 ••� 36 20I.20 i ,., . ..,. :a ";' � 12.80 � �' � 0 27 �0 28 :.. . � � o ° 17 io � � ti - �, � �r` 3 0 �,c� — �` ; 1 8,4 2., , � NA Q=�� .� a 3 ' � Z I 3 _ 1 3 1.5 8 ����'• No� z ? .o i. _� 2 0 0.5 8 ---�_ � 1 61 - o� N 89°50�53��E � �Mz� �R=�� ;$� ' id 89°50�53'�� I w I N 89°' � �-, r tt - � � TtiO z � I �.�• , � o� � 25 $� Zg Q ;�=�s. �� Q � 18 � N Z� (8.90 .�, N89SOS �-� � p I 131.10 24- ;.` ; 14.13•.,. `' 895os3E 200, 10 ___ Z � 16 N 89°50 53"E N ••••• 60.03'::.".::" `�87 ,S�,E c� -- N 89°50�53��E---- ( � -----N 89� �� - •- , N89°51'19"E _� N � c� 18.97 ,� • 2750 55 27.5 . �I 20 N89°51'19"E � � � , ^ 23 �i .- ••r• I ►+� �� � ��o 'l . :.: . ,j n =� T � ti / fp 1� \��'e�� 1 3 _ (9 , � N j I �� . � �S �°`� 2 2 0 � � �pS?�`�`�a i z �'� \\ �� � �I�, 21 0 �` i / �x� o��, 20 �� ., i w: /3 � \ ;, _N 'r'I o � ° s,'� � - ' I tis)�/4 S`�%4 \� o�ti I z � Z _ � , � � O ' � � �� cF � � � �" .. � v � � �� � � € - -Ex . �3 9'� g � `� '�� _ _ 1. .12.03 � , 108.7 3 � _ a .�. _ - :, . -� � u � � 41 56. -- - _ °- - t-" _._ --88 27 92 98.56 'Z50•0� �` , 2`9 4i , .... : :; i �:'? S el°3� W �� o Denotes Iron Pipe Monument , �. -�- , -, ; •- ;_. �.. I f r � � A li distances are to hundredths ofo foot, , r; ���:��R�� t hus I10 denotes I10.00 feet. , , All distonces on curves ore arc lengt hs. � ;� n=41°30� - R=�is.�3 Stote ot Beorings ore on �n assumed datum. T_120 County Existing eosements were dedicated in Tf�e Centrol Village Addition. Know All Persons By These Presents that: the Cit� Housing and Redevelopm�nt Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a Minnesota corporotion, owner, the cor� of the following described property situoted in the City of Soint Poul, Romsey County, Minnesoto: Lots 8, 9, 10 ond I I, 81ock I, Centrol Villoge Addition, Hrnre causcd the some to be surveyed, plotted and known os CENTRAL VILLAGE ADDITION N0. 3. and do he�eby dedicate to the p�blic for public use forever the avenue ond utility eosements os shown on I, C the�plot. the proF ADDITI( Hove hereuMo set our honds ond sea! this _ ._ _ _day of _. „ ,�g7_ . _ , that oll � Signed: Housing ond Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesoto, a Minnesota Corporation been cor lines orE Nome- - - - - • - - - - - - - -Title - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @OS@171tf1' �/M71P ' ' ' " ' ' _ ' ' ' " ' ' Tt11.. ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' '