269260 . ��?����J
FINAL ORDER By �,�;r �� ���
'7.- R- 1
In the Matter of =�t�'Yati� f1dM�I�llcs at ti� #0121�rl� �.e�ti�#M arM1 d0
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10384 GR8B1�RIBR ST.; eaa t ��de f��=.f��'� �kve. to RosE'� ��,�-� '�
10385 E. FOURTH 3T„� bath sides from Claren���St. to Johnaon Pkxy,
10386 FRffi�EOI�iT AVB,. north aide froe Johnsoa Pkwy. service RdM to east
200 ft. and exteasian and sediau walk both aides to Pkwy, 60 ft.+
10387 SUCLID ST., north side fraa Earl St. to east 450 ft,
10388 B,. 7th St., both sidee from White Bear Ave. to east 150 ft.
10389 1�DUND ST., north side� Eroa� Cleroont St. to southeast to Thorn St.
(ext) and north aide of THORNI ST. to east to Barl St,
10390 BARCLAY ST., east aides frvm ConNay St. to 8 3rd St., apecifically
abatting 510, soae of 504 & 494.
10391 E.(70TTA�GB AVE., north aide from Walsh 3t, to Greenbrier St. and
E, COTTAGE AVB., aouth aide fro� Walsh St,. to West 210 ft.
10392 PARKVIEW AVB,.�,, 1�oth sides from St. Albans St. to Grotto St.
10393 COTTAGB AVB.y both sidea from N. Grotto St. to N. Avon St.
�3b1E17 ._..�.____. ,.__ , _ __ __ L6�xxaA �, 1!1'f�
under Administrative Order 6� � approved
�����f��► ,� '7`�
under Preliminary Order . � �approved v�-N � ��!���
. .;
.` �
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has cont�ucted a �ublic hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the Cit,y�-Charter; and'
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persans, objecti�ns an�recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the�ame; now, f�erefore;;•be it � ��o-
RESOLVED, That the Councii"of the City o£Saint Paul doe�,hereby order;that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are l�ereby directed and authorTzed to proceed with the improvement; and be it
.. . ,
� FURTHER RESOLVED, Th�t upon,:.th� completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and'slaall report 3he same�to the City Council in accordance wi,th Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCILMEN Adopted e Coun '1: Date � Z 1 �
Yeas Nays '
But1Ar ` rtified P y Council Secretary
Hozza ' I
r-�unt �In Favor'
�evine d JUN 22 1977
Rcedier Against
Sylveste� Mayor
PUBLISHED ��� 2 �977
_...._._ . .-__Y:: _- ,. .. ..__ . �._. ,._ .._ --- _ . ..;. _ _. _ r_....w . _
wn�t:��c vc��k • CiI1Y OF SAI1�'T �AUL �,'�� ar1'�
Pink . —'Fina�ce 1Jepc. - • � �':``' ��
Csnsr�— Dept. ���� � � - - � -
'7 t
. No: a - ._. 1 � ��.
_ � . �, _. �
� i � ADMINISTRATIV�E ORDER � �- ��("����
_ . . . Date: � 3 19T7'
That tt�e IIirector of the Jcpart+�ient of Pu�lic Uorks is hereby autharizect� and directed .
to prepare plans, ot�tain surveys, prep�re estimates ancl investigate the necessity
to reconstruct sidewaik at the foilawing locations ancS do all otl�er Nork whieli is
necessary and incidental to cor�plete said ir.�provement. .
East si�e of GREE+JBRICR ST. frorn Geranium Ave. to Rose Ave. :
� Botk� side of E. � F�URTIi ST. from Clarence St.to Johnson Pkwy. �
� ;7orth stde of fREttOt;T AVE. from Johnsan Pkwy. Service Rd. to east 2Q0` and
CXLet75I OR and r.�ed i an a1a1 k both s i des to Pkwy. (60'+)
, ,�
t�orth side of EUCLID AV�. from Earl St. to cast 450`
� � �
Etoth s i de of E. 7T►i ST. f rom Wh t Le fiear �ve. to eas t t 50'
. North side of P10UtlD ST. f�om Clermont St. to southeast to Thorn St. (ext.) and
. North side of 7ti�KtJ 5T. to east to Eari St.
East side of 6ARCLAY 57. from Con:o�y St. to E. T�ird St. , specifically abutting
. 510� so.^ze of Sol+ � 1�94.
tlortE� side E. COTTAGE AVE. fro� lJalsh St. to Greenbrier St. �and �
Sobth s[de E. COTTAGE AVE. from Wals6 St. to west 210'
, . Both side of PARt:V1EU AVE. from St. Albans St. to Grotto St.
Eoth side of COTTAGC AVE. frora t�. Grotto St. to t!. Avon,St. -
The Dt �ector of Finance and Management Servtces is hereby directed to prepare a
prel lr�inary order and schedule a publ ic hearing.
. '� . . _ . . Ortg ca orl�, ecs - � . , . . , . -. , : . . � . : � . . -
M�O�2z ' A7D PE6 .
� - GKS JFK . � � . � . �
APPROVED AS TO FORM n�P oEE � � ' � ��
, �PS r,�T �-
. . . ' . R161 AJU r ,� �l �� /� // �
' ' - vri� � �t f ,/ !4e
Assistant City Attorney oEn Department He,�B
_ , i�ub 1 i c rJorks.� . . /
. v.s.o. �.,,.R. S i dewa 1 k `
, , �.--.
__ �
_ � ` . ,
Date _
1 '�;?> `�%`'';�,-:i/./
�A ministrative Assistant to Mayor
`� +�al
. � . ��a ,.��� ..-
. ��� ����
. . � .
All Reconstruction.
� , March 8, 1977 No assessment. '
' 1•1r. Roger Mattson . �""�"
Di rector of Fi nance .
and Management Services `.:
Room 113 City Hall
ATTENTFOP�: Paul Desch . . J
�ear Si r:
Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction/reconstruction of
the sidewalks listed on the attached Administrative Order.
The estimated cost for new construction not in main routes
is as follows :
��-� �$4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk A E B Residental
•r�"'� $6.$i per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk C Res. E Comm.
�-�� $8. 17 per ft. for 6 ft. wide walk C Res. � Comm.
�_��� _ $2.00 per sq. ft. for inte gral c u r b a n d w a l k R e s i d e n t i a l � G o m m e r ica l .
Attached herewith are the following: •
1. Approved Administrative Order 3417 _ 3/3/77
2. Advisability � Uesirability Report.
3• Copy of plans for each order. ?Jot applicable.
Yours very truly, •
�- �/ , �y
�iartley homas � �'
Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction
234 City HaII, Saint Paul, Mi�nesota 55102
a " " # • . �,�:�� �'� Dist. Na�1?"���"�
, . ��
' E.S. Greenbrier St. - Geranium Ave. to i�ose Ave. l � � ,�'[�
. This order was initiated by the Oirector of Public Works as pubTic necessity on the
basis of 1 conplaint and inspection of the walk.
� This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, high joints, tripping hezards , c�acked
concrete panels, tipped panels.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk)
. . Dist. No. 1
B.S. E. Fourth St. - Clarence St. to Johnson Pkwy. � Q 3 8'' ,,�
This orde r was inttiated by the Director of Public Warks as public necessity on the
basis of 2 complaints and inspection of the walk.
This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, broken tiTe, high joints,
tripping hazards, water pockets, holes tn tile, high longitudinal joints, offgrade,
� asphalt patches , disintegrated, cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped a�d settled panels.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designated on plat)
/43 �'b
Dtst. No. 1
N.S. Fremont Ave. - Johnson Pkwy. Service Rd. to east 200' an� extension and
median walk both sides to Parkway (60'+)
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of inspection of the walk.
This wa•lk is poured concrete wi th tree heaves , high joints , tripping hazards , water
� pockets, asphalt patches, cracked concrete panels, tipped, settled panels. .
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk)
. � ;r�.;,�� '
� Dist. No. 1
., , - � � ,
' N.S. Eucl i d Ave. - Earl St. to east 450' �� ���
/ O3 �` 7
Tf�i s orde r was i n i t i a ted by the D i rector of Pub 1 i c 4lorks as pub 1 i c necess i ty on the
basis of 2 complaints and inspection of the walk.
This walk is old tile with broken tile, high joints, tripping hazards.
� The Engineering_recommendation is for approval of the order.
Remarks: New construction not planned this order �
(Reduce from a 6ft. to a 5 ft. walk.)
� .
�p388 �
• Di st. iJo. 1
' B.S. E. 7th St. - White Bear Ave. to east 150'
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as pubiic necessity on the
basis of 1 complaint and inspection of the walk.
This walk is poured concrete with high joints, tripping hazards, high �ongitudinal
� joints , offgrade, asphalt patches , cracked concrete panels and settled panels.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
Remarks : l,l ' wide integrai walk E curb
(Construct to width designated on plat)
CT ti� RR
/D � 8' �'
�tst. rro. t
t�l.S. Mound St. - Clermont St. to southeast to Thorn St. (ext.) and
N.S. Thorn St. to east to Earl St.
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of inspection of the walk.
� This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves , high joints, tripping hazards ,
water pockets, asphalt patches , cracked concrete panels, scaled,tipped and settied paneis.
The Engineering �ecommendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designated on plat)
v���. �vv. 1
' / 0 3 �'d
� " E.�: Barclay St. - Conway St. to E._Thi.rd St. , specificaily abutting all of $10,
� some of 504 E 494. ,
� c�
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on tE�e basis
of a petition with 1 signer and inspection of the walk.
This walk p�ured concrete with high joints , tripping hazards , water pockeLs, offgrade,
/ bad cracked panels, tipped and settled panels.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width desig� ated on plat)
�1l.' "
.:_ Di st. No. 1 .
N.S. E. Cottage Ave. - Walsh St. to Greenbrier St. and `�'3 9 (
S.S. E. Cottage Ave. - Walsh St. to west 210'
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of a petition with 1 signer and inspection of tha walk.
This walk is pourec7� concrete with tree heaves, high joints, tripping hazards, water
✓ pockets, asphalt patches, crached concrete panels and tipped panels.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designated on plat)
Dist No. i
B.S. Parkview Ave. - St. Albans St. to Grotto St. /4 3 �"'Z,
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of 2 complaints and a petition with l7 signers and inspection of the walk.
This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, high joints, tripping hazards, water
pockets , offgrade, asphalt patches , disintegrated, cracked concrete paneis, scaled,
� tipped and settled panels.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designated on plat)
Dist. r�o. t `��* ��j�
.' , �
. . �,
y - . , w r
•. B.S. W. Cottage A�re. - PJ. Grotto St. to tJ. Avon St. O
�� � !�
. This order was inatiated by the Director of Public Works as pubtic necessity on the
basis of 3 complaints and a petition with il signers and inspection of the walk.
This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , high joints, tripping hazards, asphalt
� patches , cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped and settled panels.
� The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designated on plat)
��,r�,� �y�
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