269254 ��►9?�4
In the Matter of reconstructing siclewalks aad all other work to coosplete
i�rovesent at the follo�ing locations
r: �r �
' . .�,"�n�!�"'� , -- _
� ` _ �
.. "+'?�`. '� - �4���. '' ��,pc� :x��
-� � ��• �� �t�: � � �'' a,,'��; �k.�€-�f..y�ay'P�,
S10416 .f��� .� ,�.. � `� ��,� �z:��� ��� -�� ���`���.�� �: �p .�
����If���l�� _� 'h ro� xuth St. to �' � �. � ��.�z:<
510417 ���`��: c-`� 100 ft. south of Fr " �'°���1i�`=��,� � �
B. Sixth St. ceitter liae (ext.) aad repair of 640 aad 641 Haie�'St.
510418 YARKVIEi1 AVE., bath sides from Grotto St, to N. Avon St.
810419 ffi.EAltOR AVBo, north side from Palwer P1. to Chats�orth St.
510420 $[.EA1�i0R AVE,,, satth aide from W. 7th St. to Chatavorth St.
510421 SCH�F$R AVS., north side from Ha�line Ave. to Albert St.
S10422 BAYARD AVB., both sidas fror Hamline Ave. to Albert St.
810423 Jl1�:S A�IB., south side frc� W. 7th St. to Vie�+ St.
810424 MILTOI� S?., both sides fro� S�lby Ave, to Dayton Ave.
310425 VA�CE ST., Mest side froo Jasee Ava. to north 90 ft.+
abuttias 761 Jmea Awe.
S10426 DAVERlI S?., both sides fror Ford P'I�ry„ t0 Highlaad Pkxy.
.. _. _ .
under Administrative Order D-3458 approved l�iarch 24, 1977
The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and
having considered said report, hereby resolves:
1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof
is $ he gannss�ent ,
2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of Julq, 197� , at
10:00 o'clock a.m.,in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul.
3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the
time and place of hearing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
COUNCILMEN Adopted b oun il: Date JUN 1 6 1977
Yeas Nays
Butlef � tified Passe y Council Secretary'
H�Z� �In Favor B �
�e 0
Roedler Against M �
Syiveste� Mayor
sedes�o puB��st�EO JUN Z 5197�
wn�to — c�tv cia�k (�Y'i Y O F �A I i�'� ��.c�►U L �''�'�►,�i c �
Pink —�Finance Dept. � � � , ,� � ��"1
Canary— Oept.
�•----� Ulrl''IG1: OF 7'IiN: MAYUI2
. � No: � �-3�158
. . Date: ��� 7 -7��
Ti�at t>>e Director of tl�e Departr;���t of �uulic ;tiorks ts hereby aut��ar'szed and direeted
to prep�:re plans , oat�:.ir� �urveys , prepare esti�iates and investigate tkze necessity
to reconstruct sid�tivall; �t tiie fol lu:�ring locatians anei do al;l ott�er Lrork wl�iN� is
. nc•cessary anc� incicieatal ta cor�;nlete said ir.�;�roveE:�ent. �
South sicl� of �. C�EAR �1VE. fror,� P.uth St. ta �ast 3j��' '
, f3oth siu�: of HAZtL ST. fro:n 1C0` soutr� oF Frer�nt .'ive. to E. ;ixth St. ccnter
1 i ne (ext.) and repa i r of � and G�t I tiaze 1 5 C.
Bott� side of PAKf;WI£.�1 NVE. fror:� Grotto I�ve. t� ;�i. Avon Ave.
, orlg. cc url8� oc• .
Horth sicie of CLE.�d�R ttV�. frarn Palr��er �1 . to Chatso•�orth St. °JD r REG
�iw wnH
South side nf ELENi,�R ,'�UF:. frorn '�J. 7th St. ta Ch�ts►�lorth St• RGP �EE �
i�orth si�e af scfik�Fk� AVE. from fiamline Ave, to Albert St. 'FS c�r
R �� hJ0
L'o th s i cie o f �l�Y!�P,� At��E. f rorn tiar:l i ne t'tive. to P,1 be r t S t.
_—I UEf�
P.S.D. 1 R.Fi.R.
5outti s i de of JN'rtE5 F1VF. f ro;� tl. 7th S t. to 1�'i ew S t. �
6oth side of ll1E.'i��;9 ST. fror� ���lby Five. to Uayton ?,ve. � ;
Wes t s i de of Vf1�dCL" 57. fro►z J.:�t.r.;s ��,ve. to F�art� 9U'+, abutti ng 7u 1 Jar:�es �'.ve. j
�oth s i de of UkVE.iZ�� ST. f racn Fc�rd Pkti�ry. to E{i,!�1 anJ P4�v,ry. �
The Dt rector oF �i n�ncc ��nu 7•tan�ger=�nt Servi ces i s hcrei�y u'i�rected to prepare a �
prell�;�inary �rder anci sct�edule a puUlic hearinc�. �
� i
• ' - I
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M—a6z2 � • � . .
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Assisti�nt City Attoruey {'�U�t t C ��OI"�CS Uepar[ment Head , �
;� `� .� a!C�CVI��{.5 ` ' .
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,�� �,:.\`\' � ,,,,,� �� 1
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�11E_— ._ ___ ./.l,�. 1... /.r. ��L.' 1
Adniinistrative Assistant to Mayor �
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. .. .
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A) 1 reconstruction. ` �
. March 30, 1977 .
. � No assessmertt :
� Mr. Roger f4attson .
�i rector of Finance .
and Managerr�nt Services ��
Room 113 City Hall
ATTENTlOP�: Paul Des�h �
�ear Sj r:
Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction/reconstruction of
the sidewalks listed on the attached Administrative Order.
The estimated cost for new construction not in main routes
is as follows: �
�'�,,e� $4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wi de walk A � B Res i dental
'�"�� e'"� $6.81 per ft. f�r 5 ft. wide walk C Res. � Comm.
�,� p $8. 17 per ft. for 6 ft. wide walk C Res. E Comm.
.�f"�ePi�"' $2.00 per sq. ft. for integral curb and walk Residentiai S Commerical .
Attached herewith are the following: • �
l . Approved Administrative Order D-3458 3/24f77
� 2. Advisabi 1 i ty � Uesi rabi 1 ity Report.
3. Copq-of-p-i ans-fw-�azfi-vrde r.
Yours very truly,
`-�; -- :���'�-�'7)'�C
, ��
�iartley T onas •
Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction
234 City Hal(, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
o�st. r�o. t
a � _, ,
5.5. E. Clear F�ve. - Ruth St. to East 340' f Q �l / �
'This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity an the
basis of a petition with 1 sign�r representing 4J.°6 of the frontage and inspection of
the walk.
This walk is pou�ed concrete with tree heaves , broken tile, high joints , tripping hazards ,
� offgrade, asphalt patches, disintegrated, cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped and
settled panels.
The Engineering recommendation is for approvat of the order.
(Construct to width designated on plat)
/ oy/ 7
oist. r1o. t
B.S. Hazel St. - 100' south of Fremont Ave. to E. Sixth St. � Exfended �and repair
at �and 641 Haze1 St.
This order was initiated by the Di �ector of Public blorks as public necessity on the
basis of lcomplaint and inspection of the walk.
This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , offgrade, cracked concrete paneis,
scaied, tipped and settled panels.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
� Remarks: 90' of new construction through unimproved streets. No assessment.
(Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk.)
Qist. No. 1
B.S. Parkview Ave. - Grotto Ave. to N. Avon Ave. ��j cf� g'
Thi s order was i ni ti ated by the Di rector of Publ i c Works as publ i c necess i ty on the
basis of 6 complaints and inspection of the walk.
This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , high joints , tripping hazards, asphalt
patches, disintegrated, cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped and settled paneis.
/ The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designated on plat) ,
'� � ° Dist. No. 1
' ' N.S. Eleanor t1ve. - Palmer P1 . to Chatsworth St. I �y� q�
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of inspection of the walk.
This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves , broken tile, high joints ,
tripping hazards , missing tile, offgrade, asphalt patches, disintegrated, cracked
✓ concrete panels , scaled, tipped and settled panels.
The �ngineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Reduce from a 6 ft. to a�5 ft. waik)
Dist. r�o. 1
S.S. Eleanor Ave. - W. 7th St. to Chatsworth St. / � t�oZ O
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of inspection of the walk.
This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves , broken tite , high joints,
tripping hazards, water pockets , missing tile, high longitudinal joints, asphalt patches,
� disinte�rated, cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped and settled panels .
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk.)
Dist. tdo. i
��.S. Scheffer Ave. - Hamline Ave. to Albert St.
/ a `f� �
Th i s order was i n i t i ated by the Di rector vf Pub 1 i c L!o rks as pub 1 i c necess i ty on the
basis of inspection of the walk.
This walk is old poured concrete witl� tripping hazards , water pockets , long'tudinal joints ,
offgrade, asphalt patches , disintegrated, cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped and
settled panels.
The Enginee�ing recommendatlon �is for approval of the order.
(Reduce from a fi ft. to a 5 ft. walk) �
, o�st. r��o. t
., '
B.S. Bayard Ave. - Ham} ine Ave. to Albert St. /D � � 2 -
' This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of �inspection of the walk.
This walk is old poured concrete witb tree heaves , longi:tudinal joints, affgrade, asphaTt
patches , disintegra�ted, cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped and settled paneis.
,/ The Engineering recommendation is f�r approval of the order.
(Reduce from a G fC. to a 5 ft. walk)
Dist. No. 1
S.S. James Ave. - W. 7th St. to View St. / � c�� ?
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
bas.is of inspection of the walk.
This walk is old tite and poured concrete with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints ,
�' tripping hazards, water pockets , holes in tile, missing tile, high tongitudina} joints ,
asphalt patches, disintegrated, cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped and settled panels.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Reduce from a 6 f t. to a 5 ft. walk)
Dist. No. 1
B.S. Milton St. - Selby Ave. to Dayton Ave. "
lo' Y � {
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of inspection of the walk.
This watk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves , broken tile, high joints ,
tripping:-hazards , holes in tile, missing tile, offgrade, asphalt patches , disintegrated,
cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped and settled panels.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
� Remarks: Vault at 919 Selby to be checked
(Construct to width designated on plat)
�• Dist. No. 1
,� ' , . •
W..S: Vance St. - James Ave. to north 90'+, abutting 761 James Ave. f � Cf a �'
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of a petition with 1 signer representing 100� ofthe frontage and inspection of the walk.
This walk is old poured concrete with tree heaves , offgrade, disintegrated, cracked
concrete panels, scaled, tipped and settled panels.
The Engineering recommending is for approval of the walk.
(Construct to width designated on plat)
Dist. No. 1 .
B.S. Davern St. - Ford Pkwy. to Highland Pkwy. l 4 l�� 6
This orde r was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of inspection of the walk.
This walk is old poured concrete with high longitudinal joints , offgrade, asphalt patched
disintegrated, cracked concreLe panels , scaled, tipped and settled panels.
� This Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
`1Remarks: 6.0' i�tegral curb and walk }
(Construct to width designated on plat)