269252 WHITE — CITV CLERK y/-�, � PINK — FINANCE G I TY O�F SA I NT PA IT L Council 6a � CANARV — DEPARTMENT � �`���� '� BLUE — MAYOR File NO. � Cou cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to incur preiiminary engineering costs on a �ew project that has not previously had Council or Administrative approvai , to investigate repair of an existing sandrock sewer tunnel in response to i�spection reports by the Public Works Sewer Maintenance Oivision indicating substantial damage and eroslon that could lead to future collapse. The Department shall investigate, make recommendatlon and prepare cost es- timates for a repair contract to solve the failure problems in an approximately 50-linear foot stretch of saadrock tunnel near Hudson Road and Mound Street and report their findings to the Mayor. The project shall be identlfied as Hudson Road at Mound Street, City Pro,ject S-1690, against which all engineering costs will be charged. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Butler ` Pubi �c WorkS Hozza K� [n Favor Hunt < �� � __ Against BY Roedler Danie J. Dunford Sewers Sylvester ��� 'F�deseo ' � '�� Form Approv � by ity A rney Adopted�� uncil: Date JUN `t Cer � ed Pas by Co cil Secret�ty BY By � < '�,�M � � �_ Ap ov y Mayor for Sub ' si o ncil Ap by Mayor. Date By BY �uBUSH� �ua a 5 �s�1 � . . . '- OM Q1: I2/1975 � Rev. • 9/8/76 � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATTVE �RDERS, • RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES , � � 2�9"?5� Date: June 2, 1977 . TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATSMER � FR: ���EL J. DUNFORD, DI RECTOR OF PUBL tC WORKS RE: HUDSON ROAD AT MOUMD STREET. - City Project S-160q , . ' ACTSON REQUESTED: � Authorization for the Depa�tment of �Pubi ic I�orks to incur prol iminary en- gineering costs to investigate, msks recommendations and estimst� costs for a projact to repair an existing sandrock sawer. City Project 5-1690, � Hudson R�oad at Fbund St�eet. PURPO5E F�ND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Public Works Sewer Maintenance has discovered and rsported a iarge veid aroa in an existing sandrock sewer naar Hudson Road and Mound Strset. TF�e original s�v+s� was oonstructed tn 191� and itnad wt�h brick iR tha towar hatf only. Abovs the brick iinirtg, ln th� sandrock� area, a v�oid of about 160 yd.� votums, extanding for about 50 feet has devsloped from fiigh runoff volu�ass i�d htgh ftow velocities. Repair is necessary to provent continued sandrock eros.to� and possible totai sew�er and potentlal surface fatture. . A proJect number was requ�sted on .la+nuary 20, t977 with prv,ject ftna�ctng proposed from 1977 Sew�er Repair Funds. ATTACHM�NTSs � Council Resolution ,