269251 WHITE - CITV CLERK �,l4-,■ .��-■ PINK - FINANCE COUIICII �� l�Rl��•� .L CAN�Y - DE�ARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLU - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby granted to Minerva Buck, 784 McKnight Road, St. Paul , Minnesota, to connect her homestead at said address and described as Lot 11 , Auditor's Subdivision No. 77, Ramsey County, Minnesota, with the existing sewer of the City of St. Paul in McKnight Road, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Director of Public Works is hereby autho- rized and directed to issue a permit to Minerva Buck for the construction, oper,ation, and maintenance of said sewer connection upon and subject to the following terms and conditions: a. That the sanita ry sewer connection necessary to connect said premises shall be installed, maintained and operated at the sole expense of the permittee or her successor in interest, and shall be made, in ac- cordance with the applicable City specifications for said work, by a House . Drain Sewer Contractor duly licensed by the City of St. Paul, with the approval of the Director of Public Works and under his direction in ac- . � cordance with such rules and regutati�s as he may from time to time prescribe; b. That said permittee shall pay the cost of publication of this . Resolution and ail subsequent resolutions passed in relation to this Resolution; c. That said permittee or her successors in interest with respect to said real property shall pay to the City of St. Paul, before the per- mit may be issued, the sum of One Thousand Three Hundred Twenty Dollars ($1 ,320.00} to be credited to the general fund of the City_ of St. Paul , said sum being in lieu of special assessments and taxes, and computed on the basis of Eight Dollars ($8.00) per frontage foot of said real property on McKnight Road, said real property fronting one hundred and sixty five (165� feet on McKnight Road. Upon payment of said sum, said permittee or her successors in interest shall be authorized to construct a singte connection to the St. Paul public sewer system, as extended in McKnight Road, expressly subject to all other terms and conditions of this Resolution; COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY , Roedler . S ylvester Tedesco Form Approved by y ttorn Adopted by Council: Date — � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By � Approved by i4layor: Date Appr d by Mayor for Sub s' n to�cil By BY � ��� . . � ��R(��' �2) d. That said permittee or her successors in interest shall pay, in addition to all other sums: required to be paid, a sewer service charge that may be legally levied against said real property by the City of St. Paul or by the City of Maplewood; e. That the permission and authority granted herein to make said sewer connection shall in no way be construed as permission and authority for said permittee or her successors in interest to make any future sewer connection(s) to either the St. Paul public sewer system as extended in McKnight Road or to said sewer connection referred to herein, without the expressed written permission of the City of St. Paul ; f. That the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul shall be given the right to enter upon said premises and inspect said sewer connection at any time deemed necessary by said Department of Publ ic Works; g. That said permittee shall obtain all the necessary permits from the City of Maplewood for said sewer connection, before construction may commence; h. That the City Council reserves the right to revoke this permit whenever the permittee or her successors in interest is in default, or whenever, in said Council 's opinion, the public interest•will be served by such revocation; i . That such hereby authorized connection of said real property with said City's public sewer system shall be restricted to the drainage for disposal purposes of sanitary sewage materials originating on said real property and that said permittee or her successors in interest shall at no time permit storm water, rain water leaders, ground drainage water, cooling and condenser water from air-conditioning units, or sanitary sew- age materials from any other sewers or sewer connections to be directed into said sewer connection; j. That said permittee or her successors 'in interest shall agree and undertake to fully indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of St. Pau1 , its agents, officers and employees from any and all damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses arising out of or occasioned by the construction, operation and maintenance of said sewer connection with the public sewet- system of the City of St. Paul ; WHITE - CITV CLERK - � ������ PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl � � ���-� CANARY �pE�Af7TMENT . GITY OF SAINT PAUL File� NO. BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (3) k. That said permittee or her successors in interest shall , within thirty (30) days from and after the passage of this Resolution, file written acceptance thereof, specificaliy agreeing to all the provisions, terms and conditions herein, with the City Clerk. � � COUf�1�ILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor H� � __ A ainst ' gy Daniel J. D ord Roedler g � rector o u i c or Sylvester �e�ee JU(� ' 6 19z� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b uncil: Date Ce ied Yass y Council Secret'ary BY BS , .� App v d by Mayor: D e _ JUM '� Q � Appr ve y Mayor for Sub sio o C,ouncil T By By PuBUSHED J U N 2 5 1977 ., . oM ol: xa/z9�5 , Rev. : 9/8/75 . EXPLANATION OF ADMINSSTRA.TIVE ORDERS, �s , ;R�S�ONS:, AND' ORDINANCES � �!?�a�j ,� ,�� Date: June 3, 1977 � TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � � FR: Public Works Office Engineering . RE: Sanitary sewer connection of property tocated at 784 McKnight Rd. to sewer � in McKnight Rd. . ACTION' RE4UESTEDr G�ant permission to Minerva Buck, 784 McKnight Rd.. to make a sanitary sewer connection to City's sewer in McKnight Rd. This property is lo- . cated tn the City of Maplewood. i�URP05E AND RATIONALE FOR T�iIS ACTIONs , Similar reqdests for this type of connectiora for a property outside tfie . ' . City have been granted by resoit�ion {i .e. Council File No. 26t1389, � adopt�d �ecember 29, 1972). ATTA�HMENTSs Resolution. � . . . TJE/RAH/bjh � ,�� � � . �� � : . `. . .. ' .� � .�., �t� x �8 � � ;� �� ' ���� � � �� � , � j � �� 1 � � ! � ' � ���� ' � ; ' ����1�'� '�'���`�°''a � � � � � , � �: � � ���� � '� ��'. ` � J � f� �� � � ' �' � ' �� �� � ^'� � �� �� � �� F 4 t � ��:4 �_] * � r `. i t��rZAk; � � 1 . � .l ,J'. �' � �1 �'2 i ' 'v` y� ,� ��� , h ' y. � , � ; ��. �� ��`"��,;. ��c�� E �� � W �. :f � ��� ��w � ,,, � t. �� � � �r �� � � � ' , �` � � ��� ��" � . ,. . , . , , ' , � : F � � i ,r t �xk , , � i . + . �. � e:� . � � � r � '. . -., . i ��� � t'��r�-� I , `' __ . k ( �R r�, f ( � vF: � ' . i .� �: . ; � '., 4'..,f j .. tf. ��� ,� , i 1 , ., ��; 6 } ,� ' ' � '� \' ' � ,��, �r��5� Y � '. !' ', •. f` �r.��'�t � � f, �,�, t � � '�'E� y :� � ��� . . � � r .' I v . � �� � �e fi, � 1 ;�:J� L���� ± < < �' . , � �q I� r , , d�� , ' �� � � � � . . . 1 �3 � � �+� � r y � �,� � C t � � � / � < r � a a � .� . _ � j �� f S f� . t�� f � s� � '� •, ' V . 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