269247 WHITE �TV CLERK I�' COURCII � PINK� - FIRANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL 1 � CANARV - DEPARTMENT �� �- ���+d� � BLUE - MAYOR � Flle NO. •y • cil Resolution ���?��7 � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 231 .05 of the Saint Paul Legistative Code, (as amended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December 1 , Ig70) pertaining to regu- lations for the adjusting of sewer servTce charges, and upon the recommendation of the Department of Public Works and approval of the Board of Water Commissioners, the Councit of the City of Saint Paul does hereby certify that because of partlai diverston of their total water consumption from the City of Saint Paul 's sanitary sewer system, the betow listed firms have ,justifiable reason for application of an adjustment to their sewer service charges as levied: (in accordance with Resolution, Council Fite No. 268340, approved January 7, 1977 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That a fuil or partial refund of paid sewer service charges� based upon these adJustments, shall be refunded from the "Sewer Service Fund" and shall be in the following am�unts: NAME ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT Olympia Brewing Co. � April 1977 $75,554.40 722 Payne Ave. 55165 `` � f Hoerner Waldorf Corp. Mar-April 1977 $ 6,774.71 2250 �fabash Ave. 55114 �... �,� Koppers Co. , Inc. `.°� Mar 1977 $ 5,918.34 1000 N. Hamline Ave. �5510# Jacob Schmidt Brewing Co. April 1977 $ 2,503.44 882 W. S�venth St. 55102 Giilette Co. Ja�-Ma�ch 1977 $ 1 ,795.20 Fi f th. s B roadway 55101 Go1d Meda1 Beverage Co. April 1977 $ 168•99 P.O. Box 3�+66 55165 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt • Levine _ Against BY ` Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City ttor ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by Mayor: Date _ Approv d by Mayor for Subm' sion o Council By BY WHI7E -�/C�yI�T,V CI.ERK ■.r ' �' / C NARV - DEPARTMENT COURCll ��.�'r�� i BLUE - MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -Page Two- NAME ADDR�SS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT Burli�gton Northern, Inc. Ap�il 1977 S 559•sb 176 E. Ftfth St. Room 132 55101 land 0'Lakes, Inc. Aprii 1977 $ 280. 14 415 Grove St. 55101 St. Paul Dispatch � Pioneer Press Aprii i977 $ 221 .02 63 E. Fourth St. 55101 Central Warehouse Co. April-May 1977 $ 211.57 P.O. Box 345b 55101 American National Bank April-May 1977 $ 141.06 AmerTcan National Bank Bldg. Room 2320 55101 First National Bank May 1977 � $ 99.33 W'1752 lst National Bank Bidg. 55101 Speas Co. Aprii 1977 S 20.93 582 N. Pr1or Ave. 55104 Gross-Given Manufacturing Co. May 1g77 $ 38.22 76 Plato Boulevard 551�7 COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Pub1 �C WO�kS Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt � "�� _ Against BY xoedler Dan el J. Dunford S�ers_ Sylvester ��.(� ''Fsdeeco �f' Adopted b ncil: Date ��r� 1 � 1977 Form Approved by City A orne Cer ' ied Pa. y C ncil Secre�ry BY l' App \, by iVlayor: D �!� Z�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY r� H�o �uN a 5 �s�� . . ONi 01: 3.2/2975 . Rev. : 9/8/76 �� ' EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, � -�'�'(�, - � RESOLUTIQNS, AND ORDTNANCES !- ��� Da�te: J�e 1 , 1977 .. . TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER . FR: DANIEL J. DUNFORD, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS , �; Refunds of SEWER SERVICE CHARGES � ACTI�N REQUESTED: � . R�fund Sewer Service Charges from Sewar Service Fund PURP05E RND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: InvestTgation has determined that certain volumes of water which wera a�sses�ed a sewe� servtce charge did not, in fact, �anter the sanitary sawer system and • that paymeAt of the charges on these volumes shouTd be refunded. �TTACi�MENTS: • 1. Counci l R�asol ution , • 2. Board of Water Commissioners' Resolution Recomae�di�g Refunds � . RP:mf CITY OF ST. PAUL No.�b�9 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM ��`��a� COMMISS ONER S�19BOt@I' _ DATFJ17�e 1� 1q77 ��b a�soz�, �t th� �oa�a or water Com�niseioaere hereby app�oves the raao�endation of Riahord L. Wheelaz� ls�ri.�taat Director and City �aginear, Depsuctment of Publia Works, in hts letter ot June l, 1977 to the Board that t�7.1 or p�rtisl a�e1'timds of paid Swa� Servia� C2�arges be grant�d aa liet�cl in the lr,tter� �a1d reft�nds to ba matde t`rc� the "Sewer Serviae F�nd". d Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays Hun't Sand� _ June 1 19�77 Sylveeter President Levine In favor 4 Opposed � . `� SECY. �='��