269242 WHI7E r CITV CLERK (1 PINK � .'�FINANCE CO11I1C11 � . � � CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SA�INT PALTL ` �•��l� BEUE -MAVOR File NO. • I/ /� / ftiZl"L/`CG Ordinance N O.�Q�v l Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No� 15881, approved August 29, 1975, entitled "An ordinance adopting a new zoning ordinance for the City of Saint Paul, repealing Chapters 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul. " THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 4, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.401 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, is hereby amended as follows: The property owr�,ed�,by Schillers, Inc. , on the South side of West Nebraska between Da�e a�+d Danforth, more particularly descri3�ed as, "Lots 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 and �6, Danforth Park Addition, except that part of �aid Lot 46 lying north of a line running �rom a point on the west line of said Lot 46, distant:+21.45 feet south of the northwest corner thereof to �C' point on the east line of said Lot 46 distant 22.8 feet south of the northeast corner thereof all in Danforth Park according to the recorded plat thereof to- gether with and subject to easements of record. ` COUI�iCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Ma�+or for Submission to Council gy By WHI7E CITV CLERK (������� PINK rFINANCE / L� � CANAftY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL CO1111C11 �, � (� , 4' BLUE -MAVOR File NO. Ordindnce Ordinance N0. ���� 1 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. The property is located on the south side of West Nebraska Avenue between Dale Street and Danforth Street; is rezoned from R-3 to P-l. Section 2. This ordinance shall take force and effect in thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � H���� In Favor Hunt /"� �' W Against By I�eec�le� Sylvester Tedesco JUL 5' �977 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b uncil: Date C ied Pa y Council Jecret y BY By Appr v by Mayor: Date JUL 7 �977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �'UBLISHED ,1UL 1 6 1977 . �� 3� y `��•s* �•ti, CITY OF SAINT PAUL e +; OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY :, �:.�.;..• ^° .�« Harriet Lansing, City Attorney 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor 612 298-5121 June 7, 1977 Mrs. Rose Mix City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mrs. Mix: . Enclosed herewith are ordinances amending the zoning map as requested. Very truly yours, �/ • lC�"h� THOMAS M. SIPKINS Assistant City Attorney TMS:er Encl. �`'��;5� - . � . . . : ���?`��.� . �� (,,-��jy BOARD OF ZONING CITY OF ��`A`t1�I�T pAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DONALD L. SPAID AIP PLANNING COORDINATOR June 1 , 1977 Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Dear Madam: This is written in response to the long form petition of Schiller's, Inc. to rezone from R-3 (Single Family Residential ) to P-1 (Vehicular Parking) property located on the south side of Nebraska between Dale and Danforth. This property is further described as follows: Lots 41 , 42, 43, 44, 45 and 46 except that part of said Lot 46 lying north of a line running from a point on the west line of said Lot 46, distant 21 .45 feet south of the northwest corner thereof to a point on the east line of said Lot 46 distant 22.8 feet south of the northeast corner thereof all in Danforth Park according to the recorded plat thereof together with and subject to easements of record. The property is 7ocated on the south side of West Nebraska Avenue between Dale Street and Danforth Street. This matter was heard by the Current Planning & Zoning Committee on April 21 , 1977 and was recommended for approval by Staff. Mr. Willits moved to approve the petition with a recommendation that ingress and egress patterns be worked out with Public Works. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hummer and passed unanimously. On April 22, 1977 the Planning Commission passed unanimously on a roll call vote a motion by Mr. Prifrel , seconded by Mr. Pangal , to recommend approval of this petition with recorrr�nnendation from the Public Systems Committee regarding ingress and egress. This matter is scheduled to be heard by the St. Paul City Council on June 2, 1977. Sincerely, ,�C'�L�i�°�-f � vw`�' V Laurence J. Jung Current Planning & Zoning Committee Staff LJJ/gf Zoning File No. 8120 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 0 , r � � ' � � . 7�`�� ��� �� , CITY OF ST. PAUL �� , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIVISION 113 CITY HALL 5T.PAUI,MINNESOTA 55102 � May 13, 1977 ' �r ��9 2 �� ! /' File X1892, Page . Dear Citizen: � As a courtesy to you, and as required by law, we want .�o notify you about a public hearing which may affect you. � The Council of the City of St. Paul wi21 hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 a.m, on June 2, 1977 on the: Petition of Schillers, Inc. to REZONE the south side of West Nebraska Avenue between Dale Street and Danforth Street from R-3 to P-1 for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating a parking lot. The property is described as follows; Lots 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46 except that part of said Lot 46 Iying north of a line running from a point on the west Iine of said Lot 46, distant 21.45 feet south of the northwest corner thereof to a point on the east line of said Lot 46 distant 22.8 feet south of the northeast corner thereof, all in Danforth Park according to the recorded plat thereaf, together with and subject to easements of record. If you would like further information about this hearing, contact the Current Planning Section o£ the Planning Board, 421 Wabasha Street, or telephone 298-4154. While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any action that could affect you or your community. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this � hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or against. J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER � . � � . • � ' , . . ; . PLANNING COMMISSIUN OF ST. PAUL 421 Wabasha St:. I'aul � Minnesuta 55102 ' �������c i��q ��r ch� I'lanning Commission of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota , was held �'�� � il 1.', 1�17 . at y:00 a.m. � in the City Planning Conference Room at 421 Wabasha , '��- +'au I , Minnesota. �'� t-':�'ri' ; Mmes. Cochrane, Gri ttner, Mayne. McGinley, Montgomery, Nurton and F'iccolo; Mes�rs. Bryan, Grais , Hanggi , Humner. McDonell � Pan9al , Nrifrel , Sherwood. Van Nuef, and Willits. y'+�=�N��+- : Mess rs. Feder, Stegemoel l er, and Tobl er. ��I��� ;����.sent: John Rutford, 1384 Raymond; Toni Baker, League of Women Votrr•s; John Kelly, Dispatch; R. Maddox, DCDC; Rick Wiederhorn, H.R.A. ; R. Renner, e.��aniber of Conmerce; Merrill Robinson, 787 Fairview; K. pzugan, L. Jung, J. Zdon, E. Warn, S. Grochala, C. Kercheval , U. Hancock, an�l D. Spaid of planniny staff. T►�e i'lanniny Coirrnission at its April 22, 1977 meeting took the following action: -�.F�i f;i;VEL t�;e minutes of tlie Apri 1 f3, 1977 meeting. Motion was made by Mr. McDoric i 1 , St�c�nded by Mrs. Mayne, and appr•oved unanimously. r'r. E'r•if��el af the Current Planning Committee reported that the petition to rezone ,�r�.�F�e��ty ?ocated un the north and south sides of Selby Avenue between Snel l iny and � ��y� haJ !;e�n laid over for two weeks to enable City Attorney to review petition and ���dic�,te if the 5hort form, which was used, is correct in this instanGe. if'�.OVEI), by unanimous roll call vote, a motion made by Mr. Prifrel , seconded by '"r. f�anyal , to recomnend approval of the request of H.R.A. to rezone property on r>�� r�,rt:�i sicie of vacated 8anfil Sh-eet between Western and West Seventh St��eet. �1�'i-�NO'dEU, by unanimous roll cal l vote, a motion made by Mr. Prifrel , seconded by � Mr. Fangal , to recoir�nend approvai of the petition of Schillers, Inc. , to rezone � �•� aperty on the tiouth side of W. Nebraska between Da1e and Oanforth, with � ecu�r.mendation� from th� I�ublic Syste�ns Committee regarding ingress and eyress. rr�e Public. Neariny re_yarding Tomorrows Framework from Toda s Foundation: Plannin� i�r_Gowntowrt Saint Paul_ was opened.��`est m�ony was g�ven y t e a owing: � Johi; ItutFor•d, 1384 kaymond Avenue, cited a number of areas he thought should t:� chdnyed or expanded before plan is adopted. Ne particularly emphasizeci that reFer�ences to specific �►rojects on pages 47 and 48 should not be included and ',i<�ted it was too early tu endc�rse tiie UCUC as the group to do the planning. Mr� r � 11 It�binson, 787 Fairview Avenue, said that specific projects N�o�:lcl be funded ' ���m� C1G funds in compelition with the needs of other areas of the City and �9reed w' �-�? Mr Rutford' s cc�r►mer,ts th�►t reference to specific pro,jects should not be � ��c �u�.1ed. !'�� k. kEr�ner cf the Chamber of Con�nerce indicated they support the plan. recoynirinc� !►.ai. r•efc�rences to projects do not indicate specific endorsement. The Chambei uf ;.r,��v�,�r�t� ha�; spec�fic positions on such thinys as 35E* and people in the !�e[ai ! ��rc:.; :�n�� �>m��) 1 bu:, �r��s� should have input on each of the issues. , • . . , MEMORANDUM CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DATE : April 22, 1977 DONALD L SPAID AIP � PLANNING COORDINATOR T O: Planning Commission Members� FR O M: Current Planning & Zoning Committee S U BJEC T: Petition to rezone from R-3 to P-1 property on the south side of W. Nebraska between Dale & Danforth. (see attached legal ) Zoning File No. 8120 On March 31 , 1977, the City Council referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation a long form rezoning petition. The applicant was Schillers, Inc. , 1494 North Dale Street, City of St. Paul . The purpose of this rezoning is to allow the site to be developed as a parking lot that would be incidental to business uses now frontong on Dale Street. The Current Planning & Zoning Comnittee heard this petition request on April 21 , 1977. A motion for approval was made by Mr. Willits and seconded by Mr. Hummer. The motion was passed unanimously. The motion was made with the recommendation that Public Works be involved in working out ingress and egress patterns from the property and also that some type of lighting be installed that would satisfy neighborhood concerns. WJ/gf 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 �n � MINUTES OF THE CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, � �APRIL 21 , 1977 IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA PRESENT: �nes. McGinley and Grittner, Messrs. Willits, Pangal , Humner, Prifrel and Sherwood of the Current Planning & Zoning Committee; Mr. Thomas Sipkins, Assistant City Attorney; Mr. Richard Amey of the Division of Housing & Building Code Enforcement; Ms. Fox and Mr. Jung of the Planning Staff. SCHILLERS INC. �#8120 : A petition to rezone from R-3 to P-1 property located on the south side of W. Nebraska Street between Dale and Danfprth. Mr. Jung showed slides of the subject site and read the staff report. The petitioner was present. There was opposition. Mr. John Rowland, representing Mr. Schiller, said he was responsible for the signed long form petition and he mentioned numerous complaints from residents in the area concerning the vacant lot and the undue parking, can dumpjng and unsightly appearance. He said that within 100 ft. , 16 out of 20 residents had signed the petition. He said the Building Dept. had informed them a lang form petition would be needed. He said the Zoning Administrator had written a letter recomnending that this particular property should be rezoned to B-1 which would then place 5 lots in commercial zoning for commercial building sites, but Mr. Schiller felt this was unnecessary because he was not going to build on the property and �ust wanted it for parking. He said the proposal includes signs exiting on Nebraska onto Dale Street, with no traffic going easterly on Nebraska towards Danforth. He said the proposed parking lot wouid be curbed and would have a minimum 4'6" redwood fence around it. He said they had conscientiously approached the neighborhood and were hopeful the comnunity would approve of the rezoning. t4r. Joseph Schwan, 555 W. Cottage, spoke in opposition. He said he owns a vacant lot in the area and is not opposed to a parking lot, but would be opposed to any big buildings going in there except for a private family dwelling. He said he had understood a large apartment house was planned for the property, but Mr. Prifrel told him that, as the petitioner had presented the proposal , no apartment building was planned, just a parking lot. Mr. Schwan then said he is not opposed to a parking lot. Mr. Tom Hirlin, 1500 Danforth Street, asked what the P-1 parking designation would allow and Mr. Sipkins said it was only for parking. Mr. Jung said the only possible small building allowed in a P-1 district would be an attendant's small building. Mr. Hirlin said he did not understand that all the traffic was going to come out on Nebraska and exit on Danforth. He said a sign would not help. He also asked what would happen if Mr. Schiller found he did not need all that parking and sold, and whether they would have to come back to the Committee. Mr. Sipkins said they would. Mr. Amey said there is a general rule that Public Works follows in checking plans and this is that parking will not be allowed in a public alley. He explained the need for separation of the parking lot and residential area. Mr. Hirlin then discussed the exit from the parking lot, saying it would be next to the corner, and that all cars from the parking lot will have to come out and exit on the corner about 25 ft, from his �oor. He mentioned the blind corner by the vacu�am clea�er shop. He said most cars �o north, w�ich is an easier turn, and then . ., . � • l . , SCHILLERS INC. Page 2 go south on Dale. He said many cars will go north on Nebraska and then to Danforth and up the hill . He would like to see the alleyway left open and have the exit across the alley. He referred to Auction City on the site as junky. He also said the proposed parking lot should be lit up at night. Mr. Phil Chenoweth, 1426 W. Larpenteur, said his son lives at 1478 N. Dale Street. He said too that the property should be lighted if possible. He referred to the junky appearance of Auction City, as well as attempted rate and danger in the parking lot. Mr. Hummer asked Mr. Rowland if the intent was to light the parking lot, and Mr. Rowland said the plan did not intentionally omit lighting. He said there is lighting on the south side of the building and lights on the_east end. He said if lighting would be a criteria with a timeclock so it could be turned off at a certain hour, he was certain it could be arranged. Regarding the traffic pattern, he pointed out that on Danforth the fence would be set back 25 ft, the same as the home adjacent to it, and on Nebraska there is 4 ft. from the fence line to the egress and ingress which the fence would go around. He doubted there would be as much traffic as others expected. Ms. McGinley asked whether Mr. Schiller intended to open the store as a grocery, and the answer from Mr. Rowland was that he had no knowledge of a grocery store going in there, but that neighbors were hopeful it could happen. He said Auction City is on a 90 day lease renewable every 90 days, and that most of the neighbors are enjoying the auctions. Mr. Amey said that existing the parking lot inta the alley would penalize the people who live down the street. Mr. Lafond then said any lighting should be left on while it is dark, and that he would like to see the exit go across the alley, so it would be easier for people in their cars to fight that traffic rather than the traffic turning and going through the neighborhood. Mr. Willits moved to recomnend approval of the P-1 designation with a recommendation that Public Works work out the ingress and egress pattern from the property. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hummer and was passed unanimously. Submitted by: A�sproved by: _ �� � �����/ ,��`-.L...� / ���✓ ./ Laurence J. Jung� Joscfph Prifrel , Actin Chairman r , g PLANNING BOARD STAFF REPORT Apri1 21 �1977 Plac Map 31 " � 8120 1. APPLICANT'S IdAME : SCHILLERS, INC. 2. CLASSIFICATION . n Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other 3. PURPOSE • Rezone to P-1 4. LOCATION . South side of W. Nebraska between Dale & Danforth 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : see attached 6. PRESENT ZODTING: R-3 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: 210 Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: 4-13-77 By� WJ A. SUFFICIENCY: The petitioner's request for rezoning was filed on a long form peti on,�eclared sufficient by the City Finance Directorron March 28, 1977, and received by the City Planning Office the same day. B. PURPOSE: The proposed rezoning from R-3 (single family residential) to P-1 par ing district) would permit the construction of a parking lot that would be incidental to the business uses now fronting on Dale Street to the west. C. FRONTAGE & AREA: The corner site measures 200 ft. along Danforth and 129 ft. on e ras a, or a total area of 25,800 sq. ft. D. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is totally vacant. In the past, the site was used for a ump. e surface is about level with the street grade. � E. PiREA CONDITIONS: Newer single family dwellings are situated to the east and sout of the site. To the north across Nebraska is Elmhurst Cemetery. There is a developed alley along the west side of the site which separates it from the business uses and 30 car parking lot on Dale contained in the B-1 zone. F. FINDINGS: . 1 . A parking plan has been submitted as part of this request, as required under 60.573. The plan indicates a total of 94 spaces with 2 access points onto Nebraska only. 2. Setbacks, obscuring walls, and landscape features are depicted on the plan. No access is to be allowed directly westward across the alley and directional signs are to be installed at the 2 access points indicating movement away from the residential areas. 3. This particular site has always been vacant because of soil problems. It is unlikely that housing would be attracted to this site in view of such problems and proximity to business places to the west. 4. The use of this site for parking under controlled conditions would eliminate present unsightly conditions. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on these findings, Staff recorr�nends approval of this petition. � . • � ' ' ' PLANNING BOA RD STAFF REPORT April 21 �1977 P1ac Map 31 8120 1. APPLICANT'S NAME : SCHILLERS, INC. 2. CLASSIFICATION , n Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other 3. PURPOSE • Rezone� to P-1 4. LOCATION . South side of W. Nebraska between Dale & Danforth S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : see attached 6. PRESENT ZODTING: R-3 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: 210 Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: 4-13-77 By� LJJ A. SUFFICIENCY: The petitioner's request for rezoning was filed on a long form petition, eclared sufficient by the City Finance Director� on March"28, 1977, and received by the City Planning Office the same day. B. PURPOSE: The proposed rezoning from R-3 (single family residential ) to P-1 parking district) would permit the construction of a parking lot that would be incidental to the business uses now fronting on Dale Street to the west. C. FRONTAGE & AREA: The corner site measures 200 ft. along Danforth and 129 ft. on e ras a, or a total area of 25,800 sq. ft. D. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is totally vacant. In the past, the site was used for a dump. The surface is about level with the street grade. • E. AREA CONDITIONS: Newer single family dwellings are situated to the east and sout of the site. To the north across Nebraska is Elmhurst Cemetery. There is a developed alley along the west side of the site which separates it from the business uses and 30 car parking lot on Dale contained in the B-1 Zone. F. FINDINGS: 1 . A parking plan has been submitted as part of this request, as required under 60.573. The plan indicates a total of 94 spaces with 2 access points onto Nebraska only. 2. Setbacks, obscuring walls, and landscape features are depicted on the plan. No access is to be allowed directly westward across the alley and directional signs are to be installed at the 2 access points indicating movement away from the residential areas. 3. This particular site has always been vacant because of soil prob7ems. It is unlikely that housing would be attracted to this site in view of such problems and proximity to business places to the west. 4. The use of this site for parking under controlled conditions would eliminate present unsightly conditions. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on these findings, Staff recommends approval of this petition. -- - � _�.,,, � � � b � lst � — � t�� � 2nd � �� 3rd G � a Adopted � /� Yeas Nays BUTLER HOZZA HUNT � ���� ���_ ,, LEVINE � ROEDLER � TEDESCO (PRESIDENT SYLVESTER) • 't � � ' � Y t � •f t !F t t F, t `,�' t ♦ t t i' �' 'N, ,��. "+! 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J L___ __ � � `� O �� � ,.,�.�!�L 1!� �� �'�..:� ,,� � —_-� r..._�. •Q ^ � �' �'-�i � � �^� �� ") �� •� � ' .. __- . _�J T... -! t----_- — � .� r� �' � '1 `,,� ' ���j °� ...�,-.y �• — O Q �.,� �► .� � .� �.�.!.; �.�_-.. � Q � t ., ",� �"� 'ti "" < ' � , � .• f1 �„i � , -�' .. . . _ ���_:.� ' :��. :� < 4 .. _ _ _ __ ._._�O� , ���� ��� , APPLICANT Schjllers inc„ LE�E�D — -- ZONING DISTRICT 80UNOARY PURPOS€ Rezone fran R-3 to P-1 ��� SUBJECT PROPERTY Q ONE FAAAILY FILE �10. 8120 � TWO FAMILY �-�- (� AAULTIPLE FAAAILY CATE Apri l 21 . 1977 ,� • 4 n �OAAMERCIAL. SCALE� I"= 200' NORTN 0 "'� � iNDUSTRIAL SAINT PAUL PLANNINl3 �OARO V VQCANT _ ...,.._ � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - ' �- �;ITY 4r `f,/ ..� \ , r _.��� �\ Rose Mt= � � �:�` , 1��;� AIMrt B. Ois�e City Clerk and �-' �"�"':"'_�'-a� �:� Council Recorder �,� �'_ Council Secretar�/ ;��f;��`> �.�. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 888 City Hall St.Patll,Minnssota 5SIOt Phone�98-bt'd1 ;�arcli 31, 1977 T�^r.ning �taff .,.__.�u.��C. JU11�1�]� Ll,.`:!.� ��1.1'. . ;'i�a Cotuicil re�eri•�d to the Plai�ning Corrnnission tor recomr�len��ztion tile ai-'.ac:ied petition o:�' ;chillers, 1nc. to rezoi'te propex•ty on tiie aouth side oi �°:��st :�iel�-ras?ia, betwe.,.l Da1e �t. �nd Dari;foi•th .��. Very Truly iou;.s, �.�.� �� /' City Cl er'.c � ,�:t�...s:Z. "'� - r.,_ t,.J���. ..:'J �....___..... . . . . . . . . . � ��� . ., _, . , , V��_ . _ I __ _... _ . _.._ ... � <: _ .�._..� .. � S G�� 1!�.-d�i..��.,�,P ..._ ... .. _ . j �����C.e. � ,,C1��_-•'�',,x�i' ��-�-a�` �l '�o� G' , � � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS ,. riarr.t► 26, t977 To the Council City of St . Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition of Schillers, Inc filed in the matter of rezoning, Lots 4t, 42, 43, /+'a, 45 and h6 except that part of said Lot 46 lying north of a line running from a point on the west line of said Lot 46, distsnt 2t.45 feet south of the northwest corner thereof to a point on the east line of said Lot 46 distant ?2.8 feet south of the northeast corner thereof all in Danforth Park according to the recored plat thereof together with and subject to easementa of record. The property is located on [he eouth side of West Nebraska Avenue between Dale Street and Denforth Street, Erom R-3 to P-1 for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating a parking lot, and find that said petftion is sufficient. Yours very truly, Robert W. Trudeau - Acting Director De ment of Finance and Ma�agement Services h� 1��. _���-�-�-��. . � Re: X1892 cc: Building Department Zoning Board File Parcels EliRible - 20 Parcels Needed - 13 Parcels Signed - t4 �� �.���� ;.,.� 4 '..,....,....Y�...... ..-..�....�.,�.�,.��.ww..��r...�..�. F:a�.�R.r-+,...�:m.....�'3 t�..Y � v Nl 1[i.f .w......��� '. - ...��_.�.......,�._...-.��w..+�w:�--s. Telephone 612/298-5241 113 City Hall , Saint Pau I , Minnesota 55102 ,, , . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) as. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) CITY OF SAINT PAUL SCiiILL�RS In3C_ ITS PR�SIDENT CLAR.�iJCE �CHILi�ing firat duly eworn, deposea and states that he is the owner of the property to be rezoned, or has authority to lawfully bind the owner of the proper�y �o be rezoned, which is deacribed ae followa: �TS l�1,I�2,43,l�t�, ,A"1D 1�K EXCF.PT_T�;AT PA�n�?_SnTn 7nT � T.v2�� N�,�p� A ��-_ RU�?`lIIV'G FRUi:1 A FOI�i'dT O:d THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT I�6 ,DISTANT 21.1�:� FEET SO►JTH OF T'ci� '�?;Y;T::WEST COR"��R T:-�T�LOF T�? A PnTNT �N THF rAST T.T'dF. nF �p,Tn r.nT 1�� nTCTenrT -22,P8 FEET SOUT:i OF THE NURTi�EAST COR"d�R THEi�EOF: ALI, IAJ DArdF'ORTH PARK ACCORDING TO THE `?�':ORDED P�T THEREOF: T�GETHER tiYTTH ANn �rtR_rFr.T mn �e a��.r�rmc .,� ��.,�, �■.�r�. ■s vs ��C-..'t,�� 10-r��` k � . � that affiant does not have any legal or equitable interest in, is not in the act of purchasing, nor has he purchased or eold within one (1) year preceding the date of the attached petition any land contiguoua to the property sought to be rezoned as described above, except (NONS) (��) ; that affiant understanda the word �contiguous" as used herein to mean parcels o� property sharing a coma►on boundary at any point without regard to the presence of public thoroughfares. AFFIANT OWNS IATS 1�7 to 50 ALSO IN DAPIFORTH PARK--ADDRESS OF RECO�U 11�9l� DALE AVE NORTH. ST. PAUL, R,Ai�IISEY, MINNESOTA NOTARY PUBLlC, RAMSEY COUNTY, NINN. ! , , .. ����� �� ��LE $ �a� . _ � � - ' • � ,:�, �, E ,� �,,, ':,�,,- , a , .� , ��}�,.�;�}�,w ��; , f��.p'� ' . �.?�'� `> .�, Y. t� ;� . h ��o.4 ku;�. �, � �'t v,� . . . . � . _ _ - . � - � ��.. �� . , � ,�e ��' 3-�3-�7 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIM�ESOTA PETITION TO J►MENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGZSLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �:�i�1 be considered by the City of 5aint Paul. property owaers must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of , property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL pat�t �gCH 22, 19Q? c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67z of property owaere within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed re2oning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zonin� Ordinance and Saction 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your �norable sodr to �w�....e rl.s fnllnv�nn As�nr�l�o.i nrnnartv! ���0l� Aw�errintinn � d*r!!t addreasl �T.S ll� _117_�1�_ --. . LEaAL DESCRI�TION SCrIILLERS INC, LOTS �N DA�JFO�TH L01� Lt1,1�2�L�3�1.tJ.�, A:?D I.S 'r�XC::;:'T TriAT i'AnT OF SA�D LOT 1�6 L�'IPvG TtIORTH OF A LI?�+E RUNP3ING F:�O�: A POI"JT utd T,:E =Y�ST LINE OF SAID LClT I�6, DTSTA��bT 21.1t� FE� SOUTH UF T"rir� I�iG:�,T!iv��ST CORN'r:R THEFtEOF TQ A Y�I�IT U.'J TFiE r,AST LINE OF SAID TAT 1�6 DISTA�JT 22.8 F�,ET S��JTH OF T:� NOr�THr�AST CO:i��:.,lt ri':�R.cAFsALL Ii� DAP1FtiRTri �ARK A�^vORDI'�dCr TO TK�E ?:ECORDr.� ?i�AT T:�R�,OFs TOGi.TH?:R i'sITH A."1D SuBJ��C': 1^i; EAv � �{NTS OF ItECO.RD a __- 1��� � � �� /�``�'- , '�`� �.L".,`�� .� � ���f%��'�! � .�� /Za� �. �- _ - � �C� ,� �. ''�"��` '�� /'�'' ,�' ��� � �..��D �� ���� �. .� � ��� � �d��l�D��� �r��'�... c� >��t�r �� 3 y>E✓�fi�" ` ,Z.v"t ��^ ~ �` .�A-��o,�f�J�� State of Minneeota) �� ) as County ot Ramsey ) JOHN RO�PlLAI�1D beinq first duly sw�orn, deposes and statea that he is the person Who circulated the within petition consisting of � pages; that ths parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed iQnaediately followinq each namet that each of the parties described above is the o�+ner of property which is within 100 feet fran any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year precedinq the date of this petition which is contiquous to the propezty above describedt that nane of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasinq property from affiant contiquous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of thie petitionj that this petition�was siqned by each of said owr�ers in the presence of this affiant, and that the �ignatures above ar the true and corzect sic�natures of each and all of the parties so described. �� � 10 LI OOD AVE. ST. ?AU MIN�JESOTA Subscribe�nd eMOrn to before ms Ad ess 225_3810 � /�,7 Te ph ne [�o. 690-,��33 thie Z'Y Say of � _ Approved as to form 10-27-76 Office of the City Atto:•ney Notary Public, Ramsey Courit , Minn. '!y Cotnmis5ion exp er� WILLIAM M. GYDESEN � � � NOTARY PUBLIC,Dskota County, Minn• IiAy Cemmisdon Expins Jan. 10. 1979 �` . � �r...� v� • � � � , . �2CQt�- � -7y� A _ v . ` ' � SO. C�� �� . CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, MIM7ESOTA ;. � � PETZTZON TO AMEN� CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGZSLATZVE (ZO!JING) COD£ Note: Be�ore the petitioner's proposal for rezoning ai�i be considered by the City of SainC Paul� property ocmera must consent to the proposed change. Befare signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information ebout the rezoning of , nroperty, call the Zoning Section of the City PlanninQ Office, 298-4154. ° � TO THE HONORAnLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Oata: c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall MARCH 22, 197? City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property oweters within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezonin$ must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional �eal e�tate' contiguou to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger pacicage of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul - Zpning 0rdinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own propezty within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and he�eby petition your Honc�rable Body to -` rezone the follocring described property: (legal description & street sddress)_ _ _ I�GAL D��,SCRI:'TICN SCHIiuL:�'RS INC, LOT; QN DAi1FORTH L,GTS �l,�.t2,1.�3,���, Ai<D �r EXC�;PT TiiAi 'r'n�iT C� S."s?U Li;T �.�6 L�IiuG NORTH ��' A :lI?t:E � �� � RUNNTRG F'�Ot��.� 1� PUlt1T 0:�� T�.�:F, b"f:�'ST T Tt�;I�; �;F SA�D �,GT �6, DI�TA:�d`I' �1.I�5 �"�?,I�:T SOUTH OI� T>:E NGit7.'HPJEST �Ot�N1?R `I'Fli:FtEOF �'O � Pi,I�r'1' G�J `r:�r.; i;llS'I` �I.'1E OF� SAII) T,GT �i6 � ���D�ST.Ai`1T 22a� F'i:ET SCi1J't'I�I Oi��' `ii:�I�� NO'itT��i�;A;�T CU.ta1�'R T��i�;lii�a0k':ALL IPJ DAP7�+OFtTfi PARK - � � � � � ��.l�Ct;G.�DI�JG iCJ �'i3�I� xZI�,C�)FiD� PLAT Tf�F�.Rr?Ur: TCG;a"r±��;R ;flTri �1i�1D SiTDJi�,C`L�' TO EAS��NTa� � . OI RECC)�tD: ����ti'- / . J . . . .�.v L•. p�Nt l. -'r✓ i -.��--� .x�_ ,� � y�.s � �����,�;�i���� ����-�i ,.�� ,�����d �'✓,��,��'� �`` ' � �`� ���� O���T//�i� � ' �s �iY� � � � � - � � �/a�'���%�,� ���, , ��. / � � o������' � �. ���,��� State oE Minneaota) ) sa ; Cvunty of Ramsey ) " JOHN ROWLAND being first duly sworn, deposes and sta'tes that he is the p�rson who cisculmted the within petition consisting of �, pages; that the parties do�cri.tsed a2,ove aro th�s owners zespectively of the lots placed immediately following esch namel that each of t2ie parties described above is the owner of p�opQrty which is within 100 feet fsam sn� property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (Z) y��ir precedinq the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property ahove describeds that none o� the parties described abo9e has purchased or is gurchasing psoperty fror� a�fiant comtiguous to the above described property within one (1) year af th� date of thio peti�ionj �.hat this petition was siqned by each of said owners ia the e presence of this affiant, ar►d that the signatures above are the true and correct : 6icZnatures of each �nd all af the partie� so descri��+ � ` ^ A�i � � �u.�l� ,'lry�w-�u�� 62 INWOOD AVE. ST. PAUL ?VJ�NN � ��bacribed and a�orn to be�oge ma Ad ess: 2 -3�10 Te phOn� No. 69�-51133 �hi �7/day of �/l�Lt�,�, 1�77 Approved as to form 10-27-76 ��'?'!--� Office of the Ci Atto�'ney ��`, � •� 2�IOtttxy Public, Ramsey County, Mirn. � :'i� COIM�LSS�QS1 P.Xj� ` �M�LLIAM M. GYDESEN -�' � . , � . �w� NOTARY PUBLIC, Dakota C�unty, Mirn. � - � .. � ��� My Comfnission Expires Jan. 10, 1979 � . . . .. . . � � � . � . � � .. . .��� ........_.-._...--..,...�_.. ..�� ."'_..'____'.....�,._....�."'�...�...�...�.«.........�....,.............._._,...._."—.____..._ . . . ' > - . �� , � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, @QINPI�SO�A PETI`�'ION TO AMEND CHAPTERi 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLAT�VE (�ONING) CflL�� Note: The signer should apprise himself of the us�s �.ermitted un3er the new classi•- fication before signing this petiLion. For further informatian about tne rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 298-4151. (Please type or print} Date: �RCH 22, 1977 TO THE HC�NORABLE MAYOR AND GITY COUNCIL c/b the City Clerk, Room 386 City .Hal1 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code and Minnesata Statute 462.357(5) , we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the owne.r of the real estate to be rezonEd or by any party who h�s purchased oz is purchasing any such contiguous property within one (1� year precedi.ng the dats of this oetition, suah property including the property to be rezoned, hereby acqui.esc'�; ar.d we, the ownera of SOt or mo�e of the frontaqe to be reclassified, pet�tion .yv�uc �onorable Bo�y tc� rezon� tha followinq dascribsd property: (leqal de�cription a�ad �treet a�resa) �` 'e ___ _ � l�:cxn.r, .��,�ciil��2�ic;rr - "�_ .. � � � � � � �Cti1�I,I�1�:R:; I�d!;, I,U'I'�> (!t�l DAiJ1�U:?TH � � � � ' i yf;i.5 ��y��e�''. �13 �:l:y I� � 1i� X' .. [ 1 ` � � `� • �1��E � ��'�. �� �!�' ������Z� ?r�T ��E� �;'I:'G P10iiZ'�: OI� � L.i:�L; � � �tUI�d7��IPa��� Ir�C�,���. A F��I,''11� ,i��l 1 ,l� �.`J��;I i�I,�,f, Ul � �=1) i.;,`i Z�6 ��1.��'l�?�;`L 21,<<�� ��'I��fi SOUTFi�=�� t� a jr ,.� ��� �—� ) . � G� T"L �C tltf,, � � C01t�1 � i' lF '�� �°y �, � � � 11� 1 ���t� :.l l�. 1 l; l;�.i�', t �i�C� 1���L 0�� ;i.�li) I.���,� • Tl S�� i�Z� ��o�� F'Ls� 1 4ii �� �1 LI �1��� ��„�� 1�1 �1�� ( �"> � � �r� � f U,t. ,� i� '.i'�� ���;OI �'�� 1�, � ,� 1)/�� I�'Li�71� i�,l1JrF{ �� ��'t�:;C)F'� �:(i `CG' 'I;ti; iti�,('(�AiI�I��?) �'I.Il( I�!±i�..�i:(:��� ( , ., I I 1 /� _ j) 1 T �( {� � 1l 1i'� I1'�l� LV1�11 .L .��� \,)��l)� ��iJ r.l��l 1�_f>�1-{:illJ 4�1� �111 JLLl.l7!{I�� � ��q� �UA��D/�'I` �/a. ___ _ _ _ . ,cP .woT� � � �'.s �J�l�dC1",�- �,�,�, ' � ,L,�1f�"�� ���'.�•�y .s.s'� -¢�-» � �.S ,/6 ,�D ��� � �J` , L�.� State of Minnesota) } ss County of Ramsey ) JOHN R(�UITLAND being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is i:he psrson who circulated the within petition consisting of �� pages; that the pa�ties descri.bed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed ia�nedi.ately following each narae; that each of the parties described abave is the owner of property which is within 100 f�et from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant witlzi.n one {la year preceding thg date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described. above has purchased or i.s ourchasing property from af�iant'cantiguous to the above described propert� within one (1) year of the dat� of this petition; that this petition was siqned �y each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above - e the true d eorrect signatuYes of each ar.d all of the parties so described. 106 LI OQD AVE.ST P�ltJL,r,dINN---2 3810 Subscrib�d and sworn to before me Ad e . 9�- �t33 Te one No. tn�5 2z a af 7��:�.� �97� /_ i � � J� Approved as to form 8-27-73 ��f/ _ �Y�% Oifice of the City Attorney 7` i3o�ary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. riy commission expires ,; •�;;� 9� t' "' WILLIAM M. GYDESEN `� NOTARY PUBLIC.Dakot�CountY. Minn. . �w.�.+� � My Commtasloo Expir�s Jan. 30. 1979 . • , , a . � ' , CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, MINt�ESOTA PETITZON TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF TIiE LEGISLATIVE (20*IING) COD£ Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �:�i�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of , property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Datei �RCH 22 1 c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall � 9?? City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67x of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the lan+d proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the underaigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Aonorable Bady to rezone che follawina.deacribed Drocertv: (leaal description 6 street sddresa) . . . LEGAL DESCRIPTICN . SCHILLERS INC, IATS ON DAAIFGRTH LOTS l�1,1�2,lt3,�1�, A��:D !�5 EXCLPT TriAi ?As�T OF SA�D LiYP !�6 LYING NORTH OF A LIr3E RUIVNING FRO�i A POINT OPl T-;:E WEST LINE OF SATD LGT �6, DISTAtiT 21.�5 Fr,ET SOUTH OF T� NORTH{WEST CORNER THER.EOF TO A PC:IRT OTd THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 1�6 DISTAi�iT 22.8 Fr`�T SOiJTH OF Tii� NORTiiEAST COR:�1':�i. THERr�F:ALL IN DAAIFORTH FARK ACCORDING i0 THE R.ECORDID PLAT TI-�Rr�OF: TOG�T?�ER ��(ITH A.^1D SUBJECT TO EASEDdENTS OF RECORD: , f. `� f` � ��f�' �rJ .��`�_�� .�� ��� .�,�.��: �'�L�s�:��— ���., ,� f ��fC -� ��f �� D� 1=�� �� .��, �..� � .� �� a.�,� � �a,��.,�*,u- ��C - 7 ,� �fi - __ �� ��� .�� � - State of Mtnnesota) � �,.��� . _. :, ,. . , , i.� .,_... �.:,:�,.:.�.. ..:..,....:�...w.� �k �