269237 WH17E - CITV CLERK `� + �
C NARV - DEPAR MENT CO�IIIC11 �����.'.Ji� . .
R�TiII3N COPY TO VALU�4TION BtktEAU Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WI�REAS� The Council oP the City of Sairrt Paul has authorized the
sa.le of real property oFrned by the City and described as; Except the West
58 feet thereof; Lots 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33, Block 3, '�enalaws Addition"
to the City of St. Paul, and directed the Purehasing Agent to advertise for
bid proposals in accordance with Seetion 87A.01 (3) of the Sa.iYrt Faul Legialat3v�e
Code; and
W�'RF'�AS, The Purch&sing Agent du]y advertised for bid� and the Land
Co�an.ittee, in accordance with Chapter 87.A of the Legislative Code, has reported
that bid proposals were submitted and has reconmended that the sale of the proper-
ty be m�de to Midtawn Industries, submitting the high bid of $42,222.22: na�,r,
therefore, be it
RESOLVID, The Crnancil of the City of Sairrt Paul, in accordance wi.th
Chapter 87A oP the Legislative Code, does hereby award the sa.le of the above
described real property to Midtown Industries for the bid price of $42,222.22,
and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute on
behalf of the City of Sairrt P+�ul quit claim deed conv�ying the above-dleseri�ed
real property to Midtawn Industries: and be it
F'tJRTHER RESOLVID, That the legal description of the property to be con-
veyed read as follvws: Except the West 58 feet thereof; Lots 28, 29, 30, 31, ,
32 ancl 33, Block 3, '�ensla�rs Addit3on" to the City of St. Paul. � •
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler � F e & A� ement Ses'wices
Hozza [n Favor ,`��
Levine v _ Against Dixeetor
"T� � �9�
3�� 1 Form,�pprov d y Attorney
Adopted Council: Date
C ified Passed Counci etary B
. � `
Appro y IVlayor: Date
� Appr v d by Mayor for Sub ssi n Council
w N I T E :�T v C L EF K i (/�) ����J\!J
F�N'. FIntANGE �`V'�. \ + COUflCII
�A♦�4R � CEFARTMENT �� � ��� �Z� �L� I � •r I�L1 U L
8�,::E - M.�oA File NO.
• • �'?'.;�rs'*t►^j+�uqT�•r��.x,r�.+,�;
����'/� � �� �ouncil �Zesol�tzon � �j � ,��� a ��. f s � �r.'
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Presented I3y 1--��' �' -� ` �'� ` -
/ - r. ; - ;� �;,.
�. L ,. . , ,
Referred To Committee: Date' �' — " ��'-' —
Out of Committee By Date --
RESOLVED, That upon the petition of the City of Saint � �r
� �--� ``
Paul, by i�s Mayor, that section of public property herein-
after described, be and the same hereby is vacated and
discontinued as public property:
E�cept the West 58 feet thereof;
Lots 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33,
Block 3, Denslow' s Addition;
subject expressly to the follocaing conditions and reservations:
1. That the vacation be subject to all the
terms and conditions set forth in Section
228 of the Sa int Paul Legislative Code,
as amended, provided, however, that there
does not exist in the portion of street
vacated herein any public utilities, in-
cluding sewer, water, gas or electric main,
pipe or conduit, and there does not exist
the need to retain easements for such public
instrumentaZit9.es within the vaca�ed portion
of public street, and the Council of the City
of Saint Paul does hereby specifically release
from the claim of the City, for itself or in
behalf of any other person or .corporation, to
COUNCIL5IEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Na}•s •
Hozza ___— (n Favor --
l.cvine -----_ Against �Y — ---
. Roedler
Form Approved b Cit Attorn y
Adupted by Council: Date ----_------
Certifi�>d }�assed Uy Council Secretary BY -- —
�� ----- ------- ---__------
Appru�ed b}� 1lavor• Date ____.___ ____._______ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�y' ---_____—_____.—�_._—_---------...----- BY ----_----- -- --- ---
� - CIE�tK ����t �
COUC1C11 '� � �
,' . .P:RT+EraT CiITY O�'' SAI �"T ��ALTL Fite N0. �� --
Co�n�il �esol��io�z
.� ___
.sented By —
Referred To Committee: Date -
Out of Committee By — Date __ _
any right or easement therein for the con-
struction, reconstruction, repair, maintenance and
operation of any of the aforesaid instrumen-
talities within the portion of street herei.n
2. That the Council of the City of Saint Paul,
in accordance with Section 87A.01 (3) , does
hereby approve and authorize the conveyance
by Quit Claim Deed of the City' s interest in
that portion of the land vacated herein,
having been acquired by condemnation for public
street purposes, to the h.ighest responsible
bidder after proper call for sealed bids, the
sale or conveyance to be made for not less
than the sum of $20, 000, whiGh sum is the fair
market value of the property as appraised and
reported by the City Valuation Engineer, with
the further condition that the bid quotation
specifications cite that the successful bidder
be compelled to remove the westerly 58 feet of
the building and construct a new building
front off the City right-of-way and other speci-
fications and conditions as may be deemed
necessary by the City Building Inspector.
COUNCIL.LiEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays .,
Butter � ---�
Hozza [n Favor
l,evine � _ Against BY --- `—
Tedesco __� ��{�D� 3 �C„s^-� Form Approved by Ci A tocne '�
Adopted by Counci� Date — --
�'� By L
C/�iTicd P�.• - .d b�• Ccwnci� Se\c—retacy / —
� $��,�—>_—�-��� __ _.�"/�"/�i�./ ✓ � � . � .
� ���� Approved by 4layor foc Submission to Council
APP�� � d by �lavor: D• e Z— �t��—�`��-a�
---- �
gy __ . ��-�,.-�. _.,.___--^ --- — By _
- OM 01: 22j1975 .
R�v. : 9J�/76
RE �U"r 4'N , Ai�il� '�RDIN�N �a
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Date: 1M�7 ?�1� 19ZT ' '� `� ��`�f
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FIt: d. 1K17 i'a�t Dm�e�, '►�a�aVN� d� llsNSSrra� E�rgine�s, !"imN�a� i llet. B��M,(�. 331T�
RE t ��It tbe ia'1.� o! aoaws l�ntd �a�l �i7.ii� s� 9Q6 �. Da].� �t.
� �aid 7�t� aa�l bro�f7.di�ag �w�ca �c�i.red lu �o�ectie� xl�h t1� HR3.� 8tre� 11i�
l�+m�a ltlats�lta A� to �it�a Arenae.
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�3saticra to �a►ar� t� ssle o! �sia rsaa. p�*opsrt� to t�e �t car�ar�t�►1e
fid�r tor ssid P�vperC7, beri.�1�lidtoNn I�nstri�s.
� rh. oONai�#ag oT s� irl.a. pars�nt to C�cpt.o� 8?�A.�1 �� al t�
'St. P�atl I+�isl�►titr+� Cc�d� tras �ntLorised �r Ccam�ail. 8MO]a��t, C�amail !'ilo
�o, 2�f9. '1'4i M�st �id, !'ra�r 1lidtoMa I�ts#aCie�r, ia in t�ire�st� �
- �,�.�2, +�i�th will be cr�tiitad t.� PIS lhmd 64t�Q0-�ll-C'�A �Zr-g83S).
l. Lt�#�r ta► Cit� Co�cil lc�r si�at�etr�
' �. C+dbncil Aesaaattie�a !e� spprw�ral
�. Co�;v o�' �ar�esil 11e�rolu�i:�et �o. 86A�09 . .
+�. C�r mf Bid l�ios fos sate o!' �� ]amd +�d 'ba�ila3.tig
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(�1-i:Y or S��I�rz I'��iir� �
e:eaae O1�'1�'I(;1: O1� TFII: �IAS'O1:
MaY 25s 1977
The Honorable Members of the Council
of the City of Saint paul
The City Council, by resolution C.F. 26goog, authorized the sale of the
real estate owned by the City of Saint Paul and described as:
Except the West 58 feet thereof; Lots 28, 29, 30,
31, 32 and 33, Block 3, '�enslow�s Addition" to the
C ity of St. Paul.
This property was vacated by said resolution and the land was authorized
to be sold on the basis of obtaining sealed bid proposals. In accord�nce
with Chapter 87A.01 (3) of the Saint Pa.ul Legislative Code, this Advertise-
ment for sealed bids was published for tw�o successive weeks, and bids were
opened on Wednesday April 13, 1977, at 2:00 P.M. As indicated on the
atta.ched bid tabulation, the highest bid received was tha.t of Midtawn
Industries for the bid sum of $�+2,222.22.
It is the recommendation of the undersigned, comprising the City Land
Commiittee, that the City Council award the sa1.e of this real property to
Midtown Industries, the highest responsible bidder, for the bid sum of
Attached please find a proposed resol.ution which, upon approval, will allc�w
the proper City officials to convey the real property by Quit Claim Deed
as provided in said Legislative Code.
Respectfully submitted, '
! ,,c,��f.-�',t�,c„� �
Ma, Purchasing A�ent
Depa.rtment of Finance & N�nagement Services
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