01-362Council File # p \ - 3(�. � � ��` . �, k � i ��� �` � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To Green Sheet #_106829 Committee Date IO RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Federation for the purpose of eatending the agreement to provide an accelerated entry program for police officers to join the 4 Saint Paul Police Department. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Hazris Lantry Reiter � O CS Adopted by Council: Date t--� „L� \F( �o � Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary By: � �- 1� � � ,.�/ Approved by Mayor: Date �G ( �� ���� By: � Requested by Department of: of Labor Relations Form Apprclved by � Approved by�N or for Submission to Council B ('.�y� i v`,c ( �` ��'�� � � y� DEPARTMENf/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE INITLATED GREEN SHEET No.: 106829 ���3�1- ' LABOR RELATIONS March 29, 2001 - � CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: p � �° ATE INR7ALDATE : JULIE KRAUS 266-6513 ,�IGx i DEPARTMENf DIR. ��" a crrY covcacn. ��� z cmr nrro�Y_�4.• cmr ci.nuc MIISC BE ON COUNCQ. AGENDA BY (DATEj F�R B�ET DIR � FIN. & MGT. SEAVICE DIIt ROUTAIG 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) • ORDER r TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS_I (!CLIP ALL LOCAT'IONS FOR SIGNATORE) acriox �QvESrEn: This resolution approves the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint : Paul and the Saint Paul Police Federation for the purpose of eactending the agreement to provide an accelerated k:= entry program for police officers to join the Saint Paui Police Depazhnent. ir� � RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONCRACfS MUST AlVSWER THE FOLLOWING , QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMIvIISSION I. Has ittis person/fum ever worked wder a contract for this depaztment? � CIB COMMI1'CEE Yes No STP,FF 2. Has this peisonl5mi ever been a city emptoyee? DISIRICT COURT Yes No � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECIIVE? 3. Does this persoNSmi possess a skiil not noimally possessed by any cuerent ciry empioyee? Ye5 No �plaiu ali yes answers on separate sheet and attac6 to green 56eet ��;' INITTATING PROBLEM, ISSLSE, OPPORTt3NifY (W hq W ha; When, Wirere, WAy): High nuxnber of retirements in Saint Paul Police Department. Need to fill behind these retirements quickly with ',i experienced o�cers. Cutrent Memorandum of Agreement expiring; but need exists through Fall of 2002. ,:,, :7� w�r' • ADVA�]'CAGES IF APPROVED: Improved recruitment opportunities for addition of experienced officers to the Saint Paul Police Department. Maintain high quality of service from Saint Paul Police Department. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: i, , �, None - DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Difficulties replacing veteran officers. � TOTAL AMOUNT OF'CRANSACT[ON: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FIJNDING SOURCE: AC'CIVITY NUMBER: . - FINANCIAL INFORNGITION: (EXPLAII� ,r,Oltr�c3f R�S¢o�ch C�n'2�' rE o�-�c� • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE SAINT PAUL POLICE FEDERATION This agreement is entered into by the City of 5aint Paul (City) and the Saint Paui Police k'ederation (Federation) for the puxpose of extending the agreement to provide an accelerated enhy program for police officers to join the Saint Paui Police Department. The continuing high levels of retirements ofpolice officers and the ever present need to insure that the Saint Paul Police Department continues to have the experience and quality of workforce needed to efficiently and effectively carry out its mission has necessitated this agreement. The Saint Paul Police Department Accelerated Enhy Program shall operate under the following terms and conditions: To be eligible for this program, the candidate must be currently employed as a law enforcement officer with a minimum of one-year experience in law enforcement and be POST licensed or eligible to be POST licensed. 2. The discretion to start candidates hired under this program up to and including Step F of the • Police Officer Wage Schedule in effect at the time of hire shall rest solely with the Chief. 3. Candidates hired under this program shall be eligible for the medical insurance benefits contained in the collective bargaining agreement commencing with their first day of empioyment. 4. Seniority is not transferable to the Saint Paul Police Department. Seniority of all candidates hired under this program shall commence with their first date of empioyment. 5. Candidates hired under this program shall be required to undergo standard background, medical and psychological evaluations. 6. Candidates hired under this program shall successfully complete all physical training requirements, modified academy, modified field training programs and any other requirements for Police Officers as directed by the training unit and successfully complete a one-year probation period_ Candidates hired underthis program shall be excluded from assignment to otherthanDistrict patrol positions for a period of three (3) yeazs from their dated of hire. In the event that no other qualified employees are available for assignxnent to otherthanDistrictpatrol vacancies, the Chief may, at his discretion, assign employees hired under tkus program. • � y � � � J Y � • • 8. An Administrative Interview Team will be established to interview candidates and make recommendations to the Chief. The Federation Executive Board will appoint one representarive to this team. 9. The parties agree that this MOA shall in no manner establish a precedent regazding the interpretation and/or application of the terms of the labor contract, Civil Service Rules, or other legislation governing the transfer and l�iiing of employees. This MOA extends for a period of one (1) year the previous Accelerated Entry Program Memorandum of Understanding between the parties signed on August 24, 1999. This MOA will expire on August 24, 2002. On Be f of the ity: � athy Megarry Director of Labor Relations 3 �� � Date Hamilton , Human Resources Director =—� William Finney, ��� �_� Date / of Police � e Risk Manager � 3 ��8'r?/ Date • C:\WADOWS�TEMPWCCeleratedtirivgMOA.wpd On Behalf of the Union: ,2�lDslbit� ��.�t.�ie.C� Stuart Burke Federation President 3-/� Date , �. • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE SAINT PAUL POLICE FEDERATION oi.36a This agreement is entered into by the City of Saint Paul (City) and the Saint Paul Police Federation (Federation) for the purpose of extending the agreement to provide an accelerated entry program for pofice officers to join the Saint Paul Police Depariment. The continuing high levels of retirements ofpolice officers and the everpresent need to insure that the Saint Paul Police Department continues to have the experience and quality of workforce needed to efficiently and effectively carry out its mission has necessitated this agreement. The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent Accelerated Enhy Program shall operate under the following terms and conditions: 1. To be eligible for this program, the candidate must be currently employed as a law enforeement officer with a minimum of one-year experience in law enforcement and be POST licensed or eligible to be POST licensed. 2. The discretion to start candidates hired under this program up to and including Step F ofthe • Police Officer Wage Schedule in effect at the time of hire shall rest solely with the Chief. 3. Candidates hired under this program shall be eligible for the medical insurance benefits contained in the collective bargaining agreement commencing with their first day of employment. 4. Seniority is not transferable to the Saint Paul Police Department. Seniority of all candidates hired under this program shall commence with their first date of employxnent. 5. Candidates hired under this program shall be required to undergo standard background, medical and psychological evaluations. 6. Candidates hired under this program shall successfully complete all physical training requirements, modified academy, modified field training programs and any other requirements for Police Officers as directed by the training unit and successfully complete a one-year probation period. Candidates hired underthis program shall be excluded from assignmentto otherthanDistrict patrol posirions for a period of three (3) years from their dated of hire. In the event that no other qualified employees are available for assignment to otherthanDistrictpatrol vacancies, the Chief may, at his discretion, assign employees hired under this program. C� � ��-��a- 8. An Administrative Interview Team will be established to interview candidates and make recommendations to the Chie£ The Federation Executive Board will appoint one representative to this team. 9. The parties agree that this MOA shall in no manner establish a precedent regarding the interpretation and/or application of the terms of the labar contract, Civil Service Rules, or other legislation governing the transfer and hiring of employees. This MOA extends for a period of one (1) year the previous Accelerated Entty Program Memorandum of Understanding between the parties signed on August 24, 1999. This MOA will expire on August 24, 2002. of the City; On Behalf of the Union: ��Q,t f �cc.c !�. Stuart Burke Federation President • c g�q Jo Hvnilton Human Resources Director William �inncjy, Chief of Police ��._�I �J Date !!3_�_ ���.!..---....�- 03 �8 r� / Date C:\W INDOWS\TCMP\AcccicmmdhiringMOA.wpd .� - /�v d� Date Council File # p \ - 3(�. � � ��` . �, k � i ��� �` � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To Green Sheet #_106829 Committee Date IO RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Federation for the purpose of eatending the agreement to provide an accelerated entry program for police officers to join the 4 Saint Paul Police Department. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Hazris Lantry Reiter � O CS Adopted by Council: Date t--� „L� \F( �o � Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary By: � �- 1� � � ,.�/ Approved by Mayor: Date �G ( �� ���� By: � Requested by Department of: of Labor Relations Form Apprclved by � Approved by�N or for Submission to Council B ('.�y� i v`,c ( �` ��'�� � � y� DEPARTMENf/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE INITLATED GREEN SHEET No.: 106829 ���3�1- ' LABOR RELATIONS March 29, 2001 - � CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: p � �° ATE INR7ALDATE : JULIE KRAUS 266-6513 ,�IGx i DEPARTMENf DIR. ��" a crrY covcacn. ��� z cmr nrro�Y_�4.• cmr ci.nuc MIISC BE ON COUNCQ. AGENDA BY (DATEj F�R B�ET DIR � FIN. & MGT. SEAVICE DIIt ROUTAIG 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) • ORDER r TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS_I (!CLIP ALL LOCAT'IONS FOR SIGNATORE) acriox �QvESrEn: This resolution approves the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint : Paul and the Saint Paul Police Federation for the purpose of eactending the agreement to provide an accelerated k:= entry program for police officers to join the Saint Paui Police Depazhnent. ir� � RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONCRACfS MUST AlVSWER THE FOLLOWING , QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMIvIISSION I. Has ittis person/fum ever worked wder a contract for this depaztment? � CIB COMMI1'CEE Yes No STP,FF 2. Has this peisonl5mi ever been a city emptoyee? DISIRICT COURT Yes No � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECIIVE? 3. Does this persoNSmi possess a skiil not noimally possessed by any cuerent ciry empioyee? Ye5 No �plaiu ali yes answers on separate sheet and attac6 to green 56eet ��;' INITTATING PROBLEM, ISSLSE, OPPORTt3NifY (W hq W ha; When, Wirere, WAy): High nuxnber of retirements in Saint Paul Police Department. Need to fill behind these retirements quickly with ',i experienced o�cers. Cutrent Memorandum of Agreement expiring; but need exists through Fall of 2002. ,:,, :7� w�r' • ADVA�]'CAGES IF APPROVED: Improved recruitment opportunities for addition of experienced officers to the Saint Paul Police Department. Maintain high quality of service from Saint Paul Police Department. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: i, , �, None - DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Difficulties replacing veteran officers. � TOTAL AMOUNT OF'CRANSACT[ON: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FIJNDING SOURCE: AC'CIVITY NUMBER: . - FINANCIAL INFORNGITION: (EXPLAII� ,r,Oltr�c3f R�S¢o�ch C�n'2�' rE o�-�c� • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE SAINT PAUL POLICE FEDERATION This agreement is entered into by the City of 5aint Paul (City) and the Saint Paui Police k'ederation (Federation) for the puxpose of extending the agreement to provide an accelerated enhy program for police officers to join the Saint Paui Police Department. The continuing high levels of retirements ofpolice officers and the ever present need to insure that the Saint Paul Police Department continues to have the experience and quality of workforce needed to efficiently and effectively carry out its mission has necessitated this agreement. The Saint Paul Police Department Accelerated Enhy Program shall operate under the following terms and conditions: To be eligible for this program, the candidate must be currently employed as a law enforcement officer with a minimum of one-year experience in law enforcement and be POST licensed or eligible to be POST licensed. 2. The discretion to start candidates hired under this program up to and including Step F of the • Police Officer Wage Schedule in effect at the time of hire shall rest solely with the Chief. 3. Candidates hired under this program shall be eligible for the medical insurance benefits contained in the collective bargaining agreement commencing with their first day of empioyment. 4. Seniority is not transferable to the Saint Paul Police Department. Seniority of all candidates hired under this program shall commence with their first date of empioyment. 5. Candidates hired under this program shall be required to undergo standard background, medical and psychological evaluations. 6. Candidates hired under this program shall successfully complete all physical training requirements, modified academy, modified field training programs and any other requirements for Police Officers as directed by the training unit and successfully complete a one-year probation period_ Candidates hired underthis program shall be excluded from assignment to otherthanDistrict patrol positions for a period of three (3) yeazs from their dated of hire. In the event that no other qualified employees are available for assignxnent to otherthanDistrictpatrol vacancies, the Chief may, at his discretion, assign employees hired under tkus program. • � y � � � J Y � • • 8. An Administrative Interview Team will be established to interview candidates and make recommendations to the Chief. The Federation Executive Board will appoint one representarive to this team. 9. The parties agree that this MOA shall in no manner establish a precedent regazding the interpretation and/or application of the terms of the labor contract, Civil Service Rules, or other legislation governing the transfer and l�iiing of employees. This MOA extends for a period of one (1) year the previous Accelerated Entry Program Memorandum of Understanding between the parties signed on August 24, 1999. This MOA will expire on August 24, 2002. On Be f of the ity: � athy Megarry Director of Labor Relations 3 �� � Date Hamilton , Human Resources Director =—� William Finney, ��� �_� Date / of Police � e Risk Manager � 3 ��8'r?/ Date • C:\WADOWS�TEMPWCCeleratedtirivgMOA.wpd On Behalf of the Union: ,2�lDslbit� ��.�t.�ie.C� Stuart Burke Federation President 3-/� Date , �. • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE SAINT PAUL POLICE FEDERATION oi.36a This agreement is entered into by the City of Saint Paul (City) and the Saint Paul Police Federation (Federation) for the purpose of extending the agreement to provide an accelerated entry program for pofice officers to join the Saint Paul Police Depariment. The continuing high levels of retirements ofpolice officers and the everpresent need to insure that the Saint Paul Police Department continues to have the experience and quality of workforce needed to efficiently and effectively carry out its mission has necessitated this agreement. The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent Accelerated Enhy Program shall operate under the following terms and conditions: 1. To be eligible for this program, the candidate must be currently employed as a law enforeement officer with a minimum of one-year experience in law enforcement and be POST licensed or eligible to be POST licensed. 2. The discretion to start candidates hired under this program up to and including Step F ofthe • Police Officer Wage Schedule in effect at the time of hire shall rest solely with the Chief. 3. Candidates hired under this program shall be eligible for the medical insurance benefits contained in the collective bargaining agreement commencing with their first day of employment. 4. Seniority is not transferable to the Saint Paul Police Department. Seniority of all candidates hired under this program shall commence with their first date of employxnent. 5. Candidates hired under this program shall be required to undergo standard background, medical and psychological evaluations. 6. Candidates hired under this program shall successfully complete all physical training requirements, modified academy, modified field training programs and any other requirements for Police Officers as directed by the training unit and successfully complete a one-year probation period. Candidates hired underthis program shall be excluded from assignmentto otherthanDistrict patrol posirions for a period of three (3) years from their dated of hire. In the event that no other qualified employees are available for assignment to otherthanDistrictpatrol vacancies, the Chief may, at his discretion, assign employees hired under this program. C� � ��-��a- 8. An Administrative Interview Team will be established to interview candidates and make recommendations to the Chie£ The Federation Executive Board will appoint one representative to this team. 9. The parties agree that this MOA shall in no manner establish a precedent regarding the interpretation and/or application of the terms of the labar contract, Civil Service Rules, or other legislation governing the transfer and hiring of employees. This MOA extends for a period of one (1) year the previous Accelerated Entty Program Memorandum of Understanding between the parties signed on August 24, 1999. This MOA will expire on August 24, 2002. of the City; On Behalf of the Union: ��Q,t f �cc.c !�. Stuart Burke Federation President • c g�q Jo Hvnilton Human Resources Director William �inncjy, Chief of Police ��._�I �J Date !!3_�_ ���.!..---....�- 03 �8 r� / Date C:\W INDOWS\TCMP\AcccicmmdhiringMOA.wpd .� - /�v d� Date Council File # p \ - 3(�. � � ��` . �, k � i ��� �` � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To Green Sheet #_106829 Committee Date IO RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Federation for the purpose of eatending the agreement to provide an accelerated entry program for police officers to join the 4 Saint Paul Police Department. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Hazris Lantry Reiter � O CS Adopted by Council: Date t--� „L� \F( �o � Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary By: � �- 1� � � ,.�/ Approved by Mayor: Date �G ( �� ���� By: � Requested by Department of: of Labor Relations Form Apprclved by � Approved by�N or for Submission to Council B ('.�y� i v`,c ( �` ��'�� � � y� DEPARTMENf/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE INITLATED GREEN SHEET No.: 106829 ���3�1- ' LABOR RELATIONS March 29, 2001 - � CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: p � �° ATE INR7ALDATE : JULIE KRAUS 266-6513 ,�IGx i DEPARTMENf DIR. ��" a crrY covcacn. ��� z cmr nrro�Y_�4.• cmr ci.nuc MIISC BE ON COUNCQ. AGENDA BY (DATEj F�R B�ET DIR � FIN. & MGT. SEAVICE DIIt ROUTAIG 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) • ORDER r TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS_I (!CLIP ALL LOCAT'IONS FOR SIGNATORE) acriox �QvESrEn: This resolution approves the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint : Paul and the Saint Paul Police Federation for the purpose of eactending the agreement to provide an accelerated k:= entry program for police officers to join the Saint Paui Police Depazhnent. ir� � RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONCRACfS MUST AlVSWER THE FOLLOWING , QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMIvIISSION I. Has ittis person/fum ever worked wder a contract for this depaztment? � CIB COMMI1'CEE Yes No STP,FF 2. Has this peisonl5mi ever been a city emptoyee? DISIRICT COURT Yes No � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECIIVE? 3. Does this persoNSmi possess a skiil not noimally possessed by any cuerent ciry empioyee? Ye5 No �plaiu ali yes answers on separate sheet and attac6 to green 56eet ��;' INITTATING PROBLEM, ISSLSE, OPPORTt3NifY (W hq W ha; When, Wirere, WAy): High nuxnber of retirements in Saint Paul Police Department. Need to fill behind these retirements quickly with ',i experienced o�cers. Cutrent Memorandum of Agreement expiring; but need exists through Fall of 2002. ,:,, :7� w�r' • ADVA�]'CAGES IF APPROVED: Improved recruitment opportunities for addition of experienced officers to the Saint Paul Police Department. Maintain high quality of service from Saint Paul Police Department. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: i, , �, None - DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Difficulties replacing veteran officers. � TOTAL AMOUNT OF'CRANSACT[ON: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FIJNDING SOURCE: AC'CIVITY NUMBER: . - FINANCIAL INFORNGITION: (EXPLAII� ,r,Oltr�c3f R�S¢o�ch C�n'2�' rE o�-�c� • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE SAINT PAUL POLICE FEDERATION This agreement is entered into by the City of 5aint Paul (City) and the Saint Paui Police k'ederation (Federation) for the puxpose of extending the agreement to provide an accelerated enhy program for police officers to join the Saint Paui Police Department. The continuing high levels of retirements ofpolice officers and the ever present need to insure that the Saint Paul Police Department continues to have the experience and quality of workforce needed to efficiently and effectively carry out its mission has necessitated this agreement. The Saint Paul Police Department Accelerated Enhy Program shall operate under the following terms and conditions: To be eligible for this program, the candidate must be currently employed as a law enforcement officer with a minimum of one-year experience in law enforcement and be POST licensed or eligible to be POST licensed. 2. The discretion to start candidates hired under this program up to and including Step F of the • Police Officer Wage Schedule in effect at the time of hire shall rest solely with the Chief. 3. Candidates hired under this program shall be eligible for the medical insurance benefits contained in the collective bargaining agreement commencing with their first day of empioyment. 4. Seniority is not transferable to the Saint Paul Police Department. Seniority of all candidates hired under this program shall commence with their first date of empioyment. 5. Candidates hired under this program shall be required to undergo standard background, medical and psychological evaluations. 6. Candidates hired under this program shall successfully complete all physical training requirements, modified academy, modified field training programs and any other requirements for Police Officers as directed by the training unit and successfully complete a one-year probation period_ Candidates hired underthis program shall be excluded from assignment to otherthanDistrict patrol positions for a period of three (3) yeazs from their dated of hire. In the event that no other qualified employees are available for assignxnent to otherthanDistrictpatrol vacancies, the Chief may, at his discretion, assign employees hired under tkus program. • � y � � � J Y � • • 8. An Administrative Interview Team will be established to interview candidates and make recommendations to the Chief. The Federation Executive Board will appoint one representarive to this team. 9. The parties agree that this MOA shall in no manner establish a precedent regazding the interpretation and/or application of the terms of the labor contract, Civil Service Rules, or other legislation governing the transfer and l�iiing of employees. This MOA extends for a period of one (1) year the previous Accelerated Entry Program Memorandum of Understanding between the parties signed on August 24, 1999. This MOA will expire on August 24, 2002. On Be f of the ity: � athy Megarry Director of Labor Relations 3 �� � Date Hamilton , Human Resources Director =—� William Finney, ��� �_� Date / of Police � e Risk Manager � 3 ��8'r?/ Date • C:\WADOWS�TEMPWCCeleratedtirivgMOA.wpd On Behalf of the Union: ,2�lDslbit� ��.�t.�ie.C� Stuart Burke Federation President 3-/� Date , �. • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE SAINT PAUL POLICE FEDERATION oi.36a This agreement is entered into by the City of Saint Paul (City) and the Saint Paul Police Federation (Federation) for the purpose of extending the agreement to provide an accelerated entry program for pofice officers to join the Saint Paul Police Depariment. The continuing high levels of retirements ofpolice officers and the everpresent need to insure that the Saint Paul Police Department continues to have the experience and quality of workforce needed to efficiently and effectively carry out its mission has necessitated this agreement. The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent Accelerated Enhy Program shall operate under the following terms and conditions: 1. To be eligible for this program, the candidate must be currently employed as a law enforeement officer with a minimum of one-year experience in law enforcement and be POST licensed or eligible to be POST licensed. 2. The discretion to start candidates hired under this program up to and including Step F ofthe • Police Officer Wage Schedule in effect at the time of hire shall rest solely with the Chief. 3. Candidates hired under this program shall be eligible for the medical insurance benefits contained in the collective bargaining agreement commencing with their first day of employment. 4. Seniority is not transferable to the Saint Paul Police Department. Seniority of all candidates hired under this program shall commence with their first date of employxnent. 5. Candidates hired under this program shall be required to undergo standard background, medical and psychological evaluations. 6. Candidates hired under this program shall successfully complete all physical training requirements, modified academy, modified field training programs and any other requirements for Police Officers as directed by the training unit and successfully complete a one-year probation period. Candidates hired underthis program shall be excluded from assignmentto otherthanDistrict patrol posirions for a period of three (3) years from their dated of hire. In the event that no other qualified employees are available for assignment to otherthanDistrictpatrol vacancies, the Chief may, at his discretion, assign employees hired under this program. C� � ��-��a- 8. An Administrative Interview Team will be established to interview candidates and make recommendations to the Chie£ The Federation Executive Board will appoint one representative to this team. 9. The parties agree that this MOA shall in no manner establish a precedent regarding the interpretation and/or application of the terms of the labar contract, Civil Service Rules, or other legislation governing the transfer and hiring of employees. This MOA extends for a period of one (1) year the previous Accelerated Entty Program Memorandum of Understanding between the parties signed on August 24, 1999. This MOA will expire on August 24, 2002. of the City; On Behalf of the Union: ��Q,t f �cc.c !�. Stuart Burke Federation President • c g�q Jo Hvnilton Human Resources Director William �inncjy, Chief of Police ��._�I �J Date !!3_�_ ���.!..---....�- 03 �8 r� / Date C:\W INDOWS\TCMP\AcccicmmdhiringMOA.wpd .� - /�v d� Date