269213 �l�'?I�^�� '� CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. �% FINAL ORDER BY ,, ... . .�. ,,-'� In the Matter of r�t'!�l�� f�,R�1 ��,�it �r � N�,h �t !'�i �1►],x�l/�,� 100�� �1N � �.� � �It �+O {lO�Y�! ��L' �-. _ ._. . .:..,�..-�.,�. -.,,.+ti".. - -�-..�$ _ .-?F�r r., ..r �..,. . ... _ h �„ '#�t, �s'�i� ����c. .b. , • ,. ;,° . ., �:.. <:y.;�. . g-I�Q � ' ' C!lDAlt ST., wst sida lro� E, 8t1� Sto to E. 9ih 8t. s-10381 W. Sth St., aosth sid� f� A�ditorin� St. to �ut 100 ft. + S•10353 CED�AR ST., aut sid� froa 1E, 4th =t* to santh rppron. 150 it. 8•10353 �Q3ERT ST., �eaa�t sid• fro� xello� Dlvd. to 4th St. " � i�6 ; < j . . . s,. . f , , ,. , - . under Adminisb�ative Order ��� approved � �• ���� �����„� �1AY 1 9 197T under Preliminary Order approved • The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully consid�red the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers sha11 calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. JUN 14 i977 COLJNCILMEN Ado y the Co ncil: Date Yeas Nays Butlel', Certified P d by Council Secretary . Hozz1 Hunt �In Favor B 1977 �evine (� ' Roedier Against Sylvestef. Mayor Tedesco PU9LISHED �U N 2 5 1977 White — City Clerk �I j'y O F ��11 N T IjA U L z �a � Pink — Financa Oept. ' . `�� Capas�pt. s - O1'I•'IG}: OF TII1: MA�'�)I2 �„ ,• �1 ^� No: "" ��� I ��� . � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ,��i;t'!.��..'1 Date: "` ?�� _ � ,� ,. . , ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, �69�9� ' Th�t the Di rector of the G�:part^�ent of Puhi i c i•lorks i s hereby autiiori zed and di rected to prepara pl�ns � obtain survcys , prepar� estir�ates �ndrtinvesti�ate the necessity to reconst�uct witti ir,tec;r�l cur� and waik the sidewalk `'at Lf�e follo��ing locations . . and do all ather �•,ork whicf� is necess�ry and incidental to cor�plet� said improver.�ent. . ; tlorth sic+e of uTti ST. frocn btinnesota St. to east approx. 9?' , West side of CEDAr� ST. frar;� C. Eigt�th St. to E. hlinth St. tlortn s i de of :J. �T;i ST. f rom Rud i to r i m S t. to Eas t 10�J'+ ' - East side of ECU�K ST. from E. Fourth St. to south anprox.. l5�' E3st stde of ROiERT ST. fron t.ellogg �31vd. to Gth , ` The Di rectar of Fi nancc anci li�nager�nt Servi ces is hereby di recteci to prepare �the prelir�inary oruar and schedulc this ma[ter for public .iearing. � o . � � � orlg. cc: o,ig. cr. � � . . . DJD REG .. ' RLW WAH � GKS JfK RGP DEE , ' - JFS .CL7 . . � R M' AJO � M�OG23 . . . . � � . � T�E VMP ! DEN � . . . � . � . . .. . . P.S.D. R.H.R. 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM � i � ; ; � � / , i ,/i� � , , , i, Assistant City Attorney Q(]�>> 1 C I�lorks D�nrtment Head • ( ' �, i S t derra l ks `� . � ,��----�--�._ ,! ,,: ; /� J. / f' � ��:d i � ; Date �� r;r /�. 7' ��� r fI � � AJministrativc AssiStant to Mayor ' I I . • , • 1 . � ' � I , • . � . • . . ��'�V�� ������ CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � DEPARTMENT OE PllBLtC WORKS DANIEL j. DUNFORD DtRECTOR . �� � � Apri 1 1 , 1977 • - At i reconstruct�an � Mr. Roger Mattson No assessment �\ Director of Finance � �,.._...- and Management Se�vi.ces . . Room T13 City Ha11 , , � ATTENTION: Paul Desch Dear S i r: Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction/reconst�uction of . the sidewalks listed on the attached Administrative Order. . The estimated cost for new construction not in main routes is as follows: �y $G.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk A � B Residental 'r�'� $6•81 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk C Res. � Comm. ��r"' $8. i7 per ft. for 6 ft. wide walk C Res. � Comm. $2.00 per sq. ft. for integral curb and walk Residential � Commerical . `�-Attached herewith are the following: � 1. Approved Administrative Order D-3472 3/3p/77 . � 2. Advisability E Uesirability Report. � 3. 6ep�r-e€-p}ens-far-each-order.- • Yours very truly, bz:�syi�.o Hartley Th�omas 0 Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction c HT/gh ; 234 City Hati, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �— �- � .. � � , ' � �,��� o�5t. ���� . t. �. ..,��`� . N.S. 8th St. - Minnesota St. to east approx. 90' � �' 3 7 � This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of 2 compTaints and inspection of the waik. This walk is oid pourecl concrete with cracked concrete panels, scaled panels and tripping hazards. . � 7he Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. Remarks: Reconstruct with integral curb (Construct to width designated on plat) � � CT NJ RR ' � � �\ . D i s t. t�o. 2 '�` , , , W.S. Cedar St. - E. Eighth St. to E. Ninth St. � �� � (j This order was initiated by the Director of Public ��Jorks as pubiic necessity on the basis of 1 complaint and inspection of the walk. � This watk is poured concrete with tripping hazards, cracked concrete panels , scaled � panels. - The Engineering .recommendation is for approval of the order. Remarks: Reconstruct with integral curb. (Construct to width designated on plat) . CT HJ RR • Qist. No. 2 N.S. W. 5th St. - Auditorium St. to East 100'+ �`f,j �'� - Th i s orde r was i n i t i ated by the D i rector of Pub 1 i c 410 rks as pu61 i c riecess i ty on the basis of 1 complaint and inspection of the walk. Th�is walk is poured concrete with tripping hazards, cracked concrete panels , scated, � tipped panels, and settied panels. � �% The Engineering recor�mend.ation is for approva) of the order. Remarks : Reconstruct with integral curb. � (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR � �� � � � 4 . . � � . . _ � . . � . �� - , _ � o;st:. .r��p. 2 �69�93 .� .� �`�� . E.S. Ceda� St. - E. Fourth St. to south approx. 150' •'��'� � � � � � . This order was initiated by the Director of Public 4lorks as public nec ssity an the basis � of 1 complaint and inspection of the walk. This walk is poured concrete with tripping hazards, cracked concrete panels and � settled panels. �� The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. Remarks: Reco�struct with integral cur6. +30' of Chip and cap � Construct to width designated on. plat} � � CT HJ RR � • ' ;` Dist. No. 2 • , � E.S. Robert St. - Kellogg Bivd. to 4th I �..� �3 This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of 1 complaint and inspectio� of the walk. This �valk is poured concrete with tipped pa�els , settled panels , and very sharp back fall with poor drainage and tripping hazards edges. • �' The Enginaering recommendation is for approval of the order. Remarks: Reconst. with integral curb. (Construct to width designated on ptat) . CT NJ RR . ; ! � '� � . . �����3 . ������� ,