269211 ��9?�� CITY OF ST.PAUL COL1N FILE NO. PRELIMINARY ORDER By In the Matter of reconstrttcting Ridewslks at the following locations and do all .other work to co�nplete �iaprovenent. _ . �. , _ - �,1 � _ » _ ,�, . ... .. �. ..., . , i . _ * , , - �. ' . •+..�t�;���� � �� � �;� , Fin�nce File lio. � 'r ," ,, 4 ° �,,�;� _ -a,�:.:,:�,�.. �: ,� . .�,� -v�: • ;«y�, - �.. S-1039.4 N. PASCAL..ST., east side fro�lieiraaka to south 290 ft. S-10395 W. I�iEB1LSl�A AV�•, Aorth aide froo p. Hasline Ave, to p. Albert St. S-10396 W. 11B�RA�CA AVB., north aide lrq� Paacal St, to Arona St. Also alley erossing on the soath aide of 1�. BEBRASKA AVE. from Arona to Si�pson S-10397 ARONA ST., ea:t sidc froe �1. /►rlington Ave, to W, �lebraska Ave. S-10398 LAFOND AVS., both sidss fre� Hu�lap St. to Grtggs St. 5-10399 T�MAS AYE., both sides froa Ct�atsMOrth St. to Oxford St. g_lp4pp TibMAS At�B«, both -sides from Lexington Pkay. to Dunlap St. 5-104Q1 P/►SCAL 3T., west side from Thos,as Ave• Co Lafond Ave. S-10402 T�I�A4 AVB., north side from H. iiheeler St. to Fairvi�w Ave. _. _� � � .,�s. under Administrative Order D-34�2 j � '� a�ved Mareh 3, 1977 ... . ;..:. . , � <�,_� � k . `� � The Council of the City of Saint Paul having receive�i the'repo�rt of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the sam� is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ no asseas�ent 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ��th day of Jnne, 1977 , at 10:00 o'clock a.m.,in the Co�azicil Chambers of the City I��11 and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. . 3. That notice of said public hearing be giveh to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost there�f as estimated. � suN 9 ,97� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Nays - �� Certified assed y Council Secret J N 13 1977 He�� � Hunt In Favor y Levine Q' •r � Against . Syiveste�. Mayor Tedesco ` �� JUN � 8197�' vVAice — Gtv���:� ' �,11'�l'Y U r ►��l�N T 1'A U L . . �/�, �- PiA'Tt�FYnance Dept. . ����.��� CansrY— C•�pt. ' � '. F• Ob'FIG1: OF T1iI: MAYOH •, No: � — 1�� �c� - � • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER . � _ .. : 3 18T� 1 , . Date: . c� , � � ���9`�� . . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, „ . � ._ , . ,� -� . � That ti�e Di rector of tlie Depart��ent of Pu�l i c '.lorks i s hereby authorized and di reeted � to prcpare plans , o�tain surveys , prepare estir:;ates and investigate the necessity t�� reconstruct sicewalk`at th� follo.rinc� locations and do a) 1 other �•�ock Y�hicii is necessary ar�G inciclental �to cor�plete saicl ir,�provenent. . , s":ast side of t�0. P�ISC��L S7. fror� �ieb�aska Ave. to south 2g0' : , . tiorth si�ie of id. �taEEiRr1SF'.A r",VE. fror� tl. 4iamiine Ave. to �!. Aibert St. i:c,rth sicic of :!. :iE�RASKl� AV�. fro�a Pascal St. to �lrona St. Also alley crossing on thc South si�e of u. tiE3R/�51:11 AVE. from Krona to Si�^pson. Last side of A?.Q�y�1 ST.ffrora td. Arlin�ton F+ve. to 'd. Plebraska Ave. a , �atn side of L.'�FOi�D AVE. from Dunl�p St. to Gri�gs St. � Botti stde of T1f0;'J',S �Vc�. from Ch�ts�rorth St. to Oxford St. • 8oth s i de of TF:O;tAS AVL-. fran� Lexi ngton Ave. to Dun 1 ap St. Uest s i de of Pi�SCAL ST. f r�rn Tt�or,�as Ave. to LafonC Av�. tiorth side of T(�Ot•tAS AVE. fror� N. :Jheeler St. to Fai rview Ave. � , The Director of Fin�rzce and FSanagement Services is hereby directed to prepare a , . prel i r.�i nary order �nd sc.icdule a publ i c heari ng. 0�►8. ��: o�ig. �r. � _ � ' ' ' DJD REG RlW WAH � '- •: � • �. . . , . ... - . - � . _,.� . . . . ! . . . . �. . . .. ..� , . . . � '� �.' .. ' . . ..� � • ` � .. GKS JfK . � .. . . . - . . � �� .� ' . , . - . .." � . � ' ��. .. ."' . RGP DEE JfS CLT . . . . . . _. . . � , . �. �' ' .: . , . , . .. _.. -, _. � . �, �.. . . . . _. .. � . . RLM aJ0 _ . . . " _ . , TJE vNP � JJE DtN I . .:, . . � . .:. .., ,'.�..; : , .:, ,� : .�.. . . .' : ,•q.+ . .��,. �� . RS.D. R.H.k.� APPROVED AS TO FORM . . . . , /�i l /,,, / . ,� � Assistant City Attorney ' " � ' Department Head �.� .. Pu�l i c 4lorks ;/. .. .__ _. .� �, Side�aalk . .. /"� � . / � /- , / , Date .�f'� �r�J j' �/` i,���,�t '%'/,' Administrahve Assistant to Mayor ' , ' • . _- . `. . . . -. . , . . . . . ��• . . ... r �♦ . . . . . . �����.. � � � .�- ... � i � CITY OF SAtNT PAUL . � DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS � � DANIEL ). QUNFORQ DIRECTOR . March 8, 1977 • . All Reconstruction � ' t�1r. Roger Mattsan . Director of Finance . No Assessment and Management Services « Room 113 City Ha11 � ATTENTION: Paul �esch . � �ear 5i r: Please prepare the Preliminary O�der for the construction/reconstruction of the sidewalks listed on the attached Administrative Order. The estimated cost for new construction not in main routes is as follows: ��..� $4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk A � B Residental �-e�-�' d''`�_ . • ��,..� � $6.$1 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk C Res. � Comm. . �� � �-- 58. 17 per ft. for 6 ft. wide watk C Res. � Comm. %�-� $2.00 per sq. ft. for integral curb and walk Residential � Commericai . Attached herewith are the following: • l. Approved Administrative Order �'3�22 3/3/77 • 2. Advisability � Uesir•ability Report. . 3. C - - - , Yours very truly, `��Z.���(.Q,�, :.��� Hartley Th o as � � Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction HT/gh 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � �- , � ' . - ' . 6��, Dist. ida. I h �� . ;Q��'� `�.S. tJo. Pascal St. - tJebraska Ave. to south 290' /63 � � This order was initiated by the Director of Pub) ic 4lorks as pubiic necessity on the basis of 1 comptaint and inspection of the walk. This walk is old tile and poured concrete witn tree heaves , broken tile, h�J�nn joints , tripping hazards, water pockers, holes in tiTe, missing tile, high «�`f�'�:� ,/ longitudinal joints ,, asphalt patches and tipped panels. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) CT HJ RR � • Dist. tdo. 1 �J.S. 1•/, tJebraska Ave. - PJ. Haml ine Ave. to tJ. Albert St. /4 3 �-� This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of 1 complaint and inspection of the walk. � This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, b roken tile, high joint, tripping hazards, hotes in tile, asphalt patches, cracked concrete panels, scaled, tip�ed and settled panels. The Engineering recommendation is for, approval of the order. ' (Construct to �vidth designated on plat) CT HJ RR s / 4 � 9 � o�st. r�o t td.S. W. tde�raska Ave. - Pascal St. to Arona St. Also alley cCOSSing on the �-S. 1J. Nebraska Ave. - Arona to Simpson This order was initiated by the Director of Public 1•lorks as public necessity on the basis of inspection of the wa1k. This waik is old tile and poured concrete vrith tree heaves, broken tile, high joints , tripping hazards, arater posckets , asphalt patches , cracked concrete panels, scaled, ✓ tipped panels, and settled panels. . The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. CT HJ RR � , , _- . ^ �,�.��6��pDist No. I �.,(l � 1 � E.S. Arona St. - 41. Arl ington A�ce. to 11. l�ebraska Ave. � � This order was initiated by the Director of Pul�lic :Iorks as �ubtic necessit�f on the ' basis of I complaint and inspection of the walk. This 4►alk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, high joint, tr3pping ./ hazards, water pockets, asphalt patches , cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped panels. The Engineering recommendatian is for app roval of the order. (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR • , Dist tio. l B•.S. �a�ond Ave. - Dunlap St. to Griggs St. f � 3 �, p� a This order was initiated by the Director of Pubiic 4lorks as public necessity on the basis of 2 complaints and inspection of the ti�ralk. This V�alk is poured concrete with tree heaves, water pockets, asphalt patches, cracked ✓ cancrete panels, scaled, tipped panels , and settled panels. The Engineering recorunendation is for app roval of the order. (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR Dist. tJo. 1 F.S� Thomas Ave. - Chatsavorth St. to Oxford St. � 03 � � This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of 2 camplaint and inspection of the walk. This walk is poureei� concrete with tree heaves , tripping hazards , asphalt patches , cracked concCete panels and tipped panels. ✓ The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. {Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR • � ' � a�5t. r�o. t " B.S. � Thomas Ave. - Lexington Ave. to Dunlap St. �. �-°(.�'�(.�� /D�a4 ,� This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of 2 complaints and inspection of the walk. This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, and cracked concrete panels. � The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. Remarks: only tree heaved area. (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR Dist No. 1 'd. S. Pascal St. - Thomas Ave. to Lafond Ave. /��d� Th i s orcter was i ni ti ated by the Di rector of Publ i c Works as pub 1 i c necess i ty on the basis of 1 complaintLand inspection of the walk. This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves and cracked concrete panels. � The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk. � CT HJ RR . Di st rlo. i . �J.S. Tiaonas Ave. - N. Wheeler St. to Fai rview Ave. �O �� -� This order was initiated by the Directo r of Public Works as pubiic necessity on the basis of 1 complaint�:and inspection of the walk. This walk is oid tile with water pockets , holes in tile and asphalt patches. ;� The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk). CT HJ RR