269203 . WH17E - CITV CLERK - COUI1C11 � s� B UE - MA oR E CITY OF SAIN�T PAUL �69,1,�t) �� � ,�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT File N 0. . � Ordin�cnce Ordinance NO. �r� a�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amend.ing Ordinance No. 760?, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the d.uties and responsibilities and the minimum quali.fications for the various classes of positions in the Classi.fied Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. , THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the minimum qualifications in the speci.fications for the class of Unskilled Laborer which reads as follows: r !'Must be in good physical condition and be at least 21 years of age. " and by substituting in lieu thereof the following minimum quali.fications: "Must be in good physical cond.ition and be at least 18 years of age. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval, and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler PERSONNEL OFFICE Hozza � In Favor Hunt � � � � Against BY �� � , Tedes JUN 2 8 1977 Form pproved by iCy A orn Adopted Council: Date Certi d Passed b ouncil S r ry . BY , ► N 3 0 1977 App v by Mayor: D " � Approve y May f r Submissi n uncil By BY PUBLISHED JUL 9 1977 - • . . • . . , �����'� Do not detacM this memorandum frorrt the - . , : , ordii�ance so that this tnformation witl be 4�t o�,: �2/:1975 available to the City Council.: R�rv. z . 9/$/76 ' EXPLAI�TATI4N OF A�7�IIST�:#�.T��t� C,1Rl,��t�, ' RESrQLUTION�, AN�'? Q�t�J�t,Ac.I�I�ES � ����� . . � . �111R� T , I 1 �I "-I I �yl(ll�bwwwlll ��IA . . . � . .. . ..": .. . ... ' . . ' . :. �. . . . ' � ' - . ,� . , , ►��..aq . Date t 'I�Iap 5, �.977 ;.,� ' . ' � , _ , , TO:. �ASt`UR GEO�C� ��'��MtER . ,. ; ' : `FR t Personnel Office . ��C. ; ' � R�: Orci�na.nce for subm.issiou to the CitSr Counct]. _ �'�`�f Q ,: MAY 1 ;� ���7' , � .. MAYpR,s � ,AC TI0�1T R�£�LTES'�ED: . . , Y �e reco�ead your agproval and submiseoion o.f this ordivance to the C�ty , Covs�cil. _ a ,� �'�7RPCkS� AJ�iI]�RA;TIQNAI,.E k'OR TH�S.ACTIQIV; : This orduiaace arnendiag Ordinance No. ?6�Z,`reviaes the �im�.��i��.tio�s . sectioa in the specification for !�e tit],e of Unskilled Labare��i��t..�i�ag,�r�g'�he ag�'. ; requiremeat'�rom 21 ysars to 1$ years of a�ge. _ . . .. . . . � . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . � � . ' .. ...k� . . � . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .. � . ... " ' � . ' . / � '. � - - . . � .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . �-�t` AT?A��M�N�'5a � � Ordiaa.ace and copy for t,he City Clerk. - .. .. - . .. . .. � '. . � � � � ... � . , q . .. � � . . . . ._ . . _ . . 1 . . . ' � � ' � . . . . . � - . � �. .. . . � . . . . . . , . , . , -:.I�... . . ... ..� _ z 1� � � . 1� , lst `��/ � 2nd �-�/ 1 �O . 3rd � /:��1 Adopted f'� /�f � Yeas Nays BUTLER HoZZA ;�69��3 H�T ��a��r , � � ~'� LEVINE J _ ROEDLER TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER) E . \