269202 WHITE - CITV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE COl1IlC11 �69�02 CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF � SAINT � PAUL File NO. ` BLUE -MAVOR �- + O/ W Z/`�/`CG Ordinance N O. �CO�7 O � � Presented By _ _ _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the dutie s and re sponsibi.litie s and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved Febrnary 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 5AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � Section 1. T'hat Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the title and speci.fications for � CITIZEN PARTICIPATION COORDINATOR ' - 1 - COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine A gai n s t BY Roedler , Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _By .� - ._ � � Title of class: ,; CITIZEN PARTICIPATION COORDINATOR ������ DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1��9'� General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional work coordinating citizen participation activities concerned with improving neighborhoods and furthering community development; and to perform related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administra- tive supervision of a department head. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. `'�;,.,. Informs individuals and groups of the citizen participation process, pro- vides assistance in forming community organizations and helping them develop a process for providing input to Community Development Block Grant applications, general district planning, Capital Improvement Budget, and other funding sources: Prepares reports and recommendations for Mayor, Council and other government officials and agencies on citizen participation progress and conformance to all applicable requirements including program evaluation. Acts as liaison between District Councils and City operating departments, local public agencies and City Council. Assists in the preparation of a citizen participation plan that reflect s staff and community input. Assists District Council s in developing and administering budgets and con- tracts bet ween District Councils and the City Council. Coordinates a system of communication within and between public agencies - and neighborhood groups. Attends meetings of government or neighborhood groups affecting community organization interests; speaks to groups, including professional organ- izat ions about citizen participation. Supervises and coordinates surveys to determine citizens needs and attitudes; identifies resources available to meet community needs. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of local government, local agencies, and the delivery of government services through neighborhood oriented programs. Working ability to identify and direct funding resources for community: organizational activities. � ' Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing, Considerable ability to establish and maintain effective working relation- ships with public officials, agency heads and community groups. ' Considerable knowledge of the theory and procedures of the citizen partici- pation process. Considera,ble ability to deal tactfully and efficiently with all level of manage- ment and the general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and four years' experience as a Community Organizer or as a developer of Citizen Participation groups, or in grant program implementation. -2- WHITE - CITV � ERK � 269.?�32 PINK - FINqNCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT - BLUE � -MAVOR File NO. � Ordindnce Ordinance N0. ��O�q� `i Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval, and publication. - 3 - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler PF,R,..SnNNF.T. (�FFT ,F. Hozza In Favor Hunt '�''"e � Against By Thomas D. Gleason, Director . '�er ��l�ester Tedesco ,JUN 2 g �9'7 Form rov y it to Adopted b ouncil: ate �, Cer ' ed Passed ouncil tary► By Y �9 Appr v by Mayor: Da � Approve y or for Submission to Counci � By By pUBLISHED �UL 9 �g77 . . oM o�.: ia����s . R�v.`: �/$ ��: � , EXF ATION OF ADMIA��STRAT:IV� ORDERS, ` 6� '�' �� 'i=� 'RESOL IONS, AND 4RDI�tANGES A �.: =k, - +�����aGr , � . -`��,,�'��`'g - Date: September 29, 1976 . � =' ; � ��.C��1/_Eff� � �To: r�,�oR ��o�c� �T�R � MAY 1�! 1977 . , IM�� : gg; .x�.P�rs�l 4ffice RE: Qrd�na��e for ,submission to. Ci:ty Coun�il , �_ ACTIQN R�t3ESTED: , I reco�mend ya�r approval and s�bmissian vf. �th�� Ord�it�►t�� �c� �� , the Gity Council , . r. _ : ..�: . � �';� � � . . � � � � . . . . . . , . .. .. , � . .. '. vG'�.! ... �ii . � . . . . . . '�� 3�;' �.�. x. . . . .. � . . . . . ... . .. .. � . f,. .' .. . . .� �. . � . . . ' . . . � . . . . . . � _ . ��; . . . . . .. � �`�F j . �y _ � .! : �-4' �� . "�': �P s": . PURPOSE A�1D RAT�O�TRL� FOR THIS ACTiON. ��d Ordir�nce 3�54 t� °�d� �t� ` � � . � � _: e , pos�tion o� Citiaen Pa�rticipatiorr Coordina�r to caordinate a citi�en p�rt�cip���� ��s� tl�t� fnsur�s ma�xin�;a� ccx�munication betwe� city g�vernmerrt, 'facal p��'��� a-��5,� ` ' : resid�ts of St, Pau1 and special interest gr�pups and arga�T.zatians, f�r t!� ' �e t�f impre�rin+�': ne;�gh�rhoods and total communi�� developrnent. ,. : A B C D E F G 10 ,�. 15: yr, ' 6rade 14 S�A.Q 617.5 642.5 674.5 708.5� ?43:5 .7�31 .'0 St34..t� g2�.5 , ($15��) {.$�1,�►8) . ,, �. . � ��� . � /�i . �� :. ATTaCAMENT:3s Orc�inance and copy' foi^ City C1erk �y � . � � ���. . � . � �� � � . , . : . � ,� Do not detach thES memora�tdum from the OM o1: 12-1975 ardinance so that this lnformatiori will b8 avaitable to the City Coun i�� ' EXPLANATI01�1 OF AD�I�ISTRATIVE ORDERS, �69�0� RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANGES ` / �� � �� Date: September 29, 1976 � '�O; THOMAS J, �E��EY, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FR: PersonnelOffice � RE: Ordinance for submission to City Council. ' ACTION REQUESTED; I recommend your approval a.nd submiesion of this Ordinanee to the City Council. , � PUR�OSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION; A�end Ordinance 7607 to add the new title and specifications for the position of Citizen Participatioa Coordinator which will coordinate the city's C�itizea Par�icipation Program. ` AT TAC HMENT S: Ordina.nce (consisting of 3 pages) a.nd copg for City Clerk. , APPR OVAL� � homas J, Keliey, City Adminiatrato - . � , , . �� , lst ��/ � 2nd �-�/ l �O . 3rd � ��_1 Adopted __ 1.� /�O Yeas . Nays BUTLER HoZZA �69?�3 xurrT J�a�`f � ,_ J . LEVINE _ ROEDLER TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER) . \