270180 � WHI7E - CITV CLERK COl1RC11
�V � � o ncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
[�JHEREAS, The Northern States Power Company has filed an appli-
cation for steam rate increase with the City Council of the City
of Saint Paul on November 13, 1977, pursuant to the terms of its
steam franchise C. F. 264421, Ordinance No. 1574•2, approved
December 2, 1974, and issued to said Company by the City of
Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS, the Company has applied to the City for the adoption
of interim steam rates which would produce 'a return on its net
investment rate base of 7. 750 , which would produce agproximately
a 12.4� increase over and above the revenues va�ich would be
obtained under the ra�tes currently approved by the Council;
now, therefore, be it �
RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, that
the �roper city officers and agents are authorized and directed to
enter into a contract with �Torthern States Power Company, a copy
of which is attached hereto, permitt�ina the Comx�an� to charge
interim steam rates� for bills based on meter readings on and after
December 18, 1977, said rates to produce a 7. 75� return on the
Coz��any's investment, as defined i.n its application equaiiinc�
about a 12. 4% increase over and above steam rates currentl_y being
collected under the frarichise, said interim rates to be subject
to the condition that a refund of excess amounts collected from
steam customers sha11 be r�turned to said customers with interest
as indicated in the contract, in the amount of 6% per annum should
said interim rates exceed the rates finall� approved by the Council
pursuant to this rate increase application.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas N ays
Hozza [n Favor
Hunt �
Levine _ __ Against BY
Tedesco r
�- - ���+ � 3 1977 Form Approve by City Attorney
Adopted.}}�''�ouncil: Date
C�fied P• s- b}' Secr�tary , BY -
Approved ; a r: Date ��_ Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council
♦ � .
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iQOTICE IS f�REBY G1VEN That the Saint Paul City Council will hold a public
hearin� on Tuesday, the �th d�y of December, 1977 at 10:00 o'clock A.M. in the Saint
Pau1 Council Chambers, 350 City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota for the
purpose of considering adopting an interim rate increase for steam heating rates
imposed by Northern States Power Company. A steam rate increase is under study by
the Council and the interim rates considered will be effective as of December 18, 1977.
Such interim rates sha11 continue untii final rates are adopted by the City Council.
This notice is given pursuant to Section 16.03 and 16,05 of the Saint Paul City Charter,
and any interested paxty may appear and be heard in regaxd to the interim steam rates.
Rose Mix
City Clerk
Dated December 2, 1977
(December 3, 1977)
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This agreemenk , made and entered into this day of
December 1977 by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal
corporatiai of th�: State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as
"CITY" , and NORT�RDT STATES POWER COMPANY, a Minnesota Corporatio�,
hereinafter referred to as "COMPANY" .
Whereas, The Company has filed an applicativn with the City on
November 18, 1977, for the setting of fair and reasonable steam rates,
and an investigation, examina�ion and review are necessary to deter-
mine the fairness and reasonableness thereof; and
Whereas, Pending a final determination of steam rates by the
City, an ordinance has been introduced into the City Council allowing
the Company to collect interim rates effective on bills based on
meter readings on and after December 18, 1977;
That the amending ordinanee referred to above, C.F. ,
by its terms having allowed Company to collect interim steam rates �
as specified in amended Appendix "A" attached thereto will take .
effect on all bills based upon meter readings on and after December
18, 1977, pending final adoption of said ordinance and a final
determination of said steara rates; that the basis for said billing
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. will be a 7.75� rate of return on Company' s investment, as defined
. in the application, which approximates a 12.4y, increase in any revenue
over and above that afforded by the franchise rates currently in
existence; that .the Company shall commence billings pursuant to the
rates contained ancl amended in Appendix "A" to the above ordinance
upon meter readings on and after December 18, 1977, and that the
Company will proceed with. such billing on condition that it refund �
any excess amount >of said rates with interest at 6 percen� per anrYUm
collected afte= December 18, 1977, over the rates as finally estab-�
lished by the Gity Council.
Approved as to form: CITY OF SAINT PAUL
19ssistant City Attorney MAYOR
� � � . � , �,��� �
. �
This agreement , made and entered into this day of
December 1977 by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal
corporaticn of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as
"CITY" , and NORTBERN STATES POWER COMPANY, a Minnesota Corparation,
hereinafter referred to as "COMPANY" .
Whereas, The Company has filed an application with the City on
November 18, 1977, for the setting of fair. and reasonable steam rates,
and an investigation, examination and review are necessary to deter-
mine the fairness and reasonableness thereof; and
Whereas, Pending a final determination of steam rates by the
City, an ordinance has been introduced into the City Council allowing
the Company to collect interim rates effective on bills based on
meter readings on and after December 18, I977;
That the amending ordinance referred to above, C.F. ,
by its terms having allowed Company to collect interim steam rates
as specified in amended Appendix "A" attached thereta will take .
effect on all bills based upon meter readings on and after December
18, 1977, pending final adoption of said ordinance and a final
determination of said ateam rates; that the basis for said billing
i . . . �``�'�� ��
• will be a 7.75i6 rate of return on Company' s investment, as defined
' in the application, which approximates a 12.4� increase in any revenue
over and above that afforded by the franchise rates currently in
existence; that the Company shall commence billings pursuant to the
rates contained and amended in Appendix "A" to the above ordinance
upon meter readings on and after December 18, 1977, and that the
Company will proceed with such billing on condition that it refund �
any excess amount of said rates with interest at 6 percent per annum
collected after December 18, 1977, over the rates as finally estab-
lished by the City Council.
Approved as to form: CITY OF SAINT PAUL
�lssistant City Attorney MAYOR
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Plorthern States Power Company (i�iinnesota) Schedule lA `
" Steam Utility - City of St Paul
Proposed Interim Steam Service Rate
Effective In The City of St Paul
Availability Available to corcunercial and industrial customers for gener�l use of
steam service. Steam service furnished From lo�a pressure mains is available
from Seprember 1 to riay 31, inclusive; and •steam service furnished from hioh
pressure mains is available the entire year. �
Rate First 200 OOO lbs of condensate per month @ $8.44 per I000 lbs
Next 300 000 �� �� �� �� �� @ 7.65 �� „ ��
Next S00 000 `" " '� „ �� @ 6.75 �Y �� ��
Next 2 000 000 " ' " " • �� �� �d 6.14 �� �� ��
Excess �� �� �� ,� �� @ 5.46 �� �� ��
Prompt Payment Provision A.charge of S% �aill be added to net bill, computed at
the Rate`.shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount £ram gross bill
for pay-ment within the discount period.
Monthly Minimum Charge $20.00 net per meter.
Fuel Clause There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill,
2.ZC per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half cent
� increase above or decrease below $1.048 per million Btu and for each whole
.cent change thereafter in the average cost of fuel used during the precedinb
twelve months by the Steam Production plant of Northern States Power Company
supplying steam to its St Paul distribution system and shall include the
costs in FPC Account 501 - Fuel for such Steam Production plant.
� � � � � � ����
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- NorthQrn States Power Company (rlinnesrta) Schedule 2A
, SLeam Utility - City of St, Paul Pa�e 1 of 2 '
Proposed Interim Interruptible St�am Service Rate
Effective In The City of St Paul
Availability Available. on an interruptible basis to co�nercial and industrial .
customers that are located on portions of the Company's steam distribution :
sysrem having adequate capacity to serve custcmier's interruptible load �aitllout
impairingserviceto other customers. Extensions or enlargement of the
Company's distribution facilities required to serve an interruptible load will
be made ir. accordance with the Company's General Rules and Regulations. The
total capacity of aZ1 Interruptible customers shall be limited to the excess
capacitg of Company's '�team Production P1anC after service requirements to its
firm customers are met.
Customer will agree to (1) curtail his use of steam whenever requested to do
so by the Campany; and (2) provide necessary energy requiremenrs during
curtailment from another source,
�Tliis rate will be in effect cammencing with the meter re�ding of October and
ending �oith the meter reading of May of the following year. During the meter
reading months of June through September, steam service t,rill be available under
the Steam Service rate in effect at that time. �
Character of Service The delivery of steam hereunder shall be curtailed uoon
request of Campany. Such requests shall be made as far in. advance as pvssible.
Per ,1 000 lbs $4.06 _
Fuel Clause There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthl}• hill,
2.2� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half cent
increase above or decrease below $1,048 per million Btu and for each. �ahole
cent change thereafter in the average cost of fuel used durinU the preceding
twelve months by the Steam Production plant of Northern States Power Coinpany
supplying steam to its St Paul distribution systeri and shall include t,ie
costs in FPC Account 501 - Fuel for such Steam Production plant. �
Additional Charge for Use of Steam During Curtailment If customer fails tu
curtail his use of steam cahen requested to do so by Company, he shall pay in
addition to the above Rate an amount oF $13.00 per thousand pounds of steat^
used in excess of the volume to �ahich custome�' �aas requested to curtail.
Such payznent, ho�oever, shall not preclude Company from shutting off cus�c.�ner' s
supply of steam in the event of customer's failure to curtail his use thereof
when requested�to do so. �
• � � .
. . . �Ydorthern States Power Company (i�linnesuta) Scliedule 2A
Stear� Utility - City of St Paul Page 2 of 2
- Proposed Interim Interruptible Steam Service Rate
�mergency Steam Service for Interruptible Steam Customers Emergency Steam Service
for Interruptible steam customers during periods of curtailment may be availabie
if Company's ability to furnish such emergency service :aill not, in Campany's '
judgment, compromise Campany's ability to provide firn steam service to its
firm steam customers.
Emergency�Steam Service to curtailed Interruptible steam customers will be
approved �y Campany provided: . �
(1) Emergency Steam Service is requested by customer and such request
is confinned in :writing no later than 48 hours after the initial .
request. If the initiaL request is in writing, the 48 hour
provision is fulfilled. .
(2) The emergency is in the nature of a breakdown of standby equipment �
which could not reasonably have been foreseen by customer. �
The rate for Emergency Steam Service shall be $9.00 per 1 OOfl pounds of sl-eam
used ciuring the emergency period. The emergency period shall end wtien
customer's standby equipment is repaired and customer has notified Company
or the end of the curtailment during which the Emergency Steam Service caas �
Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% �aill be added to the net bill, computed
at the Rates shown above, which shall constitute a discount from. gross bill
for payment within the discount period.
rlonthly riinimum Charge The minimum bill for service rendered hereunder shall be �
$20.00 per meter, the amount prorated for curtailment pe riods. �
TeYm of Agreement Interruptible Steam Service Agreement shall be for a tei-m of
not less than one year. Upon expiration of the term, Agreement remains in
effect until terminated_by at least thirty days' notice by either party.
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Northern States Power Company . (Minnesota) Schedule 3A
, Steam Utility - City of St. Paul
Test Year 1977
Present Proposed
Monthly Minimum Charge . $20.00 $20.00 �
First 200 M Lbs, per M Lb per Month 7..51 8.$4
Next 300 " " � 6.81 7.65
Next 500 " " " 6.01 6.75
Next 2000 " " 5.46 6.I4
Excess " " 4.86 5.46
Monthly Minimum Charge $20.00 $20.00
AI1 Use, per M Lb per M�onth 4.06 4.06
Fuel Adjustment Included in
Above Rates: � $ 0.660 $ 0.000
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Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule 4A
Steam Utility - City of St. Paul
Test Year 2977
• Monthly _ Monthl Billing
. � Use Present Proposed Increase
Firm Steam Service M Lbs Rate Rate Amount Percent _
10 $ , ' 75.10 $ 84.40 $ 9.30 12.4�
� 50 375.50 422.00 46.50 " 12.4
100 751.00 844.00 93.00 12.4
2(70 1 502.00 1 688.00 1$6.00 12,4
300 2 183.00 2 453.00 270.00 12.4
500 � 3 545.00 3 983.00 438.00 12.4
� 1 000 6 550.00 7 358.00 808.00 12.3
2 000 12 010.00 � -,13 498.00 1 488.00 12.4
3 000 I7 470.00 19 638.00 2 168.OQ Z2.4
4 000 22 330.00 25 098.00 � 2 768.OQ 12,4
� 5 000 27 190.00 30 558.00 3 368.00 12.4
7 500 39 340.00 44 208.00 4 868.00 12.4
Fue1 Adjustment
Included in Above Rates: $/MLb $ 0.660 $ 0.000
� f .
, , � �'. �
, � � .
. Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) � Schedule SA
Steam Utility - City of St, Paul
(Dollars in Thousands) �
1977 With 1977 With
Present Rates Interim Rates
Revenues $ 2 69Q $ 3 003
Expenses - 2 572 2 731
Tota1 Available for Return 118 272
Average Net Operating Investment 3 504 3 504
Rate of Return on Average Net �
� Operating _.Investment. , 3.37% 7.76% �
Notei 197•7 is based on 9 months actual and 3 months budget.
� , • . �. �
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Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule 6A
� Steam'Utility - City of St. Paul
(Dollars In Thousands) •
1977 at Proposed 1977 at
' � Present Rates Increase Interim Rates
Operating Revenue .
Metered Sales .
Firm $ 2 327 $ 288 $ 2 615
Interruptible 143 I43
Forfeited Discounts 5 � S
Gross Earnings Tax � . 215 . 25 240
Total : 2 690 313 3 003
Operating Expenses
Production �
Fuel - 1 OI9 � 1 019
Other Than Fuel 63T 631 �
Distribution � 101 101
Customer Ac.counting 7 7
Administrative and General 176 176 �
Taxes: '
Real Estate & Personal Property 136 I36
Gross Earnings 2I5 . 25 240
Social Security & Other 21 21
Federal and State Income 0 134 134
Deferred Income !+4 44.
Provision for Depreciation 222 222
Total -0perating Expenses 2 572 2 731
Net Operating Income 118 272
Percent Increase on Firm Sales 12.4% �
Note: 1977 is based on 9 months actual and 3 months budget.
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