270168 �NHITE CITV CLERK ' P�NK �FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL FlecilNO. � ��� �' co:��RV - OEpARTMENT ' J �_� a B UB. -MAYOR � Counci �R u " Presented By ���� ��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RF�OLVED: That applications for Building Contractor l�oenses by the fo ow�.ng a e a esses stated be and the aame is hereby granted. Joseph Foster Constr. Co. 781 E. Orange 55106 11235Renewa]. I. E. Nelson Improvement 3?47 New Brighton Rd. 55112 11240" Hanson Const. Co. 15?0 Race St. 55102 11243" General Coatings, Inc. 2805 Dodd Bd. 112�+�+�� Paul Lemke 455 8. Osceola 55102 11245�� Dai.ly & Bon 1445 Charlton Bt. Y. St. Paul 55u$ ��" 8oy��l Alumi.num Products, Inc. 526 6th tve. N. Mple. gg411 1.1247" Practical Insulation Cont. 3833 Nicollet Ave. 8. Mpl�. 55409 11252�� Wm. Murr Plumbing, Inc. 112 S. Concord Bo.Bt.Pau1 55o'T5 � 11261�' Joe Nel,�on Btucco Co. 11,50 - 98th I,ane N.W. �oon Rapids 11263�� � August Con+str. 1865 Woodlane Dr. Woodbury 55u9 �65" Rascher Plbg. & Htg. Inc. 712 8. $mith ,55107 11266�� " Spriggs Plbg. & Htg. Co. 124 Eva 5510'7 11267�� Alurainwn Products Constr. of America 93$ E. 6th St. 55106 11268�� A. E. Yickworth & Bons 199 N. Hamli.ne-04 112?p�' Fridholm Const. Co. 1?95 St. Clair 112?1" Hunt �i.ectrical Corp. 2300 Territozral 8d. 11274" Riahard P. Cook �onstr. 11 �utler 8t. 55�.9 �75�� Crawford Door 8a1e8, Co. 1641 Oakdale W.Bt.Paul 11278�' Coronet Co. 1820 4th Ave. B. Mpls. 55404 11279�' K. J. Johnson Constr. Inc. 1307 Bylvan 551�7 1131.6�� (�rerald J. Behan Const. Inc. 965 Payne 551�1 11325�� M. P. l�ortenson & $on, Inc. 818-820 P�yne 55106 11331" Nakashian - 0'Neil, Inc. 23 W. 6th St. 55102 11336" Lumber King Co. 5145 Oliver Ave. 8. Mple. 55419 11393" Lane Decorating 902 Gormaa 11396" Ho�fers, Tac. 8933 �dale Ave. Bo. Bloomin.gton 55420 11397" Milton L. Johason Co. 2513 Central N.E. Mpls. 55418 11400" 8traus Plbg. Bervice Inc. 1899 Sheri�an Ave. 55116 11408" Rainville Carlson, Inc. 2929 Lyndale Ave. Bo. Mpls. 55408 11441" Sheridan Bheet Metal Co. 4116 �uebec Ave. N. Npls. 55427 11442" � Midwest Equipment Co. 300 University 11�3" N. Fairview 104 11444r' COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas ' Nays Butler Hozza In Favor ' Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by 14ayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By - WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK �,�- FINANCE ��('�� � ' CA{JAR'/ - �EPARTMEN,T G I TY � OF SA I NT PAU L F le ci1NO. �i e `y�� j3LUE - MAVOR 7 Council Resolution Presented By ���� ���'� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 2 Biagini Brother8, Inc. 549 E. Minnehaha 1144gRenewal Cherokee BeYrigeration Inc. 28,5 M. George Bt. 55107 11446" Modern Floors, Inc. ,5810 Excel�ior St. Louis Park 55416 11502'� Ds�yton's Bluff Carpenter Shop ?90 E. �th St. 11,50b'� Bt. Paul I�inoleum & Carpet 1505 University 11512�� Jesco, Inc. 1101 M. ?9th Bt. Bloomington 55420 11513r' Mogren Brothers I�andscapi.ng 2600 I�Ihite Bear Avenue 55109 11514�� Drake Marble Co. 60 Plato B1.vd. 55107 11515" COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � � [n Favor Hunt Levine b __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco n--,� �-!�=':� � '977 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifie a e� b�cil cretar BY B}� Ap ved by ;Vlavor: Date � nG� � s�r 7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council -� ��� ' J� BY.�. � BY �.r ,;� :.��! -, 1g77 � :1 `U�I.i�,��...�1.. ..�a��'v� i V