270154 WHITE - CITV CLERK � ^y���`� �� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII S�% CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL � �+ � BLUE - MAVOR � . Flle NO. , � , C ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , there is hereby transferred �he following: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve-General 09060-536-000 Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund $ 80,000 To: Department of Corr�nun i ty Servi ces Division of Libraries Library Building Maintenance � 03051-371-000, Electricity $ 24,000 03051-373-000, Gas 8,000 Division of Parks and Recreation Zoo 03122�371-000, Electricity 4,000 Zoo and Conservatory Heating 03124-372�000, Oil 12,000 � Parks Grounds Maintenance 03132-371-000, Electricity 11,000 Recreation Programming 03170-373-000, Gas 8,000 Oxford Swirmning Pool 03181-371-000, Electricity 9,000 03181�373�000, Gas , 4,Q00 80 000 To provide funds to meet increased cost of utilities caused by utility rate increases during 1977, as well as seasonal factors. Appr as to fun A rov : OUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ��. � COMMUNITY SERVICES Hozza In Favor ' Hunt � Levine � __ Against BY Roedler S ylvester �edesse �C� t �9�7 Form Approved b City ttorn Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Pa• d Gou cil S ret� BY BY � ,o App ove y IVlayor: e `� —��� �'��'a� i� Appro b Mayor for Sub i io to Cnuncil By BY � P!f°e °-'.,._.. .. �, � n, 1977 ��.��.,��,��� �.;up v �f � � � Obi O 1: 12/I975 . Rav. : 9/8/76 LXP fiIGN OF ADMINZSTRATIVE ORt?ERS, R� LUTIONS, AND ORDINAN S �._, .� Date: November 17, 1977 °'�, �r1(���� � ' �� �., � � ,� � � T0: MAYCR GEORGE LATIMER � i��,�► NO' � �= Richard E. Schroeder � �= Council Resolution transferring funds from the conti�gency reserve ACTION REQUESTED: Signature on attached resolution . PLTRPOSE AND RATTCNALE FOR TBIS ACTIONs Additional f�nds totaling #8Q,000 are ne�ded in the Department of Community Services to meet increased utility costs resulting from .increased utility rates dwring 1977. These. increased rates were no� anticipated when the � department's budget for 1977 was prepared. A.TTACffiKENTS: Council Resolution �