270151 WHI7E — CiTV CLERK [."}d.y�{ � C,�� PINK — FINANCE COURCII / ��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL 6 � � -?-" BLUE - MAVOR� Flle NO. Council Resolution � � �� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve-General 09060-536-000 Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund $4,500 To: General Government Miscellaneous Auditorium Theatre Study 09109-219-000 Other Fees $4,500 To provide funds for a site survey and soil borings relating to design of the Civic Center Authority Theatre and Exhbition Hall. Approved as to funding: Approved: � � Dir. , Dept. of Finance & Manage. Ser. Bu get Dire or �C�`l/ COUNC[LMEN Yeas Na}�s Requested by Department of: �"Blt{�t�r � Hozza � [n Favor Hunt � Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester �� �����; �p '�77 Form Approved b City Att ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified as�e b Council S r tar BY- sy d � App ov by 17ayoc t � i977 Appro d Mayor for Sub iss n to Council By BY ��t�A F.y�.��� t�� 1 � 1977 ':�` �.��.� �.J . : . --�---- - . ,. ` ' ' - 4� Ai:. 1„2�1975 ' � ,:� [y�� . �y . .. ', �, � � ._ . . . . . ' �� .�.�11►.r..• .7� �.. �.. � .�>x,;: ' . . . . . . . .: ' . . - ` y1��. ��r�a�,TZV� oF �ar�rx�sTr�T�rvE c�Rn�RS, �°, ,� � .* � � � � � . � �,�. _ , �s �, rcxv ,, a�tn a r�� s ' , , � � 4 , . .. .. � . ������ � .. .. . . ... 4y . .'.� ' .:,.� . .. . . .. .... 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Sa.gr�a�,�'e.on' at�ached re�olu�ion. x , -. . ,. : . - : ;, � H� . x � � :', :. : , ..��.; .... . _ � - . < . . � ` . , � . ,, _ . . . 4� .. . , . . . . �: �, . .. � . .. �'. . . � . 1. }: .. . . . . ... . . _ *", � ,. �T�' '�IO��EE �'t1R TI���,�s ACTI�1`: t; . _ ..; � ,: , < T�e .attaeche�t:�aol�z��an wi11 tr�n�f�r S4;5U0 f�e� �. :c��t3.��?�.'���� ' '' ;:` � � t�' b���c�sed �o>e+��.�ete the :Civ#.c Cerster �ite s ' � . . � �y � ��t�!.'�4�. ��1 ' r � �� bc�r�rigs r��:�or �th� design` of th�e Civi� .C�n`f� ���;ty �a?�e � . . . �d���°iib�.tim� 8a11. �� , .. , _ • : g z , , : . , • . : z, � '.� .� : _ .. , � ` ` ��,���NTS-: . . eou�ca�1 Re�olutiart. . � �� � � - � • .ri , _. _ . . .: . ; . . � w ' �'i . , ; , , ,%, ,�� � . ,. k�� - � . - � 1�.3 � . � . . , ' ..:,� ' F ` .t�}-�k �� � �. � ; . , ' ' r .. , � ��, . . � , '. • .." � , .. , �. .r .�. , .1� � �. .. � ,' `��.. ,,, , _. , .- ►-��� �.� ♦ . r+ f ..A. . . . �. -�` � C'•ITY 0.��` SAINT P�UL �� '" ��, ``� ; � �j t�l�. �OFFICI� {JF 'rHE CITY COLTi�CIL ��C�IV�D ��� �� t �. �yi �� �n� l� �'Y�.27}_t`CL.`+ . ' � N OV 141�7�i �. MII�IORANDIIrS � - � C,� �Ii�CF �i � r r�R� �r�� S DAV1D H. HOZZA �-;�, � � Councilman � ��� � � ,'?i- - � Nov�mber 10, _1977 T0: The Honorable George at' r Mayor of Saint P 1 ' , FROM: David H. Hozza /� ; RE: Request for fund .for te survey for Civic Center Authority As can be seen from the attached letters from Glenn Erickson and Clark Wold, an additional $4,500.00 is needed as soon as possible to complete the Civic Center site survey and soil borings necessary for the design of the Civic Center Authority Theatre and Exhibition Hall. As the chairma.n of the Civic Center Authority Theatre and Exhibition Hall steering co�nittee I would respect— fully request that this money be transferred from a contingency fund to an account under Mr. Erickson's supervision. This money is not available fron� the Civic Center Authority budget nar has it been included in the proposed $40,000.00 budget a�ready being used for design on this project. Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. DHH:ls Attachments cc: Richard Broeker • Peter Hames v�ichard Schroeder Glenn Erickson Eileen McMahon Lloyd Leider John Friedmann Clark Wold CdTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SSI02 612f298-4546 . �:F;�'�•c�j � •��i��-� r� CtTY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNETY SERVICES DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUltDING CODE ENFORCEMENT 445 City Ha11, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Phone 512-298-4212 NC.iVc::�2t a� I.g77 NIr. Dav�� i3ozza, City CounciLran Room 7J4 City Hall St. Paul, i�iin�zesota Re: Civic Center �'<.�a-r.sion �reliminary �Asi��n costs. Dear Dave: We have taken a look at the a�t�i�ional costs wnien �,;i?1 likely be incurred to comple�cion o-_= �c�_�e ��-_eliminary desi��z stu�� ghase of tne above .��ojec�., A request has been made :tiy Lhe Architect for a car�pieLe site survey and �or su'�soil data, (a�tached letter) . We have the original soil repo-r�� which is mentioned and additional borin�s f�r '�:his stage �f design were not request�ed. The site survey has been ord�red and ti�fe estimate tnat the reasonable fee for tnis should be approximately $2, OCO.G�. Snould an additional soil report be requested which we feel is like�y due to the fact that the r�ew area of constructioiz is considerably renoved irom the borings , now available, we estimate �ach additional soil investigation, with a recommendation report, would cost approximately $2500.00. - It is our suggestion that a fund of $4500.00 would ;�e required for �i�.e proba�le items which the agreement may require �or t��e prelimina�y design study phase. Please let me know if you have any additional. questians . in this • regard. :� Very� tr�Iy yours.f:�' . ,,� `� � � �,.� ` ; f ' �';:!�� f t 7����--'•�''-' 5�.::. --- ..�=. ��� G�?��r� tZ. Erickson � Supr. of Cade Enforcement � GA�/CEE/cw �C� . - �<�.-w � —...",�.� .,� � �. `i�� � � ' t_ � �..>-^'' . ' :p j r� �� � !� . ' � f � ' rl . . . ..- . ��:.. ,. � e ._ • . . . .. . .. . ;�J � .f� ! � f i _. (l �l� �~ � . ��•'�� 'J j� ` Y � �l��_���� .. . . i":.7: - . ., -� y �� �+y y'J. ` � . .,T w ,�. �t�.�rr���/�'� :'i - r� . .'/y . � i� ���.yi,_. • ,� � f '� � � .. . .,f° i��d ���-'`'s"',�y , Tk�e v1lofd Association o Architects 6C0 Osborn 6uilding, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-227-77?3 Ctark D.Wold Robert R. Neison - � Raymond A. Keller � Fred J. Shank ' October 27, i977 ��r. Dave Hozza City Hall and Courthouse � - Room 704 � . St. Paul , Minn�sota 55102 - . Re: St. Pa�l Civi� Center _ Exhi bi ti on Ha?1 - Co��i ssi on �lo. 767 Dear Da4�n, � . Eileen suggested that I �ormally r�qaest the ite�s required from the owners so as to enabl� us to ex�editiously and accuratA�y proceed with the planning of the subject project. The most important item is a site survey of t�e entire site, including the Civic Cenier proposed site areas to be acguir�d adjacent to Wast�ington Street. I wi11 be pleased to discuss the detailed requirements for a site survey with Glenn. ' _ The other item•�is test hole data on the site. A� th�s tir�e � � I believe any existing data, perhaps obtained for tne Civ�c Center or the theater v�ould be adequate for the de5ign study phase. , I would apAreciate receiying this data as soon as possi;�le. . Sincerely, ' ASSOCIATIOi�, IidC. �'�� CL . 4! LD, FAIA"` . President . Kern C. Olson . RobNCt C. Armbruster C�:�:jd'i , Oarrell O. Cartson � N2ncy S. Cameron CC: Eile�n �'•fct•1a�on • • David R. Kroos �,�-�efin EZ-1 CkSOfI