270145 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUflCll ��I�� �� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL . CANARV - OEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � ���� uncil Resolution Presented By ���'f°�- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the appointment, by the Mayor, of William Peterson, 1099 Cumberland, to serve as a member of the Board of Zoning Appeals for a three—year term to expire November 1, 1g80. COUNCILMEN Yeas Na}�s � Requested by Department of: ��trk�er 5 Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ � __ Against BY Roedler S ylvester Te,�esso Q�C � 19�r Form Approv d by City At!orney Adopted by� Council: Date — _ ' Certified sse b}' Counc ec ry BY By Ap ved by Mavor: Da � O Appro e by Mayor for Sub ss on'�o Council By BY �:a�����::�_:� ��:� � Q '��� � GITY OF SAINT PAITL f'��t� /_'�� =.:.soa •'•6°"° OFFIGE OF THE MAYOB n�e�e 34T GITY HALL SAINT pAiIL, MINNESOTA 55102 (612) 298^4323 GEOAGE LATIMEI? MaYOa November 30, 1977 Council President Robert Sylvester and Honorable Members of the City Council Seventh Floor - City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Council Members: As you know, last week I submitted to you for your consideration the names of William Peterson and Stanley Fishman as my nomin�es for appoint- ment to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Mr. Fishman has previously served on that Board. Mr. Peterson is being appointed for the first time. Some time ago Mr. Fishman expressed to me an interest in serving on the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. It is my feeling that a man of his background and experience would be an invaluable addition to that body. Recently a vacancy occurred through resignation on the Heritage Preservation Commission. Since it has been a policy of my administration to encourage participation by avoiding where possible appointment of citizens to more than one board or commission, Mr. Fishman has graciously consented to appointment to the Heritage Preservation Commission in lieu of another term on the Board of Zoning Appeals. Attached hereto is a resolution appointing only William Peterson to the Board of Zoning Appeals which I ask that you substitute for �tem 2 on the December 1, 1977 Council Agenda. Under separate cover I have forwarded a resolution nominating Stanley Fishman to the Heritage Preservation Commission. Shortly I will submit for your consideration, a replacement for Mr. Fishman on the Board of Zoning Appeals. However, I ask that you move forward with the confirmation of Mr. Peterson. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerel '� GEO E LATIMER� Mayo GL/lm attachments cc: Jean Berman Donna McNeally .� � Ed Warn WHITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 GANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. , ncil Resolution Presented By '~' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, pursua t to law, the Mayor has appointed the following named perso s to serve as members of the Board of Zoning Appeals for thr e—year terms to expire November 1, 1980: William Peterson, 1 99 Cumberland Stanley Fishman, 348 North Prior Avenue now, there�ore, be it ��`, � RESOLVED, that said appoi" tmer�ts are hereby concurred in and in all respects approve�. and ratified. `°t `, � ,,� �, \ •. ,, ,'ti � � �� : ''� \ � , � ,` •1 , , .` , '.t '� COUfVCILMEN Yeas Na}•s Requested by Department of: Butler `�, Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Ap o ed by City At!orney Adopted by� Council: Date . ` Certified Passed by Council Secretary By Approved by Mayor: Date Appr v d by Mayor for S is ion to Council By BY . ' � �1,����� ��,�:� �W.n.ri �• � �'l (�1 T�� o�,� S t�1�T P��T i 1. ����: ��� � �� ��,.���m ���a�uaeme O1�1''1(;1: <)1� TII]; �I.1YOI� `a �/ � , !�!f_B�e� 1�0�/ ii.: .. • ' �.1// 3�7 GITY H 1LL r; SAINT I'_AiI�,, riINNFSOTA .i�il0� `°'�-�' +e�;,� �"' '' -�.�s (csi�) ��a^.�ci•�s rCt;si',�:,rr 1. �`��.;��y'j�°� ' � GEORGE LATIMEF? MAYOR November 15, 1977 Council President Robert Sylvester and Honorable Members of the City Council 7th Floor, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Council Members: Herewith I am transmitting my nomination of two persons to serve as members of the Board of Zoning Appeals: Stanley Fishman, 348 North Prior Avenue, 55104, to be reappointed to serve a three- year term, such term to expire on November l, 1980. William Peterson, 1099 Cumberland Avenue, 55117, to be appointed to serve a three-year term, such term to expire on November l, 1980. A resume of Mr. Peterson is attached for your review. Thank you for your consideration of these nominations. Sincerely, • GEO LATIMER Mayo GL/lm attachments cc: City Clerk O � , � ����� �5 , November 16, 1977 I, William R. Peterson am forty-two (42) years old, married, and have four (4) children. I have been a resident of the city of St. Paul all my life except for the four (4) years I served in the U. S. Navy during the Korean War. I attended Cathedral Grade School and am a graduate of Mechanic Arts High School. I have also taken several courses at the University of Minnesota. I am a member of St. Bernards Church and serve on several " committees there. I am a member of Iron Workers Local 512 and have been for � the past twenty-three (23) years. For the past seven (7) years I have served as Business Agent and prior to that was on the Local Union Executive Board. At present I am still Business Agent for Local 512; also I am on tl� Executive Board of the St. Paul Building Trades and am a Trustee on the Minnesota State Building Trades. I am also a Trustee on the Local Union Pension and Welfare program. Following is a list of individuals which can be used as references: Charles E. McKenna, Business Manager Iron Workers Local 512 David Roe, President of Minnesota AFL-CIO Richard Radman, Secretary of St. Paul Building Trades Bruce Vento, U. S. Congressman Thomas Osthoff, Minnesota House of Representatives Erwin Peterson, Attorney at Law, St. Paul, NIN Robert Hess, Administrative Assistant to Congress- man, Bruce Vento Respectfully subm' te , _ � William R. Peterson 1099 Cumberland Ave. St. Paul, M[�TT 55117 489-0078