270130 WHITE - C�TV CLERK 1 ��• P �+ �� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L COUI1C11 � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. RETURN COPY TO ALUATION BUREAUC'ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby accept dedication of a permanent 35 foot easement for sewer and water purposes over portions of vacated Iglehart Avenue, .Dunlap Street and vacated alley, together with Lots l through 15, and Lots 27 and 28 in Block 3, D. W. Ingersoll Addition to St. Paul, presented to the City by Independent School District No. 625, and the City Attorney is authorized and directed to record the said deed in the Office of the Ramsey County Recorder. COUNCILMEN � Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Butler � Finan & Mana e ervices Hozza [n Favor Hunt , � � —�wciue J __ Against By � Director Roedler S ylvester �s�icsco r��� 2 � 19n Form Approved_by ity At orney Adopted b� ouncil: Date — �. Cer ied Ya- y Coun Secretary� BY App o by 17ayor: Date 2. i977 Appro d by Mayor for mi `sio�Fto Council By '� �.�_= BY ���'°4����_� ;�:.:� 1 �=, i977 - ' . OM Ol: 12/1975 � - , . . Rev. ; 9�8/7b E�L�LANATION OF ADMINISTFtATIVE ORDERS, ' • .F�E�SOL�;IONS, AND ORDINANCES -���� Date: November-� 14 � 19'T'T T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATTMER �• . J. Wm. Donovaa Valv�.tic� & Asse • ssmeat Eng3s�eer (Ext. 5317) �ep� F�nee & Mg�. Services s RE: Dedication of See��rrer & Water Eaaemeat over part of Ceatral High School praperty as shown an the attached m6�p. , ACTION REQUESTED: Acceptance ot the deed of dedication f`rom� IaR�pen�nt School Distriet #625 to the City ot' the ee�sement as shc�rn on the attached. copy of said deed. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION:� � School co�strnction at the Central H3gh School site req,uires the relocation of , ' the�existing s�rer and yrater lines in this p�aposed easem�nt. ATTACfiMENTS: l. Council Resolution for gpproval ' � 2. M�p ' 3. �apy ot deed i'ram School Distriat .. r .,. . .. .� �� ... . ... - �„��.��sv... �.n.vrin ►.v+���w+W.ry awnas �n�. �ar.a� . .. . •` - � � p�►��� �� . . � . _ _ .y� 1{ !. �, lL���� .t1�����1j���� .�Ilade ttcis...................................::. y f.__.... � `� ...,.�..da o Au�$t....._.................._...., IJ....77.._., � -.: ITdDEPENDIIVT SCHOOL DTSTRICT N0. 625 3eEureen __...........:...................................................................._......__........_..._..._.............._...........--•---.........._.................._..._..._._.____....__.__._..___.-_. � -• a school district . ��'f��i��zciacler the latcs of the State o;..............Mi:3nesota...,.._. .,.._., part� of tjce �rst part, and ......--•--...._. - CITX OF SAIlVT PAUL................_. .............................._....--•----....._................_....--•--.._.__._..__......_._._----......... _..............._.._........_.._---......._....._.. . .. ca corporatiora under the Zaws of tlae State of.__.......NI1.n��s.ota.....................•-•••-..._.....•••-•..._._.__................__......_...._........__........ party of t3ce sccond pc�rt,'= - �Ithte��ft�j. Z'h�Ct the said partr/ of the first part, in consideration of the sum, of _......................Q�e..Do�.�..ax...�n,c�...otYze.x.:.��a�....a.��...ualu�b�.�...Gaas:i.dPra��.�rz._(.�.1...04�.-.-.-.-.-:.--.JJOLT,.�I�,S, to it in ha�i�l paid by the saicl party of the secnntt part, tlie receipt wlcereof is hereby ac.knaiuZecZ�ed, does herebJ Grant, Barsczin, Quitelaim, and Co�avey zcnto t3�e saicl partr� of th.e seeond part, its suecessors and assi�ns, Farever, all the traet......_.....or parcel............of lancl Zyin6 arul being in the Caunty �tamsex.....................................and State of.3tinrr,�sota, described as follows, to-uzt: of-•........................... A 35 foot perpetual easement for se��er a:�d Srater pur�oses over, under and across those parts of vacated Iglehart Ave., vacated Dunlap St., vacated alley in Block 3, and Lots 1-15 inclusive .� � and Lots 27 and 28 all in Block 3, D.'��I. Ingersoll Addition to � St. Paul, Minn., the centerline of said perpetual easement is described as _follaws: Commencing at the intersection of �he centerline of Lexington Parkway North and the center�ine af - Iglehart Ave.� east of �Lexington Farkway North; thence west along the westerly extension of the centerline of Iglehart Ave. eas� of Lexington Parkway North, a distance- of 80 feet ta the point of beginning of the centerline of said 35 faot perpetual easement; _ thence continuing west along said exter_ded centerline a distance � of 17.5 feet; thence north deflecting to t'ne right 90 degxees 02 minutes 00 seconds a distance of 22�+.5�+ x"eet; thence west deflecting to the left 90 degrees 02 ninutes 00 seconds a distance of 529.8b feet; thznce south deilecting to the left 89 degrees 58 minutes 00 seconds a distance of 191.73 feet; thence southwesterly deflecting to the right �+2 degrees �+1 minutes 00 seconds a distance of �+8 feet to the point of intersection of the centerlines af vacated Dunlap St. and vacated Iglehart Ave. and there termi.nating. The side lines of said easements shall be prolonged or shortened to terminate on the centerline of vacated _ Dunlap St., all as shown on Public Works Sewer and TrTater Easesnent Drawi:lg No. 237� d�ated June 23, �-977• State Deed Tax: Exempt �0 �„�dbe Alib t0�,�O�A t�jP �ditT�, To�ether zcith aLL the hereditaments ancl appurtenances there- unto belongins or in anJwise appertaininy, to the said party of the sec�nd part, its successors czr.,d assi=ns Forev�. �ti Z���:frtwrcp ��jereof, The said first nartrj has caitsed t.h.ese � presents to be execicted in its corporate nams by its....Chaizrn3n.:. . TreasurerPresident and its...Clerk � � , __ ,�and its corporute scal. to be hereunto a,ffi.xed the day and Jear first above zuritten. � ._....Independent..School..District,.No.._,_b2�._,..__.____.,,,_..._._..__,.,,_.., � BJ................: . ........�---•------� --�----.._.._.. .... .._.....��...�.._... .... .._ . . � �-- -- Its.............. ....... .. ......_.� -. �I�./.t:- - WChaim�a� _......---�-�-�-�-�--.��-..�..�_.....---._ ... � . �� :�._-----.._. ................. rts._...._. .�s���.... ..-�-�::---�-�--�------...---��-----�--� 'ireas'�:rer � . ��.: � / - � By ,/�f�,..%i;��cTc,, :� ��'�,t,L��, � Clerk t � � � � _ _ �q -s _ ,.,�,� ,� \1 y � ti � „���' Q � � �. . ., �5 t � � .. . <, '�,� .. , . �-... . -. , r.'ar,`is� ---- .Y._ .._....r........... b.Y/!,� . �.F � .� �" - - .:� :�.. _� - - -► �� r' _' � - :;j_ -- .�' - -� � = r� ` r `� ?� � ,,�� ONvsY.9 '1 ' . �;: ..,_.-.,....�.�,._.._�._.-..-.....—�.. . � :� r . �.�3 � . .. . � � . � . � � �'�� ;. �O � ����,� .�� ,;:�„r.,r�� V ,, � t � . � � �. ���� O ---- f -...� weu � t�- ✓�yu...Y '.�� ..�"�{�n 1' -.YY'�'�i<;�, .?d S.�b �,t�..q•�'��'l�y�.2 ,�w5�� '��'�� ._ i �O r-- -- '�• �.��� < �r �.,:.,���'}. �-�s.�: '�f'+'t., �-..-r.yPr`..�.. �'.,u..i.ws.eT•,:+�s�, n..Z }:_ �,.�..�;�! 4 �' �,. ��. 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