270127 WHI7E — CITV CLERK � - 1 � �.
.. CANARV — DEPARTMENT F �e C1aNO. ���� � �
� uncil Resolution
Presented By
I ' .
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary
Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution by
establishing a compensation rate for the class of
Forestry Crew Leader.
WHEREAS, it is appropriate and desirable to establish a compensation
rate for the class of Forestry Crew Leader; now, therefore, be it
� RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution
be amended by adding immediately following the material in Section II D, the
"E The compensation for the class of Forestry Crew Leader in
Section 7 of the Civil Service Rules under the heading,
'Semi-Skilled Labor' shall be $7.49 per hour. Effective
September 1, 1 g77, the rate shall increase to $?. 89 per hour. "
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza [n Favor
Hunt �
_�� _ Against BY
Tede P�QV 2 9 �977
Form Approv�d City ttor ey
Adopte y Council: Date
C tified P-s y Coun � tary/ BY
App `v d by ;Vlavor: Da^� ti .�i 2' �`�7� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By � By
Y f��w� :�S,.i.s i i�..J k.?P.»iJ i �'� I.J 1 � .
�r . Do not detach this memorandum-�m �he ������
• resolution so that this information will be � Q�* 12��9�� "
8vailabie to :the City Council. �v.: 9%8�76
. �Ll�iT� QF AD�A1�S3,'R�T�qE t?$P}$R'� �
. RE80�►QTTONS Al� > S' .
Dates November l, 1977
�ro: �� c�a�� ��� . �1� E�
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FR: pAr���naY �f��G.
N4V 19'n
tt�: Ii�aO�,v�tioa �par �ubmi�s�.o� ta City Cvuaci�,
ACT�,.,,,.R�,� S�s
Ws x�ece�ttd ycux �PPacavB�. a�d aubmiseio� of thie �teeo],uti.ott ta th�e C3.xq Couaci.l.
PU�P48� R�9►��QNAL� �'0� STS ACTT4N:
This Resolution establishes the new title and class specifications of Forestry Crew
Leader in the Ungraded Division (Serni-Skill�d Labor) of the Civil Service Rules.
Thie� Resolutioa replaces Ordinances previously written a.nd approv�ed bq the Civil
Servi.ce Commissioa on 6-20-77. This replacement is being made beca�se the �
Civil Servtce Rules have recently been adopted as a Resolution..
� �T,�. 'TS:
Resolution, specificatioas and copq fox City Cl�rk.