270116 M�HITE — CITV CLERK � �,�� �
BLUE — MAYOR `� � �
File N 0.
ouncil Resolution
Presented By ' ���';-d�-�
Referred To � Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul by resolution C.F. 23387,
ndopted November 2, 1918 acquired the necessary right of way for
the purpose of opening a public alley in Block 2, Belvid8re Park,
Sub''l�division of Lot 2 of Hidwells Addition to West Saint Paul
M innesota, and
WH�REAS, the actions of the City in acquiring the necessary
alley right of way did not specify the intent of the City to acquire
either an easement or fee title, arid
WH�;REAS, only a permanent easement for alley purposes was
necessary to accompli'sh the purpose of opsning the said public alley
and the City of Saint Paul has received a request from the present
� owner of Lot 10 of said Block 2 to clarify that only an ensement
wae acquired in I918 by the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of
her being able to register the titl.e to the said Lot 10, and
WHEREAS, the Departm�nt of Public Works, the Valustion Engineer,
and the City Attorney recommend thmt the City comply with this
NOW, TI3EREFOREr be it resolved that the City of Saint Pnul does
hereby approve and authorize the proper City officials to execute a
quit claim deed on behalf of the City releasing all of the City's � �
interest to Delores Rlopka in Lot 10, Block 2, Belvidere Park, Sub-
division ot Lot 2 of Bidw�lls Addition to West Saint Paul. Minnesota
sub�ect to the City's retaining a permanent easement for public alley
purposes over the Westerly 15 feet thereof. .
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Levine � __ Against BY
S ylvester
Ted � V �� 197�
Adopt y Council: Date NO Form Approved by ity Attorney
C ified Pas y Council cr a� BY
App o ed by Mayor: Date �(�� z `�' 1977� Approved by M yor for Submission to Council
By By
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v- '� �'-' �� ° `�� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY
November 16, 1977
Robert Sylvester, President
City Council
City of Saint Paul
Re: Land Title Registration ##8245 File S77-0555
Dear Council Members :
Joseph J. Mullery, attorney for Delores Klopka, the
owner of Lot 10, Block 2, Bel�eidere Park, Subdivision of
Lot 2 of Bidwells Addition to West Saint Paul M innesota,
requests that the City of Saint Paul assist his client in
registering the title to her property by agreeing that
the City' s interest in the Westerly 15 feet of her
property consists of a permanent easement for alley pur-
poses and that she owns the underlying fee title to
this property. This request has been reviewed by the
Department of Public Works and the Valuation Engineer.
They advise that the City' s condemnation of the Westerly
15 feet was probably intended to acquire only a permanent
easement for alley purposes although the condemnation
resolution did not specify whether the City was acquiring
an easement or fee title.
Mr. Mullery has requested that the City quit claim or
convey all of its interest to this Lot 10 subject to the
City' s retaining a permanent easement for alley purposes
over the Westerly 15 feet thereof.
it is my opinion that the City's interest will be ade-
quately protected by complying with this request, and if
you concur, the enclosed resolution would offer as an
execution of the appropriate quit claim deed. I have
prepared a form quit claim deed which is attached to the
Ve truly yours
J� E J. S�� City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
s stant Ci Attorney
JJS rl 612 298-5121
CC: Dan Dunford, Public Works J. Mullery, Esq.
J. Wm. Donovan, Engineering
��,�� .�n��nture, �ffade this-•.............................................d2i of.........._...................---...........---..........--�---..., 19..�.�_.....,
betwee�z`...................C.ity of Saint Paul, a municipa� corporation
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One Dollar and ot�er gooc7 an`zd va`'1.uable consi�'era�ions (��•���DUI,L.9RS.
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to iL- irz lcr,cnd pnid bz� tTze srcid par�t...Y...........of tlze sec.orzd part, tlae recPi��t ao?ecreof i,s IcereL� ucicnowled,ed,
�l:;c-�s JLC7•evJ Cranc, L'nr�aiu, �,l�cit�lr.�inz, aizd Con,zey un-fo the saicl �;art..y..............!�f tlae seconc� part,...her._.
i�czrs aud as:•i,�iz;, Forcr,•er, c;Xl. ihe trar,t...S.............or parcel...�....••••....of Za�erl l.��no a�zcl beirZ6 in tlee CountJ of
..............Ramsey__.___...___.............._._u,tcZ Statc af ��17inneso�a, clescribed a� follows, to-zvit:
Lot 10, Block 2, Belvidere Park, Subdivision of
Lot 2 of Bidwells Addition to West Saint Paul
M innesota
Subject, however, to the grantor retaining a
permanent easement for public alley purposes on,
over and across the Westerly 15 feet of the said
Lot 10.
�o �abe attb to �oCa t�e �ame, To�etFcer �vith all tlae lterecli,tarnenf,s ci�zd ccppurterau.ces tTtere-•
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Treirs and ass•isits, Forcr,�er.
�t� �Ge�timanp ��je�eof, 1'Ii� said fi�•st ��arfi� l�as c.au.scd thcsc
/ �rescrets to ve eLecutcd irz. its corpora.te �zaTne b�� ita.....M.a. .or..,. lts
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I�L Presercce
Its...........M.ay�.r..........................................F�.,�i t.
1ts............Cit.X....clerk...................:. .
Its Director of Finance & Mana menf.
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