270114 WHITE - CITV CLERK �`µ� �) PINK - FINANCE �7 COUIICII / /(���� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA V L File NO. /41 ; BLUE - MAVOR RETURN COPY TO Council Resolution VALUA BUREAU Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize , �he proper City officials to enter into a Dwelling I,ease Agreement between the City and Harry Hohman for a term commencing November 1, 1977, at a monthly rental of �130.00, for property acquired by the City in connection with the Fire Station �14 acquisition. Credit rent to PIR Fund Code 60000- (L-8013). COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Finan , d ana s Hozza In Favor Hunt (J Levine J __ A gai n s t BY ��-`�""�� Roedler Director ��� Sylvester T ���� � 2 ��77 Form Approved by City Attorney Ad d bv Council: Date — Certified P• s� y Council Secretary BY---�l�� ���� �t���� • 5 197'7 '� A r ved by IVlayor: D e NOV 2 Appr v d by Mayor for Su ion Council By BY ���u`�i��3�U n:yGr ti �9�7 ' ` OM O1: I2/1975 . � Ren. : 9/8/76 , EXPI�ANATION OF ADMINIST?�ATIVE �RDERS, RE O�UTI.ONS, AND ^ORDINANCES . � -���;`� � : y� � �4` � , , �.° �'y . . ,�l�v � �► :.'�` _ Date: November 1, 197? ��_. �' TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER �. FR: J. Wm. Donovan, �'aluation F,r�ineer (ext. 5317), Dept. of �ance b Mgt. Services gE; Fire 3tation��1# Acquisition - Leasse of property acquired Harry Hohman - : 1594 Laurel Averrue ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of resolution will .allaw for m�onth to month lease of su��e�et property. Praperty is shown on the attached map. . • . PLTRPOSE AND RATItSNALE FOR THIS ACTIOI�Is Acquisition authorised pursuant to Connci� Aesolution 26931.�, appraved � � July 1, l97?. The teaants aeed to regnain on the preanise� until they can • coordinate moving ta new housing with the Haasiag and �edevelap�e nt Authority Relocation 0�'Pice, Aent �130.Q0 per morith 'beginning Novemrber 1, 1977. ATTACffi�l�ENTS: 1. Copy of Lease Agre�nent - 2. Map , ., __ _..._. __. ._ . ...__ .__._ _ __ ._ . __. _ _ _. --.. ___. _ .____.___ ___ ._ ...._. __ _ _ .` ' ��,����;� '� :`� . _ � _ _, �_ . . ,., . Pro�ect T3a. Fire Station l�+ Acauisition File No. 17 parcel No. TJ A Lease t3op 121 CITY OF SAII`dT PAUL DTr1ELLING LEASE THIS LEASE, made this day of , 19 � b� �.nd be-tween the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corooration under t�e la�;s of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City", and Harrv Hohma.n , hereinafter referred to as Tenant ; The City hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby hires and takes, to be occupiec3 and used solely as a private dwe]ling unit for Tenant and his own ia�edi.ate family, the premises known and descri.bed, and for the tera,. as follaws: SPACE AND TERP�i: 2 st�y frame building and havi.ng a street a.dc�,ress of 15 Laurel Avenue � Saint Pau1, Minnesota. Tenant agrees to pay the sum of 130.00 per month as rent at Dinision of Valuations, Room 286 City Ha & our ou�e To have and to hold the same for the term commencing on �he lst day of ' November , 19 77 ,1and expiring on the �day of November , 19 77 , inclusive, and from month to month thereafter. Such tenancy may t�rminate as follows: _ �. Tenant nay �Eermi.nate tnQ lease at any date du.ring the month by giving t�e City f`i.fteen (15) days notice in writing. ' - b. Termination of the tenancy by the City shall be upon ninety (90) days written notice ta the� tenan� ' exce�pt for the follovrir,g, in which case the City- retains the right to evict without notice: 1. Failure to pay rent. 2. rdaintenance of a nuisance or use of' -the premises for illegal purposes. 3• A material breach of the renta,l agreement. 4. Refta.sal. to consider accos�o.odations meeting relocation standards. 5. Reflisal to admit a relocation interviewex or counselor. The Tenant having been in possession of the �renises kna��s the cand.ition of same, and admi�s that no representations as to the condition thereof have been made by the City which are not endorsed thereon, and agr�es tha� the Cify wi)1 not a?ter, repa,ir, or imgro�re such premises. . - - .__---- _ ___.---- .._.,.-- ---�-_ _ __�__—._:__�___:_..._..__ -' -- --.___ - -_ _ ___ _. _ _�. - - - - . - _.. ��. _ . �,..... .. : � ..._, . .,._�..�.,_ ;.w,�...�.�.�.�.�,.-... „���. ._ :�.,,.��.,..,.,�,��.,.�::. . . ,. _ . .�,.y, _ .. _ : ,_ . . _ � � _. .,. _ � _. _ . . _. _ . , . .-�. .r-er. . . .- .. . . _ .... _ . . .� .. .. -� � .�� - .... . . .: � ... - ' '_ _ ".�'_. �. _ �_.� � -� .... - - ... .....-.-` .....� � ._� _ �"__. _ _. _ �Y�.��. `_'_.�'.'��`�-�� _ . .. ._�. _ :.. - .... . ' ' _""' '_ '_ . _ . . ^ �,� �:���-� � --� �� . � � o�: � The Tenant agrees to keep the premises continually in a neat, clean, and orderly condition and will keep the sidewalks in front of and along side said premises cleaned of ice and snow or other objectionable r�aterial. All as?�es, garbage and reilise of ar�y kind is to be removed by the Tenant X' or at the Tenant's expense. The Tenan� agrees to make no cl�.im and to hold the City harmless f�om claims of others which may arise on account of personal injury cccurrin� in or about the premises or for loss or damage to personal property. � a ; Tize City, throu�h its authcrized employees or agents, shall ha,ve the right to enter the premises at ar�y ti�e for the purpose of inspection or repair for the premises or equipment therein, or for such other purposes as zaay be deemed necessaxy by the City. The Cit3• shall have the right, without notice, to se11, destroy, or other�rise dispose of any personal property left on the premises by the Tenant af`ter he has vacated or aba.ndoned his dwelling unit or been evicted theref�o�. ido repairs or alterations sha11 be made except with the knoi,rledge and consent of the City. The �enant is to be responsible for and will mend at his aem cost a.r�y and all breaka.ge and damage done to any part of the premises. The Tenant shall replace at his own expense any glass broken on said premises during the ccn�inuance of the lease. The Ten�.nt agrees that all utilities, gas, �lectricity, water, and flzel for heating are to be provided by him. The Tenant shall turn in keys to the premises to the City Division of Assess�ents and Valua.tions, Room 286, City Hall and Court House, immediateZy upon vacating premises. Al1 terms �.nd conditions of this Dwelling Lease are hereinabove fl.i7.1y set for�h, an3 �he parties hereto covenant and represent that the�r have no flxrther a.greement or understanding except as foLlows: CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Mayor Director, Department of Fina.nce and I�;anagement Services FORAi AP�OVID: City Clerk Assistant i y torney �.._ � � ~ Tena Tem°.nt ��� y :� ' -... _ . �I�- -_ -.__�._ -__ . _- _ . r, _ ; . ,. �.�,-; - , . :. , :. b,�n.�. . � :-.� . . . _ .........�-�,.:..�,....<.� �- " 34 I _ ._ ________.._._.� _.--.__ �....__� I ---,-,Z � � _- - ____ . _ _._ � _--- �. _ I ����'� ��-�� � �_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - � ��� _ � _ . tS�T�= NOU'S�s ty.0 _ ��.n�r �T . � � _ :r�. ._ _T�. Sc.�.�', _ _ --� . _ . ` i o4' 3� 20 113 _ d+O- ___ __ _ _ � 2 s'r/ - _ __ . __ _ _ ___ �e.� _ � . a► � � � 2s�. q E 4 w�o. _1�5_SNE��I�`K�. A • -' UArtfa66 � . O �t' i ___. � ` : 3 _---v�-�=_ ; - . . . . . . . . .. 4. 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