270112 WHI7E - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 ���,�� �� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR � � File N 0. RETURN COPY TO Council Resolution VALU ON BI�AU � � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 does hereby authorize the proper City officials to enter into a Dwella.ng Lease Agreement between the City and Mr. Herman Rude and Ms. Elsie Busch for a term commencing November l, 1977, at a monthly rental of $101.00, for property acqu.ired by the City in connection with the Fire Station �1�+ acquisition. Credit rent to PIR Fund Cod.e 60000- (L-8013). COUNCIL1�EN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Fina d Man nt Services Hozza [n Favor Hunt � Levine _ __ Against BY Roedler Director n`�,C. Sylvester �� Tedesco�- Adopted`�±c�''�ouncil: Date NOV 2 2 �9� Form Approved by City Attorney � B �it. / f '7 Ce ied Pass y Cou , tary B; App ed by Mayor: Dat ! .,rn� � t. �0�7 Approv b Mayor for Submi i to �ouncil By BY '� 1977 F���.��:;�a �.�',�� 3 , � OM Ol: 23/�9�� ' Rav. : 9/8/76 E�LANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDEItS, � • RESnL�T ONS, �1ND, 0�_C"ES 2 �`�11-�� . _ - ' � . �.� , �'r°" � �I � , 1, Date: l�ovember 1, 19`T7 µG w � � �,,y'� '�► T0: MAYOR 6EORGE LATIMER . aW �= J. �Tm. Donovan, Va]uation Engineer (Egt. 5317), D�pt. of I�3.nance b Mgt. Service� r�E: Fire �tation �#1�4 Acquisition - Lease of property acquired Mr. �erman Rude and Ms. Pl.sie Busch . 115 No. Snelling Averiue ��;.:� ACTION REQUESTED: ,,.._.._.. �._�,.__ Approval of resolution will .allaw for month to month lease of su��ect property. � Propeerty is shown on the attached map. . PURPOSE AND RATIQNALE FOR THIS ACTION: Acquisition authorized pursuant to Cauncil Resolution 26931�►, approved � July l, 1977. The tenants need to remain on the presnises U.nti7. they can � coordinate moving to n�w housing with the Housing and Redsvelo��t authority I�elocation Off'ice. I�ent $141.00 per month beginning Novem&�er l, 1977. . ATT�,CHMENTS: 1. Copy of Lease Agreeanent . 2. Map - ._:_ . _ , . _ � ._ , , _ . �+ � ,� ����� �� Pro�ect Tdo. Fire Station 1�+ Acquisition File Tdo. 17$66 Parcel No. N A Lease Tdo. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DWII�LING LEASE Ti�S LrASE, nade this day of , i9 � by and be�i•.*een the CITY OF SAIPIT PAUL, a municinal corooration under the la�as of-�he State of Minnesota, hereinaf`ter referred to as "City", �.nd Mr. & Mrs. Herma.n Rude , hereinafter referred to as Tenant '; . The City hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby hires and takes, to be occupied and used solely as a �rivate dz•relling unit for Tenant and his rntian immediate family, the premises kno�+rn and described, and for the term, as fo]laws: � SPACE AND TER�,4: l story �me building and detached garage and having a street address of 115 No. Snelling Avenue � Saint Paul, Minnesota. Tenant agrees to pay the su;n of 101. aer month as rent at Division of Valuation, Room 286 City�wGour ouse. To have and to hold the sarne for the texrn commencing on the lst day of Nc�vember , 19 7� , and expiring on the �pth day of November , 19 77 , inclusive, and fro:n mont:� to �onth thereafter. Such tena.ncy may termina,te as fo]lows: a. Tenant r:iay termi.nate the lease at any date during � the mor_�h by giving the City fifteen (15) days nbtice in V�riting. . b. Terr1ination of tne tenancy by the City shall be upon ninety (90) days w-ritten notice to the tenant exce�t for the follo��i.ng, in which case the City - retains the right to evict without notice: , 1. Failure to pay rent. 2. Maintenance of a nuisance or use of the premises for i.Llega.l purposes. 3. A material breach of the rental ag�eement. �+. Reftisal to consider accommodations meeting relocation standards. 5• Reflisal to admit a relocation interviewer or counselor. The Tenant having been in possession of the nrerii.ses kno:�rs the condition of same, and admits that no representations �.s to the conditior. Lhereof have been m�.de by the City :,rhicn are not endorsed thereon, and aorees that the City �,rill not alter, repair, or irrrprove such premis�s. . , _ . _: �._ ,. - ---• - --_ . _° _ __ - - -- - --� _ . _ .� � � �- � -- - --�----_�-__.___�.._..�._. _..� . , . ,��• .. . _ �f � •.Y � � , � I+• • ' � � The Tenant �.grees to keep the premises continually in a neat, clean, • and orde�°1y condition and wi11 keep the sidewa].ks in �ront of and along side saia premises cleaned of ice and sncr�r or other objectionable material. All ashes, garba.ge and reflise of any kind is to be removed by the Tenant or at the Tena.nt's expense. The Tenant agrees to make no claim a.nd to hold the City harmless �om claims of others which may arise on account of personal injury occurring in or about the premises or for loss or damage to personal property. ! The City, through its authorized employees or agents, shall have the right to enter the premises at any time for the purpose of inspection or repair for the premises or equipment therein, or for such other puxposes � as may be deemed necessa.xy by the City. The City shall have the right, without notice, to sell, destroy, or i otherarise dispose of any personal property left on the premises by the ' Tenant after he has vacated or abandoned his dwelling unit or been evicted therefrom. ; No repairs or alterations shall be ma.de except with the knowledge �nd consent of the City. The Tenant is to be responsible for a.nd will mend at his o�ra cost an�y and a11. breaka.ge an3 damage done to ar�y part of the pxemises. � The Tenant shall replace at his awn expense ar�y glass broken on said premises during the continuance of the lease. � The Tena.nt agrees that all utilities, ga.s, electricity, wa.ter� and tlzel for heating are to be provided by him. � The Tenant shall turn in keys to the premises to the City Division of Assess�ents and Valuations, Room 286, City Hall and Court House, iffined.iately upon vacating pre�mises. A31 terms and conditions of this D*aelZing Lease axe hereinabove fla11y set forth, and the parties hereto covenant and represent that they have no flirther agreement or understanding except as follows: � � CITY OF SAIP�?' PAUL By Ma.yo� Directox, . Department o� Finance and Mana.gement Services FORti APPROVID: ` City Clerk -; . ; Assistant/Ci y orney ' 1 ' j ��� �./17111 �.�' e 7 e n �7 / 7.�B'Z �.,.�� Tex�a.nt ,_ - : _ : - - s - ._ .. _ . - . _ ..,�.. _ ,.- - --- .._y _. � . >:�:� . . . __._. . .� --�- -- , ...,:�� _ .. ,_ .. _o:-,:::. _ _.,..� _..._.,. ..� . � . -_ � �..._� — � ,�_- � 39 � _ - ---�`2 -- -.___ _ .__.__ _.- � ( � __.— � ������ ��,�, - � „ � _ __ . . e , � , �. . . t�10�- NOU�s � ���� �Y � - � . _ .. . . 15R4 �-AI�G.�.l,, Fa�. _ _ T4 S�.L��• - - --- _-_ 104' 3� 20 123 - d0- __ _ _ _ � 2 s�7 _ _ _ w o� __ CC F+e.�►a.� * � dt � � Q � 2 2..s-� -� � 1I : N��it�i�:. A�- --' w'°. _ GARA�66 � � O _ � � � �. � _. V�c:.�~C =_. I o ;: "°.' � � � ,_ � �' v�c�-�._a �. _ ___ � � . � ; �- � � �' r � . o �- � : 0 �r C I i�/ �rr _7 _ s� , S°C". _ �'A 111..._ .. _- " l F ►�� S�.l�T� . "� B � � _ . � No. _ _i4 __ _ _ 4� _ 2� 123 _ . _ _ _ __._ __�_. t 00' �-t.AN _TO ��. .L�S�'J _ � F��.:�7L�c..0 A�� _ _ IF�V►2t°+�SE aNl.y- - -: _ ------_ , � _ , - - ---.. �o �� _ _ ._ _. -^ �^��•_ ` i ___._.. ._. O�►.ENE.�..S�C�' -_ ,__ - , f � � 4O ?s� t'23 � _. __ _._ � '+ �! �- — I _ /�c��►�-i-r-roN_�Ot2_.._��t2� --�. ---R pv,r����.:_sv4�. -P��.t��2tc,l� PARc.r�.3�._, , . ADG�ESo: ►S�r L�.uc�L- Pu�? , _ ;. __. _. __ .� <<5 �_ si,, �►.� r� . . STAT tC�l� 1��. {.4 - ��' �-�t�;__ � �C�::.:_ :_ � ��'�� 5�-� C.`F _4 L A t�2�� � - I .l�,( . � ►�EL .,.:i q .,, �...,.`'l��F's.yr"..�_t �,�. y;.....f. �,M t����....'�"/e _ ��"-'',ti=:�.-�..�.�..•�,��.':�-�.°a;r-����t""l.-�.Y���b��F �'"..." °} i�''.-':