270111 WHITE - CITV CLERK � A PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council •/S CP.NARY - DEPARTMENT /.�/����-� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• RETURN CO�Y TO VA T� �U ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WF�tiEAS, the City of St. Paul, acting through its Valuatian Engineer, Y�s secured an a�eement for the purchase of that certa.in property described aa fo].l.cr�rs; That part of Lot 15 in Auditors Subdivision No. 55 south- westerly of STH 61. Also that part of Section 3, To4mship 28 North, Range 22 West described as follows: Commencing at a point on the East line of the North- west ,-��, Section 3, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, said point being 16 165�1000 chains (io66.89 ft.� South of the Northeast corner of said Northwest y, thence South along East line of said Northarest 1, 17 51/100 chains, (1155.66 ft.) thence North 722 degrees West 5 265/1000 chains, (3�+7.49 ft.) thence North 172 degrees East 16 7�10 ehains (1102.2 ft.) to place of be�inning, sub�ect to Point Douglas Roa.d and State Trunk Highway No. 61, except that part described as follaws: Commaencir� at the point of intersection of the center line of Point Dou,�l.as Road and the Easterly line of the Northwest � of Sec. 3, Tawnship 28 North, Range 22 Westi thence North on said Easterly line of said NortYYwest ,� to a point on said Easterly line 16-165�1000 et:ains (1066.89 ft.) South of the Northeast corner of said NorthHrest 4, thence South 17 de�ees 30' West to the center line of said Point Douglas Roa.d, thence in a �eneral Easterly direction along the center of said Point Dou�las Road to the point of be�inning, Section 3, Township 28 North, Ran�e 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay,s Requested by Department of: Butler -� Finance and Management Services Hozza �— �n Favor � Hunt Levine � __ Against BY Diz'eCtor Roedler � Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary �� 7 B�� � Approved by 1'layor: Date Appro by Mayor for m sion to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK ,������� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L COURCII F � CP.NARY - DEPARTMENT M BLUE - MAVOR File NO. • • RET�FtN� COPY TO VALUA�N BURFAU Counci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- WI�REAS, the property herein described is necessary for Pa.xk and Recreation Open Space purposes in the Fish Hatchery area and was approved for acqui- sition on April 26, 1977, by Final Order, Cauncil File No. 268942, and the price at which the property may be gurchased is in the amount of $3,000.00, being a fair and reasona.ble price for sub3ect property accordin� to the appraisal obf;ained by the City Valuation En�ineer; and WHEREAS, the City Valuation E�gineer has recomunended the purchase of said property at the price stated above; naw, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of St. Pa.ul does hereby authorize the purchase of the ab ove described land; and be it FURTHER RESOLVID, that the proper City officials are here'fby authorized and directed to pay to Judith H. Dehmer, record fee awner, the s� of $3,000.00; the conditions of sa.id sale are set forth in the Memorandum on Sale of Real Estate, dated October 22, 1977; said memorandum is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Said sum to be pa.id fram PIR Fund 60000-881-000 (L-7850), to be reimbursed from CIB Fund 93075-003�� COUNCIL'.NEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � Fi ce and Mana nt Services Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ � __ Against BY ireetor Roedler S ylvester Te N0�/ 2 2 �977 Form Approved by City Attorney Ado b�� Council� Date ertified P• • by Se�retary _ � j 77 v Np � _ App ed by ;Vlavor: D t - Appr by Mayor for Sub iss' n to Council BY gY ��"V \ PUBLIS�i�D °�`^''v v 1�77 . OM OIs 12/1975 ' Rev. : 9/8/7fi E�LANATION OF ADMINISTFtATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND -0RD2NANCES . ������ nat�: o�tab� 2s, i977 a E _ ����� � NO � 19�"1' . � . M�► � Tp: MAYOR GEORG£ LATIMER FR: J. W�. Donovan, Valu�tion & Assessmeat Engineer (I�:xt. 5317) Dept. �i.naace & �i�ag�eiet ' Service� gE; I,aad acquisition Pa� 'Pa�rk and Recrea�ion Open Space Purposes i.n the Fiah �tchery Area. . ACTIDN RE4qESTED: Acquisitic�a of one of t�ro parcels �or sub�eet pro�ect. Canditiaza of sale� ae shawa on atta.ched Mem�oraar�um on Sale of Resl Estate. . PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOFt THIS ACTION: Authca�ized by Final.Order, Cc�uncil File No. 268942, approved April 26, 1977. Acquisition of said p�cel in�the amcyunt of �3,�•40 to be fins�aced �ram PIlt F�md 60000-$81.-000 (L-'T850) to be reimbursed �ro� CIB F1�ad 934'T5-4Q3. � �LTTACHMENTS: l. Map . 2. Memorandum ari Sal� of Real Estate • 3• Resolution i; � ` 1 , � Department of Fina.nce and Ma.na.gement Services . ; ` , Division of Assessments and Valuations ' " Room 286 City Ha11 A�RANDUM ON SALE OF REAL ESTATE °�`�`���_�� l. Purpose Df sale �f Rea1. Estate to City: Fish Hatchery IA.nd Acquisition � For Open Space Purposes 2:. Location of Real Estate: Southwesterly of Highway 61, Northeasterly of Burlington Northern Railroa.d Tra.cks, Sou-��easterly of the intersection of Warner Roa.d & Highway 61. 3• Legal Descripti.on: S� ATTACHF� 4. Name and Address of Seller: Judith H. Dehmer c o Mr. Donald Anderson 1�08 Eugene Street White Bear I,e.ke, Minn. 55110 5• I�comaended puxchas8 price: $3,000.00 City 6. � to furnish Abstract of Title and�or Owners D�tplicate Certificate of Title - for sa3.d property, City Frill update sa3.d Abstract and�or obtain Regi.stered Property Certi�icate. 7. Seller to give possession to Cfty �t clos3.ng. 8. Taxes: Seller to pay taxes due and payable in 19?7. plus interest & pena,lties. City wi11 pay taxes due and payable 3n 197$. 9. Seller to pay all assessments lev3ed a.ga.inst said property. 10. Miscellaneotts: Seller to pa.y deli.nquent taxes and accrued interest and penalties for the Years 19r(4, 1975 and 1976. NOTE: Conditions listed above are not binding until approved by City Council. Seller: : ---�� City: ' � �/ � , Si�ed:/� tih't'�rt/�ign . .._ + Valuat on gineer Date: _� C+�. ��. /j77 Dat /Q —`.3/—'T�' � � � i � , �- - .. � - _ __ P-- � ; � --- _�_� __ - —IiiY � � � � 3. _ ` « ;_ _a - �- � -- �� µ -�* ; � �� `� _� * � 4�—=-� �r.—;�__—.�Ii��---_.� _:�_-_� � � �.l , F m L-= — L--_;i_—_3 .I m : 1 Y. .. s `` d � � . : - � ,� �--, . � j : ;� -�- " . �� F�;— �- — — v' � �, .� 2 o __ _ - —� � . 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