270096 WHI7E - CITV CLERK � ��� {���� '� �'}��i�1E+.���� PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L Council �. �� , CANARY - DEPARTMENT 1 � BLUE - MAVOR , Flle NO. nci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution approving the terms and conditions of a 1977 Memorandum of Understanding applying to certain exempt employees of the City of Saint Paul. ' WHEREAS, the Mayor has determined to grant wage increases to certain exempt employees of the City of Saint Paul for the calendar year of 1977; and WHEREAS, these intentions are set forth in writing in the attached Memorandum of Understanding; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Memorandum of Understanding cited above dated as of the effective date of this resolution on file in the office of the City Clerk is hereby approved, and the authorized administrativ�e officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the City. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler �_ In Favor Hozza Hunt 1 Levine v __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester �0� � � '�771 Tedesco • Form A pro d by ity rney Adopted by C cil: ate Certifie asse unci ,ecr y ' BY � V 2' Appr ve by Mayor for Sub io to Cdhncil App ,�ed by lVlayor: Da e• ' — �` _ c- By � ` � BY 4 ���:�..,�Q;�;� ` ` 1977 � t;�#�`��fi��'� G i-ri c>�� S��r�Z PI�jT 1� J . �������� ■��ef��eee O1'1''1(il; OI� TII7; �I�1�"O12 •g.�e�ae 3-1T GITY �IALL SAI1T PAL'L, MINNESOTA 55102 (f312) 29E3��323 GEORGF. LATIMEA MaYOa October 17 , 1977 MEMO T0: Council President Robert Sylvester and Honorable Members of the City Council FROM: Mayor George Latimer SUBJECT: Salary Adjustments fo Department and Office Directors, City Council Members and the Mayor It has been some time since I originally proposed �alary adjustments for the city' s top administrators. And, since I have agreed to postpone submitting formal Council resolutions on this matter until we wrap up the important budget work for 1978, and until the Council prepares an ordinance adjusting the Council members and the Mayor' s salaries, it seems wise to restate what I believe to be our understandings. I have had the opportunity to speak to most of you personally about these issues, but if there are any disagreements with the following, I would appreciate hearing of them. Along with salary adjustments for the Department and Office Directors, an ordinance will be presented to adjust the salaries of the City Council members and the Mayor for a like amount in actual dollars -- that is, the Mayor will receive the same dollar increase as the City Council members, rather than a percentage adjustment. In addition, I will be submitting five specific resolutions addressing a number of issues related to Department and Office Directors ' salaries. 1. The first resolution amends the Ndemorandum of Understanding executed in 1976 as it applies to top administrative personnel. This action ties salary rates for these positions to the salary rates achieved by the Professional Employees Association Unit II, gained through the collective bargaining process. The O �i_"-..,���X�4� ' b Memo to: Council President Robert Sylvester October 17, 1977 and Honorable Members of the City Council Page 2 amendment also provides that while the rates may increase, the salary of any individual will not increase until I have approved the increase. I will only approve an increase as a result of a formal performance appraisal of the individual involved. In addition, the resolution will place a limitation on the city's contribution to the health and welfare benefits for this group (the same provision which applies to other bargaining units in the city) . Finally, the resolution will add Step G to the grade range , the same adjustment which was made for the PEA I and II bargaining units in 1976 . 2. The second resolution changes the Civil Service Rules to allow the Mayor to appoint the top level administrators to any of the steps in the grade range. This change allows greater flexibility in recruiting personnel and awarding performance on a merit basis, while at the same time removing the longevity requirement which tends to have little practical value for this group of top level appointed administrators. 3. The third resolution creates a new title of "Director of Management. " In Grade 31, the change reflects the increased responsibilities which Peter Hames now carries. He is fully responsible for management analysis, interdepart- mental affairs and related budget matters . The folding of the City Administrator' s Office into the Mayor' s Office last year, in combination with the budget decision reached last fall between City Council and myself to reduce the Mayor' s Office staff complement, has caused us to centralize these functions directly under Mr. Hames who is functioning as a Director of Management. Hames still reports directly to Richard Broeker, Executive Assistant to the Mayor, who retains his current duties. The staff complement under the combined Mayor/City Administrator structure remains at its reduced level. There is no intention to add additional mayoral aides. 4 . The fourth resolution renumbers the grade of Executive Assistant to the Mayor from Grade 65 of the Professional Group to Grade 37 of the Professional-Administrative Group. This step is a consequence of a recent decision by the Bureau of Mediation Services. There is no impact on salaries. Memo to: Council President Robert Sylvester October 17, 1977 and Honorable Members of the City Council Page 3 '�-,,:;..� ��34�*�'' 1 5. The fifth resolution renumbers the position of City Clerk from Grade 45 of the Clerical Group to Grade 18 of the Professional-Administrative Group, which is an appropriate change based on the nature of the position. As I informed you in my September 9, 1977 memo I intend to make the following salary changes on the basis of costs of living adjustments: Percent Current Proposed Change Byrne, Philip, Deputy City Attorney 35,966 38,902 8. 2� Carlson, Bernard, Director of Finance & Management Services 33,669 37,414 11� Companion, Martin, Labor Relations Director 30,471 32,573 6 . 9� Conroy, Stephen, Fire Chief 35 ,144 37,414 6.5� Dunford, Daniel, Director of Public Works 35,144 35,653 1.5� Kelley, Thomas, Director of Community Services 35,144 37,414 6. 5� Lansing, Harriet, City Attorney 37, 284 39,711 6.5� Mix, Rose, City Clerk 22,420 23,542 S� Rowan, Richard, Police Chief 35,144 37 ,414 6. 5g Schroeder, Richard, Budget Director 30, 354 33, 265 9.5$ Stout, Gary, Director of Dept. of 36 ,449 37,414 2 .6� Planning & Economic Development Two employees, Bernard Carlson and Richard Schroeder, are also receiving merit increases for outstanding job performance. Mr. Byrne' s adjustment was incorrectly calculated in the September 9 memo where it appeared as only a three pe 'r.cent increase. Finally, to more directly deal with the existing administrative structure of the Mayor' s Office and the significantly increased responsibilities of Mr. Hames, who has not received a merit adjustment in nearly two years, T am recommending, on the advise of the City' s Personnel Director, his reclassification as per resolution number three, rather than a combined cost of living/ merit increase of fifteen percent as noted in my earlier memo. � , a . ' ..'��•�,..���� , MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding shall apply to the Unclassified Confidential Supervisory Employees holding the following unclassified titles: Budget Director Chief of Police City Attorney City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Deputy City Attorney Director, Department of Community Services Director, Department of Finance & Management Services Director, Department of Planning and Economic Development Director, Department of Public Works Executive Assista.nt to the Mayor Fire Chief Labor Relations Director Director of Management 1. Employees employed in the aforementioned unclassified supervisory titles and positions which are considered confidential shall be placed in a salary range equal to the salary range applicable to employees employed i.n classified supervisory titles in non-confiden- tial positions which are in the same pay grade and occupational group as the confidential title s. Employees employed in the aforementioned unclassified supervisory titles and positions which are not considered confidential and which are in pay grades in which no classified supervisory non-confidential titles exist, shall be placed in tlze salary range which would be applicable if they existed, in the same pay grade and occupational group as the confidential title s. After the effective date of the Resolution approving this Memorandum of Understanding, the first step assignment made by the Supervisor to any of thes� classe:s of positians which increases the wage rate shall be considered the 1977 salary increase and shall be retroactive to January 1, 1977. The wage formula contained herein shall be continuous in each succeeding year; how- ever, tlze individual filling any of the above-referenced positions shall not receive any increase i.n salary in any succeeding year unless such increase is approved by the Mayor, after a "Performance Appraisal" of that individual. 2. Employees employed in the aforementioned titles and positions shall be covered by the vacation schedule shown below: Years of Service Vacation Days Less than 8 years 15 days After 8 years through 15 years 20 days After 15 years and thereafter 25 days 3. For employees employed in the aforementioned titles, the City agrees to contribute the cost for $5, 000 of Life Insurance Coverage for each employee who is eligible for such coverage or $3. 05 per month, whichever amount is less. This contribution shall be paid to the Cityts Group Health and Welfare Plan. Any increase in this cost shall be paid by the employee. , , i �� - 2 - '''�'�°o�i��,� . 4. In addition to the $5, 000 Life Insurance Coverage in Item 3 above, the City agrees to contribute the cost of additional Life Insurance Coverage or $. 97 per thousand dollars of coverage per month, whichever amount is less. The total amount of Life Insurance Coverage provided under this Section and Section 3 above, for each employee, shall be equal to the employee's annual salary to the nearest full thousand dollars. For the purpose of this Section, the employee's annual salary shall be based on the salary as of the beginning of a contract period. This contribution shall be paid to the City's Group Health and Welfare Plan. 5. For employee s employed in the aforementioned title s, the City agree s to contribute the cost of Hospitalization and Medical Coverage or $36.85 per month, whichever amount is less, for each employee who is eligible for such coverage. In addition, for each eligible employee who selects Dependent's Coverage, the City will contri- bute one-half of the cost of such Dependent's Coverage or $42.43 per month, whichever amount is less. These contributions shall be paid to the City's Group Health and Welfare Plan.