268626 WHIT� - CITV CLERK COLLRCII �sg62� PINK � - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE -,MAVOR File NO. I C ncil es ution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, George Thompson and Bernard J. Simon, shareholders in R. Brennan, Inc., d/b/a George & Doc' s Bar, hold On Sale Intoxicating Liquor License No. 9117 and a Sunday On Sale License, both expiring �ianuary 31, 1978, and Cigarette and Class C-1 Restaurant License No. 8559, expiring April 22, 1977; all for the premises at 379 University Avenue, Saint Paul; ar�.d WHEREAS, said licensees were notified by certified mail, return receipts re quested and returned, that a heaxing would be held on February 16, 1977, to consider th� License Inspector' s recommendation that all of the above licenses be revoked; a�d - WHEREAS, the licensees were �rtotified by such lette-rs, dated December 27, 197b; January 10, 1977; and January 17, 1977, that the reco�nendation was based on four instanees of misconduct as _�: �'ollc��; Sal�s of intoxicating liquor after 1:00 A.M.� pert��.�ting persans: to rema.in on the licensed premises after closing hours, ar�d permitting� persons to display or consume intoxicating liquor ' -c�a. the licensed premises after the closin,g hour; such violations _ _ ,:havin� oceurr�ed on each of' the following dates: July 31, 1976; Augv.s� 4, 1976; August 27, 1976; �d December g� 24T6; and WHEREAS� licensee George Thompson was present at the co�nit�te hearing on February 16, 1977, and represented by counsel, D. Pstrick McCullough; and licen�ee B�rnard J. Simon did not appear either= i.ri person or by counseZ; arid , WHEREAS, testimony was taken from Joseph F. Carchedi, License Inspec�tor; Officer Rick Tibesar, Saint Pau1 Police Department; and WHEREAS� after such testimony was taken, counsel for licensee Thompson indicated during a recess to the License Inspector and the COUfVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt ' Levine _ Against BY Roedler ' Sylvester Tedesco Form Appro d by City torne Adopted by Council: Date � � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �. Bl' Approved by Mayor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17L - CITY CLERK � COUI1C11 "`��`���� PINK ��� - FINANCE � .�J CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL � BLUE -,MAYOR File NO. i Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date License Committee members that his client would consent voluntarily to a suspension, and would waive his right to further continue the � , hearing and that no further witnesses need be heard; and WHEREAS, after going back into session, a motiom was made that the licenses for the premises at 379 University Avenue in Saint Paul be suspended for a period of seven (7) days with the consent of the licensee� and the licensee by his counsel stated that said motion was agreeable to him; and WHEREAS, a seven (7) day suspension was consistent with past disciplinary actions of the License Committee in regard to viola- tions of the ordinance setting forth hours of operation for on sale licensees; and � WHEREAS, the evidence did establish closing hour violations, and it appeared to the License Committee that further witnesses would have been cumulative or corroborative; and further that the licensee would have presented several witnesses in mitigation; and WHEREAS, the License Committee by a 3-0 vote recommended that the said licenses be suspended for a period of seven (7) days, to commence before the effective date of this resolution in accord with the request of the licensee; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the above indicated licenses for the premises at 379 University Avenue in Saint Paul are hereby suspended from 12:01 A.M. on February 21., 1977, through February 27, 1977. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: —B�t�lle� � Hozza �— [n Favor r--.E3uaL Levine A gai n s t BY --�eec�er Sylvester Tedesco z �grf Adopted by C���il.: Date FE'� 2 Form Appr d by City ttor y Certified Passe b oun .� Secretary BY � B� Approv y Mayor: Date � �� ' �9n Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED ��,qR 5 1977