268610 � WHITE - CITV CIERK ��� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT F11E NO. BLUE - MAYOR C ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Wf�REAS, Chapter 705, Laws of 1965, direct that Independent School District No. 625 contract with the City of Saint Paul for the services of various City departments; and WHEREAS, The City and School District have conferred and agree to the charges for said various services; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Operating Agreement for the calendar year 1976 with Independent School District No. 625. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � H� [n Favor � Levine � __ Against BY "�ed�er Sylvester Tedesco �E8 2 2 19�s Form ove Cit orn Adopted b ouncil: Date �. Ce ied Pas y Co ncil cretary /. BY By Approv ;Vlayor: Date � MA� 1 }91 I Approv y Mayor for S i ion to Council BY BY pUBLISHED MAR � 1977 � .� � . ��� - �� OPERATING AGREEMENT WHEREAS, The Public School System of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, now exists as Independent School District No. 625 of the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, The provisions of Cha.pter 705, Ia.ws of 19b5, di- rects that said District sha.11 contract with the City to receive services of the various City depa.rtments as prescribed therei,n and pay to the City the cost or expense of the furnishing of such services by the City of Sain� Paul to Independent School District No. 625; therefore, IT IS HEREBY AGREED, By the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, hereina.fter referred to as "City", and INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 625, hereina.f�er referred to as "District", acting by and through its School Board, as follows: 1. Tha.t this contr�ct and the terms and provisions hereof sha.1Z be in effect from Janua.ry 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976 , and � tha.� the terms and provisions hereof wiil birr�. said pa.rties during � the terms of this Agreement, and, further, tha.t the execution of this Agreement shall in no way affect the right of either par�y to renegotiate any or all portions of this contract for subsequent periods after 197d. 2. That the purpose of this contract by and between the parties is to comply with those provisians as enumerated in said Chapter 705, Laws of I965, as they relate to the furnishing of � City services necessary to the operation of said District. 3. That the provisions of Chapter 705, Laws of 1965, are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference as though fully set forth herein. 4. Tha.t the services to be furnished by the City departrnent sha.11 include the following: I. PERSONNEL OFFICE � The Personnel Office of the City shall continue to provide services to the District as it ha.s in the pa.st, pursuant to the provisions of the Civil Service Rules, being Ordinance No, 3250, as amended, of the City. Such services shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the recruiting of personnel, the ad- _ ministration of exa.minations, the cert�fication of applicants, the classifying of positions, the grading of classes of positions, .. . the certification of pa.yrolls, and establishment of class speci- fications. The District agrees to abide by and to be bound by the provisions of the Cha.rter of the City and the provisions of the Civil Service Rules as they apply to classified employees. The cha.rge to be paid by the District to the City for these services is $1�-7 , 5i+7+ .07. The District herewith concurs in and subscribes to those benefits heretofore ena.cted by the City in behalf of its em- ployees, specifically those pertaining to severance pay as embodied . in Ordinance No. 11�+90, approved June 12, 1959, as amended; health and welfare insurance benefits; retirement programs; and, further agrees to abide by and be bound by the action of the Council of the City of Saint Paul pursuant. to the provisions of Ordina.nce No. 644b, adopted Janua.ry 23, 1925, as amended, from time to time, as it relates to civil service employees, including those of the District. ' II. NEGOTIATION SERVICES The District agrees to make use of the services of the City labor negotiator on ma.tters dealing with its civil service em- ployees. The negotiator shall be the spokesperson for both the City and the District in negotiations with those civil service units which have employees in both the City �nd District service. The negotiator sha.11 inform and consult with the District labor negotiator regarding all ma.tters of common interest in negotia- tions to the District and the City. This shall include, but not be limited to, advance notice of all meetings coneerned with � � negotiations involving District employees. The District negotiatar shall be the exclusive spokesperson for negotiations with any civil service units whose membership is composed entirely of Di,strict emp.loyees. The City negotiator shall serve a liaison role in such negotiations. The cost of the services furnished by the City to the District in accordance with this paragraph sha.11 be included in the cost referenced by paragraph I. III. CITY CLERK The office of the City Clerk of the City shall continue to - furnish services to said District in the matter of registration 2 . s . . , . � . ' . . � ' . . . . � � . . �7�� � � .. . ��a of voters and the ha.ndling of a 1 elections pursua.nt to law on beha.lf of said District. The c st to be paid by said District ta the City for these services is 97,�,77 .50. It is expressly agreed bet een said City and the District tha.t the District shall pay 1000 of any election expense incurred due to the necessity of any spe ia.l election called solely for the purpose of determining scho l issues, except that in the event a special election is ca.11ed by the District or the City, and the other body also calls a special election for the same day, the cost of that election sha.11 be hared equa.11y by the City and �he District. IV. DEPARTMENT OF CpMMUNITY SERVICES Due to the existence of a �rior policy agreement between the City's Division ot Parks and Re�reation and the District, which provides generally for a sharin of facilities for the mutual bene�it of parties, it appears �esirable to continue this relation� ship. It is herewith agreed th�.t the Division of Parks and Recreation sha.11 pa.y to the District the custodial costs involved for its use of facilities operat�ed by the District and tha.t �he District sha.11 pa.y to the Division of Parks and Recreation the custodial costs involved for it� use of facilities operated by the Division of Parks and Recreatiorn; all such costs to be mutua.11y . accounted and billed on a semi-annual basis. Additiona.11y, the Division 'of Parks and Recreation shall continue to rent to the District, facilities at Midway Stadium for use in connection with the District Driver Training Program at a rental of $3,000.00 for the calendar year 1976 . V. DEPAR'TMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES The Depa.r�ment shall continue to furnish fiscal-audit ser- vices to the Distrzct and the City's Director of Finance and Management Services shall continue to act as Assistarzt Treasurer for the District. The services of this Department are: T.reasury Division: The services to be performed by the City under tF�iis section shall include the dis- bursement and mailing of vouchers, the handling of receipts, general administration and bank reconcilia- tions. In 197o the cost of these services shall be $].8 ,905 .'03 . 3. ., , � Accounting Division: The sexvices to be performed by the City under this section shall include the Y�ndling of bonds and interest, general adm3.nistraton.n, payroll, receipts and vendor disbursement. In 1976 the cost for these sersices shall be �51,207.50. Purchasing Division: The services to be performed by tY�e City under t�a.i.s section shall include those necessary and usual duties of proper purchasing in accordance with State of Minnesota Statutes� governing School Districts; Chaptzr 705, Laws of 1�5, and Minnesota Statutes �+71.3�-5. The cost for this servi.ce in 197o shall be $106,328.86. VI. OVII�iEAD REIMBURSE�IIIVT The District shall pay as reimbursement to City for its overhead costs for PERA, Social Security, Health and Welfare, retirees` insurance and unemployment compensatio�. the sum of $50,277.b9. • VII. PAYMENT The total cost of therservices reflected in paragraphs I through VI. of this Agreement total���+7�,301.25 minus adjustment of �65,301.25. . The District agrees to pay the City ��-10,000,00 for �976 services. Paym.ent shall be made upon registered bills submitted by the City to the District fram the CityTs Department of Finance and Managenent Services� Accounting Division. VIII. RENEGOTIATION OF A�REIIKIIVT Nothing herein coxitained shall be construed as a limitation upon either the City or the District to renegotiating the terr�s and conditions of this Agreement nor to bind either party subsequent to the end of the calendar year. IlV WI'I'NESS WHIlZEOF, the proper officials of the District and the City have executed this Agreement this day of , 4. ei . 1 . . � � � . . : . . . S y � � . - "���� . � � . . . . . ' . . . , . , . � � �� . CITY OF SAINT PAUL A ed as orm• By: c �yor Assista.nt ity- Atto ey � Director, Depa.rtment of Fina.nce and Ma.na.gement Services INDEPE ENT SCHOOL DISTR�CT N0. 625 � B . �-�-�-�--✓ � �-�-�'^-`-.� Y' � Chairman App ved as to Form: � / . _.�-�/' �Y ��� : e 1j �� ° � Treasurer Attorney � School District /�_ % , / � --� � -- =... _ � . .�''-� .�� ,: ,�. �,,��-;:���f�,` Clerk S. ' � �.. . . OPERATING AGREEiKE�1'I' WHEREAS, The Public SchQOl System of the City of Saint Paul., Minnesota, now e�ists as Independent School District No. 625 of the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, The provisions of Cha.pter 705, La.ws of 1965, di- rects tha.t said District sha.11 contract with the City to receive services of the various City departments as prescribed therein and pay to the City the cost or expense of the furnishing of such services by the City of Saint Paul to Independent School District No. 625; therefore, IT IS HEREBY AGREED, By the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, hereinafter referred to as "City", and INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 625, hereina.fter referred to as "District", acting by and through its School Board, as follows: l. Th,at this contract and the terms and provisions hereof sha.11 be in effect from Jariva.ry 1, 197b to December 31, 1976 , and tha.t the terms and provisions hereof will birrl said pa.rties during � the terms of this Agreement, and, further, that the execution of this Agreement sha.11 in no way affect the right of either pa,rty to renegotiate any or all portions of this contract for subsequen� periods after 1976. 2. That the purpose of this contract by and between �he pa.rties is to c.omply with those provisions as �numerated in said Chapter 705, Laws of 1965, as they relate to the furnishing of � City services necessary to the operation of said District. 3. Tha.t the provisions of Cha.pter 705, Laws of 1965, are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference as though fully set forth herein. 4. That the services to be furnished by the Ci�y depa.rtment sha11 include the following: I. PERSONNEL OFFICE The Personnel Office of the City shall continue to provide services to the District as it has in the pa.st, pursua.nt to the provisions of the Civil Service Rules, being Ordinance No. 3250, as amended, of the City. Such services shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the recruiting of personnel, the ad- ministration of examinations, the certification of applicants, the cla,ssifying of positions, the grading of classes of positions, . . .. , . � . � � � . � � � ���� f ... . . . a . . . . . . . . . � . . the certification of pa.yrolls, and establishment of class speci- fications . The District agrees to abide by and to be bound by the provisions of the Charter of the City and the provisions of . the Civil Service Rules as they apply to classified employees. The charge to be paid by the District to the City for these - services is $1�-�l , 544 .07. The District herewith concurs in and subscribes to thase benefits heretofore ena.cted by the City in beha.lf of its em- ployees, specifically those p�rtaining to severance pay as embodied in Ordinance No. 11490, approved June 12, 1959, as amended; health and welfare insurance benefits; retirement programs; and, further agrees to abide by and be bound by the action of the Council of the City of Saint Paul pursua.nt. to the provisions of Ordinance No. 6446, adopted Janua.ry 23, 1925, as amended, from time to time, as it relates to civil service employees, including those of the District. - _ II. NEGOTIATION SERVICES The District agrees to ma.ke use of the services of the City labor negotiator on ma.tters deal.ing with its civil service em- ployees. The negotiator shall be the spokesperson for both the City and the District in negotiations with those civil service units which have employees in both the City and District service. The negotiator sha.11 inform and consult with the District labor negotiator regarding all ma.tters of common interest in nego�ia-� tions to the District and the City. This shall include, but not be limited to, advance notice of aIl meetings concerned with negotiatioz�.s involving District employees. The District negotiator sha.11 be the exclusive spokespersan for negotiations with any civzl service units whose membership is composed entirely of District employees. The City negotiator sha.11 serve a liaison role in such negotiations. The cost of the services furnished by the City to the District in accordance with this paragraph sha.11 be included in the cost referenced by paragraph I. III. CITY CLERK The office of the City Clerk of the City shall continue to _ furnish services to said District in the matter of registration 2. � . . � of voters and tha ha.ndling of all elections pursuant to 1aw on beha.lf of said District. The cost to be paid by said District to the City for these serviEes is $�97�977 .54. It is expressly agreed between said City and the District tha.t the District shall pay 100% of any election expense incurred due to the necessity of any special election called solel�r for the purpose of determining school issues, e�cept that in the event a special election is called by the District or the City, and the other body also calls a special election for the same day, the cost of tha.t election shall be sha.red equally by the City and the District. IV. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES , Due to the exis�ence of a prior policy agreement between the City's Division of Parks and Recreation and the District, which provides generally for a sharing of facilities for the mutual . benefit of parties, it appears desirable to continue this relation- ship. It is herewith agreed tha.t the Division of Parks and . Recreation sha.l.l pa.y to the Dzstrict the custodial costs involved for its use of facilities operated by the District and that the District sha.11 pa.y to the Division of Parks and Recreation the custodial costs involved for its use of facilities operated by the Division o.f Parks and Recreation; all such costs to be mutua.11y accounted and billed on a semi-annua.l basis. Additionally, the Division of Parks and Recreation sha.11 continue to rent to the District, facilities at Midway Stadium for use in connection with the District Driver Training Program at a rental of $3,000.00 fQr the calendar year 1976 . V. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES The Depa.rtment shall continue to furnish fiscal-audit ser- vices to the District and the City's Director of Finance and Management Services sha.li continue to act as Assistant Treasurer for the District. The services of this Department are: Treasury Division: The services to be performed by the City under t�is section shall include the dis- bursement and ma.iling of vouchers, the ha.ndling of receipts, general admini,stration and bank reconcilia- tion"s. In 1976 the cost of these services shall be ` $1� ,9b5 b3 . . 3. � .. . _ . ,�SBs ' 10 Accounting Division: The services to be performed by the City under this section shall include the handling of bonds and interest, general administratonn, payroll, receipts and vendor disbursement. In 1976 the cost ior these services shall be �51,207.50. Purchasing Divi.sion: The se rvices to be performed by the City under this section shaL1. include those necessary and usual duties of proper purchasing in accordance with S�ate of Minnesota Statutes, governinb School Districts; Chapter 705, Laws of 1965, ar.d Minnesota S�atutes �+71..3�5. The cost for this service in 1.976 shall be �106,328.86. VI. OVE�iHEAD REIMBUEi�SIIKIIVT The. District shall pa,y as re.imbursement to City for its overhead costs for PEftA, Sncial Security, Health and Welfare, retirees' insurance and unemployment compensation the sum of $50,277.09. VII. PAYMII�tT The total cost of the; services reflected in paragraphs I through VI. of this Agreemen� total $�+75,301.25 minus adjustment of �65,301.25. . The District agrees to pay the City $�+10,000,00 for 197b services. Payment shalT be made upon registered bills submitted by the City to the District from the City's Department of Finance and Management Services, Accounti.ng Divi.sion. VIII. RENEGOTIATION OF AGREII'�tT Nothing herein co�tained shall be construed as a limi.tation upon either the City or the District to renegotiating the terms and � conditions of this Agreement nor to bind either party subsequent to the end of the calendar year. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the proper officials of the District and the City have executed this Agreement this day of , : �+. ., � . , , . CITY OF SAINT PAUL A ed as orm• By: � rlayor `' Assistant ity Atto ey � Director, Department of Fina.nce and Ma.na.gement Services INDEPE ENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 625 � � -� .�_._�.__.� � � �: ��-�- cna.�r�.n . App ved as to Form: Q �,M /� ' � � --��1' � � y � /f � ° J���,�� Treasurer Attorney School _District �� f � /� "��--- -.-- ,. � ���,. ���•�" � �. :/7`fG�-t.'-.-c..K�,. Clerk 5. 4 .� '� ., �^ b86�0 OPERATING AGREEMENT WHEREAS, The Public School System of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, now exists as Independent Schaol District No. 625 of the Sta.te of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, 'The provisions of Cha.pter 705, La.ws of 1965, di- rects that said District sha.11 con.tract with the City to recei.ve services of the various City departments as prescribed therein and pa.y to the City the cost or expense of the furnishing of such services by the City of Saint Paul to Indegendent School Dis�rict ' No. 625; therefore, IT IS HEREBY AGREED, By the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, hereina.fter referred to as "City", and INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 625, hereinafter referred: to as "District", acting by and through its School Board, as follows: 1. That this contract and the terms and provisions hereot - sha.11 be in effect from January 1, 197b to December 31, 1976 , and � tha.t the terms and provisions hereof will bird said parties during the �erms of this Agreement, and, further, tha.t the execution of this A,greement sha.11 in no way affect the right of either pa.rty ta renegotiate any or all portions of this contract for subsequent periods af�er. 197&. 2. That the purpose of this contract by and between the pa.rties is to comply with those provisions as enumerated in said Chapter 705, Laws of 1965, as they relate to the furnishing of � City services necessary to the operation of said District. 3. That the provisions of Cha.pter 705, Laws of 1965, . are hereby incorporated inta this Agreement by reference as though fully set forth herein. 4. Tha.t the services to be furnished by the City depa.rtment shall include the following: I. PERS0�INEL OFFICE The Personnel Office of the City shall continue to provide services to the District as it has in the past, pursua.nt to the provisions of the Civi1 Service Rules, being Ordinance No. 3250, as amended, of the City. Such services shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the recruiting af personnel, the ad- ministration of exa.minations, the certification of applicants, the classifying of positions, the grading of classes of positions, . � the certifica.tion of payrolls, and establishment of class speci- fications . The District agrees to abide by and to be bound by the provisions of the Cha.rter of the City and the provisions of . the Civil Service Rules as they apply to classified employees. The cha.rge to be paid� by the District to the City for these services is $1.�-7 , 54f+ .07. The District herewith concurs in and subscribes to those benefits heretofore ena.cted by the City in behalf of its em- ployees, specifically those pertaining to severance pay as embod�.ed in Ordinance No. 11490, approved June 12, 1959, as amended; health and welfare insurance benefits; retirement programs; and, further agrees to abide by and be bound by the action of the Council. of the City of Saint Paul pursuant. to the provisions of Ordina.nce No. 6446, adopted January 23, 1925, as amended, from time to time, as it rela.tes to civil service employees, including those of the District. ' II. NEGOTIATTON SERVICES The District agrees to ma.ke use of the services of the Ci�y labor negotiator on matters dealing with its civil service em- ployees. The negotiator shall be the spokesperson for both the City and the District in negotiations with those civil service units which have employees in both the City and District service. The negotiator shall inform and consult with the District labor negotiator regarding all matters of common interest in negotia- tions to the District and the City. This sha.11 include, but not be limited to, advance notice of all meetings concerned with negotiations involving Distriet employees. The District negotiator sha.11 be the exclusive spokesperson for negotiations with any civil service units whose membership is composed entirely of District employees. The City negotiator sha.11 serve a liaison role in such negotiations. The cost of the services furnished by the City to the District in accordance with this pa.ragraph shall be incl�u.ded in the cost referenced by pa.ragraph I. : III. CITY CLERK The office of the City Clerk of the City shall continue to _ furnish services to said District in the ma.tter ot registration . 2 . i , � of voters and the handling of all elections pursua.nt to law on behalf of said District. The cost to be paid by said District to the City for these servi.ces is $'97,L77 .50. It is expressly agreed between said City and the District that the District shall pay 100% of any election expense incurred due to the necessity of any s.pecial election called solely for the purpose of determining school issues, except. tha.t in the event a special election is called by the District or the City, and the other body also calls a special election for the same day, the cost of that election sha.11 be sha.red equa.11y by the City and the District. : IV. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Due to the existence of a prior policy agreement between the City's Division of Parks and Recreation and the District, which provides generally far a sha.ring of facilities for the mutual . benefit of pa.rties, it a�pears desirable to continue this relation- ship. It is herewith agreed tha.t the Division of Parks and . Recreation sha.L.l pay to the District the custodial costs involved for its use of facilities operated by the District and tha.t the District sha.11 pa.y to the Division of Parks and Recreation the custodial costs involved for its use of facilities operated by the Division of Parks and Recreation; all such costs to be mut�u.ally accounted and billed: on a semi-annua.l basis. Additionally, the Division of Parks and Recreation sha.11. continue to rent to the District, facilities at Midway Stadivm for use in connection with the District Driver Training Program at a rental ot $3,000.00 for the calendar year 1976 . V. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES The Department sha.11 continue to furnish fiscal-audit ser- vices to the District and the City's Director of Finance and Ma.nagement Services sha.11 continue to act as Assistant Treasurer for the District. The services of this Department are: Treasury Division: The services to be performed by the City under t�iis section shall include the dis- bursement and mai.ling of vouchers , the handling of r�ceipts, general administration and bank reconcilia- tions. In 197b the cost of these services shall be $18 ,965 A3 . 3. } . , � �686�� Accounting Division: Z'he services to be performed by the City under this section sha11 include the handling of bonds and interest, general administratonn, payroll, receipts and vendor disbursement. In 197b the cost for these services shall be �51,207.50. Purchasing Division: The services to be performed by. the City under this section shall include those necessary and usual duties of proper purchasing iz� accordance with State of Minnesota Statutes, governing School. Dis�ricts; C}�apter 705, Laws of 1965, and Minnesota Statutes 471.345. The - cost for this service in.1976 shall be �106,328.86. vI. OVE�i.I-�AD REIl�URSII�.FIVT The District shall pay as reimbursement to City for its overhead costs for PERA, Social Security, Health and Welfare, retirees' insurance and unP�.1oyment campensation the sum of $50,277.69. VII. . PA3�MIIVT The total cost of therser.vices reflected in paragraphs I through VT. of this Agreement total $�+75,301.25 minus adjustment of $b5,3��-•25• The District agrees to pay the City $410,000,00 for i976 services. Payment shall be made upon registered bills submitted by the City to the District from the City's Depart,ment of Finance and Mana�ement Servi.ces� Accounting Division. VIII. RENF.�OTIATION OF AGREE�fE1VT Nothing hexein coxitained sha11 be construed as a li.mitation upon eithex the City or the District to renegotiating the terms and conditions of this Agreement nor to bind either party subsequent to the end of the calendar year. IlV TrTITNESS WHII�EOF, the proper officials of the District and the City have executed �this Agreement this day of , �+. : . � •� � , , . . . � . . �. . . . . . . . - . . . ���,��. . � . . . � . � _ � � . . . � � � �� ... . . CITY OF SAINT PAUL A ed as orm• By: c �yor Assista.nt ity Atto ey . � Director, Department of Fina.nce and Ma.nagement Services INDEPE ENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 625 . �r .�.-+_.�.�✓ �� J . � v v� By: "�---� Cha.irman APP ved as to Form: �� /�(1 � e ' ,,.�ji Z � '--�(.�..�°/G�`i. e �G�� f 1 Treasurer Attorney School District � � i -� � � %`��,'-1 ;.z_;-� � <�� _�` ' Clerk 5. ' ��,l O CITY OF SAfNT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENTSERVICES ROG ER A. MATTSON DIRECTOR March 16, 1977 Mrs. Rose Mix City Clerk 386 City Hall Dear P�rs. Mix: I am enclosing for your records a copy of the 1976 Operating Agreement between the CYTY OF SAINT PAUL and INDEPENBENfi SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 . SinCereiy, _ / :.= .1 ( �,rt - .���, ((,� �, r_.;� � Rt�BERT W. TRUDEAU , Acting Director JA enc. P. S. We are also sending a copy of this agreement to Walter Bell , Elections Bureau. City Hali, Saint Paul, rvlinnesota 55102 : __ _�_; . _ _, _. . wH�7E -�C�rv.��EStK (//���yt -... ; . .. . .. . . � ��V��� � . PINi �. �^F�NAtVCE `./� ' GITY OF� SAI��NT PAUL Couacil � . . � � . . C4K4RY - �EPARTMENT . . . e�ue _ Mkvoa File NO. x Cou�Gil Resol�tion Presented By '�.`.�.r,°� � ��--' ''r-'' ,L Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date W�RB�iS, Chapter 705, Laws of 1965, direct that Ind��� Schaol i)ist�rict �. 5�25 contra�c�. �ith th�e; Cit� o€-�afat. ga�tl fo�. t�s_ -- services of varic�oa C3.t� 3�,pa�t�t�s aud � � �wrE�R�AS. � Cit� anad Sclyool Dis�triet ha�r+e �f�rz�d aad agr�aa : to the eharg� €oac sa3td variot�s s�ai+c�s nt��t, t�ere€sxra�„ bs it � R.r^..SC�LLVSa, That the proper Cit� afficials are her�bg an#�e�rized a.nd directed to �cut� aa 4p�rrafiin+g Agre�st�t fos �the caleadar yaa3c 197�s with Indape��t Schvol District t�o. 625. ; RECEIVE � � � ma� 2 �9n � C� . pTTO1�NEY _ COUNCIL1�tEN Requested by Department af: Yeas Nays y� �— In Favor ,...Huox- Levine �� Against BY 'ft�3�er Sylvester Tedesco - 2 jt377 Form Approved b}r City,,Atti�rtti�►f, / Adapted by Council: Date �E� �' � ,, i, i __,._..� ,- ; f ,r Certified Passed b Council Secretary By �- �"f�� ;' Y $y i:', Approved by ldayor: Date �,���, ��g� Approved by Mayar fcu S�i�issiott to Covrtcil By BY . . • �. . . ����0�.� OPERATING AGREEMENT WHEREAS, The Public School System of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, now exists as Independent School District Na. 625 of the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, ThE provisions of �hapter 70�, Laws of 1965, di- - sects tha.t said District sha.11 contract with the City to receive services of the various City departments as prescribed therein - and pay to the C:ity the cost or expense of the furnishing of such services by the City of Saint Paul to Independent School I7istrict No. 625; therefore, IT IS HEREBY AGREED, By the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, her�ina.fter referred to as "City", and INDEPENUENT SCHOQL DISTRICT N0. 625, hereinafter referred to as ''District", acting by and through its School Board, as follows: l. That this contract and the terms and provi.sions hereof _ shall be in effect from Janua.ry 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976 , and that the terms and provisions hereof will bind sai.d pa.rties during the terms of this Agreement, and, further, tha.t the execution of this Agr�ement shall in no way affect the right of either party to rene�otiate any or all portions of this contract for subsequent periods after 1976. 2. That the purpose of this contract by and between the pa.rties is to comply with those provisians as enumerated in said Chapter 705, Laws of 1965, as they relate to the furnishing of , City services necessary to the operation of said District. 3. That the provisions of Cha.pter 705, La.ws of 19�i5, are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference as though fully set forth herein. 4. TY�at the services to be furnished by the City department sha.l l inc lude the f o l lowing: I. PERSONNEL OFFICE The Personnel Office of the City sha.11 continue to provide services to the District as it has in the pa.st, pursuant to the provisions of the Civil Service Rules, being Ordinance No. 3250, as amended, of the City. Such services shali include, but not necessarily be limited to, the recruiting of .personnel, the ad- ministration of examinations, the certification of applicants, the classifying of positions , the grading of classes ot positions, � . „ - . ' �^���� v' the certification of pa.yrolls , and esta.blishment of class speci- fications . The District agrees to abide by and to be baund by the provisions of the Cha.rter of the City and the grovisions of the Civil Service Rules as they apply to classified employees. The cha.rge to be pa.id by the District to the City for these services is $l�-7 , 5?+�+ .07. 3'he District herewith concurs in and subscribes to those benefits heretofore enacted by the City in behalf of its em- ployees, specifically those pertaining to severance pay as embodied in Ordina.nce No. 11490, approved June 12, 1959, as amended; heaZth and welfare insurance benefits; retirement prograzns; and, further agrees to abide by and be bound by the action of the Gouncil of the City of Saint Paul pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 6446, adopted January 23, 1925; as asnended, from time to time; as it relates to civil service employees, including those of the District. ' II. NEGOTIATION SERVICES : The District agrees to make use o€ the services of the City labor negotiator on matters dealing with its civi]. servi.ce em- ployees. The negotiator sha.11 be the spokesperson for both the City and the District in negotiations with those civil service units which ha.ve employees in both the City and District service. The negotiator shall inform and consult with the District labor negotiator regarding all matters of common interest in negotia- tions to the District and the City. This shall include, but not be limited to, advance notice af alI meetings concerned with negotiations involving District employees. The District negotiator shall be the exclusive spakesperson for negotiations wi�h any civil service units whose membershig is composed entirely of District emplo�ees. The City negotiatar shali serve a liaison role in such negoti�:tions. The cost af the services furnished by the City to the District in accordance with this pa.ragraph shall be included in the cost referenced by pa.ragraph I. III. CITY CLERK The offiee of the City Clerk of the City sha.11 continue to furnish services to said District in the matt�r of registratiun 2. : . . F � . . � . . . . .. of voters and the handling of all elections pursua.nt to law on behalf of said District. The cost to be paid by said Distri.ct to the City for these services is $97,977 .50. It is expressly agreed between said City and the District that the District shall pay 1Q0°!o of any election expense incurred due to the necessity of any special election called soleZy for the purpose of determining school issues, e�eept tha.t in the event a special election is called by the District or the City, and the other body also calls a speciai election for the saine day, the cost of tha.t election shall be shared equally by the City and the District. IV. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Due to the existence of a prior policy agreemen� between the City's Division of Parks and Recreation and the District, which provides generally for a sha.ring of facili,ties for the mutua.l benefit of parties, it appears desirable to continue this relation- ship. It is here�ith agreed that the Division of Parks and Recreation sha.11 pay to the District the custodial. costs involved for its use of facilities operated by the District and tha.t the District sha.11 pay to the Division of Parks and Recreation th� custodial costs involved for its use af facilities operated by the Division of Parks and Recreation; all such costs to be mutua.11y accounted and billed on a semi-anra.ua.l_ basis. Additiona.11y, the Division of Parks and Recreation sha.11 continue to rent to the District, facilit�es at Midway Sta.dium for use in connection with the District Drivar Training Program at a rental. of $3,000.00 far the calendar year I97b . V. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES The Department shall continue to furnish fiscal-audit ser- vices to the District and the City's Director of Finance and Ma.na.gement Services sha.11 continue to act :as Assistant Treasurer for the D�.strict. The services of this Department are: Treasury Division: The services to be performed by the City under t�� section sha.Il include the dis- bursement and mailing ot vouchers, the �.an.dling caf receipts, general administration and bank reconcilia- tions . In 197o the cast of these services sha.11 be $18 ,965 �3 . 3. �� . . � 8s� � Accounting Division: The sez-�ices to be performed by the Gity under this section shall include the handling of bonds and interest, general administratonn, payroll, receipts and vendor disbursement. In 197b the cost for these services shall be $51,207.50. Furchasing Division: 'The se rvices to be performed by the City under this section shall include thase necessary and usual duties of proper purchasing in accordance with State of Minnesota Statutes, governing School Districts; Chapter 705, Laws of 1965, and Minnesota Statutes �1-71.3�+5. The cost for this service in 197b shall be $106,328.86. , VI. OV�'�AD REIMBURSE,MF.VT '�� The Distxi.ct shall pay as re:3.mbursement to City for its overhead costs for PERA� Social Securityi Health and Welfare, retirees` insurance � an.d unemployment compensation the sum of $50,277,6g. VII. PAYMEIVT The total cost of the services reflected in paragraphs I �hrough VI. of this Agreement total $�+75,301.25 minus adjustment of �65,301.25. The District agrees to pay the City $�+10,000,�� for 1976 services. Payment shall be m.ade upon registered bills submitted by the Gity to the District fram. the City's Department of Finance and Management Services� Accounting Division. VIII. - RENEGOTIATION OF AGREII�9IItT Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a limitation upon either the City or the District to renegotiating the tex•m.s and conditions of this Agree�nent nor to bind either garty subsequent to the end of the calendar year. IN WITNESS WHEE�EOF, the proper officials of the District and the City have executed this Agreement this lOth day of March , 1977 . 1+. , , , „ � ���= ��� CITY OF SAINT P U A ed as orm• ` : � BY: • c Mayor ���,��.�� . _�,..�.-,z Assistant ity Atto ey � � Director, Depa.rtment of Fina.nce and Management Services INDEPEN�IENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 625 � �: ��� � ��� ' Chai:rman App ved as to Form: � � .. •� Q�.,.,.{.,L�� �.-c�„�� , � � ;:...t.���..-�/j ,�� ....�..�---.� _ % � �, � , :-� ...,,,_. Treasurer Attorney � School District � i` ------. ; � __ __ � '�/ J �� �,-' �� .. .,.��� C lerk S.