268598 W H I 7 E - C 1 T V C l ER K CQ�]nC 11 `_�•'"�,�^`��/V PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAiTL CANqRV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council , by Resolution No. 266179, approved on October 9, 1975, approved guidelines and steps for the establishment of the citizen participation process to aid the City in the development of programs for the City and its neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the residents of the West Seventh Street neighborhood (District 9) have applied for recognition of their proposal for citizen participation that establishes a communications center and a process for planning activities; and WHEREAS, the Mayor's Office has advised the Council that the residents of the West Seventh Street neighborhood have complied with the intent of the City Council 's guidelines and steps and recorrrnends that the City Council recognize their proposal for citizen participation and appropriate $17,247.96 to assist the neighborhood in implementing its work program; and _ WHEREAS, the City Council held a pu�lic hearing on Tuesday, February 15, 1977, for the purpose of considering the request of the neighborhood, the Mayor's recomnendation, and to hear from ali interested persons; now, therefore, be it . -��t#f{�, �-�at t-�e Ciwncil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve and recognize the proposal for citizen participation for District 9 as presented by the residents of the West Seventh Street neighborhood and does hereby approve and appropriate the following - funds and budget for the organization for the period January 1 , 1977 through June 30, 1977, and the Mayor's Office is authorized and directed to administer the budget on behalf of the organization in accordance with such procedures as may be established by the Mayor's Office: Personnel Costs & Administrative Costs of the West Seventh Neighborhood Center .;:$ 6,138.96 � Operating Expenses (rent, utilities, supplies, . insurance, etc. ) 7,509.�0 Equipment Purchase 3,600.00 1 , .96 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ��� _� [n Favor Hozza � , / Levine V Against BY "'�aed�es Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by ncil: Date FEB 2,2 �9n Form Approved Ci At r ey / Certi d Pa e Co cil Sec�etary BY y� ' �. Approved Mayor: Date , � ' �9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED MaR 5 1977 . . .. t._,,,_� , � . ,� . . �il '1'1' O1�' �.1I \'1' 1�.11' L = w csrFtserae O 1'1'1(�1: O 1'' 7'1 I 1; �l.11'<)lt ��`��I�� .. u i�E���e � ��'� !_eiB �B f_ -'O ' 1 � e s � GEORGE LATIDSER Diwros February 9 , 1977 ; ( I � TO: COUNCIL PRESIDENT ROBERT SYLVESTER � MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL ( 7 FR: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER�`�. � RE: RECOGNITION FOR THE EST SEVENTH NEIGHBORHOOD (DISTRICT #9) I I i I Attached is the report and recommendation of the Community Development � Section regarding recognition of the residents and organizations in the West Seventh neighborhood and their efforts to take responsibility for district wide citizen participation activities including planning. I This report should prove useful in the Council hearing on Tuesday, ( February 15, 1977. If you have any questions , please contact William Patton directly. CC: Rose Mix Richard Broeker Attachments GL:ejt I ; i �`�O GiTY Gf �~-4' f� (_i I '1'1" (>I� �.1 I \1' 1�_1 I' I, � N s�e:�erWe O 1'1'I(;]; O 1' '1'l 1 1; �I.�1'O 1: n cssn�erse . ', f�iaY�� .��. � '. Y 1 �{. �..1�.. �4�� GEORGE LATI*iER _'�IAYOR February 8, 1977 TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER RICHARD BROEKER, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE MAYOR FR: WILLIAM Q. PATTON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR���`�7�"� ' RE: RECOGNITTON FOR THE WEST SEVENTH NEIGHBORHOOD (DISTRICT #9) BACKGROUND For over one year, the residents of West Seventh Street, participating through various organizations, have worked toward development of a process for citizen participation that would provide the most broadly based input possible to the activities and concerns of the West Seventh neighborhood. The proposal for facilitating citizen participation as submitted to the Office of Community Development was approved in concept at an annual community convention at Monroe High School on October 10, 1976. A final proposal was drafted and presented at a public hearing in the . community on January 12, 1977. WORK PROGRAM The West Seventh community has identified three major areas of activities supported by a variety of complementary areas for concern and neighborhood involvement. One area for action will be to carry out general district planning as per the attached agreement between the West Seventh Street Federation and the City Planning Office. A second activity will be short-range or "project planning" which will come out of the general district planning process as described in the attached proposal. All plans either short or long range in nature shall be heard in open community forums prior to presentation to public agencies as community recommendations. ��C', West Seventh Neighborhood - 2 - Febru������77 Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the emphasis of citizen participation in the West Seventh Street neighborhood will be on communications as described in the attached proposals. A Communications Center will be available for use by agencies, organizations, institutions, and individuals in the community desiring to communicate neighborhood issues and concerns to West Seventh Street residents. Concerns and issues include physical, economic, and social development, health, education, day care, legal aid, public assistance, emergency assistance, youth, seniors and recrea- tional services. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COMMUNICATION CENTER The Communications Center as per the attached proposal, will be staffed by one Communication Specialist who will implement the work program of the Communications Center, including publicity, assist when services are requested by the Community Reporter, production and reproduction of printed, audio and visual material, information and referral (including how to use communications equipment, referring requests for information to appropriate agencies , and research functions such as setting up an information resource library) . The administrative network for the Communications Center will be managed by the West Seventh Neighborhood Center, a United Way Agency. Activities and responsibilities of the Communications Center will be monitored by a Communications Committee to be representative of all neighborhood oarganizations and residents as described in the attached proposal. The Communications Committee will submit quarterly reports of the Center's activities and functions to the West Seventh Neighborhood Center Board of Directors. BUDGET A budget of $17,247. 96 is requested to carry out the role and function of the Communications Center, including necessary purchase of equipment, a staff person, administrative, program and operating costs, and the continued operation of the Community Reporter. RECOMMENDATION The Office of Community Development is satisfied that the West Seventh neighborhood has carried out the spirit and intent of Council File No. 266179. ThPrefore, it is recommended that this proposal be adopted as fulfilling the purppse of City Council recognition in District #9 . CC: Mayor George Latimer Richard Broeker Rose Mix � 1�s Western •(61Z) Z24•9645 WeSt �i St.Paul•SSioZ •Minnesota � � � Pteighborhood �'� Center , ; �� , � � January 18� 1977 I i . � I I�r. William Patton � Office of Community Development ! 366 City Hall Annex � St. Paul, �1innesota 551D2 � Dear I�r. Patton: � I , - � Please find enclosed a proposal for the funding of a Commu— ' nication Center in District 9, the West Seventh Area of St. ! Paul. Specifically, we are requesting $16,687.00*from the � City of St. Paul� Citizen Participation monies. � I This proposal is submitted by the entire District with finan— � i cial and supervision responsibilities to be conducted by i the West Seventh Neighborhood Center� Inc. The concept oP ; the Communication Center was approved by the community at � an annual convention at f�onroe High School on October 10� � 1976. Subsequently, a study committee prepared a draft I proposal which was presented to a public hearing at 175 � South Western Avenue on January 12th� 1977. The public hearing was advertised in the Community Reporter and event— ually attended by 35 persons, all of whom voted in favor of the proposal. Sincerely� Chesley S rom ' Executive Director li �� . *Please see changes on detailed budget sheet. � � , - nA UNITED WAYAGENCY" d � PROPOSAL � WEST SEVENTH CO��UNICATIONS CENTER The Weet Seventh Street Neighborhood can be characterized by ite diversfty as well es ite unity. Bounded by striki�g geographicel features and extending from Seven Corners to Fort Snelling, its residents repreaent every cultural and social level that eppear in St. Peul. West Seventh Street�e physicel nature includes both contemporary architecture end St. Paul's most historic neighborhoods. Yet despite these differences, despite opinions end politics ' � which run acrosa all party lines, e common involvement hae become the strength of the community at large. Community organizations have played key roles in the last decades moveme�t • toward community activism. The West Seventh Street Association, the West Seventh Neighborhood Center, the West End Businesamen's Association and the West Seventh Street Federation have worked independently and together, to fur�her the goale and needs of the people they represent. An awareness has developed within theae groups recognizing reletionships between themselves within the community; between the community at large and local government; and a growing link with the communities which make up St. Paul as a whole. The community has moved formard in .developing skills and techniquea designed to impact decision making in St. Paul and specifically as policy decisions relete to the West Seventh Community. In thie process, the community has facilitated an exchange of. information and ideas between all sectors of the West Seventh y community. This exchange� has strengthened a self—concept of direction, and the communication which serves to unify toward a mutual self—interest awereness. In an effort to continue the positive experience of this neighborhood and to eff���ively utilize this diverse representation, the West Seventh Community proposed the following approach, deaigned to strengthen the community•s ability to communicate with its residents and communicate with its local units of govern— ment; to reaffirm the community's own commitment to plan and build for its future and to reassert the fact that a se1P—motivated community awareness is the best possible vehicle to government for and by the people. A. Neighbarhood Direction and Planning Responeibility and commitment to growing into a future is a shared process of all residents, organizationa and businesses located in the West Seventh Community. The technique chosen to carry out this process, is that of General District ` Planning. Conditions for General District Planning were unanimously approved by the West Seventh Street Federation. in January of 1976. These conditions were accepted as a workable approach to planning by the City Planning Department in February of �976. Since February oP 1976 the West Seventh Community hes been actively involved with the implementation of General District Planning. , B. Short Range Direction and Self—Improvement nPro3ect—Planning^, as short— range development is often termed, has in the past, grown out of highly visible physical inadequacies. The Pro3ect Area Committee, (West Seventh Street Asso— ciation) hea facilitated discussion and final submission of proposals, to remedy situations. Solutions have historically involved physical developme�t financed through various government programs. Gradually, visible crisis situations have been addressed and increasingly, solutions have involved more than bricks and mortar. With this in mind, the Pro3ect Area Committee has disbanded and dispersed its involvement to other appropriate neighborhood groups. w� �1�r1{r��t� It has bepn agreed �s�on, that the�e groups and or�anisatior.s will investi�ate afid address problems relating to p2�ysiaal 3F.Y�s�opment. gs � t rertaing to their area of involvement wY►ile decision,..malring and Alan fox�rulQtion will evolve out of th� �ppropriate committaea and orggni�etione of the Gan�ral Diatrict Pl.a.znin� Prry�:e�a. CoverZment Pan3iyig propos�ls. Hhen they are deemed apnr�priete solutione� will be products of publia meetin�s and +qmply �publicized hearin�s in secordancs witn 2e�;a1 an�. po3lcy requirements. (mem attaahed pla::3in� strscture agreeraent� Oprn �eetings will deter�int thi� comcrnznity�� dir�a*,ton an anv �;ivea ahort�tera p1An, Indivi��,:�.1 �rou�� or boarcL3 will iiot deter�fna or pricritise their canmunity�$ n��3s or pro�ec t aro�osals. Responeii�i?ity for �raft�ng and �ubmice'zn of prap��sln will be a Joi.nt effo�t of the initi�►f.i:iF co:nrnittr�s. ar�e:�i ze,�ionta and the g}�propriate �o�re.•nn�::�� a�enc;�. Zn summaxg, the intenti�ns of tria '�est �evamth yczu,Ta�ity are to ms.ka it cleaa�l� k�o.ti�n tli�,t the Corasnini ty hau• tor a number of y eara� act'�crl� embr�ced the co�ac�:*, cf citizen x,articipatian and inval�ement. Beceuae of this. the �o�n�ur-i ts feel� tha; :.: comfortAbl;; fits tl�e City�s pr�acr�i�tion establishing offiair�l r3cagnitiQ*. af these processee C� GoM;rnuiicgtior.s "_^�s `�ect Me�venth Com:rnznity recogr►i2as tl�t its grea`,.e�t str�np;tn is in ite abilit;� to com�ti.nicata wi�h ita residente, tts x�ena3es and i�s or�azizat� �ns ;�ithin that .:orr�:unity. T'ners:orc� our Nei�hbor}:ood �laaes etron� em-phasin on a r_ei�,�horY,o�d based cor�num3catione netrorlt. On October 10, �97E. tY�e Co��r.n;r.�ty Coti�ention pa�e�ed �, ••eaolutian in siippart of the oet�b�ishment oP a Corr.nmicatione Center. A neen ezinta for i�,�nedir�te. flexib?e mew,r.� to be develo ed to inforr� c:�.zens of nrep�anned an3 sporzte,r.eouc aativity -.•- i.e.. pt,ysicel �residential� corr�r.iercial} e.nd soc!al daveloo*�ent; neighborhoad plannir.�; current issuee; heal.th, edu.;ation. d�v care. �areat . educatiou. lage,l aid, ��sb�Ic assietRnce. e�nergc�ncy as�iatance, youth. senZor�, and recreational nervices. The Commu:4=ty has hi�hl�► defined Peo��raphie boundar9.ea an3 ra�ponds we31 to cail� gor participation within these boundar�ee when infora�ed. T.'ie :omrmuiicaticns Center wili t�ke rseponai'bfl.ity for uotifiaaLion of re�identa aud `ic'_��:borhood Group,� when t�e need for thi� �ervice ts aT r,ropriate. 4he tar�et po�nzlation of Weat Seventh i� over 17.�'1� persc:�s. ".'he Commu�ity ReporteT, ±�eighborhood newspaper is mRiled monthly to ne��rly all resi3PntA. This wilt� as �a .:�w. be s primar� vehicle for th�s notificatinn. Other methodf� r+ill be througYt flyer8 and a bi—�+e�klp uRlendar. Certain existin� equi;�msnt w�71 be avai;able to tho Conr.runic�tione Cen*ter. however the nea3 9e �reat for additional equipmenZ and ona ateff ,per3on. Thc Communicat�one Cent�r r+12] al•.ruys be a c�mmunicationg fasili�ator and wil.l never aasune a plqnnir� or qdvocacy ro]�. To aasiat '�n the workability of thie Cot,i:�unity tnvolvement. the Nei�Y.borhood aa a whole reque�t� f�ir,di:�g to to aid the function:� �f � Commlmicatior.a Cen�ir. Thia repr�sents a broad—based• *esponLible function which will aerve r.ot merely c��.�u�itteea, but, a Commun��� made up o,' eo�c�:itteee. grouoa rind moet importantly. t,�e 1'�aple of we�t Seventti atredto --3- Therefore. tf.a We�it Seventh (3ommunity requ�a�ts reco�;nition of th� fcllrnvin� functi or.a to be carried out by Neighborhood Rssidenta. to sert•e the P.ivcrs� intereate oP the Com�unitv� in a unifor� and responsible ;�nnert 1. T�e long ran�e, or (}eneral Diatrict P7an�ing function, which is �e�n� ca�rrfed out a�s per the ntructure prapoaed bs :n� Coumu�ity and endoresed ry the Weet Sevent�i F�uer�atiaa� The Weat �eir^nth Aasociation an3 the DepArtmen': ��f City P1Annin�. 2. '17ie ahort-rguge� or Pro�ect Plannin� function. wh:c; �ril.' 1�e carriel out bq the peop?e of `+�eat Seventh atreet in an o?�en and 3ocumented mann�r �xa aa outgrowth o.f the t�en�z•a1 Distriat Plannfnp atrc.t^.tur�. tnrau�h the vur�ous commi±�eeg � and pr�rtic'.Fatin� 1�'eighZorhood grouP�. 3. R't'.e Com�un�.cationa p�inction� which will bec�me a prtmary re�pons�ibi�ity of the Camrminications Center. warkin� in c•acert with tY.c �om .rrunity Repo�er . ��. '1'he Communicatior,a Centers Gaals and ��ectivee � 1. Assi�t when requeeted !n the publicAtion of the Cc?n.-minity ReportHr. 2. Publicitf a. Fac311tate the distributioa crf fliers, brochure and poatar3 f or Citisoa inPo r�na ti on b. Contact the var3ous med4a. 4or disae mination of inforr,s�tion. a. Provide a foru�a for Com,rminity dielo�ue withii� .qnd between ax��t�r� com:►�it� organi.2ati.nne. d. Prudtic� a bi—w�ekly sal�ncL�r�bslletin to be dietri�tad to �ommu:�it� �raups. 3. Prod�iction and repro3i��tion of printed. aud�o ar�3 virugl material �. Xero� b. °oster.s. flier� and sigr►a �e Photography, transpareneies. �lides d. Mi meogrwph, g tenc�l, .�i tto �. �Tidea end eu3io tape f. Typin� !'. InPnxn�:�tion and �eferral a. Eq�iiprnent uee traini n� • b. lussiet in promotion of cul.turai. �la3L1$]. 3lld f:,anera�. identity e. Refer c�alla Prom resident$ ar e.�enciee to 3ppropr�ate co�amitLae�, or city deparLment 5. Reaeareh a. Develop a library formr�t ior filAa� r<�.aordr, mupa � sta;:i�tics, etc. b. Needs ae�ssenen� for communicatton purposes The Gommunicationa Centert (aer.eral ��Ior1c Pra�,�'ram ill. rosidents• t�ncin�raaa?en. orgr;nizatinnR or �roups 3n Wppt SEVe:itt� Ni�l have accc�s to equipmer:t, trainin� and librar-,� use at the �enter. Feea aill be rk�?�?-,�,,ed at cost� for suppliea and equip�aent replace^ent. For examp;e, the ata,�f perscn r.�igr.t Lype a propoaed flier. Helet:d .iould assist the resident in la.yring the a�ateri�►1 o�ut or making arrangeu�ents tc ��rint directly. if a �tencil �aert arade, the rPsi3ent would be instuctdd in the use of a st�ncil machine. A fee would b� cY�arge3 for papsr and. ate:icil coet and a pre—deter�ined amount for �n equipment r�placement ravolvin� fund. No charge wc�u',.d be made for Zabor. teai�ir� libf�ary� use. etc. The Communieations Center r+il.l be located at 1�5 5out�i We^tern Avenue in the present Com�ity Qenter. A variety of ser�ices. co:nmon telepr.one mi-nber snd Rcce:ss to public tranoportatian ie readily �vailabl.e. Thr ��eat �ever�tt�„�1leighborhood Center, a lo.�al. non.-profit corporation fl�n�ed prin�3pally by IInited Wa�w�uld adininister the Commeuiicationa Center �iscally, x�ith speeific direction from a Comlminieations Center Cotr�;itte. Anyone havin� accees to the equipment me�y eerve in the Conanunicati ons C9nter Comriittee. The rTei�borhood Cent�ar wi21 be responeible for the �ubmisRion of neceaaary report�. Ac<:urate recorda tiill be kept of uae. The Communicationa Center �o mittee wi21 re— ev�,Iuate the commugity equipment inventory w3thin three months of +;he be�innin� of servicee. West �eventh Communicgtione Committee � �I�iw����Y Job Deacription , I J�b Sumrcc�ry Thia com�ittee independently di�ecte all m�ttera pertainin� to ite rolein � maas commuriicatione rrithin weat �e�enCh 5treet and pro�r�m operationa to effect � the same. Fiacal�and adminfatrative eervicea will be provided by the Iv'ei�t,borho�d Oenter. II Dtiti�s and Responsibilitiert 1. Recruit and hire the communic�tions specialiat ! 2. Supervise the 3nventory gnd eqiiipment necessary to meet Comm�uiit,y needs 3. Determine and evaluate ,�;uidelinea for acceas to equipment and staff 4. �valuate ;oro�:ap and etaff at re�ular intervrila � 5. S�t goals and ob�ectiv�e; plan activity � 6. �ubmit minutes pertaining to polic,v and deciaione to the Nei�hborho od Center Board of Directors for 3ocumentation. revfeW Rnd quar�erly xe�ortin� 7. Report oa activitiea monthly at tha Communit�� Caucue Z7r2, Requiremente of Membership i. �e comu�tte chairperson ahall be elected by the committae 2. 'Phe committe chairpereon Ahall e.ecept A�yone living or working in the Weat Seventh Street ar�a aa membere • 3. The committee will be forn►ed at an open. publlclzed meetin� six week�a (witY�ia) from the date of this adontion. Comn,i�to eise an� str-xct4r.e will be determinsd at thi�s time. . 4. Com�u�itq organbsationa� if they �o desire rnay pl.ace a pormanent r�preaentaLiv� on the aomm�u►icKtidns Genter C�e;;z:ttee. Job Description • Communications Specialist �� Weat Seventh Neighborhood Center �c6859g November� 1976 I. Job Summary: ' �Isintain a� office at 175 South Western Avenue complete with equipment avail— � able to the community and necessary for mass communications within the West Seventh � Street community. ' , II. t�a.ior Duties and Responsibilities: A. Assist in the full production of the Community Reporter as requested by - ; the Community Reporter Board. � 8. Train residents in the use of reproduction equipment. . ' C. Facilitate the distribution of material produced for public information. D. �laintain a library of information and statistics pertaining to West Seventh. E. Provide information and referral services. � F. Serve as an inPormation gatherer to communications media, planning ' entitees� and government� but not act as a representative of the comrt�nity.� � G. t�aintain a separate office and records of activity as required. ' t H. Type, file and other duties as assigned. III. Accountability: ' The West Seventh Neighborhood Center Agency Director will provide day to day ' supervision with general direction of activities set by the communications � committee. , IV. Job Requirements: . A. Knowledge in the area of journalism, public relations or mass communi— cations. 8. Ability to work sensitively with residents of an inner—city area. C. Type 40 words per minute with good accuracy. � D. High school education or equivalent. ' PROPOSED BUDGET COMMUNICATIONS CENTER WEST SEVENTH NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER JANUARY l, 1977 - JUNE 30 , 1977 EXPENSES � Personnel Costs One Month Six Months A. Administrator (7$) $ 80 . 00 $ 480 . 00 Communications Specialist 800 . 00 4, 800 .00 B. Bookkeeper (7�) 40. 00 240 . 00 Health Insurance 33. 15 198 .90 Social Security 53. 82 322.92 Disability Insurance 5. 43 32. 58 Workman' s Compensation 1. 56 9 . 36 Unemployment Compensation 9. 20 55. 20 Total Personnel $1,023.16 �6 ,138. 96 OTHER COSTS C. Supplies Office 75 . 00 450 . 00 Program 395 . 00 2, 370. 00 Telephone 25. 00 150 . 00 Postage 40 . 00 240 . 00 Occupancy 350 . 00 2 ,100. 00 D. Printing and Publicity 300. 00 1, 800 .00 Transportation 10 . 00 60 . 00 E. Equipment 600. 00 3 ,600 . 00 Insurance 6. 50 39 . 00 Contingency and Miscellaneous 50 . 00 300 . 00 Total Other $2,091. 50 $11,109 . 00 Total Expenditures* $3,114. 66 $17,247. 96 A. The Neighborhood Center will allocate 7� of the Agency Director' s time to administer the program. B. The Neighborhood Center will allocate 7$ of the bookkeeper's time to record and report necessary monthly financial information. D. Includes $250. 00 monthly for printing of Community Reporter. *The Communications Center as described in the proposal will charge a nominal fee whenever possible for communications services . It is estimated that this will generate about $2 ,000 in six months to off- set program expenses. WEST SEUENTH NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER Purpose: • Operate and maintai� a Community Center within the West Seventh Street Area; fecilitate the provision of specialized � services; provide certain unduplicated services. " Proqrams: Neighborhood Development� home meals and servicss for � Senior Citizens� counseling� social ad�ustment� emergency assistance (food� cash loans and referral)� activities and events. �anagement and building operation. Financial Supporti � United Way oP St. Paul (48�), Ramsey County (2?%)� Rental , (18�), Contributions and �iscellaneous (7�). Other: Affirmative Action Employer 501(c�3 tax—exempt corporation since 197� y , Audits by 8ot and McPhillips, �inneapolis i � J�nusry 23, 1976 �r. Donald Spaid St. Paul�City Pl�nning Department St. Paul� �innesota 55101 Gear t��r. Spaid, The following conditions have been accepted by the Wzst Sevanth Straet PAC and Federation concerning General District Planning in Llest Seventh. 1. 4ny cooperstive effort in planning nust have a base of mutual trust b�tween the con�unity and the city. 2. The boundaries for district planning sF�ould be extended to include the �:astErn a.rza of lilest Sev2nth. The n?w boundaries ��ould then be from Kelloog 81vd. on the east to the P�ississippi River on the u��st _ znd irom the (�ississippi River on the ,south to the bluff on the north. 3. General Dis�rict Planning in lilast ?th will begin uith the onset of a survey to deter�nine generally the problems ��d needs of rasidents �nd businessr;zn in �.��ast 7th. . , 4. A caucus will ba called to review the cevelop�r�ent of the survey and allow for further neighborh�od input. � S. i,nother n2eting will be F�ald to finalize the questionnaire and procedure for distribution. 6. As �he initial responses are returned, they uill be compiled, the people interested in spacific problens will be called, and the formation of comrnittzes based on those areas of interest will be - publicized. . - _ r, 7. As no�e ouestionnaire responses are returned, information will be fed into the appr�priate cor��ittee. 8. Easic policies for the conmittees will be: _ a. Conmittees will not be linited in number of nenbers or representation. ' � b. Each special inte:est_committee cha?rnan uill serve on the ��ast 7th Street Federation 6oard. c. The cor.�,�nittee is a working co�mittee and uill develop elternative plans concerning their specific area of inte;est. d. Each co�,.mittee will determine how they will approach further investigation of their particular problem. 9. If so desired� a general overview con�ittee night be forn2d of rep�zsentativ�s from the special interest comnit�ees, but this should be deter:�ined by the special inierest comnittees. �68598 --- � Page 2 � • 10. .Final recommenc�ations of the conmittees 4�i11 come betore the • • `onnunity for a vote at the Issuos 8rew� and i,f necessary� ' � • at more community meetings before the overall plan is finalized. � 11. Responsibilities of orcanizations as their contributions to ! West ?th Genzral District Planning 4�i11 be as t'ollows: . ; Federation: Organization� distribution and conpilation of the I question�aire. PAC: O,osnize a comprehensiv� review of past planning efforts � and CD I and CD II plans�in IOest 7th� and summarize the � proble��s a.=sociated with implenenting plans. � r i The F2oeration and the PAC (until the Pac is dissolved� will ! jointly support, assist in organization and in�le:nentation of . ! ths General District Plan. � i � i City Planning: Provide continuing needed input into our Goneral � District Planning process. i l2. The only plan the St. Paul Planning Coordinator will reco�:�nend I and advocate for is the �.��st 7th Oistrict Plan as adopted by the j neighborhood. � 23. The St. Paul Planning Commission will core to .the community uhen voting on the acceptance of the L•lest 7th Dis�rict Plan. If you have any questions concerning the above do not hesitate to call us. Sincerely, t�arlene Nerold i President, Uest 7th Street Federation i 1 . , Jerry Sovinski , � Fresident, West 7th Street ?AC � , M ~ � CI1�Y OF 5AINT PAUL UFFICL OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING UUNALD L. SPAID AIP PLANNING CUORDINATOR February 12, 1976 2�8��� Ms. Marlene Herold 859 S. Lexington Pkway. St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Herold: � � I was pleased to receive your letter and to learn that the PAC and the Federation have jointly agreed to support, assist in the . organization and implementation of a district plan in West Seventh. I believe that we have discussed the content of most of the conditions you indicated in your letter, and I can agree to proceed with a West Seventh district plan under these conditions. !, Recognizing your desire to begin the process with a neighborhood survey and the other concerns outlined in your letter, I will continue to assign Maureen McAvey to provide input into the district planning � process in West Seventh. Her role will be to work with the � neighborhood in channeling its planning activities toward the development of a comprehensive and realistic plan. In light of the fact that we don't know how much time it will take for the steps you have outlined, I will not ask Maureen to try and use the time frame normally expected - for district planning. As you requested, the City Planning office will be available for input and planning assistance. At the present time, this means that only a portion of Maureen's time will be needed for input into district planning in West Seventh. In order to keep Maureen engaged in district planning activities, I will assign her to work in another district, in addition to West Seventh, for 1976. As I mentioned, she will continue to be available to West Seventh on a part time basis tt�roughout your planning process. Your letter represents a considerable amount of effort and a significant coming together. I 'm confident that the approach we will be taking is the most practical way to begin district planning in West Seventh. Sincerely, i-- . Donald L. Spaid DLS:cbc 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 . •�� . �'` � . f January 27, 1977 Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Rose: Please be notified that I have called a special meeting of the City Council for Tuesday, February 15, 1977, at 7:30 P.M, at the West Seventh Street Neighborhood Center, 175 South Western, to consider recognition of an official group to represent Citizen Participation District No. 9 (West Seventh) . �Y,,. .�,,. �.,.-�""'�._ e.� Co c' President. We, the undersigned Councilmen, do hereby waive written notice requirements for a special meeting of the City Council on Tuesday, February 15, 1977, at 7:30 P.M, at the West Seventh Street Neighborhood Center, 175 South Western, fo reasons stated above. .� �, �._ _. , , n - Z,� � ,� .. /% ,� . �,i/ � �:/��-��-^--� ��,�—. � . I �� . � � � ♦ ;.�l'�Y 0�, • • ; � > . . �Q `'�,� �� I '1'�' <)I' �_� I \1' 1��� i' 7. ; . : 7- �' base�ae "* C� se ccE��eaese O 1'1'1(i 1; O F '1'I 1 1•: �I.1 Y l)12 1 -� �f sis�P�a _ � . �'f'� s .�.�` � ,+.�,�:. � i GEORGE LATI3SER MAYOR MEMORANDUM � To: Council President Robert Sylvester Members of the City Council From: Ms. Karen Christofferson �;% Date: January 25, 1977 Re: Public Hearing for Recognition of West Seventh (District 9) As per City Council action on Thursday, January 20, 1977, I have checked with Councilperson's Sylvester and Tedesco's schedule to establish a public hearing date in West Seventh for the 15th or 17th of February. As a result of those schedules and the schedule of the Neighborhood Center, the following date is agreed to: Tuesday, February 15 - 7:30 p.m. 175 South Western West Seventh Street Neighborhood Center St. Paul , Minnesota KC/kk cc: Rose Mix, City Clerk ✓A1 Olson William Patton I �,�._-,.,,.,.,