268588 WHITE - CITV CLERK - �� PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl ��'���g CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To `" Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the District 17 Planning Council and the District '1 Planning Council have mutually agreed to request a change in their common boundaries, and WHEREAS, currently the block bounded by University, Aurora, Rice and Marion lies in District 17 and both districts ha.ve agreed that this block appropriately belongs in District 7, and WHEREAS, this block is part of the North-Capitol area and, therefore, the land uses of this area are governed by the Capitol Area .Architectural and Planning Board, and at the present time a11 of the CAAPC with the exception of this one block is included in District 7, and WHEREAS, the block is separaCed from District 17 by ma3or thoroughfares, and both districts have concluded that the change wi11 promote more coordinated planning and development activities, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Counc3.1 of the City of St. Paul hereby agrees to the aforementioned boundary change in accordance with. its CF 266111 whereby the Council adopted a procedure for settling district boundary disputes, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that because both District 17 and District 7 mutually agree to this change, the City Planning Department wi11 not have . to make any further analysis. COUNCILMEN � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler s ��_ In Favor Hunt � Levine __ Against BY -�e�e�s Sylvester Tede Adopte y Council: Date F�B � 7 �9T7 Form Approve by 'ty torney / C ified Pa. y C ncil Secretary BY Appro d by Mayor: Date �E8 � 8 1JTT. Approved y or Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED E�B 2 6 1977 < . + � TH014A,S-DALE/DISTRICT 7 1010 UNIVII2SITY AVENUE SAINT PAUI,, MINNESOTA 551.04 ! ������ NOUSING ANQ REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SA NT AUL, M ESOTA . `7�J Mr. Donald Spaid January 2�, 19?7 Plann.ing Coordinator St. Paul City Planning 421 wabasha St. Paul, Minnesota 551�3 Dear Mr. Spaid: Enclosed are the necessary documents to change the boundary between Districts � and 17. As is explained in the letters from the two districts, both have agreed. The chan.ge was originall.y suggested because Block 142 is part of the North Capitol Area, which means its zoning ar�d, therefore, land use are governed by the Capitol Area Archi- tectural and Planning Board. At the present time, al.l of the North Capitol Area is included in District 7 except Block 142, So the chang� will promote more coordinated planning and development. , , � As District 7's district planner, I have been requested to transmit these documents, with the understanding that your staff will review them and pursue the iasue with City Council. Flease notify me if any further information is required. S' erely, / J : 3���-� Dorothy K. Schlesselmaa . i��^l i � F� . G�. ' r � IL�l � i-i �, �� i . � �'i; �r j;I � L!� `�7 '� ' �;_ . .':",��� " . N;1: x' ,:, '. Willie Mae VJilson, Donald P. Del Fiacco, Mary Ann Sudeith, Rosalie L. Butler, K�f��.� ���VtFr���C��rH H':}f�d't`t�; Ron Maddox chaiiperson � �+�t - . �. "^t��' � . REC,�I�T�� DEC 2 9 1976 ������� DlSTRICT 7, DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE December 15, 1976 Mr. Don Bruestle District 7 Project Administrator 1010 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Dear Mr. Bruestle: The Downtown Connnunity Development Conmiittee (DCDC - District 17), having received and reviewed the District 7 request of including the total Block 142 within District 7 boundaries, recognizes the ju�tification and benefits of this request and agrees to revise the District 17 area to exclude all of this Block. The DCDC will be requesting official approval of its boundaries, corporate structure, etc. in January at which time Block 142 will officially be within District 7. Sincer;ly, Chuck Ewert Chairperson DCDC STAFF : HRA 298�4218 CITY PLANNING 298•4513 • . ." . �}' .� � fQ i. . � �; . . � . �� TH011liAS - 8�.l1l...�I�L?3�T�ilCT 7 P'LAP�Wf1�lG C�:3U�f.�lL, i1'�lC. :, �: (; 1Q�O University Avenue�St.P�ul, Minnesota 55'104 0 2JH - �OCS �' ! ,•j� - �, . � ���» 1 �/-� " December 7 �.976 ����' � � . . � . � . . . . ' _ R�CEIVEI3 Ntr. Dor� spaia � = JAN � 2 1977 St.Paul City PZanning , � • � � 42I taabasha . - � " St.Faul,Mi�nnesota 55102 � - DF�TRIGT 7, � � Dear t�ir. Spa�id: ' : - At our last monthPs Baa�d mee�ing, �t�e Distra.ct 7 1�l�nning � . � Council discuss�d the Block : bounded by Universi.tX, Aurara, Rice and Mar�on in relation to its impact an the �2.ic��-Mara:on c�rri.dar, the State Capitol comp�.ex and District ?. Tha.s � - bloc3� i.s cur.rent�.� can�t�i�ned in D.istrict I7 for �lanninq purposes; however, there has been some discussa.on as to .� . wheth�r or not thi.s blo�k should instead belong to Distx�a.ct T�, reasc�ns being that which � have stated above �impact on � District 7� pl�s the natural barriers of I-94 and other ' majar thc�roughfcarES iahich separat� it from other Aistra.ct � ' � . 17 planning activzties. . -We �wish to notify yau at this tizne of our desire ta have _. � = . � th� above described block changed from Distrzet l7 and be � � placed in District 7. It is our understanda_ng that some people raorking in District lT hav� also discussed this . matter and may be in ac�reement ��rith our conclusi.ons; • . therefore, we request that you take the necessar,y steps � � toward making yo�r recommendation to City Cc�unei.l for th�,s - � � change. . - . Respectfully, _ . . . G�/ t � ` �� �ws:'s�' . � � Will.iam Johnsan, Fresident � � � : Thomas-Da1e/Distr�.ct 7 Planning �ounc.iT., Inc. WJ:JN:lh � - . . _ . t . . . . . . . . . - - . ._ �r� : . � . . • . � , ' .• . ^'a'= --�....,... . . . '- - " .". . . . ' � - . J 1. �f _� �:,: , , �„ _ 00 • � ; � � :� � 4� � `Z � � _ � _ . � � � r-- r � � , -1 � m �� � ' � �' n { V`� � I a = � � � � � � � ; v � 2 � � � _. � N � � AV r- S u � $ .t ( ➢ � DL.____ ... � � D ^� ' i � � �� �t: Z � V_ G1NiA � � � rn � • � � > C- �, � � ,_ y ~ R fARRiNG T ---- �-- � 2 � ` � �a n r U . r � � r H � T y � I • " ' F . c s t+j r • � G4 TIER � ' GALTI , ♦ �` I � � PL Rr N o . ' ST. � M /►RtON 51 ' I ` `' a , , b �� � � � � � a � , � ; � � ' � . . `� . �oy� � r1 �I RICE A n `� S� - , � L �� � �� n � �z' � �,r � � � M �, ti � o � � � o . 'J n � � � � qL �/ �D D C N ,p � � '�i�`a 2 _ ' � • � PARK ST � s � [ � �f try� �j' CAPITOt. 8LV0. �3�� � r- , < � . • � _ ♦ - \ � �-1 ?' � , /. ,� � s � � � � a � �;�� ,,�.�..�» .� a„ . .�, ��,:�.�:� e''�.�► .. . •Y�• � , �'4 � �. ���M + � ' ��.� �� �.,,. "� t ,�...<� � �� =A � � � �s�:�� � �.. �,.�,,� �� ; ' � �,. � � +�.�«w.:sr � � f� , ��� ` � + � •�r'�+ ' � i .. �le1�i�� • I�v� •� � .,t� �� �r.� � 1 � ♦ �- 1� �i!�, ,* -.,�.�A � �.fs•". � �„.�r�r�M �� � • ` •� �..F' `.M'.�. MK�a,��.�: ��<.� • . .;�� ��,. °:: ,p,..- •. �" ' ti � ` � ,�,,.��. ��y , � � �I • ,_,., ,.�'; ♦ • . " ! . � CITY OF SAINT pAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DONALD L. SPAID AIP PLANNING COORDINATOR January 27, 1977 , �, . ����' �1��y �� ������ ���� a �;� � Mr. Robert Sylvester, President 6 ;:�� 1 ' and Members of the City Council ' c/o City Clerks Office , : Ci ty Hal l ._� . ; _. :, ; �� St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 ``°`'�-` '� 4 _ � -� e ��°t� Dear Members of the City Council : The District 17 Planning Council and the District 7 Planning Council have mutually agreed to request a change in their common bound�ry. Currently the block bounded by University, Aurora, Rice and Marion lies in District 17. Both districts have agreed that this block appropriately belongs in District 7. The change is being requested for several reasons. First, this block is part of the North Capital Area and therefore the land uses in this area are governed by the Capital Area Architectural and Planning Board. At the present time, all of the North Capital Area is included in District 7, except this particular block. Furthermore, the block is separated from District 17 because of major thoroughfares. Both districts feel the change would promote more coordinated planning and development activities. Since there is a mutual agreement between the Districts that this block should be part of District 7 instead of District 17, I am forwarding their request for the boundary change to you, in accordance with C.F. 266111 , the Council resolution which adopts a procedure for settling district boundary disputes. It is our understanding that since there was no controversy between the two affected districts the Planning Office will not make an individual analysis. I assume the two neighborhoods will be notified when a hearing date on the boundary change is set. Attached is the previous correspondence relating to this matter. Sincerely, � . Donald L. Spaid DLS:cbc cc: Chuck Ewert, Chairperson of District 17 Downtown Community Development Committee William Johnson, President Thomas-Dale/District 7 Planning Council , Inc. Attachments 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 0 � � � . . � � ` .: . � '..�I � CtTY O T U.1- .- ` OFFICE OF THE M (J�''R , ,�, ' ` CITY PL.A IN�' � ;: DONALD L. SPA10 AIP � ; . � PLANNING C04RDfNAT4R ' . ;, December 13, 1976 :������ (� Mr. William Johnson, President - � Thomas-Dale/District 7 Planning Council , Inc. 1010 University Avenue St. Paul , MN 55104 Dear Mr. Johnson: You have requested that steps be taken to remove the block bounded by University Avenue, Rice Street, Aurora Avenue, and Marion Street from District 17 and placed in District 7. Attached is the City Council procedures for settling boundary disputes. The first step is for citizen organizations to make every efifort to reach an agreement among themselves on boundary disputes. Accordingly, I suggest you contact Chuck Ewert of the Downtown Corr�nunity Development Council and seek to mutually agree to the boundary change. If an agreement is reached, please inform me and I will so inform the City � Council . However, should the Districts fail to reach an agreement by February l , I shall have my staff proceed with step 2 of the procedures and prepare an analysis of the boundary change. Chuck Ewert can be reached at: Ellerbe Architects One Appletree Square Bloomington, MN 55420 If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 298-4151 . Sincerely, � . Donald L. Spaid DLS:dma enc. cc: William Patton Chuck Ewert 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102 (612)-2�8-4151 �� � �.:�� , , � r :s �"�, Q,,.�, .:�_ r . _ _ . � . . . �*r` „ . A�NITEsv -i:��r.� c..��K Council �bb��� PIf�K � - F�r�ANCE (� I -rY (�F �A I N1 I�AUL �+ CANARV — DEPA{e T,wEN T OLO� — MA�OF /"��e �O•— • . . � -� Council Resolution �� �, �����► - Presented I3y - --- -- ------- ------- ------- _- ---- -- ���- — _ Refer�ed To ____ _____—__ ______ _ ___— Committee: Date — — Out of Committee Qy_—_____ _. _ Date -- RESOLVED� that the City Counoil hereby approves and adopts the procedures for settling boundary disputee within the Citizene Partioipation Program ae such proaedures were aubmitted to the City Counoil by memorandum dated September 17� 1975 , a oopy oi such procedures being on �ile in the of�ioe oi the City Clerk. COUNC;[Lh1EN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen �cx�ac Hunt -- [n Favor —_------ --- - --------------- Levine O Rc�edler Against BY Sylvester --_ -- . —---- — --__ _-------- ------—--- Tedesco President }�2�X IIoz�a :�cp y � �� Form Appro ed by ity At �ey Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified Passed by Council Secretary By---- -- - — - ------ ---- BY —--- - _ _ -- -- ^'� � 'J;� A�p�oved by Ma_ r for Submission to Council Approv Mayor. ate __ - .� '`� � „V � . ��.. '-'3� — ----- ---- ---- BY — ---- - .. ---- � - � . � ' _ ! ' • `�'`(g�,�� �� SUGGESTED PROCEDURE FOR SETTLING BOUNDARY DISPUTES The Community Development Section auggests the following procedures for settling boundary disputes or for considering requests for district , boundary changes under the Citizen Participation Program, �1 . The citizen organizations in the districts should first make every effort to reach agreeme�nt among themselvea an the disputed boundaries , without any intervention from City officials . It is suggested that from the time the City is first notified of a boundary dispute , the citizen groups be given a maximum of 45 days to attempt to resolve the matter. 2 . Concurrently, City Planning staff should be requested to analyz� the disputed area , taking into consideration such things as nat-ural or man-made boundaries and other appropriate planning criteria. The Planning staff should then make its analysis available to the commun: groups � as well as to the appropriate Ci�y officials . 3 . If the community groups are unable to reach agreement on the boundaries , the City Council , or an appropriate subcomanittee there- of� should schedule a public meeting with advance notice to all in- terested parties . After hearing the facts of the situaCion and making use of the Planning staff analysis , the final decision shoul� � be made by the full City Council . We seriously considered but decided against recommending a door-to-door survey within the disputed area to illicit the opinion of the residents . If there is any additional information you need� please contact Bill Pa�ts �►n�r.oved by City Cvunc�Y on S��tem"�er gE„ 19750 .-,, i j, � , �: '� THOMAS - DALEIDISTFIICT 7 PLANNING COUNCIL, INC. � '10'10 University Avenue� St. Paui, Minnesota 55104�298 - 5068 � I ; December 7, 1976 Mr. Don Spaid 5t.Paul City Planning 421 Wabasha St.Paul,Mi�nnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Spaid: At our last month' s Board meeting, the District 7 Planning Council discussed the Block _,bounded by University, Aurora, Rice and Marion in relation to its impact on the Rice-Marion corridor, the State Capitol complex and District 7. This block is currently contained in District 17 for planning purposes; however, there has been some discussion as to whether or not this block should instead belong to District 7, reasons being that which I have stated above (impact on District 7) plus the natural barriers of I-94 and other major thorougIifares which separate it from other District 17 planning activities. We wish to notify you at this time of our desire to have the above described block changed from District 17 and be placed in District 7. It is our understanding that some people working in District 17 have also discussed this matter and may be in agreement with our conclusions; therefore, we request that you take the necessary steps toward making your recommendation to City Council for this change. Respectfully, ����� � ��> William John n, President Thomas-Dale/District 7 Planning Council, Inc. WJ:JN:lh � Z ..