268584 WHITE - CITV CLE � �j�� PINk - FINANG I T O� SA I NT PALT L Council�� CANARV - OEPA MENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. " ' R olution , Presented By � Referred To mmittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby � approves: "A bill for an act relating to the city of St. Paul; providing that the employees of the housing and redevelopment authority of the city of St. Paul may remain employees of the authority or become employees of the city as the governing body of the city may determine; amending Laws 1976, Chapter 234, Section 4, Subdivision 4. " and recommends the same to the Ramsey County Senate and House delegations. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor Nunt ( -� Levine v __ Against BY Ree�dk� Sylvester Tedesco FEB T � �� Form pproved b City A rney Adopted Counci . Date C ified P- ed by ouncil Secretary BY � y' Approv by Mayor: Dat �EB � 8 �977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By , BY PUB��SHE� FEB 2 6 1977 - 2/17/r7 City of St. Pau1 Bi11 �?o. •` �� � c� A bill for an act �:�����.�'� rel.ating to the City af St. Paul; providing that � the employees of the housing and redevelopment authority of the city of St. Paul may remain employees of the authority or become employees of the city as the governing body of the city may determine; amending Laws 19?6, Chapter 234, Section 4, Subdivision 4 . BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Laws 1976, Chapter 234, Section 4 , Subdivision 4, is amended to read: Subd. 4 4a. Except a5 specifically provided herein, the establishment of the St. Paul city council as the commissioners of the St. Paul housing and redevelopment authority or placement of any employees under the direc�tion, supervision or control of the mayor or any department of the � city, shall not affect rights of any employees of the housing and redevelop- ment authority, including but not limited to any rights pursuant to an existing collective bargaining agreement or fringe benefit plan, nor sha1T such action affect any collective bargaining right or -contract provision of present city employees. The employees 91�a�� may remain as employees of the housing and redevelopment authority aad-9ha��-r�a�-�e or may became employees of the City of St. Paul by resolution of the governing body of the city and by concurrent approval of the respective housing and re- development authority bargaining units affected.� Such apgroval will be determined by majority vote of those employees in �:�ch unit that are actually affected by such council action. AlI. employees of the housing and redevelopment authority that are affected by such council action, and who are not members of a specific bargaining unit, for the purpose of this provision shall be considered as one unit. Any employee who becames an emplayee of the city o� St. Paul b.y such action shall become a member of the proper city bargaining tm it, if one exists, and shall be governed by the bargaining agreement of tfiat city unit beginning July 1, 1978, and s �(��,I��;� -�ntil that date such employees shall remain in any bargaininc,r units that they were in at the effective date of this act and shall be governed by the collective bargaining agreements of these units. . Subd. 4b. (TRANSFER OF EPZPLOYEES. ) Al1 employees of the housing and redevelopment authority who become emplo�ees of the city of_ St. Paul in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 4a hereof, hereinafter called transfer employees, shall be employees of the city of St. Paul not- withstanding any contrary provision of this law, the St. Paul city charter or other statute or ordinance, and shall be governed by applicable pro- visions of the city civil service laws and city eharter, except as modified in su�paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 below. Subpar. 1. Such transfer employees shall maintain city seniority from the effective date of this act, however for the purposes of determining their wages and fringe benefits, their seniority shall be computed from the date that they were ori.ginally employed by the hausing and redevelopment authority. Subpar. 2. Such transfer employees shall have promotion rights providing that they qualify for such rights under the city civil service laws, and such rights shall be determined by their combined total length of service with the housing and redevelopment authority and city. � Subparagraph 3, Any employee, whether a regular city employee or a transfer employee, if assigned to the Department of Planning and Economic Development, shall have equal promotional rights with any other such employee. Any regular city employee assigned to the Depart- ment of Planning and Economic Development and any transfer employee shall have promotional preference for positions in the Division of Renewal and the Division of Economic Development over regular city employees not assigned to the Department of Planning and Economic Development. _2_ . � ' , ���'�,b �� All regular city employees, whether assigned to the Department of Planning and Economic Development or any other position in the classified service, shall have promotional rights over all transfer employees for any position in the classified service which is not in the Department of Planning and Economic Development. All city employees, whether assigned to the Department of Planning and Economic Development or any other position in the classified service, shall have equal promotional rights with all transfer employees for promotions to positions in the Division of Planning and the Division of Community Development. The term "employee" as used in Subparagraph 3 means professional, supervisory, and confidential employees only. All promotion preferences established b this subparagraph shall expire two years after the effective date of this act No city employee holding a regular appointment to a position in the classified service at the time this cha ter takes effect shall be laid off because of the effects of this chapter The pension plan available to the em loyees of the housin� and re development authority at the effective date of this act, shall continue in operation until changed in accordance with law, and all such housin�� and redevelopment authoritv employees who shall become employees of the city shall have the individual option to reznain in the present pension and retirement plari provided to emplovees of the housing and redevelopment authority with the citv assuming the em lo er�s obligations or to enroll in the pension and retirement plan provided to city em loyees b the State Sec. 2. This act shall become effective on1 after its a roval b the governing body of the city of St Paul and upon compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 645 021 -3- � _ % ��;��p� '•' � � , CITY OF SAINT PAUL �' � OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL (,(I�i��A:li'EBi):1'.lul ' hl l�l•�.:91B409�NA0 . . . . �Sf:,,�',;'s9,�c��yq DAVID H. HOZZA February 10, 1977 Councilman T0: Interested Parti s FROM: David H. Hoz j RE: HRA Employees"� Bill As we agreed at the legislation committee meeting on February 8, the resolution on the HRA employees will be on the City Council agenda on Tuesday, February 15. � A copy of the bill, incorporating the amendments which were made at the legislation committee meeting, is enclosed. Anyone who wishes to comment on the bill may do so at the City Council meeting, which begins at 10:00 a.m. in the� Council Chambers on the third floor of City Hall. DHH:ls Enclosure � CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 612/298-4646 �.r�i • 2/10/77 City of St. Paul Bill No. . � � ���� � A bill for an act ��� "i� relating to the City of St. Paul; providing that the employees of the housing and redevelopment authority of the city of St. Paul may remain employees of the authority or become employees of the city as the governing body of the city may determine; amending Laws 1976, Chapter 234, Section 4, Subdivision 4. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Se tion 1. Laws 1976, Chapter 234, Section 4, Subdivision 4, is amended to read: Subd. 4 Except as specifically provided herein, the establishment of the St. Paul c 'ty council as the commissioners of the St. Paul housing and redevelopment au ority or placement of any employees under the direction, supervision control of the mayor or any department of the city, shall not affect rig ts of any employees of the housing and redevelop- ment authority, including but ot limited to any rights pursuant to an existing collective bargaining a reement or fringe benefit plan, nor shall such action affect an collective rgaining right or contract rovision o�resent city employees. The emplo es 93�a�� may remain as employees of the housing and redevelopment authority ��-s�a��-r�et-be or may become employees of the City of St. Paul b resol tion of the overning bod of the cit and b concurrent a roval of the r s ective housin and re- development authorit bar ainin units affect Such a roval will be determined b ma 'orit vote of those emplo ees 'n each unit that are actually affected by such council action. Al1 e plo ees of the Mousin and redevelopment authorit that are affected by uch council action, and who are not members of a s ecific bargaining unit for the ur ose of this provision shall be considered as one unit. Any employees who become an e�loyee of the city of St. Paul by such action shall become members of the proper city bargaining unit, if one exists, and shall :�-�= qoverned by the bargaining agreement of that city unit beginning July 1 , 1978, and ��'"���� , until that date such employees shall remain in any bargaining units that they were in at the effective date of this act and shall be governed by the collective bargaining agreements of these units Subd. 4b. (TRANSFER OF ED�PLOYEES. ) All employees of the housin and redevelopment authority who become employees of the city of St Paul in accordance ith the rovisions of Subdivision 4a hereof, hereinafter called transfe em lo ees, shall be emplo ees of the cit of St. Paul not- withstanding an ontrary provision of this law, the St. Paul cit charter or other statute or rdinance, and shall be overned b a licable ro- visions of the city ci ' 1 service laws and city charter, except as modified in subparagraphs 1, 2 and below. Subpar. l. Such trans er em lo ees shall maintain cit seniorit from the effective date this act, however for the ur oses of determinin their wages and rin e benefits, their seniority shall be computed from the date that he were originally em lo ed b the housing and redevelopment aut orit . Subpar. 2. Such transfer em lo ees s a1T have romotion ri hts roviding that the ualif for such ri ts under the cit civil service laws, and such rights shall be det rmined b their combined total length of service with the housin and edevelo ment authorit and city. Subpar. 3. In addition to sub ara ra h 2 above, 1 rofessional, supervisor , and confidential transfer and re ular it em lo ees assigned to the 1Separtment of Planning and Economic I3�velopment , shall be promoted, in that de artment, in preference to`+, any other � re�ular city professional, supervisory, and confidential'' employees. In all other cases regular city professional, supervisory and con- fidential employees shall be promoted in preference to professional, 2. ���,��`� :'. supervisory, and confidential transfer em loyees Al1 promotion ; � preferences established bv this subparagraph shall expire two years after the effective date of this act. No city employee holding a reqular appointment to a position in h classified service at the time this chapter takes effect shall b laid off because of the effects of this chapter The pension plan a ailable to the em lo ees of the housin and r - development authority at t e effective date of this act shall continue in operation until changed in ccordance with law and all such housin and redevelopment authority empl ees who shall become em lo ees of t city shall have the individual opti to remain in the resent ension and retirement plan provided to emplo ees the housin and redevelo ment authority with the city assumin the em 1 er's ob�li ations or to enroll in the pension and retirement lan rovided o cit em lo ees b th S a Sec. 2. This act shall become effective 1 after i a r the governing body of the cit of St. Paul and u n com Iiance w't provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 645 021 � . � . �•�. 3. � , .��„--_—_.�,� ,. 4 1 �Y� f F Y:. . ' , M . ' . � .. 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' i - � � � ' . � e� tap "q�� . i;: k � - .1 } ;.� fi� � � � � � '7 ° r} a �� E�trµr � . _ , 6 . _ • , _ t � 1 , . .r � .. . � . a.�- WH17E - CITV GLERK COI1flC11 PINK - FINANCE GIT OF SA►�INT PALTL CANARV - DEPA TMENT � � BLUE - MAVO File NO• ' un i esolution f - Presented By Referred To C mittee: Date Out of Committee y Date WHEREAS, M n. Laws 1976, ch. 234, provides that, commencing Janua 1, 1977, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the 'ty of Sain� Paul shall consist of the members of the Cit Council of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Co cil recognizes the need to develop a plan and retain suffic' ent flexibility for the transfer of the Housing and Redeve opment A�a.thority employees to city government; now, th erefo e, be it RESOLVED, That the Co ncil of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves: "A bill for an act relat g to the city of St. Paul; providing that ployees of the housing and, redevelopment uthority of the city of St. Paul may remain employees of the authority or become employee of the city as the governing body of the cit may determine; amending Laws 1976, Chapter 23 Section 4, subdivision 4." and recommends the same to the Ramsey unty Senate and House legislative delegations for passage. COUNCILMEN Requested 6y Departm nt of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favo� Hunt Levine __ Against By Roedler • Sylvester Tedesco Form Appr v d by City orn Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . � . CITY OF SAINT PAUL :� OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL .�r7�. ,,,y�3„ � 49f3diAJ3.397 � � � . . 9A�Bq11�8P9 � � � . _�y��� December 10, 1976 DAVID H. HOZZA ' Sk Paul City Gouncilman . _ MEMORANDUM CITY OF SAINT j� . �:�A OFFICE A UL �CC••' �F' �`$E CITY COUNCIL ;:� December 10, 1976 �red � DAVID H. HOZZA .. St. Pau! City Cuuncilm$n . � MEMORAND -- '--�. �M ma.t t er ±---�- __.}.._ T0: Members of the n , . Cit o�nc' � FROM: David �-�--� . H. Hozza e �T � _. �: Attached f .1 me. Resoluti The attached resolution h � . ' as been referred i ' to me by the Finance ' Committee, as it is a legislative matter. I would ask that t � � . . be referred to he matter the Legislation Committee in � order that it may have proper hearing. If you have any questions, please call me ss1o2 612/298-4646 � , • � DHH:ls Attachment � CITY NALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 � , ' WHITE� - CITY CLHRK � - � � � PINK - FINANGE CounciI � � � �LVHRY - MAVORTMENT GIT OF SAI.NT PAUL File N�. ' un i esolution ; , Presented By � Referred To C mittee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Minn. Laws 1976, ch. 234, provides that, commencing January 1, 1977, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul shall consist of the members of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Council recognizes the need to develop a plan and retain sufficient flexibility for the transfer of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority employees to city government; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, �hat the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves: . "A bill for an act relating to the city of St. Paul; providing that employees of the housing and, redevelopment authority of the city of St. Paul ma.y remain employees of the authority or become employees of the cit�r as the governing body of the city ma.y determine; : . atnending Laws 1976, Chapter 234, Section 4, subdivision 4." and recommends the same to the Ramsey County Senate and House legislative delegations for passage. � COUNCILMEN Requested by Deparcment of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n FavaT � . Hunt � Levine Against BY Roedler - Sylvester Tedesco Form Appr v d hy City orn Adopted by Council: Date � : Certified Passed by Council Secretary. By � sy Approved by ;Vlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Canncil By By , �!��.;, ,' �:.' ''�'f. . , C iTY O � SA ! ti� P�� � . _ a ' r,j ., ..., i .; L;G. il� c .r::�� :.:. �.. y:.+- .... , : Ur�, OFFtCE 0= THi CITY ATTO:�\i•� . •` December 8,�"1975 ; . � - � _ _ HAf�R1ET LAtiSiti� . ,�. . � � MEMORANDUM ' �.. . . . , T0: �� Councilwoman Rosalie Butler � . . � , FROM: Paul McCloslcey . � ; Assistant City Attorney . . � SUBJEC�; . Proposed Legislation You have requested p-reparation of draft legislation � providing that employees of the housing and redevelopr►.ent •authority may remain em�loyees of the au�hority or become employees of the cii:y as the council may deterr��ine. � We enclose draft legislation to ac�omplish this purpose , . � along with resolution as you have requested. . P�'M:bl ' ' . Enc. ' t . � , Mi�, • �-�•.., : • City E;all Saint Pau! r,eso«: �.� :. . _ 6'42 2�?.-�;� . _ .. • ' 1'1•IITf. • :°T�' Ct.tHN � . . . . � . . . !'�•l�. •. iihi4N�:t � "`� � 'p .- COUCICI� � � CAN4�+1' - �"Ct�Af:TMENT . }( l,?'�• a '7 TA��'+�� (� 7 'y' {� �O. . : B l.U k. �. M A�'O(1 ' ��.A •� �� �Y X� A_�'� il J.� .E , .Y�•�yi�J •�./ . .. �L'31F: l . . � . . . . . � .. � . ' . . . ; - � - . '�k�i�������. Jt������l��f�� . � ' � � ; . . .. , : Ycese,�t��d �y , � . . ; . � l:Lfecrc.ad To . . — Carr�mittee: :Date , Out of Conirr�ittee Fiy � Date __ _ - -= , ---- -- - — - _ ' . • ' ; . WI�Er.FAS, � L�ws of Minn�sota for 1976, Chapter 234, prov5_c��a � i t�i1c�.L- , conlmencing January 1, 1977, the Housiiz�; and Redev�lo�rae�zt ; Autizority oi the Cit�r o:E Sa�.nt Pau't shall eonsist of the mr.mb�:-r.s •. � oL 1:he Ca.ty Council o� , �:he City af Sailzt Paul; and . � `•WHEItL�'1S, 'the Council recognizes thE izecd �:Q d�velop a �la� ;��: th� proposed i:rans�ez of Iiousi�-�� and R�deve�,opment Autr,ar�.i:y , empioyees to �ity gavernrne���; a�.zd � � � W�,�REAS,+ the Saint Paul Ci.�ty Council. ha.s r�viewed the prc- � Iira:i.rlar ia . asal deve'loped by Mr. '1'hot�as D. G].�ason, Directo't YP " P . ; oF Personi;el, no�a, �thcr�Lore, b� it : ; � RESOS.VED, that thz Sain�: �Pa1.a.I City Couricil liereby te�.z�a�L::��vc3.y ; ��,cc4pts L-►1e princ:i�les outZined in �l�e preliminary progosal al.d � re��uests that �. �inal �I.an be cievel.op�d by the Da.rec�o-r o� �'erso�r�e1 � a�zd suUmii:ted to the Ci�y Council Lor fina7. review;� and be� it . • , . � ! FUR''L'LIER RI�SOL�'i.D, Th���: the Cnulzcil. of the City ot Saint , . � :'�:ul 1ie�:eby �����1��:ca�v���;: . � , , � ''n 'b�i.:{_]. i:c�� a��.-� ��.c� rc��.����:rt�_; to th�� c:��y o:C � ���:. ��i11.J.«�. � �:�ticrv:i.cl�_���; Li}:a L c<«�:i.c��yc�es oi i:he ( i7.O�Cl��l.i.1�� i.illCt .f�C:C�(:�(3.�.C)�.)I�Ii.L'.Cl�: ia.�.��thox;:i.�y� �f �L1C i C.1_�y Q.�- i�l.r �:7<lL.l�. T1ic1��T �.�CQ��..L7,Y c:mp'.Loyces o£ ! �.l�t��.l ���.il'.1�.i��.r_:i.ty ���: b�cc�►n� em.�:Loyees � o:E l:he : ��.�.y <�s G1-�t: �;ovc�i�lii�; Uody of L-he ci.ty � itl�:��r ci��1;GY:t111.1��; ��xi�c:�.1�i.tt� iaws :1�7�6, Ch�:�te1 . ; 234, 5��.�ucii.vis�a.c�L-� 4," � ' � , ' -��:�<t :�:�:.�c��:���►�can.ds �i�.e:� sara�: '�o t�xe �Z�.n�sty Cour�Ly S�ilate and Ho�.�;:��:: , ' c�c��lc`a.tio:ts. � ' . � ; - .__ l i;��I�I l.l^L11I':N'=�_-�---_.__-_---_:�--- .-_�::.�_____�.�_{�r__--:�.1�d b �ep�rtrnent aC:� � �---==: __==--�--- kl :Zec�ucs y '�!'.,� �1;1yti I . . ,.., :i�`f w.�, �(1 �'�3VOf �) — — --"_-- -°-----~•_'_-- ,����'�:t _.._._..� `I ' ',{l l��l . i B ' �,..__--'-------'---•---------- . �..�,•��r � ' ..._ � -- A b�.�i ns t Y . ----____" . • ,�,,,�..11rr � �� . � :••.i•;rs:cr _ � . �l�u�scu ' � Form/�'�°'�`�d by S:ity A,ttocnF�l � . ' .�,,,,�.,�•:� �„� r�,�u,��►: tiate .� - _- _--- !i ( _J �%��'�i: /�/ / . ______ _ , _ iL.� v� Il1 � . -�'� ,. A bili for an ac� relating to tre c�ty o:� St. Paul ; providing th�t the employees o£ ��:e lzousin6 and redevelop�nent authority oi the city of ' St. Paul may remain employees oi the authority or become employees of the city as the governino body of t'ne city may determine ; amending Lacas 1976, . Chapter 234, Subciivision 4. ,, BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE Or THE STATE OF MINtiESOTA: Section 1. Laws 1976, Chapt-er 234, Section 4, Subdi��isio� 4, is ar�ended to read: � Subd. 4. The establishment of the St. Paul city council as the commissioners of the St. Paul housing and redzvelop�nent a��hority or placement of any employees under the directian, supervision .or control of the mayor or any department of �he city, shall not affect rights of any employees of the housing and redevelopment authority, including but not limited to any rights pursuant to an existing collective bargaining agreement . or fringe benefit plan. The employees �skaz� ma remain as employees of the housing and redevelopment authority az�c�-9ka�� r�e�-be or may become employees of the city of St. Pau1 as the �overning body of the city ma.y deter,nine by resolution. Sec. 2. This act shall become eLfective only after its - a�proval by a majority of_ the governing body of the city of St Pattl and upon compliance �vith the rovisions of :�iinnesota Statutes , Section 645 .021 . � �