Xiong, Seng �ECEIVE� NOTICE OF INJURY CLAIM OF SENG XIONG �UN 24 2�14 To: c�ty orst. Paul CITY CLERI�, Attn: Cit�� Clerk 15 West Kellogg 63oulevard Suite 210 St. Paul, MN 55102 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 466.05, I have been retained by Seng Xiong to represent him in all matters arising out of a motor vehicle accident which occurred on May 17. 2014, at or near 553 l�orest Street in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. That at that time Seng Xiong was operating a 2003 Cadillac Escalade motor vehicle, owned by Soua Xiong. That at that time he was involved in a collision with a City of St. Paul Police vehicle operated by Daniel Christopher Michener. � That at that time by reason of the negligence and carelessness of Daniel Christopher Michener and the City of St. Paul in the management, maintenance, operation and control of his motor vehicle a collision was caused and the Plaintiff was injured as herein after alleged. That as a result ol�the accident in question. the Plaintif�t�has sustained injuries to his head. neck and back and was otherwise bruised and contused in and about his body, and caused to suffer pain and necessitate medical care and treatment. "I�hat it is anticipated that the Plaintiff may bring a clain� for pain, suffering and disability including medical expenses, present and future, as well as property damage in an amount which cannot be more accurately stated at this time in a reasonable amount in excess of$50,000.00. A copy of the police report provided by the City of St. Paul which is attached hereto and marked Exhibit A sets forth the date, time and location ot�the accident. That the Plaintiff is in a position to provide and furnish full information regarding the nature and extent of the injuries and damages within fifteen (15) days after the demand by the 1 Citv of St. Paul. Dated: June 19, 2014 THE CODY LAW GROUP, CHARTF.RED a��:-- David K. Cody, .R.#0017590 Attorney for Plaintiff 359 Commerce Court Vadnais Heights, MN 55127 (651) 294-0994 2 Accident Report Page 1 of 2 . ; � ��wo�0 r •. ,� Q� y�i�.3i.�.�'�t����,•y�,����Y��-I:l�,',,a tai ��'�,��.: � 7! wa�ui�o � '�v'" .t.�. �,; =��i"S� .i�:st�PMGe;c.,�.•�I=`Y'.jZ��O�''"`r. '�,C'.:�' $ . 19095615 ��• kr, a� ...�� ' � ,•y �. 5 1�...2014°'$at 1630 0 ,.�.�.�.,� �.�.�. ,� �.., �,.� t� � �3 b 0 �2 $ .. .�+� »w.r�aw.�*wue ■ t ���+a� ai ^ _Q� 8� ew y�r � 10 553 Foreat �� • " �� ` mwn w .n w�u rnrt �an[m inrn�.��r aw un.a runwt 62 �:: Saint Paul +_ � 10 553 Forest 4 . 1.. -.1.. ,� . .�. . �' . I�. ..,� . ...... ., K� ��' � I..... 1'. �a �� rvw� ow�u�or�a.�` ,•�w,a.M .w�rw~.o�nw aroa�xer.aa�w•� WI D 99� U1 1 O1 Y965205661220 MN D O1 'O1 M0008129230905 wno.� �weo■.c�ow.u+n an or a�n� w.es..c um,.wn o.�[o..M ..na� 90 DANIEL CHRISTOPHER MICHF.NER 04 07 ']9 ' Tou Lee Moua oe 29 92 09 367 Grove Street N, 02 '890 Forest Street, #1 N� 02 O1 ""'° °1'°"'' Saint Paul 55106 'i1519125�2 O1 O1 Saint Paul 55106 • , "Q � M aq �04 O1 05 B � M �4 �09 06 05 �C O1� � �wa aw rrw nwor nrrar .ruw�a�cc wrra�a � � rvw wro rea m+ao +rrrw� .w.�wstira wuNa�a � 03 l�` 98 Y, ��, , 98 l�' 98 Y: p� St Paul Med 14926 ��. .. . . ......_... � �� �. �,,. °C°' °"O11' N Nhia Kou Moua � ON p$ St Paul Police De�a�tmes�,-. � �M .e„» .oao�- . �o.m .oa.+. �C O1 pl 1675 Energy Park Drive Y� 1130 Meridan Hgts Dr , #8 ww o�eer ar.,m.na ^�'�O � 01'�` "B""` °^•'°°`s 07 Eau Claire, WI 54703 "� p7 Saint Paul, MN 55108 � � � �� �"�'a "M° "0°` "'� � Hond Civi 99 Blk 11 11 Eord CVP 200 Blk �w,�, 09�„ msv .un. n�ea .vr�so �s� ,r,,, wrMn w�n. n�o rwwo �"" 05 MN 014 O1 38 O1 215RLT WI 014 O1 O1 ~ O1 .w�w+a nu,n.�.wu, .+�wa�rvM n .as,...a� City of Saint Paul Self Insured State Farm 2300733C2423 ,.� �Y,. .� � �wt w7 wtn �or4�w� �ur Moor� f ACCOOIT INMOW61 A COYYERGML IqTO�I VENCLE.iCM00�Wf.OU NlAD fTARf!W � w.� r.a '�'rj � ocrews�Tp NOiEY TII!RAi!M7AOl(nWUW�Wr W/q.70 md tq.41i�, oaRraa�o� oo��w�ra�.�.�a�c.w.YUe oorw►.w m�r��vaa ra�w�.�rna awri r.� l w1 0� !l� fM[ 1! �NM �� wRV A�W►�11NYOItf M�NIMIIl110 M�Y�� �M�Q Pheng Houa 03 03 5/9� M 09 09 06 05 N N; 0,��.,, � O,r .r�w .rwre� i � O°".' O ,�� iar rad � � pv'�u � � owr�OfD 1�IO�OAV��Ya.ow m ya� O�M410/OAa 0�1u�N10/l7RTMOO�OYIOM 0/041��D 1110�OR1'NYO��RiP1 fli0 NMtI�) � Hllaclo M4i Garcia Retaining Nall nvct ' �� �.r iw�cm ;-i �; '� 98 O 1 .. ...... �, .eKwn �' � T^ ^ Vehicle N; (marked police vehicle) Nas W/B in thet , ?-_.. _ _ _ 03 ' :�. a:ley and entered the roadvay, str1kincj ve�1cle' �p �,�,,,,, � �ro�� � ;.p,^.. VehicLe kl then Wen[.up qvei..the_Curb, , 9$ , continued to tzavel S/B, striking the NortR 01 ? � `"�-c.ornec of a cement retaininq Wall in fzont.oE-547 M'R a�roai I �� Focest Vehicle [hen [raveled back onto the, : 08 N� �\' � Yoadaay, E/8- antl stnck VehiZle N3�, "uhtch h�ad j � ^'�0`"�'�t � � ,�•`' pulled to the right curb and stopped prior to � 98 � '. b�ing struck Dciver of Veh R1 (0lficer) , �� � � � v slistained minor cuts/abra91on9 io hJ.g le,.�x _- -_ � �., it � ' Rand/arm Driver of Veh M2 initially claimed no � O1 �'� ,Lnju�y b�t later complainad oE necklAead.paln . ��� � �� I Si� ° a��s transported to Regions Nospital Pho[os - .�a �,/� � �-taken CRQ mappetl scene No-citatYons�issued k �� �,� w�r dC. SCP.�C �? �1 OB '� ;: � �"°'"` ;'t. " "� O 1 '� :�; . Y ,! ' '+ '' ;c; y � ��� ;� �o� � - -- - -- --- -- r OS O 1 `�- - ,�, r�nn�vsw� p.wi w,�. wr.. ,,.�a��w�.1ornae. /� 1�� �� SL Paul PU / O�^^ 0O1°' Sergeant Patricia Englund 262 �� i ; �, _ �� i �t�l� ���, :7 '��1' � EXHIBIT � .� https.//d�scrash.x.state.mn.us!dvsinfo!accidentrecords_2008/Includes_LE/PrintReportlndrv 5/17/2014 ,__" , Accident Report -.�• --- - � , �ouawe�o ..wm . � _ .�:� .i d��:. :i^��+=,��1>�'�,ifjSC•���,41�.�� b 14095615 � 1;: •�� � ;,� ` a�.itt�:.';:���t ..,,.�-:1,-.�;,�'�+�,,�M_"' � y�.c.�uom� ouc °"r � �ffN01{M N►110r VNOO �m , �� � �M.'�". � 7 � J+ ff � j( l'���'. Q �Iit M��YIOII 1N1! : � O IyfiqfCT01� q ^�„ eR 8� ew 0� r' ORM'l110 � M�L �l6oQ�OR 11a11�M �V1{l�A[[Oa1lun.OR/4Mt 8°" .. . �, +_ ,y .,� ��... . p' '7, : iN[J Nr.: ni qN ,.. �.....�4 ',t. . r•vs ��.v . ��� IaION tlPV1Y0�M���t fGT� 4AY RR�l1� rp1�CM pV�l1{l�MYO�•1 tLQt 6AM 0.RAM IKNI�� O1 5599103766923 Mt�1 D ..c+o�� rwe o.n.rma.u.n o.n v..m w�cm�.�ms.N.n o.h v.wm ..nw� SENG CHRISTOPHER XIONG 08 23 93 a,� .�r , 11 1431 Selby Avenue I'�? ' �� �un a .�we a int° O1 St Paul Park 55071 � �[m �eorr �ww escr w w � mw 01 � M �4 �04 06 OS N r � a�oa mt own r+� mwr nmsa�r .ruwor� wrw� � ma � mc �ows nu�saRr rau+o�w.n ws�rtiw '� 98 �` 98 ['h p�,,, � � • o:� .�....a.�n,�e ' ..� «w. orcv awar.r � ? N p@ XIONG SOUA � rw�e0 �oO�W �a� v[«m �M M Y' � 03 8�JODY LN S nuro awc� an.�wrca � owa vw�ue .v�ua arxran.s "�'� O1 O1 COTTAGE GROVE [�1 55016 ' ONIYC 1Y1Y ImY �{M OOp 'Yy� Y00a �EM G4A v0 WC 11 CADI ESC 200 BLK mrv n�n� n�ea rtMRa �vn�. f nnn. a� reMao ,�„ e„ •��w oo�v oa vxT9se rn� a oz '"' °a ,,,,,,,� ,�„�,..� .a.,,,aM..n .a�.,..� American Family Mutu 713'76620378FPPAMN r.,m �wnr, wuKO .r.s+r.i� .r..00i. »wm w�.W. o. f ACCDlNT MVOLYtD A a1M1�AL YOTOR VEIOG2.K•110a W!�01l MFAD RART 011O � ruG *�'� me n� � IIFJIEIMiA TO NOTir TN!iTATE M7ROL(��uMM M3/i.1p�M 1M.�0111. / ao��ovu�.e�aar��.rv�a�cvefww+e oo�rra� cw.eoKVeasc�ra��umo�anor.r oorMwa wisaw��wo wr avior o me ue �wiw u� w�ev �o�wr rniw�«r � O,y „r�t w�+�a.a � 0� � Ow .�.� w.�� � Dona _ ��, � .,.mrvra �wr�w � O � O� ��.��.�.,��a�.�...,�,�.�,...e,.� ��,��� J� ♦otrrr • , . . , . "-.. ._. . . � �w.wn4: n'^�a '�� ' � � __ - .__._._._� , _f i , �C/tM � � �j � t� � ._._..-. .-.�. ,. r "' wawaD �pC•111M ... '_.___' ._ . ._" "' ",l I M . ._. --f ; '1 � _. _ _ ....._ M�ll dwoo� : . � .=t- , ,� . � ��' _ _, ) � -- ! f •� acm �h!0�N2.. .� piYr �. h ��y ` I ��� � fJINYNC ' •�F_^.. ' '.t � �ypppJU ' . _ ... ��'�tN��J neairt ) �, �f iooa � ' �' — - uo� 7i, t ■o ww 1� - �;� - �. �� S C` ' E �. �'. � �'-' oro�.r io aw c ' �4 � �� IIiTM[ltT�*OM Q�WlMTIIS Q LOf V�LO�MN(N�rNOM00l� ` 5't PGjUl pU ❑Y6VF ❑OfKll Serqeant Patricia Englund 262 htt�s.,/dvscras�..x.state.mn.�as!dvsinfa/aecidentrPeords_200$/Includes_L,E/PrintReportIndiv 5/17/2014 RECEIVED NOTICE OF INJURY CLAIM OF TOU LEE MOUA JUN 24 2014 CITY CLERK TO: City of St. Yaul Attn: City Clerk 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Suite 210 St. Paul, MN 55102 PLEASE TAKF, NOTICE that, pursuant to Minn. Stat. � 466.05, 1 have becn retained by Tou Lee Moua to represent him in all matters arising out of� a motor vehicle accident which occurred on May 17, 2014, at or near 553 Forest Street in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. That at that time Tou Lee Moua was operating a 1999 Honda motor vehicle, owned hy Nhia Kou Moua. That at that time he was involved in a collision with a City of St. Paul Police vehicle operated by Uaniel Christopher Michener. That at that time by reason of the negligence and carelessness of Daniel Christopher Michener and the City of St. Paul in the management. maintenance, operation and control of his motor vehicle a collision was causcd and thc Plainti{1�was in.jured as herein alter alleged. That as a result of the accident in question, the Plaintiff has sustained injuries to his head. neck, back, with pain into his right hand and fingers and was otherwise bruised and contused in and about his body. and caused to suffer pain and necessitate medical care and treatment. That it is anticipated that the Plaintif�f may bring a claii�� for pain, suiiering and disability including medical expenses, present and future, as well as property damage in an amount which cannot be more accurately stated at this time in a reasonable amount in excess of$50,000.00. A copy of the policc report provided by the City of St. 1'aul which is attached hereto and marked Exhibit A sets forth the date, time and location of the accident. That the Plaintiff is in a position to provide and furnish full information regarding the 1 nature and extent of the injuries and damages within lifteen (15) days after the demand by the City of St. Paul. Dated: June 19, 2014 'TI IC: COi)Y 1_AW GROUP. Cl fnRTFRED By: David K. Cody, A.R.#0017590 Attorney for Plainti f 359 Commcrcc Court Vadnais Heights, MN 55127 (651) 294-0994 2 Accident Report Page 1 of 2 I wu.o�MO r.on �r .�. _.�y`' �•;,f.'y 4S'. . .c�'t''� � � �^ �N � � :i h.�..�.n'• ,s Y:...' e� 14095615 g7 `'�.� �,�" 3 ��`�;'G'��n�t+�� '����Iu !'���.r���:•�� MMYIYI N VBCb W� , 'IW •WII� '�a� , � ^ I� °Y �3 b0 �2 � � 5 17 2014 1630 � IWI[NfIB� �ON�1411�MOII�II�T •{•,-^�' , M [ �NIO�Ip�� q �� ��eY 8M 8, �� � . 10 553 Foreat Vi� • • '""' R ' " ` oaxry�o .n wn wnem �ounemr..m.u�r.a�w„ue 62 �;:: Saint Paul +_ ( 10 553 Forest l. � �1. .t�. K' /.�� >: p�t �Itlll OAM711C01111R��l�.1 �K�1� 6�M •0.R�N��11O1 O�Uilll�l�lN��M.f .•�till•�4Y� O1f411/ (({10111 �� O1 Y965205661220 MN D O1 ,O1 M0008129230905 WI D 99 vl ns+o�� �wcrmew�l anorrisi �ws0�+�•ma.um o� r.nw� 90 DANIEL CHRISTOPHER MICHENER 04 07 79 ' Tou Lee Moua 08 29 92 09 367 Grove Street N, 02 '690 Forest Street, #1 N,a 02 O1 O1 Saint Paul 55106 Saint Paul 55106 �1519�2512 O1 •oa��o �a or �r �on .wu �s ww � �a tc�[orr �vr .wio un wi�ev rd.o O1 q M �9 04 O1 OS 8 � ? M 'V9 09 06 OS C O1 rx nw ew rw �owr nr�ewr .ruwna�es �rraa waa nw ws nw mw� +w�ran ,w�awe�rt w�rra "� 03 �" 96 Y? �:, '� 98 �' 98 Y; o� St Paul Med 14426 . ... _ . . ... .. .. ......... .... .. . . . ....._.. . oow. awaw/a w� o.�aM... � 0�! St Paul Police De a+-**^�-� 6T Nhia Kou Moua � �� �M �- 10Ym I1001Rtl O1 1675 Enerqy Park Drive Y� ' 1130 Meridan Hgts Dr , #8 �C OlM vaua anc�ar.s wuso a�ra un,m�s w�uo ewc. w�ue p7 Saint Paul, MN 55108 "l�, 07 Eau Claire, WI 54703 "�J O1 O1 11 Ford CVP 00 B k Hond C�vi 99 Blk 11� OYlY 14111 RMO Y�MIiO �v� RAl{• RI�O NMIR �WM oA�' 05 MN 019 O1 38 � O1 215RLT WI 014 O1 O1 � O1 '� � RaLVNMi� � MwMMR'EPMfA raLi'I�YY� City of Saint Paul Self Insured State Farm 2300733C2423 � ��w .�o ....,a. «••,�• f�eeeeNr x�v�avm�oorrdeeu�rorae ve�e�cNOO�ws.oR�aao sr�wa "'� � ,w 11° ""� o rt�r�eue ro Mo�rr na sua r�Tno�c�a+r�na..w�a.m.�e�a.u�+1. m�r�av�oarrw,.�nm�ar�wr eorna�a co�.r�r+r.�.a�r�.�..o�aaw�r�rr�e oo'�ra ' Mre�oern�nab wr or �u me � �wa un w�r m mwrwr �� �� �wrro� pheng Noua 03 03 5/9/ M 09 09 06 05 N No 0,,,�, � D,r .raro �r�w i � O� I O� .�.�onra .rr.� Dewt �d�a...��..,o�..��.�.�.�..�,�.a.,b»..a., 1 �.�,�,.,.o.a.,.�..� Hllario M4i Garcla Ae[alning Nall ' ,�7r �wwM - oaM� �ociw �r . .f O1 '�, _ �'•.--- -- - . 98 �. � ----- —_ �. «"�1° � �;/ � �. VFhicle M1 (marked police vehicle) aas W/B in thet 03 � :�1; a'_ley and entered the roadway, strikinq vehicle � �o �"" s' ,a..,e,..s � '.M?.. Vehicle Nl then went.up n�ez..the_cuch. .�� 98 O1 �= � � � continued to travel S/B, stziking the North o.woor ' "°-oornec o� a�cemer3t retaining ++all in front.ot-547 ■*� N, • Forest Vehicle then traveled back onto the : 08 �6�,`,� � ,� �` roadway, E/8'and struck Vehi�Ie M3, �+hich had y � 96 � "- pulled to the right curb and stopped prior to 3 �� being struck Dtiver of Veh N1 (Officer) ' }$�,va � ;4 si�stained minor cuts/abrasi.onS So hi.s l�t _ -- �"'"^a" i° �� � '' hand/arm Driver of Veh M2 initially claimed no t O1 , , a � ��-Lnjusy but later complained of uecklhead.pain ���� � jj •'• a�s transported to Regions Hospital Photos .. ��a„ ;j �. � :`'taken CRO mapped scene No citations issaed k � � at scene 1O1 � �� t� - •- - � O1 O1 ` ' � �! • ' ;. Y ,�� �- --- .. � � �� -i - ---- '– *, OS O1 � '� ' ,00a. �`nma� Q.uR�.,�w wu. °"a""'"a"'�'"°"°ee' /� '�_ � �� St PdUl PD D.a.. Oon� Sergeant Patricia Englund 262 ��� �� � _ �/ i� 5����I ,7 Y�'"� �v EXHIBIT � � https.//dvscrash.x.state.mn.us/dvsinfo/accidentrecords_2008/Includes_LE/PrintReportIndiv 5/17/2014 `__ ._..__ -, Acctdent Report __, --- - �orxWew w�°o • J� - "�'D. � ..i d��='), tLw^ ��:s��j�: rdD�� p 19095615 ? ,Y: � ` ���cd':���t z 'L.�s.'.:,oF :�_ � rr.wwn Nrw' wran a+m ��r q:F:,, � eia[ �' � C 6 7 � � � �, 7 �.� hl .dmm .ou�eru�ao. wue : w ��� a _8R 8� ew�,I � .y OOWfr11D Mfa1� 1l6�Q1'OMf IqY1�M IW�E4��IKRCOI�IM[OIKAIYE 8°" +— _, ,. �. ..,. . ... ..: ,..� �.:: �,... . ...a : ..... . , tW� 6Ar R1111� ,01110M OM�IYCO�NMl11.1 ~ iGi� 6AM,`0.R�f1� MC�ORt f�� YQIW OIrYN1{CSlMI1MR•1 ,At D O1 S599103766923 «�•� nc�a� w�elwa�maunl oveo� w��r�mawn o.wa� ..em�� SENG CHRISTOPHER XIONG 08 23 93 a�� wM, 11 1431 Selby Avenue �? ' � M,� a�cmvca ,�wcs O1 St Paul Park 55071 �ea�o �a � �co� �re.o.r u.,o r�cr .�.n �m.c O1 ? M �4 �04 06 OS N ? � .�x me ouo ma m�or mr�ruRr rraro�w�n wrrrw � rn� � +rrc mwoo Om.roRr �.ruoo�na wrr� '� 98 �` 98 t� o�.,, � � � oo.�« � •rw���• o:.d,u,,. • ...' ««. o.�s�rae p@ XIONG SOUA .. � IPPi �� 1011� V[MM van. Y� � 03 840 JOdY LN S ..�uR a�c.an.s �u,�o o..er m..wcs wus�a e�r., vsiu� O1 COTTAGE GROVE I�1 55016 "�'i O1 � oio.oe rN raoa w� ma� •� � ,�w, co,a„ oio�oe 11 CADI ESC 200 BLK - ww w�� /Mli• R!0 HMIIM e� �r ODiv OIIOMY RINf/ �TMO liMlY . 04 VXT438 NItI 4 02 � 02 .w�wn ,oc,N..., . ...�n��...e .ac+M..a American Family Mut 71376620378FPPAMN e,,,,,, �w ..w�o ...s�cw. .....eee. ww� «rua�w. � lACCOlMiMMWlDACOWlRCMLYdTORVEMCIE��C1100LWS.ORI�J1DtTA1CT011f � "! � "�` p pB�11�fR 70 NOT/�TI!/TATE M7ROL(M��wdw AI�/M.7p M01MA61��. mreoa�ena�a��.w�wa�we oorrra oorwr�rvenaw�t.�a�c�newrE oorN�ra ��� wr anor �oc me ue �a ucr w�ar�o�wr�wrom � "� D� �y� wrNn�a � 0� � 0� .rs� �uwre� � a�a � T O� M�� IRMK��fR �J• 7 � O� � ��.�,o,�.�...,.,��..,��.��.�.,..��.m...o.� ��,..�m,...� �� .... � .�,,. . . . , . . , . � � , �� � � � , - . _ .�M- - �.. �� � - ,�--- __ __ __. _ �' ; -- ' ,�.,,, .00�+M �; . , _ _..--- •-- --- -- -�' :� M ' '_ "_'}" Z M�l� �i, -. ' _ _'' _ O�MOOf - -t- -!� '� .) �_ � _. �. , • � •�lf � � TN!0�11¢.. •X � y !' k �p�y � � ` l, YA�TIP t d/rMIR � •.i--"'. _ �,* \ �W , . "�. ��YIFN161i NE/R (� ._ •7 j f � r f� IOOOM `a � - _ _ 'J 110Mf � _ . ,� M�I�► 9, - � - f. ��� L�. OYOMY IOOUI� 1 ,` r H �p M�OL�1tlOM O/W[M1114 O LOf �'�"'K""'��0�"0°" St Paul PD p.wf O�" Sergeant Patricia Englund 262 https.//dvscrash.x.state.mn.us/dvsinfo/accicientrecords_2008/Inciudes_LE/PrintRep�rtInd;v �!1?/201�