Moua, Tou C•L•G James P. Cody David K. Cody t The Cody Law Group, Chartered lcody@codylawgroup.com dcody@codylawgroup.com 359 Commerce Court Robert D.Cody Vadnais Heights, MN 55127 rcody@codylawgroup.com Ph: 651.294.0994 • Fax: 651.292.4955 www.codylawgroup.com June 23, ?014 ����I��� JUN �5 2014 City Clerk 310 City f Iall �s��� �r�.���'( 15 Kellogg �3oulevard � St. Paul, MN 5510? R�: OUC CI1�'11t: �I OU I,ee Moua Your Driver: Daniel Christopher Michener DOI: May 17. 2014 Our File No.: 20535 To Whom It May Concern: I have been retained by To�i L.ee Moua to represent him in any and all matters arising out of a motor vehicle collision which occurred on May 17, 2014. '; I aC this time enclosing the Notice of Claim form that has bcen exec�ited bv my client relative to � the above-entitled matter. '� I 1 have also enclosed a courtcsy copy of the Notice of Injury of�Claim of Tou Lee Moua that was served on the City of St. Paul. I � s� n h sit le o contact me. �� Thank you and should yau have any questi�ns, p ea �. do ot c a t i Very trul o , ; David K. 'od�� DKC/jen � � E:nclosures t CML TRIAL SPECIALIST CERTIFIED BY 7HE NATIONAL BOARD OF TRIAL ADVOCACY AND THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION fi MEMBER OF THE ACADEMY OF CERTIFIED TRIAL LAWYERS OF MINNESOTA l NOTICE OF CLAIM FORM to the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Minnesoto State Statute 4b6.05 states that "...eveiy person...w/to claims dnmuges fronr nny municipa(ity...shall cause to be presented to the governing Gody of the nuuaicipnlity within 180 dnys nfter the alleged/oss or inj�u7>is�liscavered a notice stating the time,�lnce,artd circumstances thereof,curd the an:o►au of compertsation or otlier relief demcrrtded." Please co�nplete this form in its entirety by clearly typing or printing your answer to each question. If more space is necded,attael�additional sheets. Please note that you will not be eontacted by telephone to clurify answers,so providc as mueh information as necessary to explain your claim,and the amount�of compensation Ueing requested. You wili receive a written acknowledgement once your form is received. Tlie process can take up to ten weeks or longer depending,on the nature of yovr claim. This form must be signed,and botli pages completed. If sometl�ing does not apply,write`N/A'. SEND COMPLETED FORM AND OTHER DOCUMENTS TO: CITY CLERK, 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD, 310 CITY HALL, SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 First Name �QU Middle Initial � Last Name ��� VE D Company or Business Name �!'� ��'�� Are You an Insurance Company? Yes/(No JIf Yes, Claim Number? Street Address ��O �'vR�+ ��- Cil�'Y C+1-ERK ` S5/OCo City ��"• ����-- State /� � Zip Code Daytime Phone( ) - Cell Phone(�y�� as���Evening Telephone{_� - Date of Accidend Injury or Date Discovered J ���— �� Time ��� am/� Please state,in detail,what occurred(happened),and why you are submitting a claim.Please indicate why or how you feel the City of Saint Paul or its employees are involved and/or responsible for your damages. �1 E'Lt S G� 5� -f�h Qr G�.-I--�t2 C h PCl �b��C 2� r-� 1.�'��'-I- . � 1 se check the box es that most closel re resent the reason for com letin this form: � ) Y P P g My vehicle was damaged in an accident ❑ My vehicle was damaged during a tow ❑My vehicle was damaged by a pothole or condition of the street ❑,My vehicle was damaged by a plow �My vehicle was wrongfully towed ancUor ticketed e."7� I was inj ured on City property � ❑ Other type of property damage-please specify ❑ O[her type of injury-please specify In order to process your claim vou need to include copies of all applicable documents. For the claims types listed below,please be sure to include the documents indicated or it will delay the handling of your claim. Documents WILL NOT be returned and become the property of the City. You are encouraged to keep a copy for yourself before submitting your claim form. O Property damage claims to a vehicle: two estimates for the repairs to your vehicle if the damage exceeds $500.00;or the actual bills and/or receipts far the repairs O Towing claims: legible copies of any ticket issued and a copy of the impound lot receipt O Other property damage claims: two repair estimates if the damage exceeds$500.00;or the actual bilis and/or receipts for the repairs; detailed list of damaged items O Injury claims: medical bills,receipts O Photogaphs are always welcome to document and support your claim but will not be returned. Page 1 of 2-Please complete and return both pages of Claim Form railure to complete and return both pages�vill result in�lelay in the liandling of your claim. All Claims-nlease comalete this section Were there witnesses to the incident? es No Unknown (circle) Provide�heir names, Addresses and telephone numbers: ���� .SQ� Ct--�'�ChF� +0��� �'� �� Were the police or law enforcement called? Ye No Unknown (circle) If yes,what department or agency? �-l� �R✓I Case#or report# Where did the'accident or injuiy take place? Provide street address,cross street,intersection, name of park or facility, closest landmark,etc. Please be as�lecail�d as possible. If necessary,attach a diagram. �k�1Z5� �-� -�-�.� c��-#c.�cr��d n�v I i c� r�t�vr+ Please indicate the amount you are seeking in compensation or what you would like ll�e City tof�o to resolve this claim to your satisfaction. �LQ�U/Y�lol e CIA�mA�]PS 1/1 `��E-C-�5 5 �rt" ����00_C.�` _ __ _ _ _ _ ___- Vehicle Claims- lease coni lete this section ❑check box if this section does not a I Your Vehicle: Year I°f ol� Make Uv�dA� Model ✓�� License Plate Number I 12�-T State M►ti Color BI�tCIL Registered Owner I�l h�a ►GOt1 /�U�A' Driver of Vehicle ��vU � .M U/f' Area Damaged ��J/�''� � City Yehicle; Year ��D°1 Make cl Model V'� License Plate Number State N�Color /�' 1Q C lL� Driver of Vehicle(City Employee's Name) �•°►r��l C����s1�v io►�/' � �G �P�' Area Damaged In'u Claims- lease com lete this section ❑ check box if this section does not a 1 How were you injured? i,IJR h �n(U��ti ,n -t�►e YnD-�-d(� ✓2h ��L!-� f}CG i er�t . at pazt(s)of your body were injured? h�GC QG GZ C I'� c Have you sought tnerlical treatment? Yes No Pianning to Seek Treatment(circle) When did you receive treatment? ��� d� C (provide date(s)) Name of Medical Provider(s): �t �vn� � � �- �' 0 m�I'�'+ �` �'� �l QO� C rr C- ' Address •�13 M�'r �IRn .A�G � .�A�Jr lil� �vJ_. Telephone (OS�-�t�77 70 , Did you miss work as a result of y ur injury? �� Yes No When did you miss work? M� �( �-J (provide date(s)) Name of your Employer. � '�" �+ �`���`� ' Address Telephone '�Check here if you are attaclung more pages to this claim form. Number of additional pages I By signing t1:is forn:,you are stating that all information you have provided is true and correct to tlte best of your k�totivledge. U�zsigned forms will not be processed. Submittin a alse claim can result i�a prosecution. Date form was completed "' ��Q`�� g f �- Print the Name ofthe rerson wlio Completed this rorm: ��U ��� 0� Signature of Person Making the Claim: Revised February 2011 NOTICE OF INJI_IRY CLAIM OF TOII LEE MOiJA TO: City of St. Paul Attn: City� Clc��k iS West Kellogg Boulevard Suite 210 St. Paul, MN .5.5102 AL�;ASE TAKF: NO'��ICF, that. E��u�suant to Minn. Stat. � -46(�.O>. I ha�c hccn rctaine�l by Tou l..ee Moua to re�rescnt hin� in all matt�rs arisin�: out of a mc�tc�r �chicle accident ��hich occurred on May 17, 2014, at .�r near SS; Forest Street in the Ciry of St. Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. That at that time �I�ou I.ee Moua was operatin� a 1999 Flonda motor vehicle. owne�l h� tihia Kc�u '��1e�ua. �I�hat at that timn c� ��as in�ul�cd in a cuilisic�n ��ith �� Gity of St. Paul Police �ehicic operated by Uaniel Christoph�r Michener. "['hat at that time by rcason of the negligence and cai•elessness of Daniel Christopher Michener and lhe Cit� c�1�St. {'aul in thc mai�a�ement. n�aintenancc. operation and contr�l of hi� motor vel�icle a collision �iu� c��us�d und th� I'laintilt����a� injurc�i as hcreii� af�lcr allc�ed. �l�hat as a result of the accidr:nt in question, the Plaintiff has sustained injuries to his head. neck, back, with pain into his right hand and fin�ers and was otherwise bruised and contused in and about his bodv. and causcd to sut�lcr {�ain and necessitatc medical care ��nd treatment. 't hat it is antici��at�u ti�at tl�c f'iaintil�l����a� hrin� .i cl�ai,;� !or pain. su;�l�e►�in�.; ancl disahilit� including medical expense5, present and future, as well as property damage in an amount which , i cannot be more accuratel�� statec� at this tiri�e ii� a reasonahle am��w�t in exeess of$50.000.00. I! � �� cop�' of�the ��licc rrrc�rt prc�� id�c1 h� th� ('it� of�St. I'aul ��hich is attachcd hcrctc� and � tnarked Exhibit A sets forth the datc. tin�c and lucation ol�thc accidcnt. "Ihat the Plaintiff� is in a position to provide and furnish f�ull information re�arding the 1 nature and extent of� th� injurirs and dama�,es ��ithin lil�te�n ( 1�) days after the demand b� the City of St. Paul. Dated: June 19. ?014 l�l II�; ('(>f)Y I.,�w' C;ROU('. CI 1�1R�I�F=REI) �y��-------- --- --- ----------------- Da��id K. C'ody. /\,R.�0017590 ntt�rne�� f��r I'laintiti� 3�9 Cc�n�mcrcr C'oin•t Vadnais I Ici�hts. MN �i 1?7 (651 ) 294-0994 � Page 1 af 2 � �Accident Report � � ,r .l��;�YI�1�:��. . .s.\i�.�'�:: � 3 wG.G..� :� z ,;; �s a;. ;��:Iws�'i� ����� 14095615 � �' �y' `� _ ���t'i`G'��ari7A�`; � i��=-+;y-+,+,C-. � MNOMI N11C► bB�p �n "•{r1 t� ?Y �S3 b0 . ,�2 $ �..e ' � t:, � 5 17 2019 °�at 1630 � ,. M�uM�M0.1�C,1oM �«,OO¢,10�� 01� � �BR 8� 8,.�� ' Rnd a 10 553 Foreat �� ' " �,p ,n .,.,, �ow.... ,an...men.m.u.r.aw.auK 62 �": Saint paul +_ ( 10 553 Eorest � �. . . • . 1.. .�i . .� . .. � �1. •�.. :..�n• .'•. K. .. �.�..� � ,a'. �a �� ron�o+ ow��aucsrrra.� ��LN�,6AN •0.R�1{�w/OfIW owauu.rr.ns•� WI p• 99TM U1 � O1 X965205661220 MN [� O1 �O1 M0008129230905 anor�m waisM�•m�tua, ano�wm r.cro�� r.c+o+� �o�n�u'^ 08 29 92 90 DANIEL CHRISTOPHER MICHF:NER 04 07 74 ' Tou Lee Moua � a�.n Kn.c. w�rn 09 367 Grove Street t1� 02 '890 Forest street, #1 Nq 02 O1 �� art.�wca 7 1 51 97 2 512 Q 1 O1 Saint Paul 55106 Saint Paul 55106 �{eprt Wl�If IJ�w fC7 w�[v , � �° � (.J "jJQ �� 04 O1 05 B � M �9 �09 06 05 �C O1� woa nw we xw �o�or nrran .wwn� wrrra Mcaa rw oao nw mwo� nw�ro�r w�u��aw wwrra "� 03 �y' 98 Y, a�, ',`l� 9g �` 98 Y% a;;,, St Paul Med 14426 . .... .. . . . ..._�... . ,., . . . . . .. � .� � o.nuwr w. ocv aw awawa 0 N p� St Paul Police DegarS�u�t,—. N Nhia Kou Moua � vB�M 1a�m �OCtN �oMm Oln� O1 1675 Energy Park Drive Y� 1i30 Mer±dar. Hgts Ar , �4 � .vw a�..�oucs n...n wcr m..�niaa. "`u" O1 O1� p7 Saint Paul, MN 55108 "l�, 07 Eau Claire, WI 54703 "'� .�.. oaai aro�a °1Oi0B '""' 10°a Hond Civi 99 Blk 11 11 Ford CvP 200 Blk . ooav run� n�eo vu��o on�.n ,a,�, ww .un� n�o .w.eo "` O1 09� OS MN 014 O1 39 O1 215RLT WI 014 O1 O1 �� py,y�� w�wVQ Iwf A ras'I rYU City of Saint Paul Self Insured State Farm 2300733C2423 tr�oo �w, w.m .scf.,o�. w...ea, rwiw �vw. o. f ACCIOENT INVOWlD A COYYERdAI MOT011 VFMCL$iCNOOL e113.O11 Nl110 iTARf!Ui � w�( � me ru� � R f�y,'y�R TO NO76Y T11!iTAI't M1ROL(AWt�C uwW W/p.7p m0/p.Y11�. m�rrrsrvwruwwa�.�a�awraw.r oorra�w cu.m�v�.a�raEwt.�c•iwa�w.e oorM►,a � Mrs�oerlwmta7ES wr ar Oa mc uR �w�o un wwv mMOr TwlwRr O� N��'KE RMM��OI Phenq tioua 03 03 S/9� M 09 09 06 05 N N; pp,o, � 0� .r�.o �rra�a i � Oo^�" I O� .,�� erra� O� owe�a on�a awav,wo'rr ro m�avna a awau roo.o�n.ow.aia.uo�rop� I nnv�:.c�.mnv,o.nio.� H1.larlo tAW Garcia ReCalning Nall . . . e�Ka �oc�w ;., � '.? ru�wtit ;t 98 O1 _..--_ _ � �'', - .. _ �. �� :�� � – ^ �_ Ve�hicle M1 (marked police vPhicle) was W/B in Chet 03 :�; a:ley and�entered the roadway, st:riking vehicle T � �� �xw� � �q� � • �.�I^.. Vehicle N1 then went.up pver.She_Cutb, •�,. 98 O1 '' � '; continued to travel S/B, striking the North a� ( `,.'-oarne� of a� cemer+t reCalning ++all in EsanL•ot.547 M� N,, ` ForesC Vehicle then traveled back onto the � QB '� FLS7 ,_„ roadaay, E/B'anQ struck Vehi22e N3�, zrhi'ch had y � �O`"'� � �-`' pulled to the riqht curb and stopped prior to � 96 ;� ''boing struck Driver of Veh N1 (Officer) M �� � ;v slistalned rinor cuts/abrdsLOn9 to h7.g le�t _ -- �"ib1n°' r� 3? � '' hand/arm Driver af Veh N2 initially claimed no � O1 � a ( �� ,Lnjusy buC later canplained of necklAead.pain .��t � �j °� N,�s transported to Regions Hospital Photos » �a �� � � taken CRQ mapped scene No r.itations issued � 08 ' �� �` at scene "OR ,�� �i� i: � O1 ;�+ f��• "� O1 '� � , Y �, • �t r �,+ —— _.-• — �� ___ _ ,� �� aw.Mu �o� •r "" U r 05 O1 ;k ''� ,�. �.� p.T.�.�.,�. �. 3e qeant Patricia Enqlund 262 j���� �� St Yaul PD ^ - /�/ O� O�* O � f� ,'�7�, � �'`(• � EXHIBIT � � https.//dvscrash.x.state.mn.us/dvsinfo/accidentrecords_2008/Includes_I.E/PrintReportIndiv 5/17/2014 ,__ '_` ---. . . �f�ccident Report ---. --- - �e�b ..ea�o • .. "' l.,.�t/�� d�:."c•'; `'+•w�p„Y j:a.%�3S[r�'��� d �� w 14 0 9 5 615 � .5;. ;: � � �C�'�i5��i ��"'i��:1:.5"�� MNOAM /1/�IIO► M�OIO 'iim 1 W' y4�yE�'1�M Gi[ � � C o � # ti 14` , �( l.�.'��J. nQi � ra�ua � «.. , O��� a � eR 8' �w a� ! � . �l1IY1D Mfabl r'ONf IW1��1'� IWIL4�tIKSQP�W�.011/ENM! 8�r + : � •� +11 'ii" . 1'' '7 ! 1N[! ff�.:: MI r.N I.:t �.n�+�A +r'fn }•i i' /' RN! OA� KR�N �11�11 ON1014�rM��01•! iWt 6AM 0.MlU� MCTOR� �� ramoN ow�+�ucv�aK�•� � D O1 5599103766923 NY.70�7 NMl0�.1/701LiN� w�[a�m �wca�*�nt wr1 o�n a am� r.cm�� S£NG CHRISTOPHER XIONG 08 23 93 a�. • 11 1431 Selby Avenue K? ' ��y art.a�r[a � an.tws a � O1 St Paul Park 55071 {� � .n �co* �.�o.. ,..,o ra* ou.n ica.c �� � M II4� �0 � �5 �1 � M�dpl N�! EI�L 1MM TDIC! O IW�IL7rA/g IYIM1fJl K�' TIN � n/i M�d� T�Y�OIR M��IQ�MK'1 �MK�iI '[r 98 � 98 N? p,,,.,, a 7 ' o:� .rw..:.oweawwe • acv uocu. aM.ow�e � ? k p@ XIONG SOUA � ,o„� ,�,,,�, �17. � .00�o. 03 B�JOD� Y� � nuwo owecr an.�wrt.n wuan owK:* veiwe .e�u� arc�was �r� �1 "^ O1 COTTAGE GROVE t�Al 55016 ' �� owwe ruo 'w� woe .er� m�o� �� raw� arn� 11 CADI ESC 200 BLK • � �� �� owrv nu�� �r�eo rwao ,�a� �...� i e�wn� n�eo rwao ,�. .�. oa vxTase r�x a o2 02 �,,,,M,A ,OIIC.M,./1 • .MY1�7�.R n .OYC�'U.�1 American Family Mutu 71376620378FPPANa1 .....�. � �� � �,,,o �W. •�•�.� �•�+�• f r�eeoort�vawea���oinrt v�aas.u�aa ew.oe Ne�o�r�sw � �"5 rne •u� 9 pNIfIMER TO MOT/1I TI!tTATi M7ROL(nWY�d a^dK Y61M.7p�nd/MM11b m�awt�narro��.ra�aiuivawae ootN� w�rorve�ncr�a�eia��ma�aMawr oarrt�a ���� wr artor oa me we �o �sr wev iowr rwraa � �w .��e�a �.�a.oi � 0� � D,r .r�rr� wNiaa�� � �� _ � � �� ..�sa�+a wirrc� `{� � Oona � �a��..�„����.� ,�....���..� ��,..�m,...� J� .. _f... «� ��. . . . � � � ., , � � , - � _ ..�._.._ ,._r � . . .�.. � � ;s.. �. , _ _. , __.__. __ -- , • .� � ; . , _._.- - - . _. __ .�, w _ _ _ ;. , �� ! ,. � �._ M ML a�maa : .,. ' �' ,. ? � �. i- � t- — -- nwvMa.. .'� � '�' � , n � 4 w�+�w� �f�ra .�S __. 1 _ � ��. '_ •-� '�wana�� 1. �.i ) Y �� .� ioew � _ ' '� uo� - x ` i� �e aw t� � K. "'°'n.Si _ � !� 3 � •' � ioa«� ' :� �� _ � .. ,�arx.v wu�a�n,iw p swi�nn Q�a» ��^�'K""'�"/O�`0°i' V St Paul PD Qrwr �a�" Sergeant Patricia Englund 262 https.//dvscrash.x.state.mn.us/dvsinfa/accidentrecords_2008/Includes_LE/PrintReportIndiv 5/17/2014