268565 WHITE — CITV fLERK COUI1C11 �r`Y`!�`J5
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and
the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1977
Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby
further amended in the following particulars:
Reduce the appropriation to the 1977 Unallocated Reserve Account for Capital
Improvement Bonds by $36,480.00
Add an appropriation of $36,480.00 for the Dale Street Lighting project, to
be financed with 1977 Capital Improvement Bonds.
Resulting in the following financing:
Current Financing Chan e Amended Financing
V-0602-Dale St. Lighting-�an Buren to Simon
1977 CIB Bonds -0- + 36,480 36,480
Approved as to funding: Approved: _ -
�ept. of Finance & Management Services City Budget irector
COUNCILMEfV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler Public Works
Hozza In Favor Daniel Dunford, Director
� Attention: John Eichinger
Levine l� __ Against BY
Adopte y Council- Date
FEB � ; tgn Form Approved City ttorn
rtified Pa d by oun � ec�etary BY
By � t
Approv iVlavor. Date � $ �97T Appro by Mayor for Subm' io to Councii
By i'l/►^���"\. By
puRUSHEO FEB 2 6 �977
,�-�--=r '
.. . � • ���tl�tJ
December 10, 1976
Richard E. Schroeder
Budget Director
Room 365, City Hall
Dear Mr. Schroeder:
I am requesting an aTlocation of $36,480.00 from the Unallocated
Administrative Reserve for ornamentai street lights for project
V-0602 DALE ST, from Uan Buren Ave. to Simon Avenue.
This project was submitted with the recent CIB raquests, but did
not receive funding approval. The project P-0490 A DALE ST. Van
Buren Ave. to Simon Ave. is scheduled for widening and paving
with the contract to be let in June, 197i. Ornamental tights
should be instatled at the same time. The paving project is to
be financed from Municipal State Aid monies which cannot be used
for the Tighting changes per M.S.A, xegulatians.
Your assistance is requested and if you have any questions, please
call our lighting design engineer, htr. Darrell Richards at
298-4701 . Copies of our request and copies f rom the 1977 C.1.B.
program are attached for your convenience.
Very truly yours,
�Cc _
• Daniel J. Du ord
Director of Public Works
I appnave o� �G�i,s nec�u2a� cu an amendm2n�
�a �h.e 1971 Cap,i,ta,2 Imj�tcovemen,t Budge,t
Wi.th an appnoryr.i.c�t.i.an a� $3G,480 �nam �he
1977 tiv�cc2,eoec�ted Re�etr.ve Accoun�.
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234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
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w . Saint Paul �C�l;C'���
Minutes of December 17, 1976
421 Wabasha Street
Committee Memhers Present: Mme. Ceniceros
Messrs. Hummer, Hanggi, Pangal, Tobler, Willits, Wittman
and Kelly
Staff Present: � Greg Blees, Office of the riayor-Budget Section
William Patton, Office of the Mayor-Community Development
Deputy Chief Wm. McCutcheon, Police Department
Daniel Dunford, Director of Publie Works
Donald Sobania, Assistant Traffic Engineer, and
Darrel Richards, Lighting Engineer
Observers: Rick iViederhorn, HRA
Dick Warwick, Irvine Park Association
� Bernice Mi11er, Leech-McBoal
Merrill Robinson, Community Facilities Task Force Me�ber
Jerry Jenkins, District 12 �
� George Carlton, District 2
� Dennis Anderson, HRA
Tom Binbe, Saint Paul Tenants Union
Lorraine:Bastien, District 4
Yvonne Minstadt, District 8
Agieb Bilal, District 8
Howard Kinney, District 4
Paul Gilliland, RAP-District 4
Larry Mazzitello, District 6
Marge Roussopoulos, District 3
Chairmaa Hummer called the mee�ing to order at 11:10 a.m.
Chairman Hummer introduced the two new appointments to the CIB Committee: �
Mr. Thomas Kelly, 1152 Matilda; and Mr. Wayne Wittman, 1498 Fremont Avenue. The
Committee introduced themselves and welcomed the new members.
Mr. Pangal stated that with the Mayor's appointment of the new mertbers, the Committee
would now be in a position to have their annual ele�ction of officers_ Mr. Pangal
moved that the election of officers be placed on the Decemb�r 22, 1976, meeting agenda.
Mrs. Ceniceros seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.
Chairman Hummer read City Council Resolution Number 268285, adopted December 14,
1976, which requests that the CIB Committee giv2 priority to recom,�ending bond monies
for street lighting projects om biunicipal State Aid streets when other improvements
are being budgeted for those streets. Chairman Hummer stated that this resolution
is ratifying the Committee's existing policy.
Dan Dunford stated that the intention of the resolution is to direct the Department
of Public Works to submit budget requests in a manner which assures coordinated
construction of street improvements.
. _ ' ,� ' � �
^ . CIB Committee meeting minutes of December 17, 1976 ��`r��1-��
Page 2
Chairman Hummer acknowledged for the minutes that each Committee member present
receive.d a copy of a letter from the Dayton's Bluff Early Childhood and Family
Education Com�unity Advisory Committee supporting District Four's request for a
hun:an needs assessment.
Mr. Don Sobania explained Public Works' request to transfer $70,011.20 from two �
completed improvement projects to Maryland Avenue-White Bear Avenue Traffie Signals,
project T-1061A. Mr. Hanggi moved that the CIB Committee recommend to the Mayor and
City Council tha� the monies be transferred as requested in Public PTorks' November 19,
1976, letter. Mr. Tobler seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Darrel Richards explained the fifth item on the agenda. Public Works raas re-
questing that the 1977 Capital Improvement Budget be amended to include an appro-
priation for Dale Street Lighting from Van Buren to Simon.
Mr. Dunford explained that not all of right-of-way needed to have Dale i.mproved at
a constant width has been acquired. The Department is implementing parts of the
project as needed right-of-way becomes available.
Mr. Pangal; questioned Mr. Richards on the accuracy of the cost estimates fvr the
Mr. Wi:lYit�s �ac�ved th,a►t the CIB Couuaittee reGOZUnend to the Magor and City CourzCiT that
tlze 1977 Capital Tsiprovement Bond' Budget be amend�d to include ax� appropriatis� grpa�
t19�e,.1'3"a7 :�a3.Zocsted Reserve af $36r48�.00 far Da.le Street Lighting:Van Bur�n to
Simep. Mr. Tcsbler seconded the moti.oaw�, ane3 all voted �:n favor w3th �'�e except�on � :
a�f �Ir. Panqal wha abstained.
Deputy Chief 24cCutcheon explained the sixth item on the agenda. Mayor Latimer was
requesting that $175,000.00 be budgeted to the project "Public Safety Building-Jai.l.
Annex Project." Ramsey County would like to remodel the jail facilities for the
Police Department. The low bids for the project were opened on November l9� 1976;
and as the project financing is short $175,000.00, the Mayor is proposing to cancel
the Crosby Lake Nature Center Building Construction project to provide money for the
jail remodeling. If adequate financing cannot be secured by January 18, 1976, the
jail project would have to be rebid and that would most likely result in higher
construction costs. .
Mr. Tobler moved that the CIB Committee recommend to the Mayor and City Council that
$175,000.00 be transferred from the Crosby Lake Nature Center Building account
to a new project account entitled "Public Safety Building-Jail Annex Project," and
that all remaining Crosby Lake Nature Center Building project monies be transferred
to the Unallocated Reserve Account; and that the City's jail monies be used to
award the County's construction contract, but that the City's monies be the last to
be used to pay the contractors so that the City can continue to earn interest for
the lorigest passible time. Mr. Pangal seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Chairman Hummer aksed that each task force chairperson explain the funding priorities
and recommendations of their task force. Greg Blees made the presentation of the
Community Facilities Task Force recom.-nendations as Mr. rlcDonell was called out of
town. '
Mr. Hanggi expressed his concern over the fact that the Leech-McBoal ITA was recom.-nended
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CIB Committee meeting minutes of December 17, 1976
Page 3
for funding, when tha project lacked an approved ITA plan and strategy. He was
opposed to fundinq the project undez those conditions and stated that he intended
to pezrsue a no funding recommendation at next week's meeting.
Mr_ Pangal moved that the CIB Committee accept the reports of the task forces and
use them to formulate a recommended budget for CD Year III. Mr. Tobler seconded
the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Hummer asked that the task force chairpersons meet with him, as a steering
comnittee, to draft a single list of budget priorities, utilizing the four sets of
task force privrities. Mr. Hummer stated that the steering committee would meet
with Greg Blees and Bill Pattan in the Mayor's Office conference room on rionday morning,
December 20, 1976, at 8:00 a.m. Staff could then type the steering committee's draft
for distribution as .a starting paint for the next CIB Committee meeting.
The Committee decided to meet next at 1:30 p.m. in City Planning's conference room
on Wednesday, December 22, 1976.
The meeting adjourned at I2:45 p.m. -
• ��.�"'�'�.�,y
Gregory N. Blees
Executive Secretary
CIB Committee
B.�UERr - w+E�pR "'E"T � ` C�T TY O F� SA I NT PA irL Council .��.�Q�Cj�V "
, , . a . , _ File ,Nfl.
� � ����'ouncil �Zesolution -
Presented By
� �°���6�
Referred To Committee: Date �
Out of Committee By `Date
�+''t{£P,£ASi th8 P���C ZiOt'kS Ctu.`x^�,�tt�e Pt�S beS�ili 8 T�Yf��t OF t��
ig77 Pu��ic E�orks C�p��al i��rove�;-��t Progr�, and
��-�GR�AS, ctrt.�3n �rq�ec�s f�r i^�r�v�ent of �fc�ntci��I S��2
l�id Str�ets w�re inclu��d in t�is r�vieK, and
�t,i�l�F�tS, tt��se �raj�et� �ir�clude p�vi:��, co;�c�e�e c�r�s �nd
- ,�t�er, bu�� d� not ir:cTuL� lighting b^caus2 F��n�ci�a1 5��e Aid fu�r�s
can��ot b� used for Iig���ng �nd n� oth�r s�urce of fur��s has been
r�a�e �vailable, a.-�d � � � _. j
- .� I��i�.EAS, Capit�2 I�;crrov�:ent bo�ds are ar� ���roprfia�e scurc� of
" fLt�os f�� szr��e� ]��hting on ti��icipai Stat� �fd S�r�ets, - .
h�:�t T�FR����E �� IT RESO«'�D tizat it is Ci�y Co��cii �olicy �
. ��:at i�;�rov���n� of art�rial str�ets sh�uld �� � tota2 pac�:��c,
i�cT��i�!� Pavi�Yg, �ur�s and guL�ers, Iig�t7��, and �`�;�r ir�r�;vcr��ts
t����re necess�ry, a:td b2 it
FT.sRT���t RESOLb`�c�s �I�at the C�ty.C�u���l' r����`s�s ��iz �u�ital -
I�::�r�verer�t �ud,e�t Cor�;�i�tee to g�tve pricrf�y �a a31o�u�ir.� funds far .
1ig��i�r� oa ;rTs�fci��3 S�ate �lid s�r�e� ir�rov�:4r�t pr•a�ecfis, so that
1i�Et��►�g �rp-rav�f:ents ca� �� d��e co-�curre�Lly ;;�tn oih�r f;�,�raa•�:�.�r�ts.
Yeas Na}�s
� Requested by Department of:
Hozza [n Favor —
Hunt .�
Levine � __ Against BY -----
Roec3lzr --
Tedeseo �1;-�
_ # •� ir�,•�3 Form Apprqved by City Attorney
Adopted bt Cuuncil: Date ____ ''a° ,/f �
� .' i
�� ..; ; ,�� ,-;
Certified Y�ssed by Councii Secretary By -� �,I�'� � +�`'� �f ' `�'�
` !r` :r R�
B' - ---- -------- , - ;� �
Appro�ed b}� llacor. Date -- __ _ _ Approved by htayor for Submission to Council
Bc — ----•-------- �_ By, —
, . . � ��
; . _ �.�. 4i�f O1. : Z2/I9.7S
' Re�. • 9�8/�6
��ae: January ,3k. : 1977:
>��o: r��oa �EOR�� r�.Tir� .
�: ' G�'eg�rjr N. ��:ees_R Of�ficE of: the. IYlayor-Bzadget �ection
, :::gE,: ' �t=ClS`02 'i3ale St�eet Lighting-Van 8uren to Si�nc>�
. _ , • r
``AC`�'"1"�?i�' RE'�UESTEI�:
` A�ae#�d I977 C�t�ital,•;Zmpro����. Bwdqet'b.y adding a $3b:480.00 ;agp�opri�t.ian �or" l�glr��ng ,
;.prpjeot V-06t�2;a�d :by deC.��a�ing the �.9'77' Unallo�a�d ;ReserVe Ac�bu�t`:,��i9��`oP�iation
- �a�.,.$:36,�4�Q.Q .OQ. 'I
� ' . - ' � .. •��.A
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1, . ..I .... . , -:: ... �.
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:�TI�S� A1�II� R,�TZ�AL� F�it' TH'I� �CTI�:
The.'request��d,. :trans�er is r�e�ded.so tt�at, th� Dale���. `]..3.ght�.ng �;roJect�can�;b+�: co��^.,
stru�Cec� in 197? in �oorilination w.�t�i°t�e .Dale St.;�a�ivinc� p�aje�t: The..�aid�ing`arsd
,:rep�ving o� L1ale St.. is �bei,ng finariced with iKuni+���i�1; �t�te Aid �norsi.es, and lightinq ,
does not qua]:ify �or MSA '�uncling. . � ` -
The request has been approved by: the, BUdg�t Direetor; the DareatQr of Fi:nance and..
;: Ma�agement Services, and :the City At�orney.
. ,
- - . ,
'. . ... ; , ,,. .,
..Th� CIB �o�uaittee� recommencled approv�l at their ��eember 17, . 1.976, meeting.� ,
1��.'�CFiMEi��,'�: '
Publi.c ;Warks' December 10, }:976► request - a�e paqe � - v,
, ,
, _ , �+�
;..C�B Gomm,i:t�ee l�inutes c+f December. 13, �976 - tY�ree Pa4es . ` '
Ci�L-y Cou�e�.� .Re;salutio� #268285 giving priorit�- to c�o3�e3�na�t�.�g li<��ting and'; st�ee�t �a:vinc�-.