268560 WH17E - C�TV CLERK COIlTICll ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the following securities $4,000,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, due February 3, 1977 pledged as collateral to protect deposits of public funds of the City of Saint Paul with The First National Bank of Saint Paul, hereby is authorized, ratified and approved, such having been done in conformance with the applicable statutes of the State of Minnesota. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler �i Fi ce M t. Services - Treasur Division Hozza [n Favor �t �I Levine v __ Against Roedler Sylvester Tedes F�B � 5 �9� Form Approved by Gity Attorne Adopte y Counc� : Date � 1 C ified Pa ed by C uncil Secretary By 1 v i, � � FE8 � $ �977 Approv b Mayor for Submis i n to il Appro by 1�layor. D e , By BY PUBLISHED FEB � 6 1977 , ,4 a� 41 s �.2�s�;�s ' : , : 1tev..'r gjgf�'?g� .: : - , - : : . :_ ' � s $3(PLANATION �F AI3MI�tI.STRlk'�IV� QR�IIE�lSr .� _ RESOLUTIOWS, AND ORT}��tA13C"'8$ . �•: ; � Dat�: J�ri'tita�y 31, 1977 TO s M�,YbR GSt3Rt��: LAT�IMER . - J, / . ,. _ ;� �`R: , Aager A. Mat'tsc�n �� / ` ,. .. _ . . . . . , y .. i . .. - - ' g$ ��'C7��$S�'. 'CQ13�1���3. IZ@RletLf�.L'���.�7�'i . - �-;. . _. .- .; - ' '-» " -,, � :: _ :. ., . , ., . : -- . -- _ , _ ��1'li7�.TiC.�,:$@��t�,�@&��'��C�B�k'� �$i��l�� - ` � _• _ i�tatfonnl B�nk of Saf.ztt �a�l to prr�tect City.Fund�t a� ��.d �` �' � lt�TI4�3 ItE�,��S�T,:�Dx _ , .. :� 1�rav� :�acru��ties held as collat�eral. �a proteet �b1ic i�ds. } , , _ . � .. . ;.. `� i ;: : - , x �;� PI�RP�S�: ADiII RATIONALE FQR 'TR�S :ACTIt)N s „. MSA lt� requi�es collateral ta protect p�blic fundas a�sd r��> p�t'J�,� . prc�cedure to be �ollowed' i.ri the h�ndlit3q bf said col��t���'al,`3.�tr�.�iing th�: req►x�f.�ement of appxoval by the qotrern#,ng bot�y. , : � •:..` , � '. .: : : _ , _ .: ., ��;:� _ � � . . . � . . . Y . � . . . .. . • . .. � . .. � .. . �� � -. . � �. . . � . . � � . � ����. - � . � �- . � � . ' � .;� .�:�.. RTTAC,�TM�NTS: , � ,� ,:: .., Prcposed Council I�eso3ut�ion. � _ �, : s,� , - � : . , � , . .�,; . ��; ,`; . ' , . ,, ; . ; ,' , ,, � ;:;,� ;' `. �.