268550 , <» WH17E - CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 �V�\��,I{��� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAZTL . CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Ordin�nce Ordinance N�.I(n l�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordi.nance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions i.n the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCLL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES OR.DAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approveG� February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the minimum qualifications in the specifications for Affirmative Action Officer-- Department of Human Rights which reads as follows: "College graduation and three years� experience in the implementation of Equal Employment Opportu.nity in the public sector,'; one year of which must have been in a supervisory capacity, and one �'r of which must - have been of a regulatory nature. At least one year of the experience ° must have been in the last three years. (No substitution for the first three years of college. )" and by substituting in lieu thereof the following minimum qualifications: "College graduation and three years� experience in the implementation of . Equal Employment Opportunity in the public sector, one year of which must have been in a supervisory capacity, and one year of which must have been of a regulatory nature. At least one year of the experience must have been in the last three years. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval, and publication. COUIVCILME[V Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: "�'°r` �j PER50NNEL OFFTGF. Hozza / [n Favor Hunt Levine � Against By Thomas D. Gleason� Director �e� -�es�ter Tedesco 1977 F Approved by rn Adopted b ncil: Date M� $ „ c Cer ' ed P s y Co retary Appr d by Mayor: D e � � 0 �� Appr d by Mayor for b sion C ncil By BY pUBL1SHED MAR � g 19?7 � .{c�.:��e. CIT'Y OF 6iAIN'T PAUL �'U��� �`; �((� y , � OF�+ZCE OI+ THF. CIT�' COUNGIL �/, ;:, 1 /'1\ .T��� . . l ,� . 4�(1 I� G : i ' . J;,1 tF �l���l �. ;�.�. . . �+�w f� �:� _. �• ��� Da t e : February 7, 1977 ,.�, *--=��..::._ GO �� i� l'�T � E REPaF�i TO : Sainfi Paui Cifiy Cvuncil F R O M � COYr'1 fti I��C�° O ti FINANCE, MA�dAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL ROSALIE BUTLER � ctiairman, makes ihe following report on C.F. � 4rdinance Q Resolution �] C1 t h e r T t T LE : An ordi nance amendi ng Ord. No. 7607 by su6sti tuti ng minimum qualifications for Affirmative Action Officer -- Department of Human Rights. The Committee today amended the above ordinance by striking � � ti�e requirement for college graduation and referred the ordinance to the City Council with a recommendation for approval , as amended. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 . `�, _ Do not detach this mem�rand��� Wii behe p� 01: 12/1975 brdinance so th�t this �nfiormatiu Rev. : 9/8/76 av f le to the City CounciL ��L.ANATION OF ADMINZSTRAT�VE ORDERS, 1��+ RESOLUTIONS; AND �RDTNANCES �rM��t�� Date: January 13, 1977 TO; MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR; Personnel Office �E: Ordinance for submission to the City Council ACTION REQUES'TED: We recommend your approval and submission: of this Ordinance to tlse City Coun.cil. PURPOSE AND RAT�ONALE FOT�t THZS:ACTION; . This ordina.nce revises the Minimum quali.fications for the class title of Affirmative Action Officer--Department of Huma.n R.ights, by ta.ki.ng out the requirement "(No substitution for the first three years of college. )" ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance and copy for the City Clerk. ( �� � � � - � 1 s t �� � �,� 2nd �-���- / / Adopted � � 3rd �-��`� - . � Nays � Yeas � ^$�£$ i HOZZA HUNT �685�0 LEVINE Q i ��- i TEDESCO , � PRESIDENT ! �