268544 - �..-- k � .�t. . �:- _ . CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCI�.r-�;LE NO. ����� FINAL ORDER % � . `"� BY � _. � ^y� �,x,,... __.,,'�.'•.^..'.�. - File No. l�a'� In the Matter of � � #!• �� JOh� St. t0 CO�Mtilt#1 St.; i'�ut�ruet • i�it�t4ora o�ra�claX +�d all od�t w�k r�casar� a� i�al�atal te said la�r�at �CtitT l�,��+et �6«l�-4;N►3) under Administrative Order ��$i� approved ��'� ���" ���� ` under Preliminary Order ����� . approved JAN 2�0 �9T7 , The Council of the City of Saint Pau� has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date FEB � � 1977 Yeas Nays ButlBr� C ied Passe y uncil Secretary EB � $ �9ns � � Hunt In Favor B � Levine J Roedler Against $y ivesteti Mayor Tedesco ;�UBUSHED FEQ Z 6 �97� r�n�te -• ��cy��e.K v R L I `:i S' :,:.:s. i ��: z a _z a.s a� j � Pi�Finance Dept. Canery—�Dapt. . . OFI'It�l: Oi�' 1'FiE D1.1'Y"OF{ . • .. . : . �,,��. � . rro: _r� -- ..�.� �..� l/• � AD;ltINIS1T.ATIVE O�tDER . Date: ,�L i 2 1976 ' . / 7.�5� � ����� ADA4TNISTRATIVE ORDER, . Kr���� tn the matter of inproving FOilRT}i STREET fram Jahn Street to Co� a rclat Street; Ci ty Project Fio. 76-P-0563 as fol la�rs: Construct a bltuminous overlay and do all other work necessary and 1nctdenLal to said impraver�nt. Tha report of the Departrc�nt of Public Works is a�p:raved, ar�d thc Bepas^tm�nt af Finanee ar�+d Managemcnt �erv�ces is i�strueted' to stt�eduIe a pubtic hsaring befar�e the City Cou�cii. - -._., - .. ; . ' ' Ort� w OstQ. Cc= � . � ._ . �. . . . . . . . .. . . . D17� .. RE6� , � . . . . � � . - � .� � �w WAH. � . . . � � . � . ".. . . . . . . . . . .. . .� GKS�-. �FtC:'� � . � . . . . � . . .. . .RGA p�F .. . � . � . � � .. � � . JFS � CL.T-- �. . . . . � .�.-.«sx.. � . . . AJO . . . �. � . . � . � � .. . TJE vNP � �, . . OEN . . � ' . . . .. . . P.S.O. R.H.R.�� . � . . �� . t� �e. . , � . . . APPROVED AS TO_FORM � � � , `'� '`� ._�:% / ' � ` � �,- ti�. -'�"� � ��. � _ � _ . � �: � `Assistant.Cit� AttorntY Y , _ De a m�ai HeacY �v `-_ � �~�%' .._-__, f ,. , , , , . ; � ,:� � Date . � f,y~ ,�f.i '�,� � � ,�, , ,, � Admart�tcati+�e Aasiatant tu h4a�9r ` r . �6���� �6843 5 CITY QF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS DANIEL J. DUNFORD July 1S, 19]6 DIRECTOR Mr. Roger Mattson Director of finance Room 109, City Hall BUILDtNG Attention: Paul Desch Re: 76-P-0563 FOURTH STREET John St. to Commercial St. Dear Sir: Attached is a copy of Administrative Order No. b-2872 and a Summary of Engineerirtg Recommendations for the above referenced praject. Please proceed with the public hearing for this praject. Yours very trul ` , Claude L. Thampson Public Works Design Engineer JWS/ck Attachments � . � � . � � ��i .��'� � � . . cc: J. Wi 1 1 i am Donovan �f J, - �.4 �,�}� � _�:� '� 1 ,y ':�� ^.�, s�,. � � � � , �:.. ,.��, t3 (� ,, _- �;r,�4����� j{ -y V f�,��� ,:fl ;J _, r,� t`,� ' r, f ��' �'� �„/�'�� ��^�� ���= '• ���' I�'.. '�� �.. '•� 4 .....: ?`°""r ...... 234 City Half, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ` � _. ,. ... � .,. ... � � _... ...7 . .�..... .......�......,..� . . ' • + � Jun� 2�, 197C . �.,,,:15,�3 I�t i`( F;,'�� C=S 1�,�.�!�I TY ���'W�� _ +���� P?�J�C� lc..Y!'OV2 :i��?i�i STt=�! fr�n Jahn Street td CoT�„erciat Street by constructing a DttLl�ti10L'S ovarlay and doing ail eth�r �•rork necessary a:r�! ir.ci��ntal to saic# ir.:�roverent (C i ty Prcject �•!o- 7e'p_pS53i - EXiSTIP�G CO�IDlTiOPlS: - ...._ Fourth St�eet was pave�, perha�s `i fity y�ars aao, wi i.h a concrete ba�p anct bric;c surLa�e. CurQing exists over most of tt�e proJact iimits - a staRe rstaining wali fro�ts t�� roa��ay in one segm�nt. Roadway width varies frocrt a:�proxir�aCe�y 30 �ta� 40 fast. S�v�n railroad bric�g�s cross Faurth� Strest, witEt mast of them ha�irtg cen ter p i ers i n the roa�way.. The traut broa4c s�ef e�ci sts. as an ap�ri trench a�z�_ _ : passas under the roadway mic}�y betr�+re�- the railroad bridges.. The roadway� setrfac�.• - _ is extrerrtely rough and tsne�n briek_ �verage drai iy traffic is very. iow (aPp�caxi- ` - mately 4�Q vehicles) , dua in part to the very Rear roadwa� caR�itiar� art�. #nadeqvate - �,. truck ctearanca an the railraad bridges. _ • . �, : Pr�,G°QSED f MPROV�tifNTS: Co�:�pT st� recanstruct i on cannat tae J ust i f i ed because of (1?. the i rtad�szat� �i�€a�t�- . on the bridges, (2) the floading wnich occurs after raia st�rrns due to the opert se�N�r and (3) tha low tratf i c vai�smas. I t i s tnerefare: presgese�d to. spen�-a. �ery 1 irrited 2r!ount ta in�rav� th� ro�d.vay drivirrg surface. This wiTl b� dorre 6y r�-•-� mov i ng the br i ck su rfac i rrg, preserrr i ng the corscret� base, and carrstruct i ng a ne�r - - b i turni rsvus surface�-. Na ruri� or s i de�at k construct i on i s propasad_ : / � : SP_CIA� CCyStDERAT1flfiiS: During t5a rain storm of Juna 17, 197�, the Fou;th Street r�adway 6ridge over *.f1e - trou� brcok sewer coltapsed_ This brid�e wi11 bs reco�structed shortly un��r s�parate corrtract. tocatiort and grac�e5 for the hridgs r�car:str•uctiarr �rttI b� ir� antici�atiorr of t:he Faurth Streat bituminnus overlay pro,�ect folio�,�ic�g shvrtly thereafter. � � . ESTI�±ATED COST. Roadw�y tmprov�ment �41 ,92� . ' . Engin�ering � Traffic Exp�nses S,J8Q Totat �50,4 4 PP�S�QSEO f I;I�,+�C 1NG: 1976 Capital frprovetrtent Bonds $50,040 � Tota1 $50,00� It should b� noteC that Fourth Streat is a non-ai� stre�t v��rich was previou5ly pave�. Th�re are no assessrzrtts propose� for this praject in anticipatioc� of a clarific.ation or cha�ge in Cauncii polic�. ./. � � rt � � '�,.,�: . . . ' 'Z_ . . ` ������ , 1 a R_CG�•��±`�I�a i i C`.: � The Ueport�znt �," ?u'�l ic 1�'arks �zels that tFis is a necessar�f aRd c•:ortt�vriie project an� t�e er�7 i�:2zr 1�iy rzco,�,�en�a t i on i s r�r arprcvai o F t�te orcer. Re�p?ct��i 1y ���.�.i ttecl, � Qar.ie] J. Dunfor� , Director oa Pubiic Works i � _ ; .. � : , � '� �� [ ; � , '�-�`�' �.� � `� �`� ��4W`� ��'''' -- ,��, _. . : . _ _ ;_.. __ __ _. s c-�G.��� ������ �' a �.�c� � W{�;�x ,u �... � ����, '�t�a,..'�, _ . �� g�, ,. � �' � � ,:: ����g f�'��� w�,i. t �*'� 3,y"�+ry'a'r-�s ?�. �`��� �k,t�� <�`.v `�. ,R" '.?&�.. "`i7,-�1 .�t. , !4�ktd .� i ,- �.��� s. � �� �._ ': ��,�.� �. �f .r ..,tn, � �s..' i� �����,;.. yYaT� '�,�+C(�+=f. : �ir � i � i�. �� ..��y.. � }� �� �•�' :.>�� .�: u�`z:.. °;ti.�, �� N' f f�i. i '��� � � �'r ,.t14�,�: �i �,n t, J7 t �: tr' ��x �r' �: � `'.�+�1� � r' , � � �� tix � � � �; �� �� � ��� � ����'�� �f �. i �R } �rt�:'�°' $�.�a a 7+ 'r�'t#_, a1 z`tw x-i�+�.►a�ii���5��....^ .