01-334Council File # �� J.3 �,� Green Sheet # �D/`�� RESOLUTION CtTY OF SAINT PAUL, M{NNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 WHEREAS, the Certificate of Acluevement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Program was begun by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) to emphasize the belief that every governmental unit should prepaze and publish an easily understandable, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) covering all of its funds and financial transactions during the year; and WHEREAS, the CAFR is a very detailed report that gces beyond the requirements of generally accepted accounting principles; and WHEREAS, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is the highest form of recognirion in the azea of governmental financial reporting and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by governmental units and its management; and WHEREAS, the Ci1y of Saint Paul has received an annual Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for twenty-four consecutive yeazs; and NOW, TI�REFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, that the City Council, on behalf of the Ciry of Saint Paul, aclaiowledges the receipt of the GFOA Certificate of Achievement in Excellence in Financial Reporling for 1999; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the C:ty Council commends the following staff, whose efforts were important and necessary in order to receive the Ceitificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting: Patty Banks; Bruce Beese; Lou Biagi; Joyce Bluel; Loree Brown; Susan Cantu; William Carroll; Dennis Davis; Jill Flesher; Pakicia Germain; Rhonda Gillquist; Corrine Aaas; Todd Hurley; Gregory 7orgensen; Jose Jovellana; Michelle LaMere; Lori Lee; 7udith Lesch; Lynn Martineau; Thomas Meyer; Ruth O'Brien; Sheila Reed; Richard Rupert; Joan Rutten; Toni Sassor, Jodi Schwartz; Edwazd Smith; George Splichal; Jolw Swanson; Surjeet Verma; Calvin Wheeler; and Shazon Wolfe. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary . 1 1 �- •�� � � � .1• ',.�1 i � ��/� � ���I Requested by Department of: • i - • :_�:� I �'/�� Form Approv $ Approved by B� Adopted by Council: Date �`$ r�pp� A / �l') /J !/! J77 DEPABTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DE.TE INTTLATED GREEN SHEET No.: 101173 Financial Services 03/14/O1 CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE: Il�iIDATE PIlTfai/DATE Peter Hames 266-8796 � DEPARTMENT DIl2. a crrr covxcn, 2 CITY ATTORNEY 1� C1TY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCQ. AGENDA BY (DATL� � 1 FINANCIAL SERV DIR _ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG � 3 MAYOR(ORASST.)� _CIVII,SERVICECOMMISSION RODTING ORDER TOTAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES _(QdP ALi. LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acnox xs2uESrEn: Approve resolution to acknowledge the receipt of the city's 24'" consecutive Certificate of Achievement in Financial Reporting for the 1999 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and commend the city's accounting staff. RECOMI�gNDATTONS:Approve(A)orRejec[(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACfSMIJSfANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQi1F_STIONS: 1. HasihispasodFumevttwarkedwderawnhac[forthisdepaNment? PLANNING COMI.�IISSION Yes No CIBCOMIvII11'EE 2. HastfiisPersodSmevabeenactl.yemployce? CIVII.SERVICECOMIvIISSION Yes No 3. Dcest6ispeison/fumposscSSasIdll�wtnotmellyP�edbyanyavreu[ciTyemptoyce? Yes No . Esplein aIIyes answemm on separate aheet a�d adsch to grecn sheet INITIATIIVG PROBLEM,ISSUF„ OPPORTUNTCY (Whq What, VVhen, Whern,Rky). ' ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: - � �DISADVANTACkSIFAPPROVED: None. . DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ��� p�' 0 8!° � L M @� MAR 21 2��` ? GiTY ATTOR�iE�t TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACfION: CO5f/REVENUEBUAGETED: � ,: FUNDIAIG SOURCE: AC'CIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (F,XPLAIN) Gw'°s�5e.4'°'��s��G°'pd �wavy-0n� �,e�,t�xr?�h P''BR#sar � 9 ���Ee 'R1 C¢ S+.iYBd� Council File # �� J.3 �,� Green Sheet # �D/`�� RESOLUTION CtTY OF SAINT PAUL, M{NNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 WHEREAS, the Certificate of Acluevement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Program was begun by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) to emphasize the belief that every governmental unit should prepaze and publish an easily understandable, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) covering all of its funds and financial transactions during the year; and WHEREAS, the CAFR is a very detailed report that gces beyond the requirements of generally accepted accounting principles; and WHEREAS, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is the highest form of recognirion in the azea of governmental financial reporting and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by governmental units and its management; and WHEREAS, the Ci1y of Saint Paul has received an annual Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for twenty-four consecutive yeazs; and NOW, TI�REFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, that the City Council, on behalf of the Ciry of Saint Paul, aclaiowledges the receipt of the GFOA Certificate of Achievement in Excellence in Financial Reporling for 1999; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the C:ty Council commends the following staff, whose efforts were important and necessary in order to receive the Ceitificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting: Patty Banks; Bruce Beese; Lou Biagi; Joyce Bluel; Loree Brown; Susan Cantu; William Carroll; Dennis Davis; Jill Flesher; Pakicia Germain; Rhonda Gillquist; Corrine Aaas; Todd Hurley; Gregory 7orgensen; Jose Jovellana; Michelle LaMere; Lori Lee; 7udith Lesch; Lynn Martineau; Thomas Meyer; Ruth O'Brien; Sheila Reed; Richard Rupert; Joan Rutten; Toni Sassor, Jodi Schwartz; Edwazd Smith; George Splichal; Jolw Swanson; Surjeet Verma; Calvin Wheeler; and Shazon Wolfe. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary . 1 1 �- •�� � � � .1• ',.�1 i � ��/� � ���I Requested by Department of: • i - • :_�:� I �'/�� Form Approv $ Approved by B� Adopted by Council: Date �`$ r�pp� A / �l') /J !/! J77 DEPABTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DE.TE INTTLATED GREEN SHEET No.: 101173 Financial Services 03/14/O1 CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE: Il�iIDATE PIlTfai/DATE Peter Hames 266-8796 � DEPARTMENT DIl2. a crrr covxcn, 2 CITY ATTORNEY 1� C1TY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCQ. AGENDA BY (DATL� � 1 FINANCIAL SERV DIR _ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG � 3 MAYOR(ORASST.)� _CIVII,SERVICECOMMISSION RODTING ORDER TOTAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES _(QdP ALi. LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acnox xs2uESrEn: Approve resolution to acknowledge the receipt of the city's 24'" consecutive Certificate of Achievement in Financial Reporting for the 1999 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and commend the city's accounting staff. RECOMI�gNDATTONS:Approve(A)orRejec[(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACfSMIJSfANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQi1F_STIONS: 1. HasihispasodFumevttwarkedwderawnhac[forthisdepaNment? PLANNING COMI.�IISSION Yes No CIBCOMIvII11'EE 2. HastfiisPersodSmevabeenactl.yemployce? CIVII.SERVICECOMIvIISSION Yes No 3. Dcest6ispeison/fumposscSSasIdll�wtnotmellyP�edbyanyavreu[ciTyemptoyce? Yes No . Esplein aIIyes answemm on separate aheet a�d adsch to grecn sheet INITIATIIVG PROBLEM,ISSUF„ OPPORTUNTCY (Whq What, VVhen, Whern,Rky). ' ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: - � �DISADVANTACkSIFAPPROVED: None. . DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ��� p�' 0 8!° � L M @� MAR 21 2��` ? GiTY ATTOR�iE�t TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACfION: CO5f/REVENUEBUAGETED: � ,: FUNDIAIG SOURCE: AC'CIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (F,XPLAIN) Gw'°s�5e.4'°'��s��G°'pd �wavy-0n� �,e�,t�xr?�h P''BR#sar � 9 ���Ee 'R1 C¢ S+.iYBd� Council File # �� J.3 �,� Green Sheet # �D/`�� RESOLUTION CtTY OF SAINT PAUL, M{NNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 WHEREAS, the Certificate of Acluevement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Program was begun by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) to emphasize the belief that every governmental unit should prepaze and publish an easily understandable, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) covering all of its funds and financial transactions during the year; and WHEREAS, the CAFR is a very detailed report that gces beyond the requirements of generally accepted accounting principles; and WHEREAS, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is the highest form of recognirion in the azea of governmental financial reporting and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by governmental units and its management; and WHEREAS, the Ci1y of Saint Paul has received an annual Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for twenty-four consecutive yeazs; and NOW, TI�REFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, that the City Council, on behalf of the Ciry of Saint Paul, aclaiowledges the receipt of the GFOA Certificate of Achievement in Excellence in Financial Reporling for 1999; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the C:ty Council commends the following staff, whose efforts were important and necessary in order to receive the Ceitificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting: Patty Banks; Bruce Beese; Lou Biagi; Joyce Bluel; Loree Brown; Susan Cantu; William Carroll; Dennis Davis; Jill Flesher; Pakicia Germain; Rhonda Gillquist; Corrine Aaas; Todd Hurley; Gregory 7orgensen; Jose Jovellana; Michelle LaMere; Lori Lee; 7udith Lesch; Lynn Martineau; Thomas Meyer; Ruth O'Brien; Sheila Reed; Richard Rupert; Joan Rutten; Toni Sassor, Jodi Schwartz; Edwazd Smith; George Splichal; Jolw Swanson; Surjeet Verma; Calvin Wheeler; and Shazon Wolfe. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary . 1 1 �- •�� � � � .1• ',.�1 i � ��/� � ���I Requested by Department of: • i - • :_�:� I �'/�� Form Approv $ Approved by B� Adopted by Council: Date �`$ r�pp� A / �l') /J !/! J77 DEPABTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DE.TE INTTLATED GREEN SHEET No.: 101173 Financial Services 03/14/O1 CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE: Il�iIDATE PIlTfai/DATE Peter Hames 266-8796 � DEPARTMENT DIl2. a crrr covxcn, 2 CITY ATTORNEY 1� C1TY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCQ. AGENDA BY (DATL� � 1 FINANCIAL SERV DIR _ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG � 3 MAYOR(ORASST.)� _CIVII,SERVICECOMMISSION RODTING ORDER TOTAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES _(QdP ALi. LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acnox xs2uESrEn: Approve resolution to acknowledge the receipt of the city's 24'" consecutive Certificate of Achievement in Financial Reporting for the 1999 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and commend the city's accounting staff. RECOMI�gNDATTONS:Approve(A)orRejec[(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACfSMIJSfANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQi1F_STIONS: 1. HasihispasodFumevttwarkedwderawnhac[forthisdepaNment? PLANNING COMI.�IISSION Yes No CIBCOMIvII11'EE 2. HastfiisPersodSmevabeenactl.yemployce? CIVII.SERVICECOMIvIISSION Yes No 3. Dcest6ispeison/fumposscSSasIdll�wtnotmellyP�edbyanyavreu[ciTyemptoyce? Yes No . Esplein aIIyes answemm on separate aheet a�d adsch to grecn sheet INITIATIIVG PROBLEM,ISSUF„ OPPORTUNTCY (Whq What, VVhen, Whern,Rky). ' ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: - � �DISADVANTACkSIFAPPROVED: None. . DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ��� p�' 0 8!° � L M @� MAR 21 2��` ? GiTY ATTOR�iE�t TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACfION: CO5f/REVENUEBUAGETED: � ,: FUNDIAIG SOURCE: AC'CIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (F,XPLAIN) Gw'°s�5e.4'°'��s��G°'pd �wavy-0n� �,e�,t�xr?�h P''BR#sar � 9 ���Ee 'R1 C¢ S+.iYBd�