268542 WHITE - CITV CLERK COI1flC11 ���(���
Counc ' e l ion
, .
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT RESOLVED, That the final position of the City of
Saint Paul to be submitted to the arbitration panel in regard
to the Blue Collar Supervisory Unit, represented by Teamsters
Local 320, as submitted by the Mayor through the attached letter,
is hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby instructed to proceed
to arbitration on this matter.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler �_ �n Favor
Levine ° _ Against BY
FEB � Q fg�� Form Appr v d by Cit o ey
Adopted by cil: Date �
Ce ied Pas y Cou�l Secretary � BY �
Approv by Ylavor: Date � FEB ' �i �� Ap ro ed by Mayor for Su is on to Council
By BY '
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MAYOR February 8, 1977
Council President Robert Sylvester
and Honorable Member of the City Council
Seventh Floor, City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Pre.sident Sylvester and Council Members :
The administration of the City of Saint Paul has attempted
to negotiate a settlement with the Manual and Maintenance
(Blue Collar) Supervisors for the 1976 contract year.
Negotiations with this unit consisted of one meeting,
December 16, 1975 , prior to mediation despite the City' s
willingness to meet and negotiate at any time . After four
mediation sessions failed to produce agreement, this
matter was submitted to the Director of Mediation Services
for arbitration, and the Director has certified this matter
to arbitration.
A list of potential arbitrators was sent to both parties, and
an arbitration panel has been chosen. Pursuant to Section 25
of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, I am hereby submitting
the City' s final position on this arbitration matter to you
for your approval.
The proposed position to be submitted to the arbitrators in
regard to the Blue Collar Supervisors is as follows .
l. Contract Duration -- The City of Saint Paul seeks
a two year contract. The contract period would be
1976 to 1977. Because of elapsed time a two year
contract seems only reasonable.
2 . Wages -- The City' s position on wages in this
arbitration is the same as the offer the City made
during negotiations : The City will give the manual
and maintenance supervisor the same increase that it
gave to the major employee group supervised. The
exact cents-per hour offer by title is listed on the
attached Schedule A.
• Council President and -2- February 8, 197�
Council Members �6��
3. Insurance -- The City of Saint Paul proposes to insert
insurance language in the contract to reflect a specific
amount of money that will be paid towards this coverage,
rather than saying that the city will pay for a certain
percentage of the cost. This specific money figure will
reflect the increased premium for the year of 1976 .
Therefore, the members of the bargaining unit will have
to pay for the 1977 and 1978 premium increases for this
benefit. It is most important to note that the City
is not reducing the insurance benefit or coverage in any
way. We simply wish to bring the cost increases in
premiums into the collective bargaining process rather
than give such benefit away on an annual basis as we have
done in the past.
4 . Mileage -- This issue deals with the clarification of
present mileage language .
5. Retroactivity -- We propose that no retroactivity be
given to this bargaining unit for the following reasons.
-The failure of Local 320 to submit requests by
June 1, as specified in the contract language.
-The fact that Local 320 did not meet to negotiate
until December 16, 1975, which made it virtually
impossible to reach an agreement prior to the
termination of the 1975 agreement.
-The delays in scheduling subsequent meetings
while the union awaited the outcome of other City
settlements instead of conducting its own negotiations.
We want to stress that every effort has been made to reach
agreement with this bargaining group. The final offer and
final position proposed by the City of Saint Paul is a fair
and reasonable offer and compares with those offers and
settlements reached with the groups that represent the subordinates
of these supervisors.
There is one point which we feel we must stress in this proposed
arbitration position that we are submitting to you. This point
deals with the matter of the proposed dollar limit for health and
welfare benefits. As I stated above, the City of Saint Paul has
no intention of reducing any of the benefits that the members
of this group presently receive. However, the cost of such
benefits in the past have routinely increased, and these increases
have routinely been borne by the City of Saint Paul with absolutely
no credit given to the City for such additional payment in the
collective bargaining process. We simply propose to insert a
collar limit in the contract language so that any future increases
may be negotiated between the parties. Thus, all fringe benefits
would then become incorporated into the collective bargaining
process as well they should be. It is common practice to provide
Council President and -3- February 8, 1977
• Council Members
for specific dollar amounts for such insurance benefits in
collective bargaining contracts. In fact, the City of
Minneapolis has a dollar limit in its contracts for health
and welfare programs for their employees. This request by
the City of Saint Paul is reasonable, prudent and necessary.
I submit to you that the proposal now before you is eminently
fair and should not be rejected by this Council. Inasmuch as
the final position of the City is a reasonable position , any
action by this Council capitulating to the demands of the union
could have disastrous effects not only with future bargaining
with this particular union, but with the bargaining of all
City unions.
I therefore respectfully request that you approve the final
position submitted by the City of Saint �aul a�d allow this matter
to be submitted to arbitration for final determination.
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TITLE �o a� � c� � �n �o r-��-+ o 0 3 6 � �
Saritation Ermn $7.50 $ .20 $ .20 $ .20 $8.10 Tri-Council $16848
Dispatcher I 7.59 .20 .20 .20 8.19 Tri-Council 17035
Asst Supv Cust 7.63 .30 $ .17 8.10 Custodians 16848
Chief Meter Rprm $.18 .43 .41 9.02 Plumbers 18762
District Frmn 8.18 .20 .20 .20 8.78 Tri-Council 18262
Forestry Supv I 8.18 .20 .20 .20 8.78 Tri-Council 18262
Greenskeeper 8.18 .20 .20 .20 8.78 Tri-Council 18262
Park Foreman 8.18 .20 .20 .20 8.78 Tri-Council 18262
P.W. Foreman I 8.18 .20 .20 .20 8.78 Tri-Council 18262
Sewer Foreman I 8.18 .20 .20 .20 8.78 Tri-Council 18262
Supv Gardener 8.18 .20 .20 .20 8.78 Tri-Council 18262
Tfc Maint Frmn I 8.18 .20 .20 .20 8.78 Tri-Council 18262
Water Serv Frmn 8.18 .20 .20 .20 8.78 Tri-Council 18262
Water Shed Frmn I 8.18 .20 .20 .20 8.78 Tri-Council 18262
Zoo Foreman 8.18 .41 .31 8.90 Clerical 18512
Bridge Foreman 8.64 .20 .20 .20 9.24 Tri-Council 1921R
Bldg Maint Frmn- 8.64 .42 .29 9.35 Opr Engrs 19448
Eq Maint Frmn 8.64 .59 .44 9.67 Machinist 20114
Frmn-Mech Frmn 8.64 .59 .44 9.67 rlachinist 20114
Frmn-Water Dept 8.64 .20 .20 ,20 9.24 Tri-Council Z9219
Forestry Supv II 8.64 .20 .20 .20 9.24 Tri-Council 19219
Maint Frmn-Water 8.64 .59 ,44 9.67 Machinist 20114
Mech Frmn-Mun Gar 8.64 .59 .44 9.67 Machinist 2U1I4
Mech Frmn-Water 8.64 .59 .44 9.67 M;..chinist 20114
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P.W. F'oreman II $8.G4 $ .20 $ .20 ; ,20 $9.24 Tri-Council $J9�19
Supv Garbage Coll 8.64 .20 .20 .20 9.24 Tri-Council 19219
Supv of School 8.64 .20 .20 .20 9,24 Tri-Council I9219
Ground riaintenance
tdater She� Frmn II 8,64 .20 .20 .20 9.24 Tri-Council 19219
Supv of Lime Rec 8.63 .47 .30 9.40 Opr Engrs 19552
Supv of Fioricltr 8.88 .20 .20 .20 9.48 Tri-Council 19718
Tfc Maint Fnnn II 9.16 .20 .20 .20 9.76 Tri-Council 20301
P.W. Foreman III 9.43 .20 .20 .20 10.03 Tri-Council 20862
Sewer Foreman II 9.43 .20 .20 .20 10.03 Tri-Council 20862
Supv of Cust 9.43 .30 .17 9.90 Custodians 20592
Supv of Pumping 9.43 .47 .30 10.20 Opr Engrs 21216
Bldg Maint Supv- 9.96 .36 .52 10.84 Composite 22547
Fire Bldg Trades
Field Supv 10.26 .20 .20 .20 10.86 Tri-Council 22589
Bldg Maint Supv- 10.58 .36 .52 11.46 Composite 23837
Parks Bldg Trades