268524 , WHITE - C�TV CLERK � [x� PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAITL Council (,_� ��- CANARV - DEPARTMENT ���`�����=�� BLUfi. - MAVOR File NO. � uncil Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL REQUESTING COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROCEDURES FOR PRO- TECTION OF HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PROPERTIES OF THE ADVISORY COUNCIL ON HISTORIC PRESERVATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE NOMINATION OF THE C.S.P.S. HALL FOR INCLUSION IN THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES WHEREAS, the State Historic Preservation Officer of Minnesota upon his certification of the C.S.P.S. Hall (Czech Ha.11) , 381-383 Michigan Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, as having local significance in the areas of education and social/humanitarian, nominated the Czech Hall to the Keeper of the National Register for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places pursua.nt to the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (the Act) ; and WHEREAS, the Czech Hall building is included in the area of proposed project undertaking of the St. Paul Community Development Program funded by the Secretary of the Department of H�using and Urban Development under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (Public La.w 93-383) and subject to the provisions of the Act and regulations of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (Title 36, C.F.R. Part 800) establishing procedures for the identification of properties eligible for inclusion in the National Register and protection of historic and cultural properties from potential adverse environmental impacc� of federally fanded program undertakings; and WHEREAS, the certification and nomination by the State Historic Preservation Officer was made without consultation with the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, its Heritage Preservation Commission, or the Department of Housing and Urban Development (collectively referred to as the "Agency") ancl in disregard of the procedures established by the Advisory Council for such COU[�CILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Nlayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �NHITE - CITV CLERK 1 n PINK - FINANGE COUI1C11 CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SA�INT PAUL ����� BLUS�, - MAVOR File NO• ` Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. determinations and their ma.nner of submission to and consideration by the Advisory Council; and WHEREAS, if the Keeper of the National Register acts upon this nomina.tion without compliance with the requirements of Part 800, Title 36, C.F.R. , the Agency and Advisory Council will be deprived of (1) the opinion of the Secretary of Interior as to whether this building meets National Register criteria, (2) Agency determination of effect of the proposed Community Development Pro ram upon the building if it meets National Register criteria, (3� Agency and State Historic Preservation Officer determination of adverse effect, if any, (4) Advisory Council comments, (S) the Preliminary Case Report, and (6) the Consultation process set forth in said regulations, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, tha.t the Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places be requested to take no action upon the nomination by the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Officer of the Czech Hall Building, 381-383 Michigan Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, to the National Register of Historic Places until the Agency Procedures and Consultation Process provided for in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 800.4 and 800.5, ha.ve been complied with by the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, State Historic Preservation Officer, the Keeper of the National Register, and Executive Director of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation; and be it RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Attorney is hereby directed to communicate the concern of this Council and transmit this resolution to the Keeper of the National Register and the Executive Director of the Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation. COU[VCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt �'i Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedes Adopte y Council: Date � � ��� Fotm ro d by City Attorney r rtified Pas ouncil Secret B By Approv d 17avor: Dat '' �9� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED FEB 1 G 1977 WHI7E - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. , Council Resolution Presented By '+ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe y Date RESOLUT N OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL REQUESTI COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROCEDURES FOR PROTECTION OF HISTORI AND CULTURAL PROPERTIES OF THE ADVISORY COUNCIL ON STORIC PRESERVATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE NOMINATIO OF THE C.S.P.S. HALL FOR INCLUSION IN THE NATIONA REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES WHEREAS, the State His ric Preservation Officer of Minnesota upon his certification of the .S.P..S. Hall (Czech Hall) , 381-383 Michigan Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, as aving local significance in the areas of education and social/humanita ' an, nominated the Czech Hall to the Advisory Council on Historic Pres vation for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places pursuan to the National Historic Preserva- tion Act of 1966 (the Act) ; and WHEREAS, the Czech Hall building ' s included in the area of project undertaking of the St. Paul Community De elopment Program funded by the Secretary of the Department of Housing an Urban Development under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1 4 (Public Law 93-383) and subject to the provisions of the Act and re lations of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (Title 36, C. .R. Part 800) establishing procedures for the identification of propertie eligible for inclusion in the National Register and protection of historic nd cultural properties from potential adverse environmental impact of Fe ally funded program undertakings; and WHEREAS, the certification and nomination by the tate Historic Preservation Officer was made without consultation with e City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, its Heritage Preservation Commissi , or the Department of Housing and Urban Development (collectively ferred to as the "Agency") and in disregard of the procedures establis ed by the COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �wr ��.t�1-f.2- Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco �11C'Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ' `-��,,Q �� �����?�:�:� � WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PATTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date -2- Advisory Counc for such determinations and their manner of submission to and considera ion by the Advisory Council; and WHEREAS, if e Advisory Council acts upon this nomination without compliance with the equirements of Part 800, Title 36, C.F.R. , the Agency and Advisory C cil will be deprived of (1) the opinion of the Secretary of Interior a to whether this building meets National Register criteria, (2) Agency det mination of effect of the proposed Community Development program upon e building if it meets National Register criteria, (3) Agency and St te Historic Preservation Officer determina- tion of adverse effect, if , (4) Advisory Council comments, (5) the Preliminary Case Report, and the Consultation process set forth in said regulations. - NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, that the Advisory Co cil on Historic Preservation be requested to take no action upon the n ination by the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Officer of the Cze h Hall Building, 381-383 Michigan Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, to the Natio 1 Regis�r of Historic Places until the Agency Procedures and Consultati Process provided for in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations , Secti ns 800. 4 and 800. 5, have been complied with by the City of Saint Paul, 'nnesota, State Historic Preservation Officer, and Executive Director o the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. RESOLVED FURTHER that the City Attorney is h eby directed to communicate the concern of this Council �.and transmi this resolution to the Executive Director of the Advisory Committee on ' storic Preservation. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � B�t�2 Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco ��� Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By Fif�y-��ve East Fifth Stree�, Saint Pau�, N�innesota 55101. telep�one (61��- 5 18 : £:�'�' �� HOUSIi�G AND REDEVfLOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUI, MfNNESOTA Mr. Robert Sylvester February 2, Z977 Council President City Hall and Court House Saint Pau]., Minnesota 55102 : _ Re: C.S.P.S. Hall Communication to Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Dear President and Councilmembers: On January 27 , 1977, the Council meeting as the Board of HRA directed the writer to prepare the enclosed draft resolution for Council consideration. The Cc�uncil was concerned that the certification by the Minnesota Historic Preservation Officer of the C.S.P.S. (Czech) Fiall, 381-383 Michigan Street, St. Paul as having local significance in the areas� of education and social/humanitarian and the nomination of this building to the Advisory Council On Historic Preservation for inclusion in the National Register o� Nistoric Places, might be acted upon by the Advisory Council � without Iocal participation and input in the determination with adverse consequences to the City' s federally funded Community Development Program. The Advisory Council has established procedures for handling situations such as this which involve the City as the recipient of Federal funds, in consulation with the State Historic Preservation Officer, making certain determinations o.f fact, and gathering all relevant information in written form for use by the Executive Director of the Advisory Council in undertaking a consultative process to assist in resolution of the matter by the Advisory Council. . The State Historic Preservation Officer has not yet followed these � procedures. As a consequence the Advisory Council in ignorance of the�. fact that the nomination request is for a property in a :federally fv,n�d program area, or that a potential dispute as to nomination eli-g��-ity � exists, may act on the nomination contrary to its own regulations. , The attached resolution calls these circumstances to the attention of the Advisory Council and requests that it sefrain from action upon the nomin- ation until its own procedures may be complied with by the City, the State Historic Preservation Officer and the Executive Director of the Advisary Council. �.i erely, /_ �/��� �`" ames T. Hart General Counsel Willie Mae Wilson, Donald P. Dei Fiacco, Mary Ann Sudeith, Rosalie L. Butler, Kenneth J. Lynch, David H. Hozza, Ron Maddox ehairaerson