268516 WHITE - C1TV CLERK COl1t1C11 PI"K - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL BL�UERY -�AAAVORTMENT File NO. � ������ ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the current potentially devastating, sustained cold weather spell has shown beyond a shadow of a doubt the complete vulnerability of the State of Minnesota as it relates to the weather, lack of energy storage facilities for all fuel oils and distillates, all LP gas and natural gas, and WHEREAS, St. Paul which is part of the Greater Twin City Metropolitan Area, with a population in excess of two million, and the State of Minnesota with a population of four million, has a winter climate that is more severe as it re- � lates to that extremely dense population than any other area in the Nation, and WHEREAS, a minimum of 60% of natural gas is consumed by commercial and industrial users statewide and nationall.v upwards of 75%, and a minimum of 55� of the fuel oil is consumed by other than home-heating statewide. and WHEREAS, heavy industrial , light industrial , heavy comnercial , light corr�nercial , and high density housing complexes have been relatively ignored as their fuel consumption relates to the fuel consumption of the single family homeowner, and WHEREAS, energy waste is incorporated directly into the heatinq and cooling systems and heat-handling equipment designs of these facilities because of past mores and an tjc#�ated energy technology which only compounds the problems of waste and scarce energ.v resources and creates untold environmental problems in the process, and WHEREAS, it is important that we focus on a program to raise the energy consciousness of the area citizen and find ways to cut consumption and energy waste, and WHEREAS, tremendous energy wastes exist and are accepted as a way of life for most Americans with the vast majority not even aware that they are wastinq fuel since many of the energy steps necessary to improve their systems can only be seen by the trained technician, and COUNC;ILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine J _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E - C�TV CLERK COUI1C11 ��'���_s� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L CAIFIARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - biAVOR File � NO• Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � - 2 - WHEREAS, cutting down on the consumption of existing energy burning systems and increasing the efficiency of the average heat-handling system are problems that can only be remedied with technical expertise from technicians who are experienced in the field of sound technological design from an energy conservation standpoint, and WHEREAS, the Mayor and the Chairman of the Energy, Utilities and Environment Committee have met with technical experts to discuss the current situation and the Mayor concurs with the definite need for immediate input, and requests the establishment of this blue ribbon technical energy conservation committee, and now therefore be it RESOLVED that the City Council of St. Paul shares the Ma.yor's concerns and requests that the Mayor appoint this panel of technical experts to speak to energy and fuel conservation in the broadest and most technical terms, to meet as an ongoing committee in good weather and bad, and set up lasting guid��:nes to assist the citizens of this area through the present energy crisis and to � determine and recommend a permanent energy conservation program for Government facilities, the private citizen, businessman, and industrialist, and be it further RESOLVED, that this committee of technical experts will be charged with the following: � 1. Identifying the most common energy waste both by antiqua.ted design fmores and existing practices in the governmental, industrial, commercial and private energy consuming environment; 2. Recommending specific legislation or other steps to be taken at COU[VCILMEN - Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine A gai n s t BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, Approved by INayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITY CI.ERK , PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALIL Council �D�,'���,� CAf*ARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE -41AYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -3- local , State, and Federal levels to eliminate this waste, including possible tax incentive programs relatina to positive energy con- servation efforts in the private sector; 3. Recomnending an ongoing public education program to raise the level of energy consciousness of private and corporate citizens. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas ����Gri Nays Hozza � [n Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt $ 1977 Adopted by Co i : . D e �Eg F rm Approved by �ney f - Certifi asse Counci ary ,_ .' . gY �i Approv Mayor: Date g � p 1977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By l�UBLISHED FEB 1 2 1977 WH17E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE � GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council. � CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. �+ Council Resolution � � � �1 � Presen d By Re rred To Committee: Date Out of mmittee By Date - 2 - WHEREAS, cutti down on the consumption of existing energy burning systems and increasing the e icienc_v of the average heat-handling system are problems that can only be remed d with technical expertise from technicians who are experienced in the fiel of sound technological design from an energy conser-- vation standpoint, and WHEREAS, the Mayor and e Chairman of the Energy, Utilities and Environment Comnittee have met with techni 1 experts to discuss the current situation and the Mayor concurs with the defin te need for immediate input, and requests the establishment of this blue ribbon echnical energy conservation committee, and now therefore be it RESOLVED that the City Council o t. Paul shares the Mayor's concerns and requests that the Ma.yor appoint this pa 1 of technical experts to speak to energy and fuel conservation in the broad t and most technical terms, to meet ag an ongoing committee in good weather an bad, and set up lasting guidelines to assist the citizens of this area through e present energy crisis and to determine and recommend a permanent energ_v co ervation program for the private citizen, businessman, and industrialist, and be it further RESOLVED,that this committee of technical exp rts will be charged with the followin4: 1 . Identifying the most common energy v�aste both by antiquated design mores and existing practices in the industrial , comnercial and private enerqy consuming environment; 2. Recommending specific legislation or other steps t be taken dt COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President '"`� Form Approved by City Attorney AdoptecJ.b�ouncil: Date rtified sed by oun ' Secretary / BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By , ;, . —.�._-...�,...�-, a,.n VT_ ,,�.� � � _ Y�. , � � -- � �� � , ._ - 4:. -e � . � ; , � � , ` � / � � � � � � , � ' . _ , �� x�.;, , , _ . ./ . �•, � '� . . � . . . . � � . . � . ' � . ' . . . �_ .:j� , ! . ���. . , . � , � ' . � . . • ` ; � . - � , _ , � , . - � ,... : : ..� : � - �r , � , - , ,,, `> ';� � ,� , � : � � �' :, � � . , , � . . . . . � �M�IM��1�►`-!� �11�' ° � � . ; t ��� � ���� � " l� � . � : ..� -� - : � . , , .. . �- � � . , � :� . ��� - � r� ��! i��iMl�: , . � ,•� , _ , ,- ;z . .. �`��.'�� �f�����'� �•���� ���.. 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' . � . . � ; _ . . � .. . � � , � � � r � � � - � �� , : ; , : . ,, _ . � , , _ � - �� r � � �..��`-; CITY OF SAINT PAUL ������ � �(� � OFFZCE OF THE CITY COIINCIL � �. 1 _ � ti'1 94' j_L .t �{ � � . . 4�. �'-' Da t e : February 7, 1977 �v� COMM11'TEE REPORT T0 : Saint Pau! City Councii FROM � Committee on Councilman Pat Roedler , chai�man, makes the following . report on C. F. [� Ordinance Q Resolution ❑ Other TITLE : Resolution Establishing and Setting Forth the Obiectives of a "Blue Ribbon Technical Energy Conservation Cammittee" The committee considered the above resolution and made the following amendmentso insert the words, "Governmer�t facilities," following: "and recommend a permanent energy conservation program for" Line 16, Page 2 � insert the word, "governmental ," following: "mores and existing practices in the" Line 21 , Page 2 The committee refers the Resolution as amended to the City Council and recommends Council approval. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 .4�,'= � � � wHITc - C�tv GLERK e PINK . � FJNANCE CO13AC1I � BLUE�Y-MAYORTME~7 G I TY O F SA I NT PALT L File N O.�``'����°�� Co�ncil JResol�tio� . Presented By Cu�,�ftl�C..! • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WNEREAS, the current potentially devastating, sustained cold weather sp�ll has shown beyond a shadow of a doubt the comp]ete vulnerability of the State of Minnesota as it relates to the weather, lack of energy storage facilities for all fuel oils and distillates, a17 LP gas and natural gas, arrd _ . WHEREAS, St. Panl which is part of the Greater Twin City Metropo'titan Area, with �a population in excess of tVro million, and the Sta�e of Minn?sota with a � � population of four million, has a winter climate that is more sev�re as i�G re- lates to that extremely dense popu7ation than any other area in the Nation, -and � : WHEREAS, a minimum of 60� of natural qas is consumed by corrr�ercial and � � industrial users statewide and nationa7lv upwards of 75�, and a ninimum of . � � 55% of the fuel oil •is consumed by other than home-hea�ting statewide, and � . - . 4lNEREAS,� heavy industrial , light industrial , heavy corr�nercia7 , light � - � commercial , and high density housing complexes have been relativ2ly ignored as ' their fuel consumption relates ta the fuel consumption of the sing7e family homeowner, and . -" : WHEREAS, energy waste is incorporated d�rectly into the heatinq and cooling systems and heat-handling equipmznt designs of these facilities bzcause of past . mores and antiquated energy technoloqy which only compounds the prob7ems of waste and scarce energ.v resources and creates untold environmental pro5lems in the - process, and � 4tHEREAS, it is importan� that �le focus on a program to raise the energy consciousness of the area citizen and find ways to cut consumption and �nergy waste, and � � WHEREAS, tremendous energy wastes exist and are accepted as a way o-f life for most Americans with the vast majority not even aware that they are wastinq . fuel since many of the energy stevs necessary to improve their systems can only � � be seen by the trained technician; and _ COUPICILISEN Requested by Department of: : : _ . Yeas Nays Builer Hozza [n Fa�•or _ - Hunt � - � Levine ' Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco , Form Approved by City Attorney - - - Adopted by Councit: Date � - Certi[ied Yassed by Council Secretary By By � . Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Council Approved by 1�iayor: Date _ . ' Bv By . .. WHIT� - CI�'V CLEkK f ��[l��� PINK - FINANCE T4' TT COIlI1C11 `��y� ChNARY-b�PARTMENT GITY O� SAINT 1 Al.1L 1 � BI.U�E -MAYOR � F11E NO. Cou�zcil II�esol��ion Rresented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date - 2 - ' WHEREAS, cutting down on the consumption of existing energy burning systems ' and increasing the efficienc.v of the average heat-handling system are problems -�� that can only be remedied with technical expertise from technicians who are `-' experienced in the field of sound technological design from an energy conser-- ��vation standpoint, and WHEREAS, the Mayor and the Chairman of the Energy, Utilities and Environment Committee have met with technical experts to discuss the current situation and �' the Mayor concurs with the definite need for immediate input, and requests the `"' establishment of this blue ribbon technical energy conservation committee, and -� now therefore be it RESOLVED that the City Council of St. Paul shares the Mayor's concerns and '��requests that the Mayor appoint this panel of technical experts to speak to energy and fuel conservation in the broadest and most technical terms, to meet -a� an ongoing committee in good weather and bad, and set up lasting guidelines to assist the citizens of this area through the present energy crisis and to determine and recommend a permanent energ.y conservation proqram for,the private citizen, businessman, and industrialist, and be it further � � RESOLVED,that this committee of technical experts wi71 be charged with ! the followinq: �0 1. Identi fyi ng the most corr�non energy v�aste both by anti guated design ` � mores and existing practices in theXindustrial, comnercial and private eneray consuming environment; . 2. Recommending specific legislation or other st�ps to be taken at COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City�Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Subaussion to Council By BY WMITE � CITY CI.ERK � . ' B�u� -MS oRE GITY� OF SAINT PAITL F1eci1N0. CANARV -DEPARTMENT � � Council Resolution ������� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -3- local , State, and Federal levels to eliminate this waste, including possible tax incentive programs relatin4 to positive energy con- servation efforts in the private sector; : 3. Recommending an ongoing public education program ico raise the level of energy consciousness of private and corporate citizens. COUNCIL.MEN � Yeas. Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester ' Tedesco President Hunt F rm Approved by � cney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY . Approved by Mayor• Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY