268510 WHITE - CITV CLERK COIITICII /�������V PINK - FINANCE � CANARV - DEPARTMENT C I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � BLUE - MAYOR File NO• cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the execution of a Release of Al1 Claims approved by the City Attorney the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay out of Tort Liability Fund No. 09070-511-000 the sum of Four Hundred ($400. 00) Dollars to Theodore D. Thone, and John C. Rowland, attorney, in full settlement of their claim for damages arising out of an incident occurring on July 7, 1975 at Conway Playground whereby Theodore Thone suffered a fracture of a bone in the left shoulder when he slid into second base on Field No. 1 and his shoulder struck an exposed base marker peg. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tede � � iQ� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopte y Counci . Date —�o,--� rtified P ed by ouncil Secretary BY Q c�,.,�Q �'��. App o e by \4ayor: D �EB 1 0 1977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � �!�'EL�$hED � r+ � EB 1 � 1977 � • ��'���� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY January 26, 1977 HARRIET LANSING T0: Members of the City Council FROM: Daniel L. Ficker � _ �_�, SUBJECT: Claim of Theodore D. Thone The claim of Theodore D. Thone arose out of an incident occurring during a softball game on Conway Playground on July 7, 1975 on Field #1 whereby Mr. Thone suffered an incomplete fracture in the shoulder when he slid head- first into second base to avoid a tag and his shoulder struck an exposed base marker peg. Mr. Thone' s medical specials and wage loss resulting from the injury was approximately $125. 00, and his arm was in a sling for about four weeks . He was able to avoid additional loss of wages as a postal clerk by transferring to a different job during the period of convalescense. The peg that he struck was a piece of 2x4 embedded in the ground. The peg was used to mark the location of second base on the field, and this type of marker is commonly used on all city play- grounds and athletic fields where baseball or softball is played. Mr. Thone was participating in a city organized softball league at the time of the in�ury. The peg was pro- truding between one and one and one-half inches above the ground at the time of the in�ury. The City grounds keeping crews are supposed to keep the pegs at or below ground level, but apparently someone neglected to pound this peg down. It is hard to determine what award a �ury would make if the matter was tried because the specials (medical and wage loss) are low, and Mr. Thone obviously made a sincere effort to mitigate the special damages. However, it appears to me that we could expect a �ury verdict in the range of $800. 00 to $1200. 00 with a finding that the City was two-thirds negligent and Mr. Thone was one-third negligent. Thus, it appears to me that a settlement of $�400. 00 is reasonable and I recommend that the Council approve it. DLF City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121